Published: Nov 29, 2006 10:01 AMModified: Nov 29, 2006 10:20 AM Cary officials not living up to values
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• Mayor Ernie McAlister urged the other Insurance Quotes Now! Apply for a Discover Card
• They allow Susan Moran to consistently Enjoy a 0% Intro APR* on Purchases and Balance Transfers for 12 months the news media New Hill residents will be able to utilize the plant; and that to move the sewage plant to Progress Energy property will cause twice as much raw sewage to be pumped. When asked for documentation to support these outrageous statements, no answer was received.
• The Town Council claims to also have done a study in three days that shows moving the sewage plant to Progress Energy property will cost $27 million. First of all, no governmental agency has ever done a study in three days. Second, the only documentation from their study is a one-page document that contains 10 lines. Granted all the numbers on those 10 lines adds to $27 million; however, no other documentation of the study is available. And they expect us to believe this was a valid study.
• Council member Jennifer Robinson admits Cary did not consider impacts to the New Hill historic district, yet does nothing to rectify that error. • The targeted site Cary chose is in the middle of a neighborhood that is 87 percent minority. Cary tried to hide this by including minority statistics from neighborhoods that include parts of Apex, some 6 miles away.
On several occasions, I and many residents of New Hill have spoken to the Cary Town Council and pointed out their errors; however, we have been consistently ignored. Mayor McAlister will not even show the courtesy of looking at us when we are presenting to the Now Cary wants us to believe everyone will be treated with dignity, respect and fairness.
The actions of the mayor and council members do not live up to their adopted Statement What are our objectives?
I totally agree with the comments of Don Frantz and Mike Curran [Your Letters, Nov.
15], that the Town of Cary council agreement to finance a new aquatic center is extremely hard to understand. Erecting another aquatic center funded by the town while private funds are already being spent to construct a similar facility makes no sense. The real question is what are our objectives? Do we want to provide public swimming pools as recreation for our residents, or are we trying to sell the public on a swimming facility “business” owned by the town? As Don Frantz puts it, we surely don’t need another “break even” business that requires a six-figure annual subsidy to keep it open.
Our real problem is that the Town Council vision of the future for Cary is flawed and, unfortunately, doesn’t represent the desires of its residents or what Cary is all about. We have a great town that is a great place to live. Our strengths are our attractive, affordable residential communities, great services, low taxes, a fine school system and easy access to recreation, work and entertainment. Our weakness is a lack of a viable “old Town Center.” A good strategic plan will concentrate our energy and resources on developing our strengths while minimizing our weaknesses. Let’s spend our time and money to develop our communities, services and other strengths to be the envy of the country. Let’s not dilute our effort with speculative projects.
Sometimes I think we are preoccupied with chasing government dollars. A bad project is a bad project even if the cost contribution by the town is minimal.
A distressing lack of regard for safety
While walking on the sidewalk along Maynard Road today, I saw a firetruck approach Kildaire Farm Road with its flashing lights and siren on. Several cars on both sides of the road continued on their way, making no attempt to pull over, slow down or stop to let the firetruck pass. I have observed this same scenario many times in Cary. It is quite distressing to see this complete lack of regard for emergency workers and total ignorance of the law exhibited by so many drivers in Cary.
The North Carolina law states: “Police cars, ambulances, fire engines and rescue vehicles with flashing lights and sirens are always entitled to the right-of-way. Follow these


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