Chemical biology and bacteria: not simply a matter oflife or deathDeborah T and Eric J Rubin
Chemical biological approaches to understanding bacteria
small molecules as tools to systematically dissect the
have largely been confined to screening for antibiotics. More
pathways involved in these complex phenotypes, culmi-
complex phenotypes, such as virulence, have largely been
nating in the generation of a new name for an old
studied using bacterial genetics. However, it has recently
become clear that these two methods are complementary andthat combining chemical biologic and genetic approaches to
The field of chemical genetics has predominantly fallen
studying bacteria brings new power to old problems.
within the domain of eukaryotic biology, in part for
historical reasons. Some of the earliest demonstrations
1 Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Harvard
of the power of chemical genetics resulted in important
contributions to eukaryotic biology, using both specific
2 Department of Immunology and Infectious Disease, Harvard
natural products as well as small molecules identified in
high-throughput chemical screens. Examples include one
Division of Infectious Disease, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA
of the earliest applications of chemical biology, using
colchicine to identify tubulin as well as more recentexamples. These include natural products FK506, cyclos-porine and rapamycin, which have helped to elucidate
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2006, 10:321–326
immune signaling pathways [], and monasterol [] and
blebbistatin found in high-throughput screens, which
have helped to elucidate steps in mitosis and cytokinesis
Edited by Clifton E Barry III and Alex Matter
By contrast, in prokaryotic systems, much of chemical
biology has been relegated to the arena of antibioticdevelopment, a life or death phenotype.
1367-5931/$ – see front matter# 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Chemical genetics has also been particularly applicable in
eukaryotic systems because, until recently, targetedgenetic methods have been largely lacking. In contrast,prokaryotic systems have a rich tradition of classical and
molecular genetics with diverse phenotypes often easily
The concept of chemical biology is old, dating back
generated through manipulation at the genetic level.
billions of years. Nature has long exploited the ability
Despite the power of classical bacterial genetics however,
of small organic molecules to regulate cellular processes.
we would argue that chemical approaches can be extre-
From steroids acting as hormones in eukaryotic systems
mely valuable in the study of diverse and complex bac-
to quorum sensing molecules in prokaryotic commu-
terial processes. In fact, the potential for chemical genetic
nities these small-molecule effectors enter the cell
to complement classical genetics (and genomics) may
and modulate gene and protein expression and function.
well make prokaryotic biology an optimal domain forsmall-molecule approaches ().
This same phenomenon has also been artificiallyexploited by modern medicine with the recognition that
small molecules can be used to control cell phenotypes
Chemical genetics generally refers to the use of small
that impact human disease. With the first use of nitrogen
molecules to conditionally perturb gene function, result-
mustards as anti-neoplastic, alkylating agents in 1942 and
ing in the generation of phenotypic changes In con-
Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin as an anti-
trast to classical genetics where manipulation occurs at
biotic in 1928 came the recognition that the phenotype of
the DNA level, small molecules more typically modulate
cell death can be conditionally generated by small mole-
protein function by inducing conformational changes or
competing for naturally occurring protein–ligand or pro-tein–protein interaction sites, resulting in altered activity
As our understanding of cell biology in both eukaryotes
). Although previously the repertoire of small
and prokaryotes has grown more sophisticated, we have
molecules that were known to function in this manner was
come to realize that a multitude of phenotypes exist that
relatively small, the advent of high-throughput screening
are far more subtle than simply alive or dead. The past
of large chemical libraries has provided a new opportunity
decade has seen a marked acceleration of interest in using
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2006, 10:321–326
Comparison of classical and chemical genetics
Slow (except for conditionally stable proteins)
Useful for studying proteins essential for in vitro survival
By analogy to classical genetics, both forward and reverse
expensive and more robust, having been performed in
genetic strategies may be employed in high-throughput
diverse organisms including Yersinia, Vibrio cholerae, Sta-
chemical screens to find small molecules of interest
phylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli [].
(). In the reverse approach, small-moleculelibraries are screened against purified protein targets.
In addition, the marriage of chemical and classical genet-
Interesting small-molecule candidates can then be used
ics in many bacterial systems can facilitate understanding
to study mechanistic aspects of the protein or potentially
of the mechanism of action of the small molecule. An
to generate phenotypes related to that particular protein
example of this is the use of classical genetics to under-
target if it is sufficiently cell-permeable and potent. In
stand the mechanisms of new vancomycin analogues by
this approach, there is relatively little distinction between
generating resistant mutants ]. This example shows
eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems [].
that generation of random or transposon mutants, orcomplementation with cosmid or expression libraries to
In contrast, a forward approach screens for phenotypes of
generate resistance to a given small molecule are easily
interest. The challenge, then, is to identify the protein
attainable goals with the help of conventional genetics.
targets of the small-molecule candidates as a means of
The inherently smaller size of bacterial genomes relative
identifying regulators of a given phenotype. It is in this
to eukaryotic ones (specifically, mammalian genomes)
type of approach that the opportunities in eukaryotic and
also allows straightforward systematic approaches to iden-
tifying and understanding cellular targets of small mole-cules (For example, arrayed libraries of bacteria
that knock-out knock down ] or overexpress
There are several reasons why bacteria are well suited for
every opening reading frame (ORF) can be used to assay
chemical genetic approaches. The design of phenotypic
compounds and quickly determine their effects. In eukar-
screens in bacteria is typically easier and the assays less
yotes, however, such systems are far more difficult to use
Genetic approach to obtaining conditional phenotypes.
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2006, 10:321–326
Chemical biology and bacteria: not simply a matter of life or death Hung and Rubin
proteins whose function is lost at high temperature. Suchmutants may be problematic as they grow only underrestricted conditions that can result in numerous unre-lated changes to the cell, and the mutant proteins oftenlack full activity under permissive conditions. Moreimportantly, temperature-sensitive mutants can only beisolated by a relatively laborious process that is onlysuccessful for about a third of known essential genes [
The limitation of these types of traditional mutants is thatthey are not truly conditional. One cannot turn the geneproducts on and off at will on a short time scale, in atunable manner that is also reversible. This limitation hasseveral implications. Essential genes are difficult to studybecause it is difficult to isolate mutations that result inlethality. Generation of mutations on the DNA leveloften results in compensatory changes such as up-regula-
Forward and reverse approaches to using chemical genetics.
tion of other related genes that confound or distort thephenotype related to the single gene.
and, thus far, are limited to a small number of species].
Enter chemical genetics, a method that targets proteinson a rapid time scale with the addition of the small
molecule, and in a reversible manner with washout of
the small molecule, and can be fine-tuned to inhibit one
Traditional bacterial genetics provides two distinct sets of
but not another domain of a given protein. This approach
tools: mutations that alter a gene product’s function, and
is particularly useful in the study of bacteria for several
mutations that affect the amount of a gene product.
reasons. It allows the study of wild-type bacteria that
Mutations that alter function (i.e., point mutations) can
have no deleterious mutations. Small molecules can be
result in loss or gain of function or, in the case of enzymes,
used to cause immediate changes in function, an attrac-
changes in Kd, kcat, or substrate specificity.
tive feature in circumstances where protein or RNA half-lives are prolonged (for example, in non-dividing bacteria
Mutations that affect the amount of a gene product fall
such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Lastly, small mole-
into two classes: those that affect RNA abundance and
cules can be used to ‘conditionally’ probe the functions of
translation, and those that affect protein stability. In many
pathogens during infection within the context of the host, or
bacterial systems, genetic techniques exist to make dele-
of bacteria as they interact in complex communities in
tions in genes, either in a directed fashion or randomly
their natural ecological niche. Examples show how small
through transposon mutagenesis. In what is essentially a
molecules can be used to study the in vivo requirements
chemical genetics approach, regulated promoters can be
for quorum sensing in an S. aureus abscess model []
used to inducibly express genes at different levels ].
and for virulence regulators in a V. cholerae intestinal
It is far more difficult to reliably construct proteins that
colonization model []. With the increasing recogni-
are conditionally stable. Most such mutations result in
tion of the limitations of studying bacteria in vitro outsideof the context of their natural environment, the devel-opment of tools to study bacteria in their natural envir-
onment will be vital to the next phase of microbiologicaldiscovery.
While the marriage between chemical genetics and pro-
karyotic biology holds great potential, several challenges
must be met to make these approaches widely applicable.
These challenges include systematic methods for identi-
fying protein targets, specificity and potency of small
molecule inhibitors, and development of appropriate
chemical libraries suited for prokaryotic systems.
Target identification is a major challenge in forward
genetic, phenotypic screens. While target identification
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2006, 10:321–326
is not always critical, it is often important for further work.
products or ‘natural product-like’, with the fluoroquino-
Methods identifying targets have been previously
lones and linezolid as the marked synthetic exceptions.
reviewed [and include total sequencing of resistantmutants in M. tuberculosis ], transposon mutagenesis
Is nature trying to teach us something? Unlike humans
[in suppressor and enhancer screens, and affinity-
who are perhaps the accidental tourist in the biosphere,
based assays such as three-hybrid systems [],
bacteria have existed millions of years in the environ-
changes in 2-D electrophoretic mobility ], affinity
ment, co-evolving with other organisms that produce
purification ], and biotinylation with or without cross-
antibacterial, natural products (for example, Streptomyces
linking []. The rapidly expanding repertoire of genomic
strains, marine organisms, plants, fungi, and other bac-
and proteomic tools is likely to have a significant impact
teria [This evolution of natural products most
on target identification, with the ability to match gene
certainly did not occur in the setting of selection pressure
expression patterns ] or assay direct binding in protein
from humans, but more likely from bacteria. In the words
chips ]. However, even in the absence of direct target
of Samuel Danishefsky, ‘‘There are major teachings in
identification, small-molecule candidates can serve as
these natural products that we would do well to consider.
tools to understand biology through indirect means.
They may be reflecting eons of wisdom and refinement’’
For example, because they cause conditional blocks,
other regulators of phenotype can be identified by geneticsuppressor or enhancer screens, even in the absence of
Because of the co-evolution of natural products with
specific target identification. In the case of brefeldin, the
bacterial targets, even more than eukaryotic ones, natural
compound was used to study protein secretion long
product or ‘natural product-like’ libraries may be optimal
before its actual target was identified ].
for screening bacterial systems. Such libraries can beconstructed using strategies such as diversity-oriented
Compounds that are used as drugs must generally be
synthesis (DOS) ]. Whether these DOS libraries are
specific and highly avid. However, even agents with less
generated based on a natural product scaffold [or
than optimal properties can be quite useful experimen-
generating some configuration of ‘natural product-like’
tally. Many probes and ‘proof of concept’ inhibitors can be
elements ], or a hybrid of the two [these libraries
used to preliminarily define phenotypes and validate
will probably be critical to the success of the marriage of
targets without having a high binding affinity ].
chemical genetics and prokaryotic biology.
These can then serve as starting points for further experi-ments and, possibly, chemical optimization.
ConclusionIn the end, does chemical genetics have any relevance to
The last major challenge is that existing compound
therapeutics and drug development? Is it merely an
libraries are not ideally suited for use in bacterial chemical
academic exercise that, at best, generates powerful tools
genetic screens. Much debate exists over the two types of
for biological investigation and, at worst, results in a
libraries that currently exist: ‘drug-like’ and ‘natural pro-
collection of ‘hits’ relegated to some shelf in a laboratory?
duct-like’ libraries. Which is better for screening prokar-
We believe that one of the great strengths of chemical
yotic systems? Large commercial compound libraries are
genetics is exactly that it is based on small molecules and
available that have been generated to fit a set of physi-
thus a step closer to drug development than alternative
cochemical criteria that describe existing drugs, creating a
genetic approaches. This does not imply that every hit
set of ‘drug-like’ molecules [The difficulty with these
obtained in such chemical screens is a candidate drug.
collections in application to bacteria is twofold. First,
Though all hits have the potential to be so, it would be
although libraries contain enormous numbers of com-
naı¨ve to have such expectations. Instead, we would argue
pounds, many of these chemicals were originally synthe-
that every hit can serve another important function.
sized with specific targets in mind (typically eukaryoticenzymes), and they are therefore biased toward a small
Much effort is currently invested in identifying essential
number of enzymes, such as protein kinase inhibitors.
genes in bacteria using classical genetics and genomics.
Thus, these libraries actually have limited diversity.
These genes are then designated as ‘potential drug tar-gets’, without any true sense of how ‘drug-targetable’
Secondly, current compound libraries consist largely of
they are. Although essential gene products may appear to
chemicals that have ‘drug-like properties’ as defined for
be good targets, partial inhibition by a compound may not
eukaryotic systems [In contrast, most known anti-
result in death. In addition, the function of a putative
biotics violate these properties, with higher molecular
target might overlap enough with that of another protein
weights, greater rigidity and fewer degrees of freedom,
so that inhibition might produce little or no phenotypic
more stereogenic centers, larger or more complex ring
change. The not infrequent failure of candidates identi-
scaffolds, fewer nitrogen, sulfur and halogen atoms with
fied in reverse chemical genetic screens (which target a
more oxygen atoms, and more hydrogen bonding ele-
preselected gene product) to generate the desired phe-
ments [In fact, most current antibiotics are natural
notype is testament to the dangers of such an approach,
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2006, 10:321–326
Chemical biology and bacteria: not simply a matter of life or death Hung and Rubin
exacerbated by the uncertainty of the cell-permeability of
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Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2006, 10:321–326
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