Microsoft word - the respondents of the study were 100 postpartum mothers selected through purposive sampling-bookfold.doc

This study looked into the social support and maternal outcomes of postpartum mothers with unplanned adverse birth events. Specifically it identified: 1) the respondents’ profile as to age, parity, educational attainment, prenatal care and adverse effects; 2) level of social support received by the respondents from the husband, family and friends and health team; 3) the extent of maternal outcomes as to maternal mood, functional status and infant care of the respondents; 4) the significant difference on the respondents’ maternal outcomes when they are grouped according to their profile; and 5) the significant relationship between respondents’ level of social support received an The respondents of the study were 100 postpartum mothers selected through purposive sampling. The study was conducted in the Obstetrics Ward of Mayor Hilarion A. Ramiro Sr. Regional Training an Teaching Hospital and Misamis Occidental Provincial Hospital. The study period was from September to October 2008. To gather pertinent data and information a researcher-made questionnaire was used. The frequency and percentage, average weighted value and chi-square were used Findings
3. The teachers should be required by their school heads to render the teaching of MSEP as defined in the Basic Education Curriculum and to closely monitor and This study revealed several significant findings: Majority of the respondents belonged to age bracket of 20 to 30 years 4. The integration of three subject areas in one may be too heavy for the teachers old college level, had their first delivery and prenatal care. and the pupils. It is recommended that only two subjects are combined, probably music The respondents’ level of social support received from the husband, and arts and then teach PE as a separate subject. family and friends, and the health team is perceived as moderately high. 5. Future researchers in the area of MSEP may also explore the pupils’ attitudes The respondents’ extent of maternal outcomes as to maternal mood, in the use of Filipino as medium of instruction. functional status is perceived as fair while their infant care is perceived as good. 6. The Department of Education should collaborate with the Commission on There is no significant difference on the extent of maternal outcomes Higher Education in instituting a policy for Teacher Education Institutions to of the respondents when they are grouped according to their profile. incorporate strategies in teaching MSEP in the professional subjects. There is no significant relationship between the level of social support 7. The schools should provide facilities for effective teaching of Musika, Sining Conclusions
From the facts gathered, the subsequent conclusions are inferred: Most of the respondents belonged to age bracket of 20 to 30 years old; college level; had their first delivery and prenatal care; and have given birth through 5. The professional qualities of the teachers significantly influenced the The level of social support received by the respondents as perceived by competencies of the pupils in Musika, in Sining and in Edukasyong Pagpapalakas sa the respondents is perceived as moderately high. The extent of maternal outcomes as to maternal mood and functional 6. The competencies of the teachers in teaching MSEP significantly influenced status is interpreted as fair while the respondents’ infant care is perceived as good. The age, parity, educational attainment, prenatal care and adverse 7. The attitudes of teachers in the use of Filipino as medium of instruction in effects of the respondents does not affect their extent of maternal outcomes. teaching MSEP significantly influenced the competencies of pupils. The respondents’ extent of maternal outcomes is not associated with Recommendations
From the findings and conclusions of the study, several recommendations are The following recommendations are presented by the researcher based upon 1. The Department of Education should stress the importance of MSEP like all the other subjects in the basic curriculum by equipping the teachers with the necessary The husband of the postpartum mother should give their all-out support competencies. This is done through a strong program of in-service trainings for all the and assistance during and after the delivery as to help their wife cope with postpartum 2. The school heads should adopt in their schools the strategy of team-teaching in The family of the postpartum mother should assist the mothers in MSEP, especially in Musika. Those who have musical talents will handle the music performing their activities of daily living of their postpartum family member. Family and friends should also be supportive to the mother during the entire phase of childbearing period. These support persons much also be taught how they can help or offer support during childbearing period such as being coach and 6. There was a significant relationship between the pupils’ competencies in Musika, Sining, at Edukasyong Pagpapalakas sa Katawan and the professional Expectant mothers should religiously adhere to prenatal rules as to prevent any further complications both to the mother and the baby during labor and 7. There was a significant relationship between the competencies of pupils in MSEP and the competencies of teachers in the teaching of MSEP. The Community Health Office in teamwork with the Barangay Health 8. There was a significant relationship between the competencies of pupils in Centers’ workers should conduct teaching on the importance of the support a mother MSEP and the attitudes of teachers in the use of Filipino as medium of instruction in receives from her family and friends and what specific help can this support person provide to the mother. This may include teaching breathing exercises or coaching the Conclusions
In the light of the findings on this study, the following conclusions were drawn: Nursing students having duty in the community must also be able to provide teaching not just to the mother but also to the husband and support person and 1. The teachers in the study have the required educational qualifications to teach, the means which they can assist the mother such as planning for the mothers diet, but they lack the prerequisite field of specialization to teach MSEP. accompanying her during exercises and prenatal check-up. 2. The teachers also lack the in-service trainings that would compensate for the OB Ward must also be able to assess thoroughly a woman on labor to lack of specialization in their pre-service training. be able to know her progress and complications that may arise during labor that 3. The school heads concurred with the perceptions of the teachers that they are warrants a need for caesarean section. Nursing students having duty in the community competent in the teaching of music, art, and physical education. must also be properly skilled in their prenatal assessment to be able to determine high 4. As to the teachers’ attitudes in the use of Filipino as medium are with risk pregnant mothers which make them candidates for caesarean section. conditions of more trainings in teaching the subject in Filipino. Most of the teachers have not participated in in-service A more in-depth research that involves larger population of postpartum trainings for MSEP. The in-service trainings participated in by the teachers were mostly in the division level and mostly on separate PUPILS’ LEVEL OF LEARNING IN THE BASIC MATHEMATICS
subjects of music, art, and physical education. CONCEPTS FOR PRIMARY GRADES
2. On the Competencies of Teachers in the Teaching of Each Content Area in This study attempted to determine the learning of the pupils in basic The teachers were rated “competent” in teaching Musika by mathematics. Specifically, the study endeavoured to discuss the following topics: 1) both the school heads and the teachers themselves. profile of the pupils in terms of occupation of fathers, occupation of mothers and Both the school heads and the teachers themselves rated their performance in English; 2) level of pupils’ achievement learning and retention-capacity competencies in teaching art as “competent”. learning in basic mathematics; and 3) significant difference in the level of pupils’ Both the school heads and the teachers themselves rated their learning in basic mathematics when they are grouped according to profile. teaching of Edukasyong Pagpapalakas sa Katawan as “competent”. The method of research used in this undertaking was the descriptive survey 3. The teachers’ attitudes on the use of Filipino as a medium of instruction in the design. The respondents were the Grades I to IV pupils in the elementary department of teaching of Filipino was described as “Agree”. Misamis University, Ozamiz City during the school year 2008-2009. The retention test 4. The pupils were less competent in Musika; fairly competent in Art or Sining and documentary analysis of the pupils’ records of scores for English and basic and competent in Edukasyong Pagpapalakas sa Katawan. mathematics examinations were used as sources of data. 5. There was a significant difference in the perceptions of the school heads and The gathered data were treated with the use of frequency and percentage for the the teachers on the competencies of teachers in the teaching of Musika, Sining at distribution of the respondents. The tests of hypotheses were done using the chi-square Findings
relationship between the competencies of pupils and the attitudes of teachers in the use Results of the analyses indicated the following findings: of Filipino as medium of instruction in teaching MSEP. As to the pupils’ profile, a number of the fathers of the pupils are The descriptive survey method was utilized in the conduct of the study. The private employees, self-employed and businessmen, overseas workers, seamen respondents were the fifty school heads in the division of Ozamiz City, fifty-three teachers teaching MSEP and eight hundred grade VI pupils in the entire division. The As to the pupils’ mothers, a considerable number are housewives, pupils constituted thirty percent of the total number of pupils. The researcher-made private employees, businesswomen, and nurses. questionnaire was utilized in gathering the data needed in this study. The data were As to the performance of the pupils in English, majority of the Grade I subjected to statistical treatment using frequency, percentage, average weighted values, pupils have very high level of performance. For Grade II pupils, the biggest number in the distribution is on the high level of performance and about 30 Findings
percent were on the average level of performance. For the Grade III pupils, the biggest number in the distribution is on The percent investigation resulted in the following salient findings: the very high level of performance. For the Grade IV pupils, it is sad to note 1. On the Professional Qualities of Teachers Handling MSEP that several of them got only average and low performance, respectively. Most of the teachers who participated in the study have earned As to performance in Basic Mathematics for achievement in learning, majority of the Grade I pupils have very high level of performance. For Grade About 25 percent of the teachers are majors of Music, Arts and II pupils, the distribution is equally spread from low, average, high and very PE, 11 percent with separate fields of specialization. About 31 percent high with about 20 percent per category. Majority of the teachers have teaching experience from one to PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES AND COMPETENCIES OF TEACHERS AND
For Grade III pupils, the biggest number in the distribution of 42 PERFORMANCE OF GRADE VI PUPILS IN MUSIKA, SINING AT
percent are both very high and high levels or for a total of 84 percent for both For the Grade IV pupils, it is sad to note again that the biggest number The purpose of the study was to identify the professional qualities and in the distribution is about 42 percent and 28 percent are for the low and competencies of teachers handling the MSEP subject in relation to the competencies of grade IV pupils in the subject in the Division of Ozamiz City for the school year 2010- As to the retention-capacity learning for basic Mathematics, for the Grade I pupils, 48 percent scored very high, while 29 percent scored high. As The study also sought answers to the 1) professional qualities of teachers to the Grade II pupils, most of them had high. As to the Grade II pupils, most handling MSEP in the aspects of educational qualifications, major field of of them had high and average levels of performance. specialization, years in teaching MSEP and in-service trainings attended; 2) For the Grade III pupils, the majority of the pupils had high level of competencies of teachers in the teaching of each content area in MSEP as perceived by learning. The retention-capacity level of the Grade IV pupils was considered the school heads and the teachers themselves; 3) attitudes of teachers in the use of Filipino as medium of instruction in teaching MSEP; 4) competencies of the grade VI Conclusions
pupils in MSEP; 5) significant difference in the perceptions of the school heads and the The following conclusions were drawn from the findings of the study: teachers on the competencies of teachers in teaching each content area in MSEP; 6) 1. Analysis revealed that there is no significant difference on the Grade I, II, III, significant relationship between the competencies of grade VI pupils in MSEP and the and IV pupils’ level of learning as to achievement learning when they were grouped professional qualities of teachers; 7) significant relationship between the competencies of pupils and the competencies of teachers in teaching MSEP; and 8) significant 2. There are significant differences on the Grade I to IV pupils’ level of learning Recommendations
as to achievement learning when they were grouped according to occupation of the As an outcome of this investigation, the following recommendations are 3. Analysis revealed that there are significant differences of the Grades I, II, and 1. The school heads should emphasize among the teachers that in the performance III pupils’ level of learning as to achievement learning when they were grouped of their roles as teachers, they should uphold the rights of children as described in a according to their English performance. However, there is no significant difference on the Grade IV pupils’ level of learning as to achievement learning when they were 2. The Department of Education should conduct monitoring and evaluation of grouped according to English performance. schools to check on the extent of implementation of the standards for child-friendly 4. Analysis revealed that there is no significant difference on the Grade I to IV pupils’ level of learning as to retention-capacity learning when they were grouped 3. The school heads should indicate or include in their School Improvement Plan the goals of child-friendly schools and see that these are implemented. 5. There are no significant differences on the Grades I, II, III and IV pupils’ level 4. Schools should conduct a yearly assessment to see if there is improvement in of learning as to retention-capacity learning when they were grouped according to the the performance of the schools toward becoming a child-friendly school or becoming 6. There are significant differences on the Grades I, II, III and IV pupils’ level of learning as to retention-capacity learning when they were grouped according to their Conclusions
The findings of this study resulted in several conclusions: The following recommendations were formulated by the researcher: 1. As it is found in this study that majority of the primary grade pupils in Misamis 1. The teachers have candidly expressed in their responses that they still need to University performed high to very high in Basic Mathematics, the research should still continually improve their roles as teachers since there is a big room for improvement. exert effort to enhance the learning capacity of those on the average and low to very 2. The school heads have high regard on the manner the teachers accomplish their roles by giving them a rating of outstanding. 2. Teachers should undertake improvement on their methodologies that would 3. The school heads and the teachers were unanimous in rating the level of school enhance the retention-capacity learning of primary grade pupils. effectiveness with pupils as effective which means that there is a need to address other 3. The language teachers should also look into the performance of their pupils in aspects of the function of schools to make them more child-friendly in characteristics. English. They should maximize giving their pupils opportunities to learn English. 4. The school heads and the teachers differ significantly in their views regarding Exposures in terms of reading materials and learning exercises should be prioritized by the level of achieving school effectiveness with the pupils; the school heads giving a the teachers to enrich their pupils’ performance in the subject. higher perception while the teachers with a lower perception. 4. The department heads in English and Mathematics should encourage their 5. When the teachers perform or accomplish their roles in planning, managing, teachers to make innovations in their teaching strategies and instructional processes to facilitating, instructing, observing and evaluating, they did not put so much focus on improve the performance of their pupils in English and mathematics. accomplishing or achieving the goals of a child-friendly school. 5. The primary grade pupils should exert extra efforts in improving themselves in 6. The responses of the teachers and even the school heads showed that they are their performance not only in English and Mathematics but as well as in the other core not very particular in implementing the specific provisions of child-friendly schools. areas in the basic education curriculum. DETERMENANTS OF HEALTH-SEEKING BEHAVIOR AMONG THE
completion, raising teachers’ morale and motivation, and in mobilizing BENEFICIARIES OF THE RAIN AND SUN PROGRAM
6.9 There is no significant relationship between the role of teachers on observing and the school effectiveness with pupils in encouraging participation This study looked into the determinants of health-seeking behaviour among the in school and community and in ensuring children’s high academic beneficiaries of the RAIN and SUN program of the paramedical courses of Misamis 6.10 There is a significant relationship between the role of teachers in observing and school effectiveness with pupils in enhancing health and well- Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: 1) What is the being, guaranteeing safe and protective spaces for children, encouraging respondents’ profile in terms of age, occupation, monthly income, educational enrolment and completion, raising teachers’ morale and motivation, and in attainment and religion?; 2) What is the respondents’ health beliefs as to causes of illness and health promotion practices?; 3) Is there a significant difference on the 6.11 There is no significant relationship between the role of teachers in respondents’ health beliefs when grouped according to their profile?; 4) What is the evaluating and school effectiveness with pupils in guaranteeing safe and respondents’ health-seeking behavior as to nutrition, family sleeping habits, physical protective spaces for children, and in encouraging enrolment and completion. activity, health management, and health information?; 5) Is there a significant 6.12 There is a significant relationship between the role of teachers in difference on the respondents’ health-seeking behavior when grouped according to evaluating and school effectiveness with pupils in encouraging participation in their profile?; and 6) Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’ health school and community, enhancing health and well-being, ensuring children’s beliefs and their health-seeking behavior? high academic achievement and success, raising teachers’ morale and motivation and in mobilizing support for education. 6.4 There is significant relationship between the role of teachers in managing Findings
and in enhancing healing and well-being, guaranteeing and in enhancing From the study, the following findings are revealed: healing and well-being, guaranteeing safe and protective spaces for children, 1. Most of the respondents were in their early adulthood, farming was their and in mobilizing community support for education. occupation; and with a minimal monthly income. 6.5 There is no significant relationship between the role of teachers in 2. The respondents were predominantly Roman Catholic. facilitating and the level of school effectiveness with pupils in encouraging 3. Most of the respondents finished their elementary education. Only a few have enrolment and completion, and in raising teachers’ morale and motivation. 6.6 There is a significant relationship between the role of teachers in 4. There was no significant difference on the respondents’ health beliefs as to facilitating and the level of school effectiveness with pupils in enhancing health causes of illness when they are grouped according to their profile. and well-being, guaranteeing safe and protective spaces for children, ensuring 5. There was no significant difference in the respondents’ health beliefs as to children’s high academic achievement and success and in mobilizing support health promotion practices when grouped according to their profile. 6. The respondents’ health-seeking behavior was high on nutrition, family 6.7 There is no significant relationship between the role of teachers in sleeping habits, health management practices, and health information while a instructing and the level of school effectiveness with pupils in guaranteeing moderately high level of health-seeking behavior was manifested in physical activity. safe and protective spaces for children, and in ensuring children’s high 7. There was no significant difference in the respondents’ health-seeking behavior in terms of nutrition, family sleeping habits, physical activity, health management and 6.8 There is a significant relationship between the role of teachers in instructing health information when they are grouped according and in the level of school effectiveness in encouraging participation in school 8. There was no significant relationship between the respondents’ health beliefs and community, enhancing health and well-being, encouraging enrolment and as to causes of illness and their health-seeking behavior. 9. There was a significant difference on the respondents’ health beliefs as to The school heads and the teachers differed in their perception on the level of school health promotion and their health-seeking behavior as to nutrition, sleeping habits, effectiveness with pupils in the areas of enhancing children’s health and well-being, physical activity and health management practices. guaranteeing safe and protective spaces for children, encouraging enrolment and 10. There was no significant difference on respondents’ health beliefs as to health completion, ensure children’s high academic achievement and success, and in promotion and their health-seeking behavior as to health information. mobilizing community support for education. Conclusions
6. On the Significance of the Relationship between the Teacher’s Role and Level Based on the findings presented in the study, several conclusions are presented: 6.1 There is no significant relationship between the role of teachers in planning 1. The respondents were in their early adulthood, less educated, mostly were and school effectiveness of encouraging participation in school and farmers and with minimal income. Majority were Roman Catholics. community, in encouraging enrolment and completion, raising teachers’ morale 2. The respondents have high health beliefs on the causes of illness while and motivation and in mobilizing support for education. 6.2 There is significant relationship between the role of teachers in planning 3. The respondents’ demographic profile was not a predictor of their health and school effectiveness of enhancing health and well-being, guaranteeing save and protective spaces for children and in ensuring children’s high academic 4. The respondents have high level of health-seeking behaviors. 5. The respondents’ demographic profile did not affect their did not health- 6.3 There is no significant relationship between the role of teachers in managing and school effectiveness in encouraging participation in school and 6. The respondents’ health beliefs as to causes of illness did not affect their community, encouraging enrolment and completion, ensuring children’s high academic achievement and success, and in raising teachers’ morale and Findings
7. The respondents’ health beliefs as to health promotion greatly influenced their health-seeking behavior as to nutrition, sleeping habits, physical activity and health The results of the study yielded the following salient findings: 1. The school heads rated the teachers outstanding in their roles as manager, 8. The respondents’ health beliefs as to health promotion do not affect their facilitator, instructor, observer and evaluator, but rated them only very good in health-seeking behavior as to health information. Recommendations
2. The teachers gave themselves a rating of very good on all their six roles as Based on the findings and conclusions derived from the study, the following 3. There was no significant difference in the perceptions of the two groups of 1. The mothers of the beneficiaries should actively participate in the different 4. Both the school heads and the teachers perceived the level of school health promotion activities facilitated by the implements of the program such as effectiveness with pupils as effective in all the areas of encouraging children’s participation in school and community, enhancing children’s health and well-being, 2. The RAIN and SUN implementers should include teaching on nutrition, guarantee life and protective space for children, encourage enrolment and completion, sleeping habits, physical activity , health management and health information as one of ensure children’s high academic achievement and success, raise teachers’ morale and their basic health services. They should give importance to the aspects of causes of motivation, and mobilize community support for education. illness and its management in the second phase of the program implementation. 5. There was no significant difference in the perceptions of the school heads and 3. Since there is a significant relationship between health promotion and health- teachers on the level of school effectiveness with pupils in encouraging children’s seeking behavior, the program implementers should have a continued activity that participation in school and community and in raising teachers’ morale and motivation. would focus on health promotion aspects of health care such as health education. 4. Health professionals should take into consideration the impact of health beliefs Specifically, it provided answers to the 1) roles of the teachers in the areas of to the clients’ health management practices. A better understanding is the key to planning, managing, facilitating, instructing, observing and evaluating as perceived by improving their participation in the health maintaining activities. An increased the school heads and teachers; 2) significant difference in the perceptions of the school awareness and understanding of facilitators can assist health care providers in not only heads and the teachers on the roles of the teachers; 3) level of school effectiveness with addressing these issues, but also in the development of culturally sensitive and pupils in terms of encouraging children’s participation in school and community, appropriate educational interventions that may lead to a positive health performance. enhancing children’s health and well-being, guaranteeing safe and protective spaces for 5. The health sector should continually work by simply providing basic health children, encouraging enrolment and completion, ensuring children’s high academic services to enhance the people’s belief that they have the ability to act on the achievement and success, raising teachers’ morale and motivation, mobilizing information provided and perform the necessary changes in their behavior has been community support for education as perceived by school heads and teachers, 4) pointed out as an important factor in order for health education to be effective. Health significant difference in the perceptions of school heads and teachers on the level of information needs to contain more than advice about behavior, as people must also be school effectiveness with pupils; and 5) significant relationship between the roles of the persuaded that they have the means to act upon it. teachers in the classroom and level of school effectiveness with pupils. 6. The faculty of the paramedical courses should continue their support to the The study was conducted in the ten public elementary schools in Kolambugan program, emphasizing its importance during classroom discussions and most District, Division of Lanao del Norte during the school year 2009-2010. All the ten importantly, encourage the students to take part in the on-going activities. schools and one hundred fifteen teachers in the district were utilized as respondents of the study. The data were gathered using a researcher-made questionnaire on the pupils. The data were statistically treated using frequency, percentages, weighted mean, and the t-test and chi-square tests of significance. 2. Classroom management as an instructional area received the lowest weighted EMOTIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESPONSES AND THE
means of 3.69 and 3.26 based on the perceptions of instructors and middle-level BIRTH MOTHERS IN SELECTED HOSPITALS
managers, respectively. Along this line, seminars and trainings tangential to classroom management should be conducted by the school. Besides, the school should send faculty members to seminars and trainings held in the region or in Manila. This study looked into the emotional and psychological responses and the 3. Faculty members especially those who teach in the College of Education childbirth outcomes among post-caesarean birth mothers. Specifically, this study should be encouraged to enroll in a master’s degree in educational management or identified: the respondents’ profile in terms of age, parity, fatal presentation and indication for caesarean birth; the respondents’ type of caesarean section as to 4. The Guidance Center of the school should design a functional counselling emergency and elective; the significant difference on the respondents’ type of program whereby each college student is free to reveal his or her strengths and caesarean section when they are grouped according to their profile; the respondents’ weaknesses in life. The data which generated in this program may serve as the bases of level of emotional and psychological responses; the significant difference in the the school in holding personality development seminars. respondents’ emotional and psychological responses and emergency and elective ROLES OF TEACHERS AND SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS WITH PUPILS IN
caesarean section; the respondents’ childbirth outcomes as to pain experience, social CHILD-FRIENDLY SCHOOLS IN KOLAMBUGAN DISTRICT
role and dependence; the significant difference in the respondents’ childbirth outcomes an elective and emergency caesarean section; the significant relationship between the respondents’ emotional and psychological responses and their childbirth outcomes of It was the purpose of this study to identify the role of teachers and to determine A descriptive survey method was utilized. The study was conducted in the the level of school effectiveness with pupils in child-friendly schools in the public obstetrics wards of the selected hospitals within Misamis Occidental. The respondents elementary schools of Kolambugan District during the school year 2009-2010. of this study were 100 post-caesarean section women. The respondents were selected 5. College students possessed good behavior, and they had desirable attitudes To gather the pertinent data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. 6. The students’ personal values were greatly influenced by the instructors’ Frequency, percentage, weighted mean, chi-square and t-tests were the statistical tools instructional skills as to planning teaching-learning activities, teaching strategies and used in the interpretation and analysis of data gathered. class discipline. However, no strength of association was noted between the instructors’ Findings
instructional skills in the areas of classroom management and evaluation and This study revealed several significant findings: remediation procedures and students’ personal values. 1. Most of the respondents are between the age brackets of 21 to 30 years old who 7. The students’ personal values were greatly influenced by the instructors’ have given birth for the first time. Most of the respondents delivered their babies in personal and social qualities in terms of personality and communication skills. cephalic presentation (head came out first) and had caesarean sections due to pregnancy However, occupational attitudes of instructors did not pose any influence on students’ complications such as multiple pregnancy, failure of labor to progress and pregnancy- Recommendations
2. Most of the respondents had an emergency caesarean section. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following 3. There is a significant difference on the respondents’ type of caesarean section and their fetal presentation and indication for caesarean section. However, there is no significant difference on the respondents’ type of caesarean section and their parity and 1. College instructors should be encouraged by their respective deans and department chairman to carry out all instructional activities at a very great extent. The 4. The respondents who had an elective and emergency Caesarean section study disclosed that the observance of performing these activities ranged only from a revealed an “Average” perception on emotional response and “Moderate” perception values. Nevertheless, this certain finding was not true in the aspect of occupational 5. There is no significant difference on the respondents’ emotional responses between emergency and elective caesarean section. However, a significant difference was elicited in the respondents’ psychological responses between emergency and Conclusions
From the salient findings of this study, the following conclusions were 6. The respondents who had an elective and emergency caesarean section revealed mild pain experience, a fair social role and poor dependence. 1. College instructors were found to possess instructional skills. Teaching 7. There is no significant difference in the respondents’ childbirth outcomes as to activities, based on instructors’ and middle-level managers’ perceptions, revealed that pain experience and social role and emergency and elective caesarean section. these were done at a moderate to a great extent. However, there is a significant difference on the respondents’ childbirth outcomes as to 2. The two groups of respondents, the instructors and middle-level managers, held dependence between emergency and elective caesarean section. different views on the instructors’ instructional skills in the four areas of teaching- 8. There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ emotional learning activities, teaching strategies, classroom management, and evaluation and response and their childbirth outcome as to dependence of emergency caesarean remediation procedures. The two groups, however, did not differ in their perceptions in section. However, there is a significant relationship between the respondents’ emotional response and their childbirth outcome as to social role and pain experience 3. College instructors generally possessed good personal and social qualities. The activities in the aspects of personality, occupational attitudes and communication skills 9. There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ between the have been done at a moderate to a great extent. respondents’ emotional response and their childbirth outcome of elective Caesarean 4. Instructors and middle-level managers had different views or perceptions on how the former carried out the activities in the areas of personality occupational 10. There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ psychological response and their childbirth outcomes as to dependence and social role. 11. There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ psychological teaching-learning activities, teaching strategies, classroom management, and evaluation response and their childbirth outcomes as to social role and pain experience of elective and remediation procedures, but not to class discipline. 3. The activities done by the instructors in regard to personality, occupational 12. There is a significant relationship between the respondents’ psychological attitudes and communication skills were perceived by the instructors themselves to response and their childbirth outcomes as to dependence of elective caesarean section. have been done at a great extent. However, it was only in the aspect of personality that the activities were perceived by the middle-level managers to have been done at a great Conclusions
extent. The activities in occupational attitudes and communication skills were only From the facts gathered, the subsequent conclusions are inferred: perceived to have been done at a moderate extent. 1. Most of the respondents are young, within the productive years and who have 4. There was a significant difference between the perceptions of the instructors given birth for the first time. Most of the respondents delivered their babies in cephalic and those of middle-level managers on instructors’ personal and social qualities. These presentation and had caesarean section due to pregnancy complications. findings were in the aspect of personality, occupational attitudes and communication 2. Majority of the respondents had an emergency caesarean section. 3. The respondents’ fetal presentation and indication for caesarean section had a 5. Generally, students possessed good personal values. It was only in admitting mistakes that students were found to be fair. 4. The respondents who had an elective and emergency caesarean section were 6. There was a significant relationship between the instructors’ institutional skills not conscious of their emotional response to caesarean section. as to planning teaching-learning activities, teaching strategies, and class discipline and 5. The respondents’ emotional response is not a predictor of the type of caesarean students’ personal values. However, this finding was not true in the aspects of classroom management and evaluation and remediation procedures. 7. There was a significant relationship between the instructors’ personal and social qualities in terms of personality and communication skills and students’ personal and social qualities and the students’ personal values; and 8) instructional enhancement 6. The respondents who had an elective and emergency caesarean section revealed that they were not conscious of their psychological response to caesarean The descriptive-survey method was utilized in this study. The respondents of 7. Postpartum mothers who had elective and emergency caesarean section have this study were the 15 instructors, 15 middle-level managers and 38 students of Adiong Polytechnic State College. The study was conducted during the first semester of School 8. The respondents who had an elective and emergency caesarean section Year 2008-2009 at the school mentioned. This school is located in Ramain, Lanao del revealed mild pain experience, fair social role and poor dependence. Sur. A researcher-constructed questionnaire was utilized in gathering the needed data. 9. The postpartum mothers who had elective and emergency caesarean section In analyzing the gathered data, average weighted values, t test and chi-square test were have no difference in their pain experience and social role after birth. 10. The postpartum mothers’ emotional response is not linked with their Findings
dependence after an emergency caesarean section. Below were the important findings of this research study: 11. The postpartum mothers’ emotional response is not associated with the childbirth outcomes after elective caesarean section. 1. The activities in planning teaching-learning activities, teaching strategies, 12. The postpartum respondents’ psychological response response is not associated classroom management, class discipline, and evaluation and remediation procedures were perceived by the instructors to have been done at a great extent. However, it was 13. The psychological response among postpartum mothers is not associated with only in teaching strategies and class discipline that the activities were perceived by the their pain experience and social role after their elective caesarean section. middle-level managers to have been carried out at a moderate extent. Classroom 14. The psychological response is associated with the postpartum mothers’ management was the area which received the lowest weighted mean. dependence after an elective caesarean section. 2. There was a significant difference between the perceptions of instructors and those of middle-level managers on instructors’ instructional skills as to planning Recommendations
6. Research should continue to examine the relationships of frequency of critical incidents of PTSD symptoms and potential mediating variables. Future research should The following recommendations are presented by the researcher based upon more closely investigate the relationship between frequency of critical incidents, the conclusions inferred from the study: negative life events and intensity of PTSD symptoms to more accurately identified 1. The hospital administrators through their obstetricians should provide prospective mothers for caesarean section thorough information on why they are INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES OF ADIONG POLYTECHNIC STATE
candidates for caesarean section and what are the possible complications of Caesarean COLLEGE: BASIS FOR ENHANCEMENT
2. Community Health Office in teamwork with the Barangay Health Centers’ workers should conduct lectures on the importance of keeping healthy during pregnancy to prevent complications that may lead to caesarean section birth. This may It was the primary purpose of this study to look into the instructional practices include pregnancy exercises to strengthen perineal and pelvic floor muscles which may of Adiong Polytechnic State College as basis in proposing an instructional aid the passage of the baby during birth thus prevent complications of labor such as enhancement program. Specifically, the study endeavored to discuss the following failure to progress which may lead to caesarean section. important topics, namely: 1) instructors’s instructional skills; 2) significant difference 3. Nursing students on duty in the OB ward must also be able to assess between the perceptions of the instructors and those of middle-level managers on thoroughly a woman on labor to know her progress and complications that may arise instructors’ instructional practices; 3) instructors’ personal and social qualities; 4) during labor that warrant a need for caesarean section.Nursing students on duty in the significant difference between the perceptions of the instructors and those of middle- community must also be properly skilled in their prenatal assessment to be able to level managers on instructors’ personal and social qualities; 5) students’ personal determine high risk pregnant mothers which make them candidates for caesarean values; 6) significant relationship between the instructors’ instructional skills and the students’ personal values; 7) significant relationship between the instructors’ personal Recommendations
4. A more in-depth research that involves a larger population of postpartum As a result of this study, several recommendations are presented. FACTORS AFFECTING THE LEVEL OF DEPRESSION AMONG OLDER
1. The commanding officers of the enlisted personnel should acknowledge that ADULTS IN SELECTED BARANGAYS IN OZAMIS CITY
critical incidents may lead to psychological distress for some of their personnel and should encourage utilization of psychological services provided by their unit. This includes not only making services accessible, available and confidential but also This study identified the factors affecting the level of depression among older ensuring that the psychologically provided treatment is not the same provider in adults in Ozamis City. The researcher conducted the study in selected barangays in performing fitness for duty examinations. Ozamis City. Older adults aged 65 and above were the respondents of the study. A 2. The AFP should continuously provide psychological evaluation of all their snowball sampling procedure was used in getting the desired number of respondents. personnel before and after participating in any military operations. Further, factors affecting depression was classified into: level of stress experienced, 3. Although the degree of hostility did not significantly predict intensity of PTSD self-esteem, medical illness, interpersonal relationship, financial constraints and symptoms, this should not be ignored. AFP commanding officers need to recognize the potential impact their organization may have on the mental health of its enlisted To gather pertinent data and information, a researcher-made instrument was 4. Critical incidents stress management procedures need to be established in all employed. This instrument contains three parts. Part I identified the respondents’ military units. This is a process of educating, preventing or mitigating the effect from profile as to their age, gender, family monthly income and educational attainment. Part exposure to an abnormal or highly unusual event. II contains items that described the factors affecting the depression of respondents. Part 5. The military academy should make the right selection of all military applicants. III determined the level of depression experienced by the respondents. They should select personnel who are least stress susceptible and most trauma resistant. The statistical tools included the frequency, percentage, weighted mean and Conclusions
The study has come up with several conclusions based on the findings: Findings
The enlisted personnel who participated in the study were in their early This study revealed several significant findings: to late middle adult stage, married, with a rank of private to private first class, and have been in the military for a longer period of time. Majority of the respondents are aged 65 -70 years old, female, and who Having been in the service for several years, they have experienced have a family monthly income of less than ten thousand. Most of the respondents have varying levels of violent incidents. The depressing situations encountered during their tour of duty were perceived to contribute to low level of stress among the enlisted The respondents revealed a moderately high perception of the factors affecting depression as to stress experience, financial constraints and responsibilities at The enlisted personnel manifested varying levels of hostility. But the home; a moderately high on factors affecting depression as to self-esteem and PTSD symptoms manifested are not alarming. interpersonal relationship; and low factor affecting depression on medical illness. The respondents’ marital status and their length of military service 3. The respondents have moderately high level of depression. contributed to the intensity of PTSD symptoms experienced, while their age and rank There is a significant difference on the respondents’ level of depression were not predictors in the frequency of occurrence of PTSD symptoms. when grouped according to their monthly family income. However, there is a The result of the current study indicates that the frequency of critical significant difference on the respondents’ level of depression when grouped according incidents is associated with the intensity of PTSD symptoms among the enlisted to their educational attainment, family monthly income and age. There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ factors The degree of hostility was not a significant predictor of the intensity affecting the level of depression and their level of depression. The respondents experienced a moderately high level of hostility as to Conclusions
suspicion, but only a low level of hostility as to verbal, anger with resentment and From the facts gathered, the subsequent conclusions are inferred: 1. Most of the respondents are in their late adulthood years, females, with family The intensity of PTSD symptoms experienced by the respondents was monthly income of less than ten thousand and have reached only elementary level. 2. The respondents revealed a moderately high factor affecting depression as to There is no significant difference in the respondents’ intensity of stress experienced, financial constraints and responsibilities at home; a moderately high posttraumatic stress disorder experienced when grouped according to marital status and factor affecting depression as to self-esteem and interpersonal relationship; and low their length of service in the military. However, a significant difference was found on factor affecting depression on medical illness. the intensity of PTSD symptoms experienced when grouped according to their age, and 3. A moderately high level of depression was perceived among the respondents. 4. The respondents’ family monthly income affects their level of depression. There is a significant relationship between the degree of critical However, educational attainment, family monthly income and age did affect their level incidents as to extremely violent and extremely depressing and the intensity of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms experienced by the respondents. 5. The respondents’ level of depression is not associated with the factors affecting There is no significant relationship between the degree of hostility as to verbal, anger with resentment, physical and suspicion and the intensity of posttraumatic Recommendations
The following recommendations are presented by the researcher based upon the conclusions inferred from the study: The community Health Nurses should provide training or orientation were selected through purposive sampling. To gather pertinent data and information a on how to cope with depression or identify signs of depression of older people. modified standardized questionnaire was used. To measure the PTSD symptoms, the Families are encouraged to treat their older members in a way that they PTSD Checklist-Military Version (PCL-M) of Weiss and Marmar (1997) was will not feel neglected, abandoned or rendered useless. employed. To assess the respondents’ degree of hostility, the Buss and Durkee Hostility Family members should provide a stress-free environment for older Inventory by Buss and Durkee (1999) was used. The Critical Incident History adults, by not criticizing the pace and quality of work they perform and from time to Questionnaire (CIHQ) was used to assess the critical incidents. time recognize whatever task they accomplish. To treat the data gathered, frequency and percentage, average weighted value Older adults should be encouraged to participate in activities such as and chi-square tests were employed. The study was conducted from December 2009 to performing minor tasks, outings, and visiting friends. Becoming involved with other people can take the older person’s mind off personal trouble. Findings
Future researchers would benefit from a study that would include exploring other elements that may cause depression. This section states the summary of the findings: AWARENESS OF THE VISION, MISSION, OBJECTIVES AND CORE
Most of the respondents were married, ages 35 years old and above; VALUES OF THE MISAMIS UNIVERSITY
with a rank of private to private first class; and have been in the service for more than The respondents have experienced a moderately high level of violent The objective of this study was to determine the awareness of the incidents during their tour of duty as enlisted personnel. However, only low levels of administrators, faculty, staff and the students on the Vision, Mission, Objectives and depressing situations were perceived to be experienced. Core Values of the Misamis University. The study also identified the (1) profile of the administrators, faculty and staff; (2) profile of the students; (3) level of awareness of RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CRITICAL INCIDENTS, HOSTILITY AND
the administrators, faculty, staff and students of the Vision, Mission, Objectives and POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER SYMPTOMS
Core Values of the University; and (4) significant difference on the level of awareness of the administrators, faculty, staff and students of the Vision, Mission, Objectives and The descriptive survey method was utilized in this research study. The This research study looked into the relationship between critical incident, respondents of this study were the administrators, faculty, staff and students of the hostility and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms (PTSD) among military personnel. Misamis University. The study was conducted during the earlier part of the first Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1) What is the semester of School Year 2009-2010 at Misamis University. In gathering the needed respondents’ profile as to their age, marital status, length of service, and rank?; 2) What data, a researcher – made questionnaire was utilized. In analysing the data gathered, the is the respondents’ level of critical incidence experience as to extremely violent and frequency, percentage, average weighted values and F test were used. extremely depressing incidents?, 3) What is the respondents’ degree of hostility as to Findings
verbal, anger with resentment, physical and suspicion?; 4) What is the respondents’ intensity of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms?; 5) Is there a significant difference Below were the salient findings of this research investigation: in the respondents’ intensity of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms experience 1. Most of the respondents are bachelor’s degree holders and who have been when grouped according to their profile?; 6) Is there a significant relationship between working in the University for one to five years. the level of critical incidence and the intensity of posttraumatic stress disorder disorder 2. Most student – respondents were female. Most of them were 16 to 18 years of symptoms experience?; and 7) Is there a significant relationship between the degree of age, from the paramedical groups and college freshmen. hostility and the intensity of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms experience? 3. The levels of awareness of the administrators, faculty, staff and students of the The study was conducted in Kuta Cesar Sang-an Station Hospital, IID PA, Vision, Mission, Objectives and Core Values of the University fell under the “Very Pagadian City. The respondents were 100 military personnel in active service. They High” descriptive category. There were items in the questionnaire which were rated Core Values of the University. Nevertheless, the four groups held congruent views on “High” by the staff and student-respondents. 4. There was a significant difference on the levels of awareness of the Recommendations
administrators, faculty, staff and students of the Vision, Mission, Objectives and Core With the findings and conclusions as bases, the following recommendations are Values of the University. However, this finding was not found true in the area of “Mission,” since the four groups of receptors did not differ in their levels of awareness. The University should strongly conduct awareness and dissemination Conclusions
activities on the VMO so that the MU community who are not familiar with the guiding From the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: principle of the school, will become aware of it and eventually accept it as their 1. With regard to the highest level of educational attainment, the study was dominated most by employees who earned a bachelor’s degree. As to length of service, Teachers and instructors constitute the strongest force in the awareness it was unveiled in this study that most of the employees were new in the service. and dissemination of the University’s VMO. In this context, they should regularly hold 2. Most of the students covered in the study were females in their adolescent a class activity which may encourage students to give importance to the school’s stage; taking up Nursing, Dentistry, Medical Technology and Midwifery; and may have just joined the University as freshmen students. Administrators, faculty and staff should always set themselves as role 3. Most of the respondents were very aware of the Vision, Mission, Objectives models in concretizing or visualizing the VMO of the University. and Core Values of the University. Furthermore, the four elements mentioned gained The university should strengthen the execution and/or implementation acceptance by the administrators, faculty, staff and students. of programs that address the provisions in the objectives of the university so that the 4. The four groups of respondents, the administrators, faculty, staff and students administrators, faculty, staff and students can fully understand and internalize the VMO held different views on their levels of awareness of the Vision, Mission, Objectives and


Arrêté 2001-2376

Arrêté n° 276 CM du 29 mars 1994 fixant les conditions particulières de travail applicables aux femmes et aux jeunes travailleurs ainsi que les travaux présentant des causes de dangers ou excédant leurs forces et qui sont interdits aux jeunes travailleurs de moins de dix-huit ans et aux femmes Le Président du Gouvernement de la Polynésie française Sur le rapport du Minist

Gaps in technology, 2002, organization for economic co-operation and development staff, stationery office, 2002, ebook

Gaps in Technology, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Staff, Stationery Office,2002, 011920097X, 9780119200973, . Gaps in Technology. A history of computing in the twentieth century a collection of essays, Nicholas Metropolis, 1980, Computers,659 pages. Indhold: Part 1: Introduction; Part 2: The human side; Part 3: The languages; Part 4: The machines;Part 5: The places. Cl

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