- Ber-
InvItatIon SyMpoSIuM tHéa
13 - 17 september, 2008 - BERLIN
New treNds iN
ocular aNtibiotherapy
Sunday September 14th, 2008
7.00 p.m - 8.30 p.m
Hamburger Bahnhof Museum
the lecture will be followed by a flyiNg buffet
Hamburger Bahnhof MuseumInvalidenstraße 50- 51 10557 Berlin - GermanyTel (+49 30) 397834-11 on the occasion of the XXvI Congress of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons,
théa is pleased to invite you to the symposium
New treNds iN ocular aNtibiotherapy
Sunday September 14th, 2008
7.00 p.m - 8.30 p.m
chairmaN: pr uwe pleyer
7.15 pm mic aNd cliNical efficacy. from systemic to ocular breakpoiNts . pr uwe pleyer
the charity uNiversity eye hospital
berliN - germaNy
7.30 pm which strategy to preveNt post operative eNdophtalmitis . pr laureNt kodjikiaN
la croix rousse hospital
lyoN - fraNce
7.45 pm topical formulatioN of azithromicyN: poteNtial iNterest
iN corNeal refractive surgery (surface procedures aNd lasik) .pr jesus merayo

ophthalmology ceNter
madrid - spaiN
8.00 pm cliNical efficacy of a 3 day treatmeNt with
azithromyciN iN bacterial coNjuNctivitis .pr isabelle cochereau

uNiversity hospital
paris - fraNce
8.15 pm azyter®: the first 3 day ocular aNtibiotic treatmeNt . mr sylvaiN boutoN
laboratoires théa
clermoNt-ferraNd - fraNce
Symposium Théa
New treNds iN ocular aNtibiotherapy
Sunday September 14th , 2008
7.00 p.m - 8.30 p.m
7.15 pm mic aNd cliNical efficacy. from systemic to ocular breakpoiNts . pr uwe pleyer
the charity uNiversity eye hospital
berliN - germaNy
first Name
pm which strategy to preveNt post operative eNdophtalmitis . pr laureNt kodjikiaN
la croix rousse hospital
lyoN - fraNce
professioNNal address
7.45 pm topical formulatioN of azithromicyN: poteNtial iNterest
iN corNeal refractive surgery (surface procedures aNd lasik) .pr jesus merayo

ophthalmology ceNter
adrid - spaiN
8.00 pm cliNical efficacy of a 3 day treatmeNt with
azithromyciN iN bacterial coNjuNctivitis .pr isabelle cochereau
uNiversity hospital
paris - fraNce
will atteNd théa’s symposium will Not atteNd théa’s symposium
8.15 pm azyter®: the first 3 day ocular aNtibiotic treatmeNt . mr sylvaiN boutoN
laboratoires théa
clermoNt-ferraNd - fraNce
early registratioN is highly recommeNded due to limited room capacity
please returN your reply before august 25th
- by fax: 00 33 4 73 28 49 36
- by email:
Laboratoires théa / Guest Incentive
Sonia ouvRy

222 bd Gustave Flaubert
63000 CLERMont FERRanD


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