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All flights landing, taking-off or overflying
portuguese territory shall be carried out in
português estão sujeitos ao cumprimento
à Aviação Civil, bem como às disposições
well the criminal, police and public safety
criminais, de polícia e de saúde pública
Aircraft operating in portuguese airspace
aéreo português devem ser portadoras de
should hold an insurance covering injuries
objects transported or third parties on the
um aeródromo fora do território aduaneiro
territory of the Europen Union, must first
land or finally depart from an international
The entry or departure for intra community
via aérea no espaço intra-Schengen (intra
(Intra EU) air transport of goods and for
international air is possible on a priorpermission request basis only.
Logo que a autorização seja garantida, as
alfandegários, de fronteiras e de saúde
são disponibilizados, de forma a garantir o
available in order to allow air transport of
transporte aéreo de bens no espaço intra-
airport, it may be retained until the proper
Instrumentos, Equipamento e Aircrafts Instruments, Equipment and Documentação de Voo Flight Documents
In all flight, aircraft will be equipped with
instruments so that the crew could verify
limitation of use of aircraft in the foreseen
limitações de utilização da aeronave nascondições previstas.
Aircraft shall have on board the following
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Normas de Trânsito/ Transit Regs MANUAL VFR
station, in the case of being equippedwith radio. Equipamento a bordo das aeronaves Airborne equipment
Com a excepção das isenções especiais
been granted by ATS, aircraft flying within
Classe “C” e “D” (IFR/VFR) Class “C” and “D” airspace (IFR/VFR) Espaço Classe “G” (IFR/VFR) Class “G” airspace (IFR/VFR) Requisitos do equipamento rádio Radio equipment requirements
Non-equipped aircraft, within Lisboa FIR,
PASSAGEIROS E TRIPULAÇÃO PASSENGERS AND CREW Controlo de passageiros Control of passengers
Os requisitos de imigração / emigração
shall be in accordance with the legislation
applied in the origin or destination of flight. AIS – PORTUGAL
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Normas de Trânsito/Transit Regs MANUAL VFR Estados em que vigora o Acordo de States applying Schengen Agreement. Schengen
Eslováquia, Eslovénia, Espanha, Estónia,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy,
Hungria, Islândia, Itália, Letónia, Lituânia,
states mentioned above, includingpassport control.
obtained directly at each airport or on the
Tel: +351 214236665/64 Phone: +351 214236665/64 Tel: +351 214236668/62 (CSF) Phone: +351 214236668/62 (CSF) Fax:+351 214236644 Fax: +351 214236644 Outros países Other Countries
Flights coming from or leaving for states
alfandegário (imigração / emigração)
Controlo da tripulação Control of crew AIS – PORTUGAL
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Normas de Trânsito/ Transit Regs MANUAL VFR
tripulação, em conformidade com o Anexo
International Civil Aviation, edition 12,
He remains at the destination airport.
He remains within the airport territorial
localizado dentro da área contratante. REQUISITOS ADUANEIROS CUSTOMS REQUIREMENTS
According to the origin or destination of
União Europeia (UE) European Union (UE)
Europeia são abolidas, a não ser que os
community flight comes from a thirdcountry. Resto do Mundo Rest of the World
pertencente à UE é transferida para uma
aircraft accomplishing an intra-community
num aeroporto internacional comunitário.
formalidades aduaneiras nas partidas.
or currency is not allowed to be taken out
of Portugal if it exceeds the provisions laid
estabelecidos para operações de cambio.
etnografia, antiguidades, etc, é requerida
archeology, ethnography, antiques, etc.
special authorizations are required. AIS – PORTUGAL
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Normas de Trânsito/Transit Regs MANUAL VFR
articles which are likely to be “commercial
será necessária uma autorização, prévia
à saida do país, emitida pelas autoridades
allowed to leave the country under special
regulations and with the appropriateauthorization issued by the authorities oftrade, if such authorization is required. Requisitos aduaneiros para membros da Customs requirements for crew members tripulação
Baggage or articles belonging to crew are
REQUISITOS SANITÁRIOS HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Partidas, Trânsito ou Chegadas Departures, traffic or arrivals
representative, when landing at the first
primeiro aeroporto, no âmbito territorial
aerodrome within a territory, shall fill in
and submit to the airport health authority
the authority according to the International
Regulamentos Sanitários Internacionais.
representante oficial deve fornecer todos
required by the health authority related to
sanitária relacionados com as condições
the sanitary conditions during the flight.
All aircraft coming from an airport located
aeroportos em áreas onde exista malária
within an area where malaria or any other
mosquito transmitted disease exists, will
The airport health authorities may require
On an aircraft arrival, the health authority
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Normas de Trânsito/ Transit Regs MANUAL VFR
The entry or exit of corpses will be notified
ser notificada pela autoridade sanitária,
by the health authority in order to carry out
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Normas de Trânsito/ Transit Regs MANUAL VFR AIS – PORTUGAL
HISTORIAS DE VIDA, COMUNICACIÓN Y PROCESOS COGNITIVOS: ¡TODO ES APRENDIZAJE! Siendo niño y adolescente mi paso por el colegio nunca ha resultado una historia grata de con- tar. A los quince años fui expulsado de un colegio de curas. transcurrió el tiempo y un día un ex compañero me contó que una obra de teatro que yo había escrito en los ‘80, con el tiempo se había tran
Underhook/In-Line Strain Gauge Lift Link with Remote Telemetry Linked Display LIFT LINK SYSTEM Ranges 1 tonne to 500 tonne CHARACTERISTICS ET LIFT LINK Ranges (F.R.): 1, 2, 5, 12, 25, 35, 50, 100, 250, 500 tonne Designed for use with standard Accuracy: Lifting Shackles Temperature Range: Safe Overload: Link Sealed to IP67 Ultimate Overload: Display Seal