Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body
Cephalosporin and Quinolone Prescribing Audit, Re-Audit and
Rachel Oldridge, Acting Head of Prescribing
Presenter: Purpose of report: The report addresses the Executive Committee’s proposal to fund additional medicines management resource to improve adherence to local guidelines for cephalosporin and quinolone prescribing. The target is to achieve 80% adherence to Leicestershire Primary Care Antibiotic Guidelines. The report outlines the cost of completing a baseline audit and a re-audit of cephalosporin and quinolone prescribing in all 63 City Practices. 10 Practices were audited in September 2013; for these practices this will provide the baseline position. The report also outlines a proposed incentive scheme linked to improving adherence to Leicestershire Primary Care Antibiotic Guidelines. Key issues or points to note: Cost associated with delivering the audit and prescribing incentive scheme
Prescribing incentive scheme details
Practices may choose not to engage in the scheme or the audit. Actions required by Governing Body members:
The audit arrangements; The incentive scheme details.
Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body
Cephalosporin and Quinolone Prescribing Audit, Re-Audit and Prescribing Incentive Situation
1. As a result of discussions at Executive Committee on Tuesday 1st October 2013 an
action was agreed to provide a proposal and associated cost of a piece of work to comprise: Completion of a baseline antibiotic audit focusing on adherence to LLR Primary Care
Antibiotic Guidelines for cephalosporin and quinolone prescribing in 53 City Practices*. *10 practices already completed
Completion of a summary report for each practice to provide feedback to the practice
Completion of a re-audit in March 2014 A one-off prescribing incentive scheme aimed at improving adherence to the LLR
Primary Care Antibiotic Guidelines for cephalosporin and quinolone prescribing to a target level of ≥ 80%.
2. The medicines management team carried out baseline audits, summary reports and
feedback in 10 practices during September; the time needed for each practice was 1.5 days. This proposal allows 1 day for baseline audit and summary report and 1 day for re-audit and summary report for each practice.
3. An external medicines management support pharmacist is commissioned to complete
the work on the basis of 1 day per practice for baseline audit and 1 day per practice for re-audit.
Cost per practice for 1 day baseline audit
Incentive Scheme
4. The scheme has been proposed to incentivise prescribers to improve their adherence to
Leicestershire Primary Care Antibiotic Guidelines for cephalosporin and quinolone prescribing to ≥ 80%.
Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body
5. For all practices achieving ≥ 80% adherence at re-audit a one off payment of £0.30 per
Total Cost of Proposal
6. Total Cost of proposal assuming all practices achieve ≥ 80% adherence to LLR Primary
Care Antibiotic Guidelines for cephalosporin and quinolone prescribing:
Cost of Incentive Scheme (assuming practice population 376,000) TOTAL
GRAND TOTAL (maximum) £153,400 Recommendations
It is recommended that Governing Body to: DISCUSS and AGREE
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