Wt vol 9 iss 4.cwk

_____________________________________________________________________________Volume 9 Issue 4 Madison Valley History Association, Inc.
website: www.madisonvalleyhistoryassociation.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From the Wagon Seat It looks like fall here. The leaves are turning yellow, the birds are flocking up and
we have had our first blast of cold weather with snow in the mountains.
The MVHA held its last field trip for the season in August. We visited the reclamation site of the upper
O’Dell wetlands area on the Granger Ranches. Jeff Lazlo of the Granger Ranches was host. He ex-
plained and showed pictures of of the restoration of the O’Dell Creek wetlands. This area is south of
Ennis about 7 miles below the Varney cut-off. It is an effort of private and public funds to restore the
O’Dell headwaters to its original habitat before the area was drained in the ‘50’s. Jeff related that there are
now more species of birds, flowers, more willows and more water in O’Dell Creek. We learned that the
white house located under the hill was used for the living quarters quarters for the haying crews that were
haying the Madison River bottom which was turned from wetlands to hay fields in the 1950’s. The MVHA
is seeking more information on the history of that area such as homesteaders and early residents. If any-
one has any information, let the MVHA know.
The MVHA museum closed for the season on Sept. 15. We had a good summer with the opening of
the Coss/Angle Forge Building. But we were down in numbers of visitors this year. This was probably
due to our reduced hours going to 1:00pm to 4:00pm instead of all day. We have also heard that a lot of
museums saw their numbers drop this summer too. A big thank you to all of you who took time to host
the museum. We also need to thank the schedulers lead by Kevin Brenneke with Bonnie Matzick and
Shirley Love helping out.
In looking ahead, the MVHA will sell cookbooks at the Hunter’s Feed and we will again have a booth at
the Madison Valley Woman Club Holiday Bazaar. Plan on signing up to help.
Our program for September was a real crowd pleaser. It was probably our biggest attended program
with about 70 in attendance. Special thanks to Don Black who presented “A Conversation with the Found
ing Father’s Descendants” featuring Jane Rybus and Shirley Gustafson. In a relaxed setting, the two living
pioneers of founding families shared their experiences in growing up in the valley. Questions were asked
of them from the audience to the delight of everyone. Thanks, Jane and Shirley.
Our programs continued this month with the history of sports in the valley. Board members and other
MVHA members will give historical perspective to baseball, football, bowling, skiing and any other sport
in the valley. November’s program will be a program about Grizzlies. December will feature our annual
Christmas potluck with members asked to bring their oldest and most favorite Christmas cards.
The MVHA board would like to thank everyone for helping out this year. Their ideas, hours working at
the museum, working on projects and financial support help preserve the colorful and important history of
the Madison Valley. It takes each and everyone of us to do a part in some small way to keep the wagons
rolling. Your co-wagon master, Larry Love
History Tidbit: Sterling was once a thriving mining town--more than five hundred people lived there in the 1860s.
There were four quartz mills made of square stones cemented together with a mixture of lime and horsehair; the remains of
one are still standing. The town was three miles west of Norris on Hot Spring Creek. The post office opened in 1867 with
Andrew Hill as postmaster.
“The culmination of every miner’s dream was to locate a mine comparable to the Monitor on Richmond Flats. Someone
had grubstaked two miners to drive a tunnel and they had worked all winter unknowingly along the side of this rich vein.
Then one day, while they were outside in the sunshine eating their lunch, a cave-in occurred, exposing the vein.It was
four feet in width and six inches of wire gold in the center. The ore assayed at $6,000 a ton after all specimens were picked
out and at the old price of $19 an ounce. A sample of the ore sent to the World’s Fair in San Francisco in 1859 received first
prize. It took four years to mine this body of ore. My dad hauled seven tons of ore a trip to Norris and a ton and a half of coal
back to the mine. Old Rock and Him were the lead horses of his six horse team. Many a cold and windy day, Dad would tie
the reins to the dash board and get down out of the wind. The horses knew just where to go” (Cecil M. Reel, Madison
Valley Trails and Trials) By 1872 most of the ore had been mined and people had left Sterling. W. R. Reel, a Montana
miner, bought the land and claims including the town site where he built his ranch house. The land is now in hay and
pasture. The post office closed in 1883.
Names on the Face of Montana The Story of Montana’s Place Names by Roberta Carkeek Cheney page 243-244
member, Peter Combs, passed away Aug. 8, 2011 at her Welcome to Membership The following have
home on the Diamond J Ranch up Jack Creek. She was joined since the August issue. Please add to any born May 3, 1930 in Los Angeles, CA. She married membership list you might be keeping.
Peter Combs on Oct. 28, 1950 and in 1960 she and David and Marti Hoag (F) 682-3875
Peter moved to Ennis and bought the Diamond J Guest Ranch which became a passion for Jinny to welcome guests from all over the world. Madisonian, Aug 18, Jack and Kathryn Northway (F) 682-4747
Frances C. Leding Hubner ,age 73, passed away Aug.
8, 2011. She was born in Raton, N. M. on Sept 4, 1937. Dorothy Dougherty (I) 682-4461
She married Steve Hubner on May7, 1960. She began her working career as a waitress, later sold clothing at the Poole Hall in Ennis and then became a successful Membership Update 2011 memberships are now due. insurance agent for many years. Madisonian Aug. 18,
Please check your address label on your issue of the
Wagon Tongue and you can tell when your member- Kathryn E. Martin Clare, age 85, passed away Aug.
ship is due or if you have not purchased it yet. Some of 12, 2011 in Butte, MT. Kathryn was born to Claude and you have taken care of business and your membership Ruth Martin on July 13, 1926 in Jeffers, MT. She is the has been received. Thank you! Your membership is grand daughter of M.A. and Lena Kathryn Switzer. Her good for a full year from the date that you purchased it happy childhood revolved around her grandfather’s and and you are not penalized for submitting early. If your father’s general store and post office, Switzer and membership is due during Oct. Nov, Dec. or Jan. you will find a membership renewal in this issue. In 2010, Kathryn contacted the MVHA and offered to Memberships are $5.00 for students, $10.00 for donate a quilt made by her great grandmother, Catherine individuals, $15.00 for families, $50.00 for Businesses Shannon Gilmer who was married to Campbell Gilmer. Catherine put the quilt together when her husband went The MVHA has been currently doing a campaign to for a time to the California gold fields. In 1880 the fam- raise funds for the Phase II of the Museum. If you ily traveled to Montana and eventually took up a home- made a donation of $500 or more, your membership Don Black, MVHA historian,was able to meet Kathryn If you are inviting a new person to join or want to this past year and did an oral interview with her. He purchase your membership before it is due, just write was also able to attend her funeral in Helena and when out name, mailing address and type of membership on a remembrances were shared during the service, a family slip of paper and mail with membership fee to MVHA member said that one of the special highlights of Kath- ryn’s life was visiting the MVHA museum this past The Board of Directors of your Madison Valley summer and seeing her quilt on display and seeing the History Association appreciates all the memberships wonderful saving of history that the MVHA is doing.
that are purchased as this allows them to have funds to Plan to stop by the museum next summer and see this continue the work of developing a museum in the special piece of history donated by this very special lady. Info provided by Don Black and Kathryn Clare Memories
James Allen Walker,age 72, passed away at his home
The Wagon Tongue has been getting favorable on August 20, 2011. He was born May 31, 1939 to feedback on the memories of our members and long Harry S. and Alma (Hinsen) Walker in Bozeman, Mt. time Madison Valley residents and natives who have He worked for the Montana Highway department for 29 passed on. Please help out by sending your stories and years In 1977 he was transferred to Ennis and was the memories about deceased members or residents to the maintinance supervisor until his retirement in 1993.
Wagon Tongue. Obituaries from the local newspapers will not be reprinted. We are looking for stories that Marcele Ann Scully Bohleen of Worland, Wyo
will expand on the deceased lives, genealogy, and passed away Sept. 4, 2011. She was born on Feb 5, contributions, etc. to the history of the Madison Valley. 1949 in Dillon to John and Madalyn (McDonnell) The Madison County Trails and Trials and Progressive Scully and is sister to MVHA member, John Scully. Years have helped but not everyone’s family history is She graduated from Ennis High School in 1966 and included there and sometime there are good stories out from MSU. She worked for the Ward Ranch in there that have never been printed. So help out if you Paradise Valley where she met her husband, Gene. They have information to share. The Wagon Tongue does lived in Billings and then Worland. She worked in the not want anyone excluded because of lack of new stories. Please, I need your stories. I do not have much John Branger IV passed away on Sept. 11, 2011. He
was born Nov. 21, 1949 to John P. Branger and Jinny R.Beardsley Combs, age 81,wife of MVHA
Elizabeth Jean O’Shea. He grew up on the family ranch on the Memories continued from page 2
At night the ewes were brought in to the lambing sheds. The night man would take care of the lambs and the ewes East RoseBud, attended school in Roscoe and graduated during the night. The ewes were put in jugs 4’ x 4’ for the from Red Lodge High School in 1968 and attended MSU. night when they lambed. The next day we would go in a His family moved to Ennis and bought what is now known as different direction and do the same thing. The tepee man the CB Ranch selling it in 1971. In Livingston, he met his would go to the Ewes and pull the tepee off the Ewes and wife, Lori and in 1986 moved back to the Madison Valley to come to where we were dropping lambs. The bunch work for the Robbie Stock Ranch and became manager in puncher would keep pushing Ewes an lambs together until 1989. He was retained as manager when the ranch was sold he would get close to enough to make a band from there to Kirby Alton in 1993 and he continued to work there until he would go to the range with them. It took about 2,000 to make a band. When we were through lambing the ewes Alfred Conrad Halderson passed away Sept. 15,
were sheard and the lambs were docked. the herder would 2011. He was born on Sept 16, 1926 to Alfred and Rose go in different directions in the Gravely Range area. We Halderson of Cliff Lake. After honorable discharge for the would gather all the ewes and lambs in the fall and ship the service in 1945, he returned to the Madison Valley where lambs to market. The ewes would be trailed to the ranch he met his wife, Janice Anderson. His family moved several and start the process all over again.
times around Montana and Washington before returning to One year we trailed about 7,000 lambs from the Gravely Range to Monida Montana to be shipped by train. Junior Lucile Lockridge Wellman, age 101, passed away
Love and myself and three other high school students Sept 25,2011. Lucile ws born on April 13, 1910 in her trailed these lambs about 90 miles which took about 2 parent’s, Nolan and Susie Lockridge, ranch home east of weeks this was in the first part of September. We all had Cameron. She went to elementary school at Bear Creek horses. It was quite a trip. Bert Lockhart and his wife ran the School, graduated from Ennis High School and attended chuck wagon. The stock trail was well marked so we never Western Montana College in Dillon. She married Fred got off the main route. When we arrived at Monida the Wellman on Sept. 21, 1942 and lived on the family ranch lambs were loaded on train cars. Junior and I had our bed rolls but we rented a room in the old hotel. The bed bugs ran us out so we stayed in an old barn with our bed Rolls.
Thomas Floyd Marx, age 74, passed away on Sept. 30,
Junior and I had to head and tail all the horses back to the 2011. He was born in Bozeman on Aug. 9, 1937 to Floyd Stoney Acre ranch. I[t] took a couple days. The first night and Ruth Marx. Tom attended grade school in McAllister after a fourty mile ride, we were really played out. We stayed and graduated from Ennis High School in 1955. close to Black Butte mountain. After hobbeling the horses and ate some sandwitchs that Mrs. Lockhart made. We rolled out our bed rolls. The next morning when we woke Born and Raised in Ennis by Brooks Dehoney
up. It had snowed about 6 inches on our bed rolls. The This is part 2 of this story. You can find part 1 in Vol 9 issue 3 horses left in the middle of night. We found them about of the Wagon Tongue available online at MVHA website mile or so. They were standing near an old fence, boy were listed on page 1.(editorial note: the punctuation and we lucky because we would of had to walk about forty miles. spelling are left exactly as Brooks wrote this story.) We missed two weeks of school but made out okay.
We left Brooks and Tex Smith trailing steers up to the Cliff Guess I better stop these stories for now. Maybe you won’t Lake area where they were fattened up and shipped.
have enough room in the Wagon Tongue.
My mother Ada DeHony raised my sisters Norma & Pearl I know one thing for sure. I’m happy to have been and and me by working in Cafes and washed laundry for other people. It was hard to get by in those days.
In 1933 I was six years old. I started playing basketball. My Thank you ,”Brooks” for sharing your great story!! first coach was Dale Kisling. In the 7th and 8 grade Jack <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Scully was the coach and the first three years of high school Dr. Jeffrey J. Safford, professor emeritus of History of Hal Pasely coached me. We won a lot of games from good Montana State University in Bozeman is a MVHA member and has presented programs for the MVHA. He has written Back to the lambing sheep. We started shed lambing in a book about the Hot Springs Mining Distrist in the Sterling, Feb. and March at the Stoney Acers. When the grass in the Norris area entitled The Mechanics of Optimism. His editor spring started growing we would lamb at two different cut a lot from the original manuscript and now Dr. Jeff is places one at Sunrise the other at Cherry Creek. My Dad sharing some of these unprinted stories with us. I will print ran the crew at Cherry Creek. Hatie Benetts ran the Sunrise as much as space allows and continuations will be in future crew. In range lambing it took a drop picker a tepee man and a drop herder. I was the herder at Cherry Creek nd Jr. An introduction to the District’s central mining camp, Love (Earl) would herd at the Sunrise. We would keep Sterling, Part I “Sterling City: the1860 Hub of the
the ewes in sort of a tight bunch. When the ewe would Hot Spring Mining District.” Commencing in the fall of
drop a lamb-the crop picker would hook the ewe, suckle the 1865, a community of seekers after after mineral and lamb. The tepee man would drive the team of horse and put a 4’ x 4’ canvas tepee over the ewe and lamb. We would drop over a hundred lambs in a day on the range. 3
commercial wealth had evolved in the Hot Spring Mining numbers of his men had fled west to escape capture. Just District. This community, Sterling, was situated about three how many did so is in question, but that Ward and others miles west of today’s Norris--the district’s geographic were convinced of their presence and influence in Montana epicenter. The only existing photograph, taken probably in March or April of 1866, catches the town in a very early Nathaniel P. Langford, collector of federal taxes, argued stage of development. Perhaps a dozen struc-tures can be that in the early day “Four-fifths” of Montana’s residents identified in the vicinity of the townsite. Later that year, a were openly declared Secessionists,” and that Montana member of a wagon train passing through pro-vided a rough was “more disloyal as a whole, than Tennessee or Kentucky estimate of thirty structures, a considerably larger number ever was.7 Langford exaggerated, but, as Clark Spence,
than he has seen in passing through the village of author of a noted history of Montana, observed, “’secesh” Bozeman.1 A year later, in November 1867, an employee
opinions were not myth, but were strong enough to color of the Midas Mining Company, situated up Hot Spring the political life of the territory’s early years.8 It is a fact that
Creek at Midasburg, the company’s camp just west of secessionists in Virginia City, holding a substantial voting Sterling, noted that “[a] large number of buildings of every majority during the 1860’s, had initially named their size and shape, for store houses and residences, are being community “Varina” in honor of Jefferson Davis’s wife, only erected in every direction. 2 Then, in October 1868, the
to have the camp renamed “Virginia City” by northerners territorial surveyor, John L. Corbett, reported that the appointed to public office through the auspices of the vict- community was composed of “between 40 and 50 houses orious Republican national administration. In short, Sterling, and stores,” excluding quartz mills.3 That the town was the
like Confederate Gulch, and other Montana name-places, direct offspring of the decision of the Herschel Mining may have reflected southern Civil War influence.
Company of Virginia City, the Clark & Upson Mining In any case, Jordan Hyde, a Missourian, laid out two streets. Company of Hartford, Connecticut, and the New York and Main Street ran east and west, roughly paralleling Hot Mont-ana Mining and Discovery Company of New York City, Spring Creek, with its western end pointing straight toward New York, to locate at that site is indisputable.
Hot Spring Creek canyon and the Clark & Upson, and New The actual organization of Sterling into streets and lots was York & Montana Mining & Discovery Company mill sites. Hill largely the work of an irascible, fiftyish Kentucky-born Miss- Street bisected Main Street at right angles,north and south.
ourian named Jordan Warren Hyde-known locally as the It might of employed the existing bed of the road that ran “old man”-who had been active in the Hot Spring area since from Virginia City through Meadow Creek to the Norwegian the summer of 1864, when gold was first discovered in the diggings. And to carry the Confederate name speculation district.4 Hyde possessed a vital chunk of Hot Spring real
further, this principal thoroughfare, while proceeding up a estate. This quarter section lay astride the road where it hill north of the townsite, might have been named, not for crossed Hot Spring Creek below the Clark & Upson mill, the topographical reasons, but for the distinguished Southern ruins of which are still evident today. One-quarter of a mile Generals Ambrose Powell Hill of Virginia, or Daniel Hill of wide, Hyde’s property straddled the creek easterly for one mile, and encompassed the entirety of what would de- Most of Sterling's businesses were situated on Main Street. velop into the “city” of Sterling. 5
This can be determined by examining descriptive Grantor Although the exact origin of the name, Sterling, is unknown and Grantee records in the Madison County Clerk and Re- speculation suggests two possibilities. Etymologically, corder’s office. For example, when John Hyde sold a lot to Sterling was an appropriate name for a camp situated in a Andrew A. Hall and Don O. Spaulding in December, 1866, it district held in high esteem for the excellent values of its was described as being the lot upon which was situated the gold-bear ing ores. And by such reasoning is that name Michigan Store-obviously named for the state in which Hall understood today. But there is another feasibility. Hot and Spauling, the new owners, had formerly resided. This Spring District was inhabited by a substantial number of lot was eighteen feet wide, sixty feet deep. It fronted on the southerners. A secessionist element, shepherded by a north side of Main Street and was bounded on the east and Kentucky-born Missourian, the Rev. Learner Stateler, north by a lot owned by William R. Reel and John Cullimore; resided in nearby Norwe-gian Gulch. Jordan Hyde, upon on the west by another lot owned by Hyde. Records of whose land Sterling was situated, was of similar Hyde’s sales of lots to Daniel F. Percival & Company are background-born in Kentucky and raised in Missouri. equally instructive. In October 1866, Percival purchased lot Henry A.Ward, superintendent of the Midas Mining Comp- No. 1, situated on the northeast block on Hill Street, facing any of Rochester, New York, had described his company’s thirty feet in front and running back seventy feet to its rear. work force as two-thirds men and women of southern birth. This lot would have been the first lot north from the corner On occasion Ward employed the terms “Missourians” and or Main and Hill. In April 1867, Percival pur-chased the Price’s army men” to lament the disproportion of southern- corner lot itself, forty feet wide, fronting on Main ers to northerners under his employ.6
Street. These three purchases indicate that Percival was Consequently, that Sterling could have been named after owner of some of Sterling’s prime commercial real estate. In the Confederate General Sterling Price cannot be taken such a manner a crude idea of what a town looked like can lightly. Former Governor of Missouri, Sterling Price had rais- be constructed.9
ed a guerilla force in 1861 and joined the Confederate Business license receipts, a number of which have survived for Sterling, offer additional evidence of the mining camp’s When his force was finally cornered and shattered in the commercial character. Those for 1867 docu- battle of Mine Creek, Kansas, in December 1864, large 4
ment two boarding houses, (Continued on page 5) two hotels, four mercantiles, five saloons, two butcher in the Territory of Montana.” Field Notes, entry of Oct. 10, shops, and three livery or feed stables. Licenses were also 1868, Bureau of Land Management, Billings, Montana.
issued to a hatter, to a billiard hall owner, and to one of the 4. Hyde appears on the October 1864 Willow Creek Poll town’s merchants for a retail liquor business.10 No receipts
List. See Poll Lists for the Montana Territorial Election of exist for blacksmith shops, but Henry Ward reported in 1864, Records of the Montana Territory, Secretary, 1864, February of 1867 that no less than five had opened for bus- ness in Sterling in the preceding twelve months.11
5. Record Book C,p.255, Clerk and Recorder’s Office, Mad- Inasmuch as the value of a mining district could be deter- ison County Courthouse, Virginia City, Montana. Hereafter mined in part by the number of blacksmiths at work in it, the presence of as many as five in Sterling mark the community 6. Ward to George Mumford, Sept. 6, 1867, WP as one of some energy. In all, at the height of its existence, 7. Quoted in Clark C, Spence, Montana: A Centennial Hist- Sterling possessed as many as twenty-four separate busi- ness establishments, some of which, undoubtedly were combined under the same roof. It was an active commercial community, although it lacked a bank and a newspaper.
10. State of Montana, Business License Receipts, etc., In addition to the facilities in Sterling, the mining companies Collection No 72, University of Montana Archives, Mans- lying at its western edge had their own licensed boarding field Library, Missoula, Montana Hereafter cited as UMA houses, stables and blacksmith shops. Licenses were man- dated by law for every miner, merchant, and businessman (including lawyers and brokers) and were good for 6 months. The standard licensing fee for a miner was ten dol- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lars, but those for businesses varied, apparently according 2011 Season Museum Update
to size of structure and volume of trade. That Sterling’s bus- The 2011 museum season is pretty much over. It was a inesses were small in comparison to those in Virginia City good season with the opening of the Coss/Angle Forge Building. We still do open for folks who call during the off Whereas a saloon in Nevada City was assessed fifty dollars, season so if you have guests, friends, relatives, school John H. McCabe’s saloon in Sterling was assessed fifteen. classes, or anyone who would like to visit the museum, just The license for Fish & Toinbee’s mercantile in Sterling cost twenty dollars, while Julian M. Knight paid forty-five for his in 329 guests signed the guest book for 2011. This is down Virginia City.12
form 2010 but we changed our hours per day from 6 hours These records are helpful in other ways; the licenses that to 3 hours so missed a few that way. After visiting with other Percival took out indicate that the company was in the museums, we learned that attendance is down in a lot of boarding, mercantile, and retail liquor businesses; thus other places so maybe we did not do too badly.
Percival’s lots on Main and Hill probably contained these Our guest book register is only as good as the folks who are willing to sign or volunteers who invite them to sign. So total Countywide resistance to paying license fees appears to numbers are not an exact science. And sometimes a have been large; in Virginia City many residents neglected family head will sign for the family with only one entry and to file for licenses. Failure to do so earned them a day in actually any number from two to five or six or more could court and fines as high as $500.13 There is no record of
delinquency for Sterling, but that virtually no Hot Spring Montana led the way with most registered visitors with 163 miners took out licenses suggests they took the require- guests and 83 of those were from somewhere in the Madi- ment lightly. No doubt Sterling’s distance from Virginia City son Valley. Also recording guests were California(25) played into the hands of scofflaws. Sterling’s population Washington(16) Idaho(13) Utah (11) Oregon(9) Texas(7) was never permanent enough to take the organization of Mississippi(6) North Carolina(6) and Arizona, Connecticut, city and county governance very seriously. and Georgia with 5 each. Any other state had 4 or less and Editor’s note. The MVHA had a field trip to Sterling a few 22 states did not record a visitor. 20 folks signed in with no years ago. Maybe another field trip to the area would be state or area listed. Germany had 5 guests and Romania and Ireland had 1 each. So folks did come from far and near to visit our museum and learn our valley history.
1. Benjamin Dailey Diary, 1866, entry of Sep. 7, 1866, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Collection 2074, Montana Historical Society MVHA member Robert Hughes has provided the WT with a Archives, Helena, Montana Hereafter cited as MHSA.
electronic copy of his father’s (Thomas Hughes)diary written 2. This letter, dated Nov. 4, 1867, was printed in the Mont- from Oct. 31, 1904 to early 1906. This diary has been ana Post Tri-Weekly, undated, Henry A. Ward Papers, De- reprinted in past, this, and future issues of the WT. First part partment of Rare Books and Special Collections, Rush was in Oct. 2010 , second in Jan. 2011, third in April 2011 Rhees Library, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. Here- and fourth in August 2011. If you have missed the first four installments check the web site or request a copy of the 3.”Exterior Boundries of Townships One-two-Three-Four- Five South Range One West of the Principal Meridian DAD’S Diary submitted by R R (Bob) Hughes. The August Dad’s Diary (Continued from page 5)
on Christmas Day, Dec 1904 after eating two dozen oranges.
running quite a risk trusting a team to me. Blamed old Monday Dec. 26
skates can't hardly navigate. He should see the one Clark put Army to cultivating orange trees this morning. we've got up in Idaho if he thinks we can't manage his.
Evidently doesn't like the appearance of "Yours Truly".
Tues. Jan 3
Tue. Dec. 27
Went to picking oranges this morning. Boss told us to Wed. Jan 4
try and get out 40 bxs apiece and he would be satisfied Thur. Jan 5
as we were picking colors. We got about 25 apiece, and Fri. Jan 6
expected our time, but didn't get it. We are living on hot Sat. Jan 7
cakes 3 times a day and it will take some scheming to make our supply of grub last until we can get another as Boss dig up an X last night. Went to San Bernardino, we have determined not to ask the boss for any money got some more grub and Army got his whiskers trimmed. Looks like a starved coyote with them off. This is a hell of a country for a hired man, he isn't Have been letting my mustache grow, at present can considered as good as the average people. They never count 18 hairs, all colors, but white is the prevailing board him and if he gets to sleep with the horses he may color.
consider himself lucky. The man we are working for is Can't see why I don't hear from Bill, has been two a little better than the average though.
weeks since I wrote him. Wrote to Mabel last Sun. but don't hardly expect an answer; have a hunch she is too Still picking, improving a little. Grub all gone. Had busy running that damned automobile. Well, it can't be almost decided to humble our pride and ask Clark helped, I guess, and I have no right to kick as the for our money, but it wasn't necessary as he came present state of affairs was brought on by the all around and gave us a V without asking. Had evidently prevailing wisdom of the "Hon. T. S. himself. Things have begun to look a little better though, the boss has evidently commenced to think we mean business for he Picked oranges all day. Spent another dollar for grub, is treating us better all the time. Says he can keep one of us all the time and has applied for a job for the other.
Mon. Jan. 9
Improving every day in orange picking, but still couldn't Raining when we got up this morning. Clark had make much picking by the box. Have come to the nothing for us to do, so to accomodate Buzan, the only conclusion that I aint worth a damn can't seem to do white man I've seen in this country, we went to help him anything well. Might possible shovel manure but some scatter lime for (?) (not legible) As a consequence, way or another I don't like that. This bumming around burned our legs and it looks as if I shall be laid up for a has got to be stopped too, as I would soon get so a week week. Buzan doing all he can for us. Fine fellow, has a in one place would be all I should want to stay. Can't heart in him as big as a mule. He thinks it was his fault see any other way of getting around to where I want to and our burns hurt him worse than they do us.
go this summer, but bumming, but I shall have plenty by Tues. 10
Still raining. Nothing doing except the burning of my The boss told me tonight that I could get a steady job leg which is continually busy. Whole front eaten off. teaming of a neighbor, so think he intends to keep Army Army is improving fast.
on the ranch and send me on the "hike" or in other words make a tramp out of me. He may help me get a Raining yet but trying to clear up. Trying to make up job though as he says a fellow wants me to drive team for lost time as it hadn't rained for 10 months before we Got a letter from Ed today. All kinds of surprising Rained all forenoon so didn't try my new job. Army has news. Surely did enjoy reading it.
been hauling oranges.
Jan 1, 1904
Army is working today but I cannot. Hope I can work R. Hughes’ Note:1904 has been written for the date of tomorrow but don't know how leg will be by then.
January 1st. This is obviously a mistake. January 1st, 1904, was on a Friday, Jan 1st, 1905, was Sunday. Clark got two new horses today. They are what are Well the New Year came in without any great called broncos down here. One is 15 years old and the demonstration on my part. Doesn't seem to make any other about 12. Have been working them this afternoon difference whether I am broke or not. The boss came learned lots of things didn't know before about breaking through with another V last night so we went to town horses. The boss wouldn't trust them to me at first so he hitched them to a cultivator and drives them around a Monday Jan 2nd
foot afraid to get on the seat, and as horses are both Got promoted this morning. Boss put me to driving team, beats picking oranges. He evidently thinks he is Dad’s Diary (Continued from pg 6)
quence, engineer turned steam vent on us. Kingman he can't keep up, there by stopping them which causes pretty good place, lots of good mines and at the edge of them to balk again. I advise him to get on the seat and the stock country. Prospects look pretty good from let them go but my advice is not taken. Finally lets me here. Could get work here in mines and lots of teaming, have the team and I cultivate all afternoon without any Wed, March 22
In Hackberry today, cowpuncher supply (?) Came close Still cultivating. Leg is pretty sore and when an orange hits it, there is probably some eloquent language Sheriff corraled an Indian here who had chopped his bro head off for fun. Good sport, I guess.
Boss had to drive my team awhile again this morning Thur March 23
In Siligman today, Nothing doing. Too early for riding. Stay at home today and build a bunk.
Old (?) entertains us. (To be continued January 2012) Got a letter from Mabel. Helps some. Worked half a Marion Morton visited Ennis for the McAllister Reunion this past summer. She now lives in Bothell, WA. When she first joined the MVHA a couple of Commenced plowing this afternoon. Boss drove my years ago. She gave me this story about herself. I have team first few rounds for me. Hasn't much confidence had it tucked away with my WT files waiting for a space in my horsemanship. Would like to see him handle Marion was born in Ennis, Montana. Flying has always been a passion of hers and she was a flight attendant Plowing today. My leg doesn't seem to improve much and later a pilot, for 30 years. Her first husband, Tom, was a Pan Am pilot and navigator on a Boeing Strato- cruiser and they were based in Rio de Janero. He lost his life in the Brazilian Rain forest in 1952. Marion later married a doctor who shared her love of flying, and the Boss put me to cultivating. Easier on my game leg. two always had their own plane, trading older models in Heard from Geo. Laurence today. No encouragement. for a faster, newer one. They flew often, going south in Was very much surprised to receive a letter from Dad. the wintertime or cross-country when ever they chose. Can't imagine what has come over him unless he is Marion says, “It was a great life”.
trying to get me back into the straight and narrow path. Professionally, Marion said she enjoyed her time flying Evidently thinks I am pretty far gone. He could think it for Pan Am in the early 1950’s from Seattle to Alaska as hard as he could and then he would not be able to the most. Their destinations in Alaska were Ketchikan, Juneau, Fairbanks and Nome. They also flew to White- Geo. Laurence was the husband of John Wesley’s horse, Canada. In her travels, she saw the migration of Caribou, the northern lights, the many totem poles of Note: Booklet 1 ends here and booklet 2 continues
Ketchikan, glaciers, waterfalls, and the volcanoes of the Nothing was entered from Jan 20th until Sunday. March 19th. Apparently they worked for Mr. Clark for She had many adventures in her time in the air: being thrown to the ceiling of a galley during turbulence, March 19 Sun
struggling with motion sickness before drugs like Left Clarks with $69 between us. Intend to railroad out Drama-mine were on the market, parachuting, and of Berdoo. Rainy and disagreeable, watchful police and making an emergency landing on Lake Sammanish with "brakey" wears big boots. Lose our nerve and buy her terrified 10 year old daughter, Karen.
tickets to the Needles, $20 all shot to _____.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + March 20, Mon.
Montana TriviaAnswers to Aug. 2011
Traveled all night through desert. Desert all the time, nothing green in spite of all the rain. Am sitting on the
banks of the silvery Colorado at Topock. Can't seem to
feel the romance of the situation as the author of the
"Silvery Colorado" did. He was blind or crazy or he
would have seen that the silvery Colorado is muddier
than the Missouri. Hell of a place for a river. Desert all
sides and not a tree big enough to tie a cayuse to.
Tues. March 21
Arrived in Kingman this morning. Laid around Topock
last night, trying to get out. Got on blind but was
persuaded to get off again. Have bum eye as a conse-
Looking Ahead
Madison Valley History Association, Inc.
Nov. 17, 2011 4:00 pm First Madison Valley Bank
Board of Directors
Nov. 26, 2011 Madison Valley Woman’s Club
Dec 15, 2011 MVHA Christmas Program and Party
Trinity Episcopal Church 4:00 pm. Bring your oldest Jan. 19, 2012 4:00 pm First Madison Valley Bank
Meetings held monthly on the third Thursday of each
month. Watch Madisonian for details of time and place and MVHA Cookbook
It is not to late to get a copy of the MVHA historical Board Meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of each
cookbook. It will be available at the MVHA booth at month 10:00am. First Madison Bank conference room Oct. the Hunter’s Feed on Main Street Ennis on October 21. to April Museum MVHA Office May to Oct.
Also at the MVHA booth at the Madison Valley The Wagon Tongue will be published quarterly. Next issue Woman’s Club Holiday Bazaar on Nov. 26.
You may still order copies for $15 plus $3.00 shipping and handling to MVHA, P. O. Box 474, Ennis, MT Contributing editors: R.R. Robert Hughes Diary of Thomas This book will make a great Christmas gift and great for a Grandmother, Grandfather, mother or father and Brooks DeHoney Born and Raised in Ennis Sterling Part 1 Dr Jeff Safford History Tidbits: Sterling page 243-244 Names on the Face of Montana by Roberta Carkeek Cheney Madison Valley History Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 474Ennis, MT 59729 Printing of this Newsletter was generouslyprovided by the First Madison Valley Bank

Source: http://madisonvalleyhistoryassociation.org/Vol9%20Iss4.pdf


Ultramax Triathlon Smithville, Missouri September 25, 2004 General comments Regardless of how this year’s Ultramax turned out for me, it just wouldn’t mean the same as it did last year. Last year’s Ultramax was my first iron-distance finish, giving me the lifelong right to call myself an “Ironman”. It was also held here at the Lake of the Ozarks, giving me a chance to p


Beware The Urologist Dear Dr. Strum, My name is Patricia xxxxx. I am writing on behalf of/with my husband, Mark who is too weak and is unable to write himself at this time. Included here is a PCa diary of all the information I have.I have obtained a complete copy of his hospital file and so can provide any furtherup info required. Mark had a negative prostate biopsy in Aug 2007. PSA 7.81. Fo

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