Pharma forum:Layout 1 25/02/2010 15:10 Page 1
Vista signs agreements with Quinn and Vhi Vista Primary Care, Ireland’s scans to its members.
Commenting on the agreements, Mr uniquely capable of producing 4D vol-
Quinn Healthcare members covered Ulick McEvaddy, Chairman of Vista, ume images.”
campus for public and private by the arrangements with Vista Pri- said: ‘Since we opened our doors to
patients, has announced that it has mary Care wil be ful y covered for out- patients in 2008, we have worked hard Aviva to provide MRI and CT scans to
signed two new agreements to provide patient CT Scans. Vhi members wil be to be inclusive to as many public and members has worked extremely wel
CT examinations to Quinn Healthcare ful y covered for outpatient MRI scans. private patients as possible. Tradition- since August 2009, and we are de-
members and MRI examinations to Currently Aviva Healthcare members al y, MRI and CT scans have been very lighted to have reached agreements
Vhi members. These new agreements are ful y covered for both MRI and CT chal enging for obese and claustro- with Quinn Healthcare to provide CT
fol ow on from Vista Primary Care’s scans. A direct payment facility has phobic patients. Our MRI scanner was scans to its members, and with Vhi
agreement with AVIVA health in been put in place between Vista Pri- the first widebore MRI scanner in the Healthcare to provide MRI scans to its
August 2009 to provide MRI and CT mary Care and the health insurers.
country and our CT scanner is members.”
Park West Clinic accredited by CHKS for ‘high standards’ As Park West Clinic approaches put in place encompass both risk man-
its 5th year in operation it is also agement and clinical governance very
celebrating receiving national wel ’.”
recognition for the high standard of care it
delivers to its patients, the company stated. Park West Clinic in pursuing continuous
Caspe Healthcare Knowledge Systems quality improvement and at ention to
(CHKS) recently conducted a two-day recording, measuring and responding to
audit of activities and operations in park issues underpinned this excel ent award
west clinic and awarded both accreditation and it is a testament to the dedicated serv-
to HIQA standards and certification to ices the clinic provides, said Dr Ahmed class and expense has not been spared superior level of care.”
When opening, Park West Clinic’s goal West Clinic include orthopaedics, gynae-
credentialing body and is the UK’s leading tion of vision and energy to provide a su- was to be unique and innova
independent provider of healthcare intel- perior quality of care to its service users.
velop a new healthcare model, the result plastics, dermatology, dentistry and gen-
ligence and quality improvement services.
CHKS commended “the strong lead- of which is that the clin
Their accreditation services are recognised ership”, with wel -documented roles and tive day surgery clinic of its kind in Ire- “There has b
Nangor Road, Dublin 12 een much work and great
by both ISQua ( International Society in responsibilities with good communica- land, commit ed to providing a caring vision which has come to fruition,” said
Quality in Healthcare) and certified by tion, sharing and learning when problems environment and the best in medical ex- Dr Salman.
are identified or changes proposed. They pertise, and striving to deliver cost effec-
In December 2009, surveyors from further commented on the “commitment tive, superior quality healthcare. It has the clinic and al its members of staf on
CHKS visited the clinic for two days and of the staf and that the ongoing culture secured agreement for patient cover with achieving the awards as “they reflect the
analysed every aspect of Park West Clinic of training and development, inherent in Quinn Healthcare and Hibernian Aviva. continuing commitment to quality im-
from a patient perspective, health and the clinic, is enthusiastical y embraced by
“The hospital comprises state of the provement”.
art, high-tech hospital design, built and
“They noted the clinic started with high
The CHKS awards commit ee stated: equipped to the highest clinical and tech- available at Park West Clinic, please con-
standards and working practices, stating ‘it “The environment and facilities within the nical specialities and supported by two tact Mr Andrew Rit weger, General
is easier to ensure high standards from the clinic are excelent and especialy noteworthy theatres and a six-bed recovery unit,” said Manager, Park West Clinic, Park West
beginning rather than having to introduce is the one-to-one nursing in the immediate Dr Salman. “It offers a range of special- Business Park, Unit 2B, Block 71, Nangor
post-operative period.” They also stated the ist day surgery services and facilities, pro- Road, Dublin 12 on 01 612 0551 or email:
“They observed that ‘the structures “facilities and equipment provided are first viding cut ing edge developments and a Onbrez demonstrates 24-hr symptom control for COPD patients Novartis has launched Onbrez (Indacaterol) tients enabling beter symptom control which wil (ACCP) Chest Conference showed once-daily Onbrez
as a new once-daily maintenance bron- greatly help people with COPD maintain active and also achieved significant improvements in lung function
chodilator in adult patients with chronic productive lives despite the condition.”
compared to twice-daily salmeterol. In addition, Onbrez
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This fol ows
COPD is the most prevalent respiratory disease in provided bet er health status and improved breathless-
European approval, which was received in December adults, affecting 440,000 Irish adults, of which only half ness compared with salmeterol, said Novartis.
are diagnosed, and the majority of whom are over the
Onbrez has shown good overal safety and tolerabil-
Onbrez, containing the active ingredient indacaterol age of 57. COPD impairs lung function resulting in ity, which is comparable to placebo and current treat-
maleate, is the first new inhaled compound for the treat- chronic breathlessness. This leads to a profound, nega- ments. The most common adverse drug reactions were
ment of COPD to be made available for EU patients in tive impact on patients’ ability to work and support fam- nasopharyngitis, cough, upper respiratory tract infec-
seven years. Additional y, it is the first and only treat- ilies. Ireland’s death rate from respiratory disease is over tion, and headache. These were in the vast majority mild
ment to demonstrate in clinical studies both 24-hour twice the EU average with COPD being a major con- or moderate and became less frequent as treatment was
bronchodilation and a rapid onset of action within five tributor to these deaths, said Novartis.
continued. Onbrez is available in 150mcg and 300mcg
The EC based its approval of Onbrez on an extensive strengths and represents a significant cost saving com-
“The trial results for Onbrez show greater improve- clinical trial programme with data from over 6,000 pa- pared to the standard treatment for COPD in Ireland.
ments in lung function, breathlessness and quality of tients. This data included pivotal Phase III results show- “Given the considerable health burden arising from
life together with a reduction in COPD exacerbations,” ing Onbrez significantly improved lung function and COPD, the Irish Thoracic Society (ITS) welcomes any
said Dr Tim McDonnel , consultant respiratory physi- provided clinical y relevant improvement in symptoms new therapies which help to al eviate breathlessness and
cian, St Vincent’s Hospital. “This provides a valuable of breathlessness compared to tiotropium. Recent data improve quality of life in patients with this disease,” said
new treatment option for Irish doctors and their pa- presented at the American Col ege of Chest Physicians Dr Terry O’Connor, president, Irish Thoracic Society.
T: +353 (0) 1 612 0551 F: +353 (0) 1 620 5726
Common drugs used in the Emergency Room By Henry Feldman, ‘2001 (Edited by Lewis Nelson, MD) Routes of administration Intravenous administration is when the drug is given in liquid form directly into a vein. This is oftendone by placing a venous catheter to allow easy administration. Direct injection into the muscle. Often a painful mode of administration, and provides a slow routeo
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