MAHARASHTRA STATE ROAD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. Bandhkam Bhavan, Adalat Road, Aurangabad. Tel: 0240-2349830, Fax: 2349501. INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
Sealed offers in the, percentage rate form are invited by the M.S.R.D.C. (Ltd.), Mumbai for carrying out work of “Construction Link Road between Paithan Road to Nagar Road- Road reach Ch. 0 m. to 4041 m. including Bridge at Ch. 3270 m. to Ch.3340 m.”.
1. Name of Project
Construction Link Road between Paithan Road to Nagar Road Road reach Ch. 0 m. to 4041 m. including Bridge at Ch. 3270 m. to Ch.3340 m.
Cost of Project as estimated by the M.S.R.D.C. (Ltd.) Time limit for completion of Bid Security Bid Validity Sale of Blank Bid Form
From 22.02.2012 to 17.03.2012 on all working days at Chief Engineer, MSRDC (Ltd), Bandhkam Bhavan, Adalat Road, Aurangabad.
Cost of Blank Form
DD of Rs. 30000/- (Rs. Thirty thousand only) in favour of MSRDC (Ltd) Mumbai payable at Mumbai.
Submission of completed Bid
Upto 22.03.2012 hours on 15.00 at Aurangabad
Engineer M.S.R.D.C. Bandhkam Aurangabad. Tel. No. 0240-2349502 Pre-bid Conference
On 07.03.2012 at 16.00 hours, in the office of Chief Engineer M.S.R.D.C. (Ltd.), Bandhkam
Date, time and Place of Opening :
1st Envelope will be opened at 16.00 hours
on 22.03.2012 if possible at Aurangabad in the
Engineer M.S.R.D.C. (Ltd.), Bandhkam Bhavan, Adalat Road Aurangabad. Tel. No. 02402349502
i) Right to revise or amend the bid documents fully or partly, prior to the date
notified for submission of offer is reserved. Omissions, errors, deviations and / or amendments to Bid document if any, shall be communicated in the form of corrigendum or by common sets of deviation or by letters as may be considered suitable.
ii) M.S.R.D.C. (Ltd) reserves right to accept or reject any bid or all bids without
iii) The certificate in support of works/experience shall be certified from the
officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer of the concerned department or equivalent officer.
iv) All documents should be duly attested by competent authority.
Qualification Criteria 1.
The bidder possess a valid Registration Certificate, Certificate of working Contractor with PWD/MSRDC/Railways/RITES/IRCON and other Government Department in appropriate class.
The bidder should have achieved a minimum annual financial turnover of Rs. 3850 Lakhs in any one year of the last five financial years. (Note : A weightage of 10% compounded annually shall be given for equating the financial turnover of the year, previous year to the current year).
The bidder should have successfully completed in his own name at least one work of similar nature costing 2168 Lacks including atleast one bridge work of minimum 60 mts. Length during the last five years prior to the date of submission
Other qualification criteria as per criteria prescribed in the bid documents.
Address for Correspondence
The Chief Engineer Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (Ltd), Bandhkam Bhavan, Adalat Road, Aurangabad. E-mail Fax-02402349501 Telephone No-02402349502
Chief Engineer, M.S.R.D.C. (Ltd.) Camp Office, Aurangabad
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Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006; 41: 131 Á/137Laryngeal examination is superior to endoscopy in the diagnosis ofthe laryngopharyngeal form of gastroesophageal reflux diseaseLAIMAS JONAITIS1, RUTA PRIBUISIENE2, LIMAS KUPCINSKAS1 &VIRGILIJUS ULOZA21Department of Gastroenterology, Kaunas University of Medicine, Kaunas, Lithuania, and 2Department of Otolaryngology,Kaunas Univers