Combination Therapy of Tetracycline andTacrolimus Resulting in Rapid Resolutionof Steroid-Induced Periocular RosaceaAnju Pabby, MD; Kathy P. An, MD; Richard A. Laws, MD
Standard treatment of steroid-induced rosacea
The patient reported improvement several days
includes discontinuation of steroids and use of
after starting therapy. At the 3-week follow-up
an oral tetracycline. A temporar y decrease to a
visit, we noted marked improvement in the patient’s
lower-potency steroid prior to discontinuation
dermatitis except for faint infraorbital erythema
remains optional. The limitations of standard
(Figure 2). The patient was advised to continue the
therapy include a prolonged course of treat-
tacrolimus ointment on an as-needed basis. m e n t w i t h e x a c e r b a t i o n s p r i o r t o p e r m a n e n timprovement. Our challenge was to identify atreatment regimen to resolve steroid-induced
Topical steroids are paramount in treating many der-
periocular rosacea quickly and with minimal
matologic diseases; however, their prolonged use has
multiple side effects, most notably atrophy. Another
side effect that may result from improper use issteroid-induced rosacea.
Several theories exist as to the pathogenesis of
Case Report
steroid-induced rosacea. Topical steroids may inhibit
A 55-year-old man with an unremarkable medical
collagen synthesis, eventually causing dermal atro-
history was referred to us by his physician for a phy. The decrease in supporting connective tissuepersistent facial rash. The patient had a long-term
allows for passive dilation of the blood vessels and
history of seborrheic dermatitis that had been
easier visualization of dermal capillaries, clinically
treated for approximately the previous 12 months
resulting in prominent telangiectasias and back-
ground erythema.1 Additionally, inflammatory
Results of the patient’s physical examination
papules and pustules may be caused by a reaction to
revealed background erythema and telangiectasias
increased colonization of pilosebaceous bacterial or
with 1- to 3-mm discrete erythematous papules fungal flora, though specific organisms have not(Figure 1). The history and physical examination of
the facial rash was most consistent with steroid-
The rebound phenomenon of steroid-induced
periocular dermatitis also is unclear. The vasocon-
The use of the fluticasone cream was discontin-
strictive action of corticosteroids may lead to
ued, and the patient was started on tacrolimus 0.1%
the buildup of potent vasodilators such as nitric
ointment twice a day for 3 weeks and oral tetracy-
oxide. After the corticosteroid is discontinued,
vessels dilate beyond their original diameterbecause of the accumulation of such vasodilators.3Additionally, the immunosuppressive effect ofcorticosteroids may facilitate the overgrowth of
Accepted for publication March 27, 2003.
microorganisms that may then act as super-
Drs. Pabby and Laws are from the Department of Dermatologyand Skin Surgery, Roger Williams Medical Center, Providence,
antigens. Withdrawal of immunosuppression may
Rhode Island. Dr. An is from the Department of Internal Medicine,
lead to an immunologic response and a heightened
Reprints: Richard A. Laws, MD, Boston University School of
Tacrolimus is a topical immunomodulator that
Medicine, Department of Dermatology and Skin Surgery, Roger
mediates its effects through inhibition of cal-
Williams Medical Center, Elmhurst Bldg, 50 Maude St, Providence,RI 08908 (e-mail:
cineurin. Tacrolimus inhibits release of inflammatory
Figure 1. A patient with periocular dermatitis resulting Figure 2. Minimal erythema at the infraorbital region of
from approximately 12 months of topical steroid use.
the face following a 3-week course of tacrolimus and
Note the erythematous papules on a background of
cytokines, most notably interleukin 2, and thus
rosacea with combination therapy of topical
inhibits subsequent T-cell activation.5 Although
tacrolimus and corticosteroids are comparable topi-cal immunomodulators, they differ considerably in
their side effect profile. Unlike topical corticoste-
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10 days experienced a mild rebound flare when the
6. Berkersy I, Fitzsimmons W, Tanase A, et al. Nonclinical and
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Chapter 17 Review 17.1 : Psychoanalysis At his friends’ urging, Barney has decided to seek help for the depression he has been struggling with ever since moving away from home and starting college two months ago. He’s heard a lot about Sigmund (1) Freud’s therapy, called (2) psychoanalysis , in which patients use (3) free association to express whatever comes to mind in order to un
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