Microsoft word - syllabusfps3300011medical2spring2014.docx

The Mission of Lindenwood University
LindenwoodUniversity offers values-centered programs leading to the development of the whole person—an educated, responsible citizen of a global community. Lindenwood University is committed to: providing an integrative, liberal arts curriculum; offering professional and pre-professional degree programs; focusing on the talents, interests, and future of the student; supporting academic freedom and the unrestricted search for truth; affording cultural enrichment to the surrounding community; promoting ethical lifestyles; developing adaptive thinking and problem-solving skil s; and furthering lifelong learning. Lindenwood is an independent, public-serving liberal arts university that has an historical relationship with the Presbyterian Church and is firmly rooted in Judeo-Christian values. These values include belief in an ordered, purposeful universe, the dignity of work, the worth and integrity of the individual, the obligations and privileges of citizenship, and the primacy of truth. COURSE NUMBER/TITLE/SEMESTER
Medical Emergency II
FPS 34100
Spring 2014

0800-1700 every Tuesday & one Thursday per month (see schedule attached)
St. Charles County
Ambulance District Training Center INSTRUCTOR Kim D. McKenna MEd. RN EMT-P OFFICE ADDRESS 4169 Old Mill Parkway, St. Peters, MO, 63376 OFFICE HOURS By Appointment (M-F 0800-1630) TELEPHONE 636-344-7662 cell 636-262-2665 E-MAIL ADDRESS This course is a Lindenwood University course offered at a site other than the Lindenwood University’s main campus in St. Charles. Therefore, the attached syllabus may reflect the requirements of the external site. However, as a Lindenwood University student, you must be advised of and abide by the following Lindenwood policies. RECORDING AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES During classroom instruction and testing, the use of cameras, video, audio taping devices, or any other kinds of electronic devices (including telephones, tablets, Google glasses, and Bluetooth devices) is allowed only after obtaining permission from the instructor; otherwise, the use of such devices is prohibited. Electronic devices used for prosthetic or accessibility purposes may only be used after the faculty member has received a signed accommodation letter from the Accessibility Officer. Any recordings made may not be redistributed to anyone not a member of the class without the express written permission of the instructor and all student subjects of the recording. Academic dishonesty is an exceptionally serious offense to oneself and one’s colleagues. Students wishing
to maintain formal membership in the Lindenwood learning community must display the high level of
integrity expected of all its members. According to Lindenwood University’s Academic Honesty policy,
names of students found guilty of cheating, plagiarism, or deception will be sent to the Associate Provost.
A first offense of academic dishonesty may result in a reduced or failing grade on the assignment or test or
failure in the course. A second offense will lead to failure of the class, and a third offense will result in
expulsion from the University. Any questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Associate
Cheating shall be defined by Lindenwood University as “disseminating or receiving answers, data, or other
information by any means other than those expressly permitted by the instructor. Examples of cheating
include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Copying answers, data, or other information (or allowing others to copy) during an examination, quiz, or laboratory experiment or on homework or any other academic exercise. B. Assuming another individual’s identity or allowing another person to do so on one’s own behalf for the purpose of fulfilling any academic requirement or in any way enhancing the student’s grade or academic standing. C. Using any device, implement, or other form of study aid during an examination, quiz, laboratory experiment, or any other academic exercise without the faculty member’s permission.” (“Academic Honesty – Definition” )
Source for quotation:

Plagiarism is defined as “the presentation of someone else’s ideas or words as your own. Whether
deliberate or accidental, plagiarism is a serious offense” (Fowler and Aaron 680).
Each of the following is a type of plagiarism and must be avoided in all academic work:
Copying directly from a source without quotations and source citation; Paraphrasing or summarizing another's idea without attribution; Changing a sentence’s structure but copying words; Changing a sentence’s words but copying its basic structure; Using audio, video or other media sources without acknowledgement; Submitting a paper written by another person and claiming it as your own; Using information obtained through interviewing an expert on the subject without attribution; Purchasing or downloading a paper from another source and claiming it as your own; Collaborating excessively on an assignment with another person; Submitting an essay that was previously written for another class without the consent of both professors (“Plagiarism Defined” 1).
Works Cited
“Academic Honesty – Definition.” San Joaquin Delta College. 8 March 2011. Web. 10 June 2005.
Fowler, H. Ramsey, and Aaron, Jane E. The Little, Brown Handbook. New York: Pearson Longman Press,
“Plagiarism Defined: Part 3.” Plagiarism Tutorial: Indiana State University Library. Indiana State
University. 15 June 2004. Web. 10 June 2005.
Deception, in either written or oral form, directed at University personnel by a student for the purpose of
improving his/her own academic or financial standing or that of another student is subject to disciplinary
action as part of the Lindenwood University Academic Integrity policy.
Authorship Verification
For all assignments completed entirely or in part out of class, the instructor reserves the right to interview
the student about the work to verify authorship. A student who is unable to demonstrate a basic
understanding of the submitted work will be reported for academic dishonesty and an appropriate penalty
will be applies.
It is the intent of Lindenwood University that all members of the University community comply with the
provisions of the United States Copyright Law. This Copyright policy serves to uphold the University’s
commitment to protecting the principles of intellectual property, as well as, protect the rights of its faculty
to make appropriate use of copyrighted works for acceptable educational purposes. This policy applies to
all University faculty, staff, and students who wish to make use of copyrighted works, whether in print,
electronic, or other form. Implicit in this policy is the “Fair Use Act” which applies across the board to
uses in the traditional classroom environment and the TEACH Act which is an exception to the “Fair Use
Act” for distance learning.
Students may not distribute copies of copyrighted materials to other students. This includes such things as
Power Points, handouts, podcasts, etc.
If you have a disability or believe you may have a disability that requires reasonable accommodations for
participation in this course, you need to contact Jared Conner, Student Support and Accessibility
Coordinator, at 636-949-4510 or and notify your professor during the first week
of class so that accommodations can be made. Reasonable accommodations will be made to ensure that
students with disabilities have a fair opportunity to perform at their potential. Students are responsible for
providing the instructor with a Campus Accessibility Faculty Notification Form specifying classroom
accommodations. Your academic advisor can also help with this process.
Student work is defined as assignments, homework, and other academic activities to be completed outside of instructional time, including reading, studying, writing, research etc. Students should expect to spend a minimum of two hours per week completing this work for each credit hour enrolled (thus 6 hours of work outside of class for a 3-hour course), although the time spent outside of class may increase based on the topic and level of the course. CHANGES IN THE COURSE SYLLABUS This course syllabus is subject to change if the instructor deems it necessary in order to accomplish the course objectives Medical Emergency I
Kim D. McKenna M.Ed. RN EMT-P
SCCAD Training Center
Office: 701, St. Charles County Ambulance District Training Center, Phone (w)636-344-7662 @ 636-262-2665 Email: Office Hours by appointment. Special Note: Disability Statement SCCAD is dedicated to providing academic accommodations and support services, within its resources, to ensure qualified students with disabilities the opportunity to pursue higher education. Please refer to the policy and procedure manual if you have a disability that needs accommodation. Please contact your primary instructor. Course Goals and Objectives: Upon completion of this class, the student will be able to: • Describe the pathophysiology of selected gastrointestinal, urologic, hematologic, toxicologic, EENT, non-traumatic musculoskeletal and environmental emergencies. • Assess patients with gastrointestinal, urologic, hematologic, toxicologic, EENT, non-traumatic musculoskeletal and environmental emergencies • Select an appropriate treatment plan for patients with gastrointestinal, urologic, hematologic, toxicologic, EENT, non-traumatic musculoskeletal and environmental emergencies • List the dose and pharmacologic profile for medications used to manage selected • Manage a patient scenario that involves a gastrointestinal, urologic, hematologic, toxicologic, EENT, non-traumatic musculoskeletal and environmental emergency. Required Readings:
Sanders, M. Mosby’s Paramedic Textbook 4th Edition, 2012
Sanders, M; McKenna, K. Pocket Guide to Accompany Mosby’s Paramedic Textbook,
McKenna, K. Workbook to Accompany Mosby’s Paramedic Textbook, 2012
American Heart Association, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, 2012.
American Heart Association, Guidelines Handbook, 2012.
NAEMT, Advanced Medical Life Support, 2012.
Schedule and Homework
See program schedule and homework schedule.
Academic Honesty Policy:
See policy and procedure manual.
Course Schedule

Labs 1300-1700 (5)
12-Lead ECG review; Medical cases CHF/Chest pain) 1300-1730 (4)
/Ventilator/Autovent/Drug dose calcs/12-lead ECG 1300-1730 (5)
Medical Mid-Term
Instructors 1300-
1700 (4)

Labs: Medical assessment
Adjuncts 1300-
(Environmental, Abdominal,
Hematology); Modalities; Geriatric
Case study

Unit Exam - Medical
Labs: Medical assessment: ACLS;
Adjuncts 1300-
Vascular access in kids; Pediatrics;
Geriatric case study
Labs 1300-1700 (5)
Neonatal conditions & congenital heart McKenna Labs Adjuncts (5)
Pediatric abuse & neglect; Neonatal OB/Neonatal/Pediatric Labs
Failure/Infant/Child Intubation;
Adjuncts 1300-
ACLS modalities
Adjuncts 1300-
Labs/Scenarios/Tachycardias/Brady 1700 (5)
& Arrest in Infants & Children;
ACLS modalities

Pediatrics & Review for Semester
Adjuncts 1300-
Considerations Comprehensive Written Exam
Adjuncts 1000-
1600 (6)

Comprehensive Semester 2 Skills
Pediatric arrest/ rhythm
interp/ACLS modalities/Medical
scenario Exam

Spring Break – No Class
Homework 2014
Semester 2
Most of these drug cards you will have
already completed – just review them if
you already have one. Bring to class to
verify for homework purposes.
(Interactive EMS learning on right side of page – you will need to register). It takes about an hour. Bring completion
certificate to class
Read: Mazighi, M. (2010) Prehospital
stroke care: potential, pitfalls, and future,
Current Opinion in Neurology: 23, 31-35.
Palmieri, R. (2009). Wrapping your head
around cranial nerves. Nursing2009, 24-
Answer questions 1-17.

Palmieri, R. (2007) Responding to primary
brain tumor. Nursing2007, 37-42
Answer questions 1-6 on p. 42.
Watch 15 min. video “A Guide to Seizure
Management for Emergency Medical
Responders” at (Go to full screen view)
What do they recommend for airway
maintenance during the seizure?
What is a complex partial seizure?
What is diastat?

Bring AMLS and PALS texts to class.
Goss, J. (2006). Positive pressure: CPAP
in the treatment of pulmonary edema &
COPD. JEMS: Nov. 48-60.
Journal Reflections
Read and Complete Endocrine Articles
Homework Assignment Sheets for:
treatment of hypoglycemia in elders.
Medsurg Nursing: 18(4), 215-241.
Harrigan, R. et al. (2001) Oral agents for
the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus:
pharmacology, toxicity, and treatment,
Ann. Emerg. Med: 38(1), 68-78.
Learner, E. et al (2003) Can paramedics
safely treat and discharge hypoglycemic
patients in the field? Am. J .Emerg. Med:
21(2), 115-120
Simmons, S. (2010) A delicate balance:
detecting thyroid disease Nursing2010:
July; 22-29. (Complete quiz questions
on p. 30, 1-5, 16-18)

Drug Cards due: D50W, Glucagon, Oral
glucose, insulin, thiamine
Journal Reflections

21, 26 Drug Card Due: Activated charcoal, 2 Pam Toxicology presentations
Toxicology presentations and written
papers are due
Journal Reflections
Read: Sampson, H. et al (2006) Second
report – Second National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease/Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network Symposium, Ann. Emerg. Med: 47 (4), 373-380.
Be prepared to answer: What specifically
defines what anaphylaxis is?
Read: Colopy, K. (2013) The impaired
immune system: how is it suppressed, and
what does it mean for EMS? EMSWORLD

Elias, M. (2007) Mental illness linked to
short life. USA Today, 3 May.
Be prepared to discuss: Why is this
article significant to your practice as a

Listen to A mother and son live, and cope,
with mental illness (4 minutes)
Drug card due: haloperidol, ketamine,
In-class quiz will cover: Albuterol, atrovent, Journal Reflections
Medical Mid-Term
Hand in Journals for Review
Concept Map Due
Journal Reflections
Journal Reflections
Be prepared to write and answer test
questions related to this article.
23, 29 Journal Reflections
Read: Seaver, A. (1994) My world now
Newsweek: June, 27.
Torpy, J et al. (2006) Frailty in older adults
JAMA: 296(18), p. 2280
Hefferman, D. et al (2010) Normal
presenting vital signs are unreliable in
geriatric blunt trauma victims. JOT. 69(4)
AGS Beers Criteria
Journal Reflections
Watch Spondylitis Association of America.
(2009). Ankylosing spondylitis: managing patients in an emergency setting, a primer for first responders Retrieved 9/18, 2010, Snyder, S., Kivlehan, S., Collopy, K. (2011)
Prehospital management of the anemia
patient. EMSWORLD.August 3.
Read: Hernandez, S. (2009) What you
need to know about acute chest syndrome,
Nursing2009, Jun, 42-45.
32, 33 Journal Reflections
quality of life for patients with kidney Quiz
failure, RN: April; 31-36.
Be prepared to answer the following:
What prehospital care will you need to give
Mr. Joe Stevens?

Unit Exam – Medical
Hand in Journals for Review
Journal Reflections
Optional – Study organizer
Journal Reflections
Begin PALS Pretest
Watch Pediatric Restraints during
Transport (50 minutes)
and complete quiz
Journal Reflections
Journal Reflections
emergencies. Emergency Nurses Association. August, 8-9. What is the risk of over-resuscitation with fluid? What initial fluid volume is administered if the child is not hypotensive? PALS 9-13
Concept Map Due
In class quiz will include: 2 Pam chloride, In-
naloxone, flumazenil, activated charcoal, Class
and benzodiazepines patients may take at Journal Reflections
PALS 14-17
Journal Reflections
50 ECGs Due
Pals Course
Case Study Due
Journal Reflections
Journal Reflections
Study for
Final Semester Exam
Journal Reflections Final Grade
*On weeks when there is a Thursday class there is only one on-line quiz. Weeks where there is a mid-term or final exam there is no on-line quiz. Refer to SCCAD Policy and Procedure Manual. Students must comply with all policies therein. Disclaimer: This syllabus may be changed due to program needs. You will be advised of
any changes that occur and will adjust the syllabus accordingly.
Academic Honesty
Refer to program policy and procedure manual.



Guidelines for Improving the Care of the Older Person with Diabetes Mellitus California Healthcare Foundation/American Geriatrics Society Panel on ImprovingCare for Elders with Diabetes BACKGROUND AND SIGNIFICANCE mon geriatric syndromes, such as depression, injuriousiabetes mellitus (DM) is highly prevalent and increas-falls, urinary incontinence, cognitive impairment, chronicDing in per

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