The Effect of Adding Plant Sterols or Stanols to StatinTherapy in Hypercholesterolemic Patients: SystematicReview and Meta-Analysis
Jennifer M. Scholle, BS, William L. Baker, PharmD, BCPS, Ripple Talati, PharmD, Craig I. Coleman, PharmD
University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy, Storrs (J.M.S., R.T., C.I.C.), Department of Drug Information, Hartford Hospital,Hartford (W.L.B., R.T.), Connecticut
Key words: phytosterols, statins, hypercholesterolemia, meta-analysis
Objective: To characterize the effect of plant sterols/stanols on serum lipids in hypercholesterolemic
patients on concurrent statin therapy, we conducted a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Methods: A systematic literature search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane CENTRAL, and the Natural
Medicines Comprehensive Database was conducted from the earliest possible date through May 2008. Trials
were included in the analysis if they were randomized controlled trials evaluating the use of plant sterols/stanols
in combination with statins in hypercholesterolemic patients that reported efficacy data on total cholesterol, low-
density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, or triglycerides. The
weighted mean difference (WMD) of the change from baseline (in mg/dL) with 95% confidence interval (CI)
was calculated as the difference between the mean in the plant sterol/stanol groups and the control groups, using
Results: Eight studies (n 5 306 patients) met the inclusion criteria. Upon meta-analysis, the use of plant
sterols/stanols in combination with statin therapy significantly lowered total cholesterol (WMD, 214.01 mg/dL
[95% CI, 218.66 to 29.37], p , 0.0001) and LDL cholesterol (WMD, 213.26 mg/dL [95% CI, 217.34 to
29.18], p , 0.0001) but not HDL cholesterol or triglycerides.
Conclusions: Based upon the current literature, we can only say that plant sterols/stanols, when
administered in addition to statins, favorably affect total and LDL cholesterol with 95% confidence.
Randomized trials examining the impact of plant sterols/stanols in combinatation with statins on patient
creasing intake of viscous soluble fiber ($5–10 g/day) and
plant sterols or stanols (2 g/day) to help achieve treatment
Elevated serum lipids, including total cholesterol, low-
density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides, as
Plant sterols and stanols are plant steroids with a chemical
well as decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
structure and cellular function similar to that of human
are associated with an increased risk for the development of
cholesterol. Plant sterols and stanols have lower bioavailability
coronary heart disease (CHD) [1]. The National Cholesterol
than dietary cholesterol and can displace cholesterol from
Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III
mixed micelles in the intestine, reducing the absorption of
guidelines recommend a number of dietary modifications such
as decreasing the intake of saturated fat (,7% of daily
A previous meta-analysis of randomized trials evaluated the
calories) and dietary cholesterol (,200 mg/day) while in-
ability of foods containing plant sterols or stanols to alter
Address correspondence to: Craig I. Coleman, PharmD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy, and Director,Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Studies Group, Hartford Hospital, 80 Seymour Street, Hartford, CT 06102-5037. E-mail:
Financial Disclosures: We certify that none of the material in this manuscript has been previously published. The study was not funded and we have no conflicts to declaregermane to this manuscript.
Abbreviations: CI 5 confidence interval, HDL 5 high-density lipoprotein, LDL 5 low-density lipoprotein, WMD 5 weighted mean difference.
Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 28, No. 5, 517–524 (2009)Published by the American College of Nutrition
serum lipid levels [3]. The meta-analysis found that foods
allows for the effect of the previous therapy to dissipate, the
containing plant sterols or stanols were able to reduce LDL
effects of the newer therapy to manifest, and patients to reach
cholesterol by a mean of 6.7% at doses of 0.7–1.1 g/day and by
new steady-state lipid levels. We included trials individually
as much as 11.3% at doses $2.5 g/day.
evaluating multiple treatment arms by including each pairwise
Until recently, there was a paucity of data evaluating plant
comparison separately, but with the repeated placebo groups’
sterols or stanols in combination with a 3-hydroxy-3-
sample size divided out evenly among the comparisons. Three
methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor (statin) in
investigators (J.M.S., R.T., C.I.C.) reviewed potentially
hypercholesterolemic patients. As many patients are already
relevant articles independently and abstracted necessary data,
receiving statins to reduce LDL cholesterol, but are not
with differences resolved through discussion. When applica-
achieving NCEP goals, it is important to better quantify the
ble, efforts were made to contact investigators for clarification
additional LDL cholesterol–lowering benefit achieved with
adjuvant plant sterol or stanol ingestion.
The mean change in lipid parameters from baseline was
Therefore, we performed a meta-analysis of randomized
treated as a continuous variable and the weighted mean
controlled trials of plant sterols or stanols in combination with
difference (WMD) was calculated as the difference between
statins to better characterize their impact on serum lipids in
the mean in the plant sterol/stanol and control groups. Accepted
statistical methods were used to impute change scores as
suggested by Follmann and colleagues [6]. We conducted
subgroup analyses to determine whether plant stanols or sterols
had differing effects on lipid parameters and whether the use of
concomitant dietary modification affected plant sterol/stanol
A systematic literature search of MEDLINE, EMBASE,
efficacy. We also conducted sensitivity analyses to assess
Cochrane CENTRAL, and the Natural Medicines Comprehen-
whether study design characteristics or the inclusion of a study
sive Database was conducted from the earliest possible date
enrolling patients with familial hypercholesterolemia had an
through May 2008. A search strategy was performed using the
effect on our results. A DerSimonian and Laird random-effects
Medical Subject Headings and the following text key words:
model was used to calculate the WMD and 95% confidence
sterol, stanol, sitosterol, sitostanol, beta-sitosterol, beta-sitos-
intervals (CIs) [7]. Statistical heterogeneity was addressed using
tanol, phytosterol, phytostanol, stanol ester, sterol ester and
the I2 statistic. Visual inspection of funnel plots and Egger’s
simvastatin, pravastatin, fluvastatin, cerivastatin, atorvastatin,
weighted regression statistics were used to assess for the
lovastatin, rosuvastatin, statin, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor,
presence of publication bias. Statistics were performed using
hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor, and 3-
StatsDirect, version 2.5.8 (StatsDirect, Cheshire, England).
hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor, in
combination with lipids, cholesterol, hypercholesterolemia,
hypercholesterolemic, hyperlipidemia, hyperlipidemic, low-
density lipoproteins, high-density lipoproteins, LDL, HDL, and
triglycerides. For our MEDLINE search, we used the Cochrane
Collaboration’s Highly Sensitive Search Strategy sensitivity-
A total of eight randomized controlled trials (n 5 306
maximizing version [4]. The McMaster University Health
patients) met all inclusion criteria [8–15]. All 8 trials [8–15]
Information Research Unit search strategy was used for the
reported useable data for total and LDL cholesterol while 7
EMBASE search [5]. No language restrictions were imposed.
trials [8–12,14,15] reported useable data for HDL cholesterol
In addition, a manual search of references from primary or
and triglycerides (Fig. 1). All trials enrolled patients with mild-
review articles was performed to identify relevant trials.
to-moderate hypercholesterolemia and randomized them to be
Trials were included in the analysis if they were
treated with either plant sterol/stanol (dosing range: 1.8–6 g/
randomized controlled trials evaluating the use of plant sterols
day) or control for a period of 4–14 weeks (Table 1). Five
or stanols in combination with statins in hypercholesterolemic
trials were double-blinded [8,9,11–13], one single-blinded
patients that reported efficacy data (suitable for calculation of
[10], one open-label [15], and one was unclear in reporting the
change from baseline) on at least one of the following lipid
extent of blinding [14]. Five were parallel trials [9–11,13,15]
endpoints: (1) total cholesterol, (2) LDL cholesterol, (3) HDL
and 3 were crossover trials [8,12,14]. Only 4 studies required
cholesterol, or (4) triglycerides. Both parallel and crossover
patients to undergo concurrent dietary modification
trials were eligible for inclusion. To be included, crossover
[8,11,12,15]. The use or absence of use of dietary modification
studies needed to have at least a 2-week washout period or, if
was similar between plant sterol/stanol– and control-treated
the washout was shorter or absent, needed to measure lipid
patients in each trial; however, one trial provided what
levels at least 4 weeks after therapies had been switched. This
appeared to be more intensive dietary counseling to the plant
Fig. 1. QUOROM flow diagram of study identification, inclusion, and exclusion.
sterol/stanol group compared to the control group, although no
right of the composite effect line may not have been included
dietary modification was mandated in either group [10].
Manufacturers of plant sterol/stanol products funded 2 trials
Subgroup and sensitivity analyses are presented in Table 2.
[12,13]; research foundations funded 4 trials [8,9,11,14], an
No noteworthy changes in our meta-analysis’ conclusions were
academic institution funded 1 trial [10] and one did not state the
Upon meta-analysis, the use of plant sterol or stanols added
Our meta-analysis of 8 randomized controlled trials [8–15]
to statin therapy significantly lowered total cholesterol (WMD,
evalutating the addition of plant sterols/stanols at doses of 1.7–
214.01 mg/dL [95% CI, 218.66 to 29.37], p , 0.0001) and
6 g/day to statin therapy in hypercholesterolemic patients
LDL cholesterol (WMD, 213.26 mg/dL [95% CI, 217.34 to
showed significant lowering of both total cholesterol (14 mg/
29.18], p , 0.0001), but not HDL cholesterol or triglycerides
dL) and LDL cholesterol (13 mg/dL) as compared with a statin
(p . 0.10 for all) as compared with statin use alone (Fig. 2).
alone. No significant impact on either HDL cholesterol or
No statistical heterogeneity was observed in any of the lipid
triglycerides was seen. Subgroup analyses revealed no
endpoint analyses (I2 5 0% for all).
significant difference in lipid lowering when plant sterols
Review of funnel plots (not shown) and the Egger’s
versus stanols were used or whether or not diet modification
weighted regression statistic p values suggested a low potential
was present. According to the NCEP ATP III 2004 update [16],
for publication bias for the total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol,
a 1-mg/dL decrease in LDL cholesterol reduces a patient’s
and HDL cholesterol analyses (p . 0.31 for all). Both an
relative risk of having a coronary event by approximately 1%.
asymmetrical funnel plot and the Egger’s p value (p 5 0.02)
Thus, the LDL cholesterol reductions seen in our meta-analysis
for triglycerides suggested a higher likelihood of publication
with sterols/stanols above and beyond that achieved with
bias. The funnel plot suggested that at least one study to the
statins is likely clinically important.
Table 1. Characteristics of Included Randomized, Controlled Trials of Statins Plus Plant Sterols or Stanols in Patientswith Hypercholesterolemia
a Presented as plant sterol and/or stanols value(s) at baseline; placebo value(s) at baseline. b Diet modifications (or lack thereof) were applied equally to the plant sterol or stanols groups and placebo groups except for Cabezas et al. [10], where the stanol estergroup received ‘‘intensive dietary education’’ and the control group received only a ‘‘healthy eating’’ leaflet and answering of questions.
AHA 5 American Heart Association, HDL-C 5 high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL-C 5 low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, MUFA 5 monounsaturated fatty
acids, PUFA 5 polyunsaturated fatty acids, TC 5 total cholesterol, TG 5 triglycerides.
Unfortunately, many patients receiving statin therapy are
synthesis of 38–53% is seen [18]. This increase in cholesterol
not reaching the LDL cholesterol goals. Foley and colleagues
biosynthesis may be attenutated by the concurrent use of a
demonstrated that only 48% of patients reached their LDL
statin [14]. Simons and colleagues showed that LDL
cholesterol goal following initiation of a statin, and of those
cholesterol reductions attributable to plant sterols were similar
who required further dose titration, only an additional 14%
when plant sterols were used either alone (,8%) or added to
achieved their goals [17]. Thus, most patients may require
statin therapy (,6%), suggesting an additive rather than
either increased doses of their statin or additional drug therapy
synergistic effect [19]. This reduction in LDL cholesterol is
in an attempt to reach their goal. The addition of plant sterols
similar to that seen by doubling the dose of a statin. The results
and stanols to statin therapy may provide the additional
of our meta-analysis support this theory, with additional
cholesterol lowering needed to reach LDL cholesterol goals.
reductions in both total and LDL cholesterol seen when plant
Plant sterols and stanols have been shown to alter serum
sterols/stanols were added to existing statin therapy.
lipid levels by decreasing intestinal cholesterol absorption by
A similar relationship is seen between ezetimibe and
26–36%; however, a compensatory increase in cholesterol
statins. Similar to plant sterols/stanols, ezetimibe lowers
Plant Sterol/Stanol Dosing and Dosage Form
,0.5 g/day plant sterol from control diet
280–300 mg/day cholesterol, ,30% fat, ,10%
,0.5 g/day plant sterol from control diet
No change in habitual diet other than margarine
stanol ester margarine (69% sitostanolester; 31% campestanol ester)
containing 62% fat and no added plantstanol (Becel)
AHA Heart Healthy Diet (cholesterol ,300 mg/
day, 25–35% fat, ,7% saturated fat, ,1%trans fat)
Cholesterol ,300 mg/day, saturated fat ,10%
content of 18 g and no added plant stanol
No change in habitual diet other than margarine
content of 18 g and no added plant stanol
3 g/day sitostanol margarine (228 mg/100 g
No change in habitual diet other than margarine
1138 mg/100 g sitosterol, 11,400 mg/100 g
Cholesterol-lowering diet as recommended by
the European Atherosclerosis Society(reduction of total fat to ,30% of energy, ofwhich less than 1/3 is saturated)
cholesterol by inhibiting cholesterol absorption within the
supplement to lower cholesterol might be warranted [27].
brush border of the small intestine by approximately 54%
Although plant sterols and stanols were only indirectly
[20,21]. When added to prior statin therapy, ezetimibe lowers
compared, we found that they had similar effects on lipid
total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol by an additional 16%
parameters, further supporting the preferential use of plant
stanols over plant sterols. In addition, plant sterol and stanol
Although not evaluated in our meta-analysis, a few safety
use has been assoicated with decreases in carotenoids [3] (e.g.,
concerns may exist regarding the increased intake of plant
beta-carotene) that may be associated with increased risk of
sterols and stanols. Patients with inherited phytosterolemia
CHD [28], although the true extent of this increased risk, if
have a defect in intestinal cholesterol transport proteins,
causing a hyperabsorption of plant sterols [23]. These patients
There are some limitations of the meta-analysis. When
are known to develop premature atherosclerosis and CHD due
performing a meta-analysis, the potential for publication bias is
to the increased absorption of plant sterols [24]. Further study
always a concern. A visual inspection of our analyses funnel
is need to determine whether there is a risk of atherosclerosis
plot’s and Egger’s weighted regression statistics revealed a low
in normal patients taking increased amounts of plant sterols
level of publication bias for all endpoints with the exception of
through dietary supplementation [25,26]. Since plant stanols
triglycerides. Inspection of the funnel plot for triglyceride
are absorbed into the bloodstream to a lesser extent than plant
analysis suggests that a trial to the right of the effect line may
sterols, the preferential use of plant stanols as a dietary
exsist but is not included and therefore, our analyses may be
Fig. 2. Forest plots depicting the effect of plant sterols or stanols on (A) total cholesterol, (B) low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, (C) high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol, and (D) triglycerides. All results reported as weighted mean differences (in mg/dL) and 95% confidence intervals.
overestimating the effect of plant sterols and stanols on
inclusion of crossover trials without adequate washout periods
triglyceride levels. This potential bias is not overly concerning,
may also be a limitation. To minimize the effect of insufficient
since plant sterols and stanols did not seem to have a significant
washout periods, we only included crossover trials that
impact on triglyceride levels in the base-case analysis. The
evaluated lipid levels after a minimum of 4 weeks to allow
Table 2. Results of Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Evaluating Plant Sterols or Stanols in Addition to Statins inPatients with Hypercholesterolemiaa
a A DerSimonian and Laird random-effects model was used in calculating the weighted mean difference and its 95% confidence interval (CI). To convert values for cholesterol from mg/dL to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0286; to convert values for triglycerides from mg/dL to mmol/L, multiply by 0.01129.
HDL-C 5 high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL-C 5 low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
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