
Commission News
End of 00-01 Licensing Cycle – June 30, 2001 marked the end of the last licensing cycle.
All brokerages were required to have their Audits and Financial Reports in by May 1st and licence
renewals in by June 15th. All licensees were required to have their CPE courses completed by
June 30th. Attached is a list of brokerages and individuals whose licences have not been renewed.
This lapse in licensing means that they are not permitted to trade in real estate until the
information/fees are provided or courses completed.
All other licensees that have complied have been renewed. The actual licences and wallet cardsare expected to be distributed to brokerages by July 13th. The status of whether or not a personor brokerage is licensed is determined by the Registrar of the Commission and not by an actualpaper licence.
New Licensing Cycle – July 1st marked the beginning of the next licensing cycle, which runs
through to June 30, 2002. The Commission has specified that all licensees must complete a six
hour mandatory course as well as one three-credit CPE elective course for the next cycle.
Licensees who complete a six credit elective course may carry forward three credits to the next
licensing cycle. There will be three different versions of the mandatory course, one for
Brokers/Associate Brokers, one for residential salespeople and one for commercial salespeople.
NSAR is currently preparing the courses for the 2001-2002 licensing cycle. The course schedulewill be distributed to all brokerages around the end of August. There will be six new electivecourses available in addition to the mandatory courses. Three are residential in nature, two arecommercial and one is brokerage management. The first courses will be run in September. Therewill not be any courses offered in July-August, as there has been little interest in summer coursesin the past.
Commission By-law Changes– The Commission recently carried out a significant review of
the By-law and Standards of Business Practice. Numerous changes have been approved, with the
new By-laws coming into effect September 1, 2001. The revised By-law will be distributed to
brokerages in early August. A portion of the Mandatory Course for this next licensing cycle will
be spent reviewing these changes.
Broker / Manager – Please share this information with your salespeople.
Commission News #24
Licence Cancellation Notice
Licences for the brokerages shown below were not renewed
effective July 1, 2001, because of outstanding renewals or audits.
Anchorage Realty -Better Homes & Gardens Licensees
Licences for the licensees shown below were not renewed, effective July 1, 2001,
because of outstanding courses or their brokerage has not been renewed.


Edward m. barnett

Curriculum Vitae—Andrew J.W. Huang, M.D., M.P.H. Address: Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Washington University School of Medicine 660 South Euclid Avenue, Campus Box 8096 St. Louis, MO 63110 USA Telephone 314-362-3937 Fax 314-362-0627 E-mail Present Position: Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Washington University School of Me

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