
Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body LEICESTER CITY CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP
12 NOVEMBER 2013
Title of the report:
Cephalosporin and Quinolone Prescribing Audit, Re-Audit and Rachel Oldridge, Acting Head of Prescribing Presenter:

Purpose of report:
The report addresses the Executive Committee’s proposal to fund additional medicines
management resource to improve adherence to local guidelines for cephalosporin and
quinolone prescribing. The target is to achieve 80% adherence to Leicestershire Primary Care
Antibiotic Guidelines.
The report outlines the cost of completing a baseline audit and a re-audit of cephalosporin
and quinolone prescribing in all 63 City Practices. 10 Practices were audited in September
2013; for these practices this will provide the baseline position. The report also outlines a
proposed incentive scheme linked to improving adherence to Leicestershire Primary Care
Antibiotic Guidelines.

Key issues or points to note:
 Cost associated with delivering the audit and prescribing incentive scheme
 Prescribing incentive scheme details  Practices may choose not to engage in the scheme or the audit.

Actions required by Governing Body members:

 The audit arrangements;  The incentive scheme details. Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body Cephalosporin and Quinolone Prescribing Audit, Re-Audit and Prescribing Incentive
1. As a result of discussions at Executive Committee on Tuesday 1st October 2013 an action was agreed to provide a proposal and associated cost of a piece of work to comprise:  Completion of a baseline antibiotic audit focusing on adherence to LLR Primary Care Antibiotic Guidelines for cephalosporin and quinolone prescribing in 53 City Practices*. *10 practices already completed  Completion of a summary report for each practice to provide feedback to the practice  Completion of a re-audit in March 2014  A one-off prescribing incentive scheme aimed at improving adherence to the LLR Primary Care Antibiotic Guidelines for cephalosporin and quinolone prescribing to a target level of ≥ 80%. Analysis
2. The medicines management team carried out baseline audits, summary reports and feedback in 10 practices during September; the time needed for each practice was 1.5 days. This proposal allows 1 day for baseline audit and summary report and 1 day for re-audit and summary report for each practice. 3. An external medicines management support pharmacist is commissioned to complete the work on the basis of 1 day per practice for baseline audit and 1 day per practice for re-audit. Cost per practice for 1 day baseline audit
Incentive Scheme
4. The scheme has been proposed to incentivise prescribers to improve their adherence to Leicestershire Primary Care Antibiotic Guidelines for cephalosporin and quinolone prescribing to ≥ 80%. Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body  5. For all practices achieving ≥ 80% adherence at re-audit a one off payment of £0.30 per
Total Cost of Proposal
6. Total Cost of proposal assuming all practices achieve ≥ 80% adherence to LLR Primary Care Antibiotic Guidelines for cephalosporin and quinolone prescribing: Cost of Incentive Scheme (assuming practice population 376,000) TOTAL GRAND TOTAL (maximum)
It is recommended that Governing Body to:

Source: https://www.leicestercityccg.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Paper-G-Cephalosporin-and-Quinolone-Prescribing-Audit.pdf

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