2010-2011 Dille Fund For Excellence Grant Recipients

The Grant committee received 22 proposals requesting a total of $36,049.85 and was able to award only $6,000,
supporting 14 projects. This year’s committee members included: Teri Walseth (Dean of Education & Human
Services), Joan Justesen (Vice President Alumni Foundation), Brittney Goodman (Associate Vice President for
Instructional Resources and Dean of Distance Learning), and Evelyn Quigley (President, Alumni Foundation
Board of Directors).
Applicant(s): Anna Arnar & Björn Anderson
Department: Art & Design Art & Design
Searchable Digital Image Archive for MSUM Community
Applicant(s): Jamie Holding Eagle (Student)
Department: Biology
Incorporating Issues of Inclusive Science into the biology curriculum
Applicant(s): Michelle Lakner (Student)
Department: Biosciences
Engaging Junior High School Students in Interdisciplinary Scientific Discovery
Applicant(s): Rebecca L. Andres
Department: Biosciences
Population Genetics of Tall Grass Prairie Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)
Applicant(s): Sandra M. Pearce
Department: English
Midwest Regional--American Conference of Irish Studies (ACIS)
Applicant(s): Stephen Hamrick
Department: English
Northern Plains Conference on Early British Literature MSUM Student Panel
Applicant(s): Susan Imbarrato
Department: English
Designing and Producing an Academic Conference Program, Name Tags, and Website for the Society of Early Americanists' Seventh Biennial Conference
Applicant(s): Nataussja Gunasena & Kandace Creel Falcón
Department: English & Women's Studies Women's Studies & AMCS
Interrogating Intersections: Personal Narratives on Home and Community, a Series of Writing Workshops, Public Performances, and Cultural Productions Applicant(s): Travis Dolence
Department: Library

Applicant(s): Robin Allebach
Department: Music

Applicant(s): Nandita Bezbaruah &
Department: Nursing and Health care Leadership Nursing and Healthcare Leadership

Applicant(s): A. Derick Dalhouse
Department: Psychology
Effects of Simvastatin on Blood Pressure and Membrane Permeability of Red Blood cell and Cardic cells in Rats

Applicant(s): Kelsey Johnson (Student)
Department: Psychology
Virtual Sexual Aggression: Real Life Correlates of BDSM and Rape Simulations in Second Life
Applicant(s): Steve Grineski
Department: School for Teaching and Learning
"We were pretty darn good": A social history of the preparation of rural school teachers, 1900s to 1950s.



SINGULAIR The FDA recently issued a report that a possible link between suicide and suicidal thoughts and Singulair is being studied further. The FDA is also studying similar links with suicidal tendencies and medications used for epilepsy, attention deficit disorders, and antidepressants. Below are some facts and recommendations about Singulair that I hope you will find useful. Please fe


Bullock, Community Leaders Announce Creation of Montana Mental Health Trust M O N T A N A D E P A R T M E N T O F J U S T I C E · A T T O R N E Y G E N E R A L S T E V E B U L L O C K ATTORNEY GENERAL STEVE BULLOCK STATE OF MONTANA FOR RELEASE: February 25, 2010 CONTACT: Kevin O'Brien, 444-0582 or Judy Beck, 444-5774 Bullock, Community Leaders Announce Creation of Montana Mental H

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