Laborers health and welfare trust fund for northern california
Laborers Health and Welfare Trust Fund for Northern California 220 Campus Lane Fairfield, CA 94534-1498 1 (707) 864-2800 or 1 (800) 244-4530
All Active and Retired Plan Participants Including Special Plan for Active Employees
When the term “Specialty Pharmacy” is used, it means a contracting pharmacy that provides covered Specialty Medication used to treat covered chronic or acute illnesses. Specialty Medication may be either oral or an injectable. The contracting Specialty Pharmacy offers services to manage Specialty Medications, including training from pharmacists and nurses on the proper use of Specialty Medications. Specialty Medications often require special storage and handling not available from a retail pharmacy. Effective December 1, 2010, Prescription Solutions Specialty Pharmacy replaces CuraScript as the contracting Specialty Pharmacy. Eligible individuals currently using covered Specialty Medications were notified on October 25, 2010 by Prescription Solutions and those individuals will subsequently be contacted by a Prescription Solutions Specialty Pharmacy team member, by phone, shortly before December 1, 2010 to coordinate the transition to Prescription Solutions Specialty Pharmacy. This Announcement is a reminder to Participants about the requirement, under the Health and Welfare Plan, that eligible individuals who use covered Specialty Medications must use the Fund’s contracting Specialty Pharmacy for covered Specialty Medications that are either 1) self-administered (oral or injectable), or 2) administered at the doctor’s office. Injectables are covered only if they are on the list of covered injectables and they are obtained from and distributed under a program managed by the Plan’sSpecialty Pharmacy. Some covered injectables, such as insulin and Imitrex®, are not Specialty Medications and as such they may be obtained from a retail contracting or non-contracting pharmacy (although you may experience a higher share of cost using non- contracting pharmacies), or the Prescription Solutions Mail Service Pharmacy. If you have questions about Specialty Pharmacy and whether any medication you are taking is considered a Specialty Medication, call Prescription Solutions at 1 (866) 218-5445 or visit the web site at This Announcement is intended to be a brief summary of the Plan change. It cannot describe each and every Plan Provision that may be relevant to your situation. You should always refer to your Plan Booklet for the full details of your Plan. You should keep all Announcements with your Plan Booklet so that it contains up-to-date information on the Plan.
Keep this Announcement with your Health and Welfare Plan Booklet: Active Plan, March 2006 – Article V., Section 3.g(5)(i); Article VI., Section 1.e; Article VI., Section 3.g Special Plan for Active Employees, March 2006 – Article V., Section 3.g(5)(i); Article VI., Section 1.e; Article IV., Section 3.g Retired Plan, March 2007 – Article IV., Section 1.f; and Section 3.g
8401 W. DODGE RD., SUITE #115, OMAHA, NE 68114; 1-800-222-1222; (402) 955-5555 Steven A. Seifert, MD, Medical Director Nebraska Regional Poison Center _____________________________________________ The Emergency Department is often the front line in dealing with significant toxic exposures. Here’s an update. 1) We’ve had a name and sponsorship change. We are now the Nebraska Regional Po
Eine Pflanze des Himmels . oder eine Erfindung des Teufels? Die Wiederentdeckung und Rettung der alten Kulturpflanze (verfasst 2004) Mehr als 12.000 Jahre lang war die Heil- und Kulturpflanze Hanf, ihr lateinischer Name lautet - Cannabis sativa, die in aller Welt am häufigsten angebaute Nutz- und Kulturpflanze. Die viel-fältigen Nutz- und Heilanwendungen dieser Pflanze waren -