Addendum for NURSING 220 B: Pharmacology in Nursing
Schedule or Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide students with a sound
understanding of the pharmacologic properties of drug classes, with special emphasis on the
clinical application of drug therapy through the nursing process and clinical case studies.

Catalog Description:
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a sound
understanding of the pharmacologic properties of drug classes, with special emphasis on the
clinical application of drug therapy through the nursing process and clinical case studies. This
course focuses on the mechanism of action, indications, dosage, and adverse effects of major drug
classes and individual [prototype] drugs. A special emphasis is placed on the nursing
responsibilities and the educational needs of persons receiving medication therapy. For NE 220B
Classifications of medications covered includes: cardiac glycosides, calcium channel blockers,
ace inhibitors, antidysrhythmics, antihypertensives, diuretics, vasodilators, anticoagulants,
thrombolytics and antihyperlipidemics, psychotherapeutics, immunosuppressants &
immunomodulators, chemotherapy agents, anticonvulsants, drugs affecting Parkinson’s
myasthenia gravis, dementia, Alzheimer’s, substances of abuse.
Theoretical Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of therapeutic agents listed under catalog description in terms
of: actions, therapeutic uses, dosage ranges, routes of administration, side effects, adverse
reactions and toxicity, contraindications for use, incompatibilities and interactions (when
2. Collect and interpret significant clinical assessment and apply to the administration of
pharmacological agents in clients prior to drug administration with the emphasis on nursing
3. Identify the pertinent data obtained from the client's health assessment and knowledge of the
planned treatment plan that are used to identify appropriate drug choices.
4. Define high alert drugs and look alike drugs and outline additional safety strategies when
preparing and administering these drugs. Evaluate medication errors as a system based problem,
not just an individual practice problem.
5. Recognize the average dosage range of select high risk medications and identify drugs with
narrow therapeutic ranges, (i.e. Digoxin) and those that require chemistry panels, (i.e. Potassium).
Know when to implement prn (as needed) orders for select medications.
6. Monitor the efficacy of drugs, evaluate the response, provide interventions for side effects, and
implement appropriate action before, during, and after specific drug regimens.
7. Discuss the client's nutrition, culture, ethnicity and socioeconomic statues that may affect
therapeutic outcome of pharmacologic intervention. For example the sharing of antibiotics
among the poor in developing countries has increased multi drug resistance (MDR).
8. Describe the educational needs of clients receiving medications and the name of mediations/s,
frequency/time of doses, correct dosage/s to take, how to take the medication/s give with or
without food, what to do if a dose of a medication is missed, side effect to expect, and adverse
event/s to report to the prescriber.
9. Awareness of the regulatory agencies, legal requirements (i.e. vaccines), standardized
procedures (i.e. laxative of choice) and protocols (i.e. heparin), that impact both the
administration and the documentation of medications.
10. Discuss the pharmaceutical industry's influence, the marketing (Nexium) and the recall of
drugs (Vioxx
NURSING 220 B: Pharmacology in Nursing

Methods of Instruction
: Lecture/PowerPoint Presentations. Discussion of Case Studies.
Focused Small Group In-Class Activities
American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations: Any student seeking ADA
Accommodations (ie.: Braille, large print, electronic text, etc.) under the American with
Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, should contact DSPS within the first
week of the semester so that appropriate accommodations may be arranged. A form for
accommodations must be completed and submitted to the instructor.
Student Behavior: Students should attend class, are expected to arrive on time and to participate
meaningfully in class and complete missed work. No tape recording allowed without permission
of instructor. No audible pagers or cell phones are allowed in classroom & during monitored
Scholastic Dishonesty: Students are expected to be above reproach in all scholastic activities.
Students who engage in scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the
possibility of failure in the course and dismissal from the college. "Scholastic dishonesty includes
but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and submission for credit of any work or
materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for
another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit
such acts."
Text Requirements

Mosby's Pharmacology in Nursing (Hardcover) byPublisher: Mosby; 22ndedition (2006). ISBN-13: 978-0-323-03008-3
Nursing 2009 Drug Handbook, 29th edition. by Springhouse. Publisher: Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, May 16, 2008 ISBN-978-0-7817-9286-8
Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses, Deglin, Judith H. and Vallerand, April H. 11th ed., Publisher:
F.A. Davis Company, ISBN-13-978-0-8036-1912-8
Instructor Information
Harlan Center 209, office hours posted outside door (415) 485-9333, Pager # 721-5771.
Methods of Evaluation: Quizzes and final examination. If the student fails an examination, it is
the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor of record to review the examination during
office hours.

NURSING 220 B: Pharmacology in Nursing
Course Evaluation: The results of unit examinations, class participation and a final examination
will determine the theory grade. Please refer to the recent edition of the College of Marin
Registered Nursing Program Registered Nursing Student Handbook for policies, procedures, and
regulations that students are held accountable to while enrolled in the RN Program. Please
review ones pertaining to Academic Integrity, Grading Regulation, and Attendance Policy that
are entitled: Student Conduct-Board Policy 4.002, Letter from the Program Director Regarding
Cheating, Methods and Tools for Measurement of Student Achievement in Nursing Courses-
Theory Course Evaluation, and Attendance Regulation
The unit examinations and class participation will be worth sixty percent (60%) of the final
course grade; the final examination will comprise forty percent (40%) of the final course grade.
The final course grade must be seventy -two percent (72%) or better to pass this course. Students
who receive a grade lower than a "C" in any nursing course may not progress to the next course
in the COM's RN Program.
Final grades for this course will be determined by the following method:
"The average of all exams in the course must equal 72% or higher for the student to pass this
course." Any points from additional course assignments will not be included into the course's
examination average unless the examination average is at 72% or higher.
The student must contact the instructor(s) in advance of any absence from an examination. After
contacting instructor, student is responsible to contact the Testing center to arrange to take missed
examination/final within one week of the missed examination. Failure to notify the instructor
prior to the beginning of an examination or to make up the missed examination will result in a no
credit (0 points).
Quizzes = 60% of Grade

Final Examination = 40% of grade
Final exam

Plus/Minus Grading Policy

There are no grades of C- per
Educational Code
NURSING 220 B: Pharmacology in Nursing
Course Schedule
Orientation to course, Cardiac glycosides, Ace inhibitors Continuation: Beta blockers, Calcium channel blockers, Vasodilators, Diuretics

Anticoagulants/Thrombolytics, Lipid lowering agents Immunosuppressants & Immunomodulators Neuro: Dementia/Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Neuro: Multiple Sclerosis, CVA, Seizure disorder
Final Review

Cumulative multiple-choice (emphasis on Neuro)


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