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The Spiders
Answer Key
Chapter 1 The Egyptian Desert
Chapter 2 Hamdayya, a New Town
Chapter 3 Oxford, England
Chapter 4 Ayman Speaks Up
Chapter 5 Into the City of the Dead
Chapter 6 The Search
Chapter 7 Sinai
Chapter 8 The Hospital

Chapter 1 The Egyptian Desert

1 F They were stealing from the archaeologic site.
2 F The archaeologists had found gold and other treasures.
3 T
4 T
5 F A spider web covered his face.
6 T
7 T
8 T
1 The men all died from the spiders’ bites.
2 The cars and the dead men where found by (the people in) a helicopter which flew over
3 Nobody knew that the cars contained treasures and spiders.
1 So as not to wake up the archaeologists sleeping in the tents.
2 They were 3,000 years old.
3 They used Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) equipment.
4 They were excited because the room was full of boxes, pots and large gold objects.
5 Because he shone his torch and saw spiders everywhere. 6 (Student’s opinion) Example: I think they are an unknown species because they have been living under the ground for 3,000 years. OR I think they are a known species but these men don’t know anything about spiders, so they don’t know the species. 7 The pilot thought they had died of thirst.
8 No one saw the big spider in the car.
1 The engineer thought they should get on the radio to the police.
2 The pilot left the car and went back to the helicopter and the radio.
3 These words saved the pilot’s life because the spider was ready to bite him when he left the car and went back to the helicopter.
1 When the pilot saw the vehicles below them, he flew the helicopter round in a circle.
2 As they flew lower, they saw the tall man’s body in the sand.
3 The pilot brought the helicopter down.
4 They ran to the cars carrying bottles of water.
5 They examined the four men. They were all dead.
6 The pilot left the car and went back to the helicopter.

1 - d
Chapter 2 Hamdayya, a New Town

1 F The spider escaped while the officer was running to tell his superior.
2 T
3 T
4 F He was more interested than afraid.
5 F The longest leg was as long as a pencil.
6 F There were no spiders in the book like the one Ayman saw.
7 F He found other black and yellow spiders, but none like the one he had seen. He found
an old story about spiders in ancient Egypt, but no picture of them. 8 F She could not identify the spider.
1 The spider didn’t attack Najat because her foot moved away and the spider looked for
2 Ayman was going to the shops when he saw the black spider in the garden.
3 The spider enclosed its eggs in silk sacs and then waited for the eggs to hatch.

1 The police officer could not believe his eyes because the box he opened was full of
2 Ayman was pleased that he had his own room because the house was often noisy and 3 He used the internet for his university studies and for making friends in other countries. 4 Yes, it was bigger than most spiders. 5 The people decided to burn the town down to get rid of the spiders. 6 Maybe the town disappeared because the climate in Egypt became drier. 7 The spider needed a home for itself and for its family because it was a female and was 8 (Student’s opinion) Examples: The spider had a long wait for its eggs to hatch. OR The spider was waiting for its eggs to hatch so the spiders could all attack the town.
1 Dr Fakhry thought it could be just a story and not a true one. She thought perhaps the
town disappeared because the climate had become drier. 2 (Student’s opinion) Example: I think that Ayman was disappointed that there was no picture of the spiders. He was very curious and wanted to know more. 3 Ayman might have thought that the spider he saw in the garden was the same type as those hidden under the ground since ancient times.
1 The spider ran across some open ground and disappeared looking for a place that was
2 It went into the room below where Najat and Lamia were playing.
3 It climbed out of a window and down to the garden.
4 It was crossing the garden when Ayman saw it as he was walking out to the shops.
5 It ran up the wall and disappeared into the garden of the next house.
6 It found a secret place that was quiet and dark.

1 - c
Chapter 3 Oxford, England

1 T
2 F The spiders looked the same.
3 T
4 F Spiders belong to a group of animals called arachnid. (All spiders are arachnids, but
5 F The arachnid (a scorpion) lives 800 metres under ground.
6 F It would take a long time, probably several years, to develop an antivenon.
7 T
8 T

1 None of the six yellow and black spiders on the database were like the spider in the
2 Dr Fakhry asked Professor Jones why nobody has seen any of these spiders before. 3 Perhaps all the other spiders died when the climate changed 2000 years ago and these C
1 Because the picture that appeared on her screen matched Ayman’s description of the
large spider (and she was afraid that Ayman’s spider might be the dangerous ancient spider). 2 Because there aren’t killer spiders in modern Egypt. 3 Because she thought that the spiders could be dangerous. 4 Because he thought they would just laugh at him. 5 She thought that the black and yellow spiders were probably real because they were in 6 Because new species are often discovered.
7 Yes, he was correct.
8 Student’s opinion. Example: The spider eggs should be found and destroyed.
1 Professor Jones says these words.
2 He is looking at the picture of the big black spider.
3 This probably means that this is a new species of spiders that hasn’t been discovered

1 A doctor can give an injection of antivenom.
2 The antivenom works against the venom.
3 Every venomous animal has a different venom.
4 The antivenom for one spider won’t work against the venom of a different spider.
5 If a spider is unknown, there is no antivenom.
6 Scientists will have to develop a new antivenom.

1 - d
Chapter 4 Ayman Speaks Up

1 T
2 T
3 F He was not 100% sure.
4 T
5 T
6 F He spoke to Uncle Walid and Ayman.
7 F They needed special clothing to protect them from the spiders. (The clothing was
from the fire department and was made for protection from chemical fires.)
1 Ayman’s family did not know about the professor’s visit until just before his arrival.
2 The chief of police was called Colonel Mikhail.
3 Ayman didn’t have time to read Dr Fakhry’s second e-mail, so he printed it and took it

1 They laughed because they didn’t believe Ayman’s story.
2 A lot of businesses would lose money. People wouldn’t stay in hotels, eat in restaurants
3 Student’s opinion.
4 They found out that he had already told others when they read Dr Fakhry’s e-mail.
5 He was very excited when he arrived.
6 He wished he had not written to Dr Fakhry in the first place.
7 Because if the spiders were of a known species, there would be an antivenom for them.
8 Captain Ahmed wanted to know everything about spiders.

1 Yes, it is true that men don’t normally die from spider bites.
2 Men had died from these spiders because these spiders were deadly poisonous.
3 I think the question was, “How did this happen?” but he already knew the answer.

1 At the police station Colonel Mikhail asked Professor Jones to find one of the spiders and
2 Professor Jones went to his hotel to get his equipments. 3 Ayman went to his house to get a few things. 4 Professor Jones, Captain Ahmed and another officer, and Ayman were in a car heading 5 Twenty policemen in two lorries were following to the site.
6 Captain Ahmed asked Professor Jones to tell him everything about spiders.

1 - e
Chapter 5 Into the City of the Dead

1 T
2 F Her e-mail said that someone at Cairo University had studied the echinacea negra
4 F His machine looked like a gun, but it made poison gas so that he could collect 5 F The smoke went up to the ceiling and the dead spiders dropped onto the sheet.
6 F It tried to bite his face but the mask stopped it.
7 T
8 F The colonel wanted them to all return to the town.

1 It could be many years before a safe antivenom can be produced in large quantities.
2 The men who were going underground wore large black suits made of strong plastic.
3 The police officers tried to kill the large female spider by spraying insecticides at it.

1 A fence had been built after the robbers had got into the tombs (to keep more robbers
2 The men needed to wear special clothing to protect themselves from spiders. 3 He put his equipment in a place where many large spider webs hung down. 4 Student’s opinion. Example: I think it did not die because it was a big strong female 5 Because there was no blood on his face. 6 Captain Ahmed wanted to kill the spiders. Professor Jones didn’t want to kill them. 7 Because the spiders are under the ground and nobody knows where all the underground rooms and passages are or how big the area is. 8 The police in Sinai agreed to take Wafaa Sultan into the mountains.
1 Captain Ahmed was speaking to Professor Jones.
2 It refers to Professor Jones’ opinion that it was impossible to kill all the spiders (and
they would damage an important archaeological site in trying). 3 It refers to whether or not to try to get rid of all the spiders.

1 - c

1 The men wore large black suits made of strong plastic.
2 They took with them (into the tomb) tanks of insecticides.
3 While the professor set up his equipment, the captain ordered three young officers to
4 He fitted a frame and four legs together.
5 He switched on the smoker.
6 After a minute, the professor said, “Let’s see what we’ve got.”
7 He examined the spiders.

1 - b
Chapter 6 The Search

1 F Another police car was waiting for them on the other side of the barrier.
2 F Ayman told them where he had seen the spider and they went to the place.
3 F Ayman saw the spider going to an empty house but he did not see it in the house.
4 T
5 F Some spiders escaped.
6 F The big female spider landed on his face mask and he was surprised and lost his
7 F Some spiders bit Ayman but he didn’t die immediately.
8 T

1 Inside the empty house there were 2000 spiders covering the floor of a room.
2 The spiders attacked the men as soon as the men sprayed the poisonous insecticide.
3 The Echinacea negra medicine was delayed because there was a storm in the desert
and the helicopter couldn’t get to the cars, so they had to drive through the storm.
1 Because they might carry spiders with them outside Hamdayya.
2 Extra officers came to the town to search for the female spider (and her nest).
3 They looked like a wave in the sea.
4 He hoped to kill the female spider.
5 It used its fangs to cut off its useless leg that was caught under the insecticide tank.
6 The spiders were able to bite Ayman because his suit was torn.
7 No, I don’t think so. (Answers may vary.)
8 They must find the spider’s body to be sure it died.

1 The colonel said this to the officer who took the call.
2 This meant that if Wafaa didn’t come on time, Ayman might die.
3 He didn’t have much more time because he had been bitten by spiders and he was
getting sicker and would die soon if he didn’t get the antivenom.
1 They went to the police station next to Ayman’s house.
2 Colonel Mikhail said that the next day they would search the area for the spider that
3 The next morning Professor Jones explained how dangerous the female spider was. 4 He told the colonel that a spider liked to build its nest in a dark, quiet and cool place. 5 When he heard this, Ayman said that this where he had seen the spider going — to the Chapter 7 Sinai

1 F They had collected the plants before the storm began.
2 T
3 T
4 T
5 F The men in the second car climbed onto a rock.
6 F It was difficult but finally they were able to attach the rope.
7 T
8 F She could not pull the car out of the water. She took the plants out and drove alone in

1 Captain Osama attached one end of the towrope to the tow bar (of the first car).
2 Captain Osama told Wafaa to watch out for them and to press the horn if she saw a
3 Captain Osama and Farouk tried to attach the tow rope to the car in the water.

1 Captain Osama switched on the car’s light because it was raining heavily and he
2 If the road disappeared, I think the cars might slide and go over the edge. (Answers 3 The other problem was that the rain was going to flood the wadis below and they might 4 No, they didn’t have a choice because they knew that Ayman needed to get the plants 5 Yes, the first car crossed the third wadi without stopping.
6 He was going to tell them to wait.
7 The third car must be kept heavy to prevent it from rolling over in the water.
8 She felt alone and terrified but she drove through the storm fighting her fear.

1 Captain Osama said this to Wafaa.
2 They were running out of time to cross the next wadi before it got too deep.
3 Yes, they wanted to deliver the plant to the hospital to prepare the antivenom to save

1 The first and third cars were big powerful 4-wheel-drive vehicles.
2 The three people in the first car were Captain Osama, Wafaa and another botanist
3 The second car was a jeep.
4 In this car there were two officers.
5 The third car contained two more officers and the plants.

1 - e
Chapter 8 The Hospital

1 T
2 T
3 T
4 T
5 F They had not decided yet.
6 T
7 T
8 F Ayman’s body made antivenom after the first bites he got from the small spiders.

1 As Ayman got out his camera, he asked if anyone knew what was going to happen to
2 His sister Lamia thought that if nobody went to the archaeological site, the spiders 3 Ayman said he thought that until science finds an answer, the spiders shouldn’t be
1 Nurse Huda’s shift was ending.
2 The doctors made some medicine from the plants and gave it to Ayman.
3 Ayman’s family came to see him in hospital.
4 Because Professor Malcolm said that he could go and study at Oxford University if he
5 Because if she moved the spider would bite her and she would die. 6 Everyone was surprised because the female’s bite was deadly and doctors didn’t have 7 Ayman’s body had already made antivenom when the female spider bit him. 8 I think it is because he was bitten by spiders twice and he saved people’s lives by reporting seeing the female spider. He also caught the female spider which the police was looking for. (Answers may vary.)
1 The minister said this to a reporter.
2 a - He showed intelligence when he didn’t tell his sister about the spider near her
shoulder and he used the camera’s flash to blind the spider temporarily. b - He showed bravery when he knocked the spider into the aluminium box, which he then quickly shut. (Answers may vary.) 3 Thousands of people might have died if Ayman hadn’t warned the police about the
1 The spider probably came to the hospital in the ambulance that brought Ayman.
2 Ayman’s sister was sitting very near the female spider.
3 Ayman raised his camera and told his sister that he wanted to take a photo.
4 He blinded the spider with his camera.
5 The spider bit Ayman as he was knocking it into the aluminium box.
6 When Ayman saw the two bright red marks on his hand, he closed his eyes and fell to



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