Olaf wolkenhauer, phd

J. Barbara Nebe, Dr.
Vice-Chair, Dept. of Cel Biology
Address Center of Medical Research, Dept. of Cel Biology
Medical Faculty, University of Rostock18057 Rostock, GermanyTel./Fax: +49 (0)381 494 7771/7764 Curriculum Vitae
Vice Chair of the Dept. of Cel Biology, Center of Medical Research, Medical Faculty,University of Rostock Habilitation, University of Rostock: Integrin receptors and their importance for cel adhesion and extracel ular matrix-interaction and cel signal ing – clinical aspects Dissertation, University of Rostock: thesis title: Flow cytometric characteristics of epithelial cel s concerning integrin mediated interactions with extracel ular matrix molecules, summa cum laude Dipl.-Ing. agr., University of Rostock: Principle investigations on hol ow fiber coatings with col agen I Laboratory engineer, Center for Bioengineering, University of Rostock Laboratory engineer for veterinary medicine and diagnostics (equivalent to Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Awards and Notable Services
• Member of the Executive Committee of the German Society of Biomaterials, 2008-to date • Equal Opportunity Commissioners, University of Rostock, Medical Faculty, 2008-to date • Organizer Symposium Biomaterials-C „Functionalized Materials for Therapeutic Applications“, THERMEC‘2009 International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Berlin, 2009.
• Co-organizer of the international congress „Interface Biology of Implants“ (IBI) in Rostock- • Organizer lecture „Biosystem-Material-Interaction“ University of Rostock, Interdisciplinary • Co-organizer of the international congress „Interface Biology of Implants“ (IBI) in Rostock- • Co-organizer E-MRS Fal Meeting, Symposium J „Surface Functionalization and activation of biomaterials“, Warschau/Poland, 2006.
• Co-organizer of the international congress „Interface Biology of Implants“ (IBI) in Rostock- • Co-organizer of the congress of the German Society of Cel Biology in Rostock, 1999.
Award: Joachim-Jungius Price of the University of Rostock, awarded 1996.
Reviewer (on inquiry) for Biomaterials, Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Materials, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part: A, International Journal of Materials, Acta Biomaterialia, Advanced Biomaterials, International Journal of Nanomedicine, BIOmaterialien, Materials Science and Engineering Invited speaker (international congresses): -Quebec, Canada 04.08.2011, THERMEC’2011-Tampere, Finnland 09 2011, ESB-Berlin, 28.08.2009, THERMEC’2009-Singapore, 26.06.2009, ICMAT 2009-Warschau, Polen 08.09.2006, E-MRS Fal Meeting 2006-Vancouver, Canada 07 2006, THERMEC’2006-Teneriffa, Spanien 03.08.2005, ICCE-12 DFG Projects
DFG GRK 1505/1 welisa: theme A-4: Analysis of initial adhesion mechanisms in dependence of chemical, topographical and electrical characteristics of implant surfaces2008-to date DFG NE560/7-1, 7-2: Mathematical model ing of cel material interaction2008-to date DFG NE560/3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4: Priority program SPP 322 1100 Interface interactions and Biosystems2000-2006 DFG NE560/5-1, 5-2, 5-5: Adhesion inhibition of lens epithelial cel s to prevent Cataracta secundaria2001-2007 List of 10 most relevant publications
Matschegewski C, Staehlke S, Loeffler R, Lange R, Chai F, Kern D, Beck U, Nebe JB: Cel
architecture―cel function dependencies on titanium arrays with regular geometry.
Biomaterials 31 (2010) 5729-5740.
Kunz F, Bergemann C, Klinkenberg E-D, Weidmann A, Lange R, Beck U, Nebe JB: A novel
modular device for 3-D bone cel culture and non-destructive cel analysis.
Acta Biomater
(2010) DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2010.03.015
Rebl H, Finke B, Rychly J, Schröder K, Nebe JB: Positively charged material surfaces
generated by plasma polymerized al ylamine enhance vinculin mobility in vital human
Advanced Biomat (2010) accepted.
Schröder K, Finke B, Lüthen F, Jesswein H, Ihrke R, Ohl A, Weltmann K.-D., Diener A,
Rychly J, Nebe JB: Similarities between plasma amino functionalized PEEK and titanium
surfaces concerning enhancement of osteoblast cel adhesion.
Journal of Adhesion Science
and Technology JAST 24 (2010) 905–923.
Nebe JB, Mueller L, Luethen F, Ewald A, Bergemann C, Conforto E, Muel er FA: Osteo-
blastic adhesion and function response to biomimetical y altered titanium surfaces.
Biomater 4 (2008) 1985-1995.
Nicula R, Lüthen F, Stir M, Nebe B, Burkel E: Spark plasma sintering synthesis of porous
nanocrystal ine titanium al oys for biomedical applications. Biomol Eng 24/5 (2007) 564-567.
Finke B, Luethen F, Schroeder K, Mueller PD, Bergemann C, Frant M, Ohl A, Nebe JB: The
effect of positively charged plasma polymerization on initial osteoblastic focal adhesion on
titanium surfaces
. Biomaterials 28/30 (2007) 4521-4534.
Lüthen F, Bulnheim U, Mül er P, Rychly J, Jesswein H, Nebe B: Influence of manganese ions
on cel ular behavior of human osteoblasts in vitro.
Biomol Eng 24/5 (2007) 531-536.
Nebe B, Lüthen F, Lange R, Beck U: Interface interactions of osteoblasts with structured
titanium surfaces and their mathematical correlation. Macromol Biosci 7 (2007) 567-578.
[10] Lüthen F, Lange R, Becker P, Rychly J, Beck U, Nebe JB: The influence of surface
roughness of titanium on β1- and β3-integrin adhesion and the organization of fibronectin in human osteoblastic cel s. Biomaterials 26 (2005) 2423-2440. Research Monographs & Textbooks
Nebe JB, Lüthen F: Integrin- and Hyaluronan-mediated cel adhesion on titanium – Hyaluronan-
mediated adhesion
. In: Metal ic Biomaterial Interactions, Eds.: J. Breme, C.J. Kirkpatrick, R. Thul ,
WILEY-VCH, ISBN 978-3-527-31860-5, 2008, p. 179-182.
Briese V, Abarzua S, Richter D-U, Piechulla B, Nebe JB: Molecular and cel biological
investigations to the mode of action of established and potential phytoestrogens for the
development of strategies in the prevention and therapy of cancer.
In: Estrogens: Production,
Functions and Applications, Hrsg. James R. Bartos (Editor). 2009, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.,
New York, ISBN 978-1-60741-086-7. p. 1-53.
Research Summary (main focus)
Cel biological investigations to understand the topographical and chemical influences of the biomaterial surface on cel adhesion structures, cel signal ing, cel growth, intracel ular apoptotic cascades, adhesion receptor expression, cel function (transcription and translation level of proteins), cel differentiation.
Experiences in cross-disciplinary research on the research field of biosystem-material-interaction.

Source: http://www.materials-days.eu/matdays11/Lecturer/CV-Nebe.pdf

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