If you want to take advantage of the $1,350 home
Want another reason to renovate now? It pays to
renovation tax credit, you’ll need to get that renovation
renovate. The right improvements will boost the value
done before February 1, 2010. So if it’s time for a new
of your home. So you’re building on your biggest
roof, new flooring, or a fresh new recreation room…
investment – while you enjoy your improvements every
day. Before you choose a renovation project, then, it’sworthwhile to consider what the impact will be on
Here’s the detail. For renovations done between January
the appraised value of your home – in case you ever
28, 2009 and February 1, 2010, you’re eligible to
want to sell. The Appraisal Institute of Canada
claim a 15% credit against your renovation expenses
(www.aicanada.ca) has a good idea on which renovation
after the first $1,000. The maximum tax credit is
projects can maximize the value of your home – and
$1,350, which represents $9,000 worth of reno -
which ones just don’t pay, financially.
vations, and comes directly off your taxes owing. A wide range of renovation expenses qualifies for the
To check on the estimated payback, visit the RENOVA
credit; go to the Canada Revenue Agency web site at
section of the Appraisal Institute’s website (click on
www.cra.gc.ca where there is a list of eligible expenses.
Client Resources Centre), which has an interactive web-based guide to the value of home improvements.
If your renovation project includes some energy-saving
RENOVA is designed to give you a better idea of the
home improvements, you may also be able to tap into
return on investment you can expect for a variety of
grant money under the ecoENERGY retrofit and other
home improvements. You simply input the amount you
government and local programs. You may therefore be
plan to spend on one of the 25 listed renovation types,
able to benefit from both of these incentive programs
and you’ll receive an estimate of the effect this home
improvement project may have on the value or resale
But what about the upfront financing for larger
of your home. Even if you are renovating for personal
projects? If you’ve built some equity in your home,
reasons only – to improve the livability of your home –
you may be able to unlock the financing you need for
it just makes good sense to understand how that
those projects. Assuming your current mortgage is
investment might payback in the value of your home.
$150,000, here’s an example of how you can roll your
In today’s great interest rate environment, homeowners
renovation cost into your mortgage and have one, easy
aren’t renovating just because they want to… but
monthly payment. You can then use your prepayment
also because they can. Many are taking advantage of
privileges to pay your renovation project off faster.
the Home Renovation Tax Credit, and incredibly low mortgage rates to refinance their mortgages,
potentially saving thousands of dollars, while extracting
some of that equity for a renovation project or two.
If you’re interested in renovating, a great place to
begin is with a call to your mortgage planner. *Assumes 4.25% 5-year rate, 25-year amortization. OAC
Corporate office: 6505A Mississauga Rd., Mississauga, ON L5N 1A6
Copyright 2009, Mortgage Architects, all rights reserved.
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