JME Online First, published on September 26, 2012 as 10.1136/medethics-2011-100258
PAPEREthics and eplerenoneShruti Gupta,1 Adriane J Fugh-Berman,2 Anthony Scialli3
Although the putative question to be answered
The use of a placebo arm in clinical trials is unethical if
was whether any aldosterone antagonist would
there is an active comparator that is acceptably safe and
be beneficial, only eplerenone was compared with
effective. We argue that reasonable evidence of
a placebo as add-on therapy to standard heart
effectiveness and safety of an inexpensive alternative to
failure treatment. We argue that a spironolactone
an expensive therapy is sufficient to require that the
arm, either with or without an eplerenone arm,
inexpensive therapy be included as a comparator when
was ethically necessitated by the likelihood that
the expensive therapy is tested, and that use of an
spironolactone would be as effective and safe as
inactive placebo comparator only is not ethical. For
eplerenone and by the considerable cost benefit of
example, studies of the expensive drug eplerenone for
congestive heart failure have not included a
spironolactone arm, although there is reasonable
1. A clinical trial is unethical if it fails to take
evidence that spironolactone would be safe and effective,
and spironolactone is inexpensive. The requirement to
study inexpensive therapies is based on avoidance of
2. The comparable effectiveness and safety of
unnecessary cost in medical care as an example of non-
an inexpensive, widely available treatment is an
maleficence. Several ethical actors in the design,
important medical question for a study of an
conduct, and publication of clinical trials and their results
expensive treatment. This second argument views
bear responsibility for the appropriate conduct of clinical
costliness as an adverse effect of therapy and the
trials. That responsibility includes protecting study
avoidance of costliness as non-maleficence.
subjects from being asked to participate in clinical trials
that serve primarily to promote the use of new and
ALDOSTERONE ANTAGONISTSBoth eplerenone and spironolactone are aldosteroneantagonists. Spironolactone, approved in 1960 by
the Food and Drug Administration, USA (FDA),4
Randomised controlled trials, recognised as the
has been described as effective for the treatment of
standard method of evaluating the effectiveness of
hypertension,5 including resistant hypertension,6
therapeutic interventions, are considered to be
as an adjunct therapy for NYHA classes III and IV
based on a principle of equipoise, which holds that
congestive heart failure,7 the treatment of cirrhotic
none of the assigned treatments are known to be
ascites,8 and as an antiandrogen for hirsutism9 and
superior to the other treatments based on safety
acne.10 Spironolactone is inexpensive, with a retail
and effectiveness. Although equipoise has been cri-
price of less than a penny per 100-mg dose.11
ticised as a criterion for justification of clinical
By contrast, eplerenone, approved in 2002 for
trials,1 it remains true that at the time most trials
the treatment of hypertension,12 is expensive,
are designed, any imbalance of benefits and
with a retail price of more than $3 for a 50-mg
burdens between the study groups is unknown.
dose of the generic product;13 the same dose of the
Placebo-controlled trials are unethical if a safe and
branded version, Inspra, retails for $4.73.14
effective treatment is available for a condition
It is important, then, to understand whether
under study.2 3 Under these circumstances, an
eplerenone offers advantages over spironolactone
experimental treatment may be compared with
for the treatment of conditions that are believed to
the known safe and effective treatment or may be
be associated with mineralocorticoid receptor activ-
studied as an add-on to the proven treatment.
ity. Although eplerenone is reputed to be a more
Here, we raise an issue of appropriate compara-
selective antagonist of the mineralocorticoid recep-
tors in clinical trials. We ask whether, ethically, an
tor than is spironolactone, no trials for congestive
expensive novel treatment may be tested against a
heart failure have compared these two drugs.
placebo alone if an inexpensive treatment can be
Spironolactone has been shown to benefit
reasonably expected to be effective. We specifically
patients with NYHA classes III and IV heart
ask whether the relative financial costs of the
failure. In 1996, the Randomised Aldactone
novel and existing treatment are properly factors
Evaluation Study (RALES) randomised 214 patients
in the determination of clinical equipoise. We use
with symptomatic NYHA classes III or IV congest-
as a case study a trial of eplerenone for New York
ive heart failure and an ejection fraction of less than
Heart Association (NYHA) class II congestive
35% to receive spironolactone or a placebo in add-
heart failure. Spironolactone, an inexpensive generic
ition to previous therapy for 12 weeks. This study
drug, is used for classes III and IV congestive heart
is not informative about NYHA class II heart
failure, but no clinical trials have been reported on
failure because fewer than 1% of subjects were
spironolactone for class II congestive heart failure.
NYHA class II at the time of enrolment. These
J Med Ethics 2012;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/medethics-2011-100258
Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2012. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd under licence. 1
subjects were eligible to enrol because they had been in NYHA
and eplerenone in a clinical trial.20 In this trial, published
class IV within 6 months prior to enrolment. At doses of
only in abstract, 321 patients with stable NYHA classes II–IV
12.5–25 mg/day, spironolactone was considered to be acceptably
heart failure were randomised to receive eplerenone at dose
safe based largely on laboratory test results.15 A follow-up study
levels from 25 mg to 100 mg daily, spironolactone 25 mg daily,
followed 1663 patients randomised to receive spironolactone
or a placebo for 12 weeks. The abstract concluded that eplere-
25 mg/day, or a placebo in addition to an ACE inhibitor, a loop
none appeared pharmacologically similar to spironolactone.
diuretic, and in most cases digoxin for 3 years. The study was
Eplerenone 50 mg and spironolactone 25 mg both produced sig-
stopped at 24 months, because there was a 30% decrease in mor-
nificant decreases in BNP and increases in urinary aldosterone
tality attributable to a reduction in progressive heart failure and
and renin in comparison with a placebo.21 The only apparent
sudden cardiac death in spironolactone-treated patients with
differences between the two drugs were that spironolactone
NYHA classes III and IV heart failure.16 The frequency of hospi-
increased serum testosterone and eplerenone was associated
talisation due to worsening heart failure was also reduced by
35% in the spironolactone compared with the placebo group.
Our search of more recent literature from 2007 to 2011 iden-
Eplerenone also benefits patients with heart failure. In 2001,
tified only one other active comparator trial. In this study,
the Eplerenone Post-Acute Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure
141 subjects with hypertension associated with hyperaldoster-
Efficacy and Survival Study randomised 6642 patients with
onism were randomised to receive either spironolactone
NYHA classes III and IV heart failure to receive eplerenone
75 mg–225 mg daily, or eplerenone 100 mg–300 mg daily for
25 mg/day increasing to 50 mg/day, or a placebo, in addition to
16 weeks.22 Reductions in diastolic and systolic blood pressures
previous regimens, which could include ACE inhibitors or
were significantly greater in the spironolactone compared with
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB), β blockers, aspirin and
the eplerenone group. More subjects taking eplerenone dropped
diuretics. Compared with placebo, the addition of eplerenone
out because of lack of efficacy. There were no significant differ-
to an established regimen reduced hospitalisations for heart
ences in treatment-emergent adverse events; however, there
failure by 23%, and reduced the rate of death by 8%.17 In 2003,
were significantly more cases of gynaecomastia in men and
eplerenone was approved by the FDA for the indication of con-
mastodynia in women in the spironolactone group.
gestive heart failure NYHA classes III and IV.12
Although published in 2011, the study comparing eplerenone
Class II heart failure represents much milder disease than
and spironolactone for hypertension appeared a decade earlier
classes III or IV, and it was not clear that any antialdosterone
in the New Drug Application (NDA) for eplerenone.23 The
therapy would offer any benefit to patients with this milder
NDA also included the report of a study in which 397 hyper-
disease. Prior to 2011, no antialdosterone therapy was routinely
tensive patients were randomised to receive eplerenone at
recommended for class II heart failure. In early 2011, the
50 mg–400 mg daily in one or two doses, 50 mg of spironolac-
Eplerenone in Mild Patients Hospitalisation and Survival Study
tone twice daily, or a placebo twice daily. The highest dose
in Heart Failure (EMPHASIS-HF) randomised 2737 NYHA
level of eplerenone (400 mg daily or 200 mg twice daily) only
class II congestive heart failure patients to receive either eplere-
approximated the blood pressure effect of the twice-daily
none 25 mg/day increasing to 50 mg/day, or a placebo in add-
50-mg dose of spironolactone, suggesting that eplerenone is less
ition to treatment with an ARB, ACE inhibitor, or both, and
potent than spironolactone in the treatment of hypertension.
with a β blocker.18 Only patients who had been hospitalised
The FDA reviewer concluded that ‘Eplerenone was also com-
for a cardiovascular indication within 6 months prior to the
pared to spironolactone and appears to have fewer side effects.
screening visit and had a plasma B-type natriuretic peptide
However, because spironolactone was more effective, the risk/
(BNP) of at least 250 pg/ml or a plasma N-terminal pro-BNP of
benefit ratio of eplerenone to spironolactone is not adequately
at least 500 pg/ml for men, or 750 pg/ml for women were eli-
gible. Compared with placebo, eplerenone reduced hospitalisa-
tions by 24% and hospitalisations for heart failure by 38%.
Mortality in the eplerenone group was reduced; 15.5% of
The design of the eplerenone studies without a spironolactone
patients in the placebo group died, compared with 12.5% in
arm was not ethically sound. Ethical analysis includes the bal-
the eplerenone group (HR 0.76; 95% CI, 0.62 to 0.93).
ancing of benefits and burdens. A treatment-controlled trial
that compared eplerenone with spironolactone as well as with
a placebo would have benefited patients with congestive heart
An editorial accompanying the 2011 publication of
failure, because it would have demonstrated which agent, if
EMPHASIS-HF supported the incorporation of aldosterone
either, was superior in effectiveness and safety. The inclusion of
antagonism therapy into congestive heart failure regimens.19
a spironolactone arm would also have determined whether
The editorialist suggested, however, that given its far lower
there was a rationale for using the more expensive agent. The
cost, spironolactone be considered for mineralocorticoid antag-
fundamental question of whether adding any antialdosterone
onism. We have, then, a conflict. Given what is known, it is
therapy to existing therapies for NYHA class II congestive
certainly reasonable to assume that spironolactone and eplere-
heart failure would have been answered equally well by includ-
none are similar in effectiveness, and spironolactone is far less
ing either eplerenone or spironolactone or both; the ethical
expensive than eplerenone. On the other hand, therapeutic
question arises from the comparative financial costs and safety
decisions should be based on randomised controlled trials when
possible, and for NYHA class II congestive heart failure, only
Study subjects are asked to undertake burdens of risks of
eplerenone, not spironolactone, has been tested using this
harm and inconvenience in the furtherance of scientific knowl-
edge, and the quality of the study design is central to determin-
This conflict would have been avoided had the eplerenone
ing whether scientific knowledge can be optimally advanced by
studies included a spironolactone arm as well as a placebo arm.
the study results. In the case of the eplerenone studies, subjects
A review of early studies on aldosterone antagonist therapy
undertook the burdens of participating in an experiment that
identified only one direct comparison between spironolactone
could not answer the question of whether the expensive new
J Med Ethics 2012;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/medethics-2011-100258
treatment was better than, worse than, or equivalent to a
scientific value of the study in which they were asked to par-
ticipate, a duty to society, and a duty to its shareholders. Of
Benefits and burdens to society, construed as public health,
these duties, the responsibility to study subjects is paramount.
must also be considered in the ethical analysis of a clinical trial.
Study subjects are asked to accept inconvenience, discomforts,
The potential benefits to society of improvements in the man-
and risks of harm and should not be asked to do so in circum-
agement of congestive heart failure include a decrease in suffer-
stances where the trial design is ethically suboptimal. Between
ing, an increase in productivity of affected persons, and a
the duty to society and the duty to shareholders, duty
decrease in healthcare costs. The potential burdens include an
to society is superior, inasmuch as improving public health
increase in healthcare costs of pharmacological therapy without
trumps augmenting personal wealth. Shareholders too, are
an offsetting decrease in costs of other components in the care
members of society whose personal and financial health may
be affected by therapies with unfavourable burden to benefit
It is here that financial cost becomes a central issue. The pro-
characteristics, including excessive cost.
motion of eplerenone instead of spironolactone for NYHA class
It is possible to construe the responsibility of the manufac-
II congestive heart failure was a foreseeable consequence of the
turer as protecting the interest of its shareholders within the
EMPHASIS-HF trial, a consequence with adverse effects on
legal requirements of regulatory authorities and to consider that
shareholders may value the worth of their shares more highly
Corporations that market pharmaceutical and medical device
than the possible benefits to society of less expensive therapies
products have a legal responsibility to represent the best inter-
for congestive heart failure. Such a construction assigns no
ests of their shareholders, but they also have an ethical respon-
responsibility to the manufacturer for improving public health;
sibility to promote public health, as will be discussed in the
however, pharmaceutical manufacturers have publicly asserted
next section. Besides the risk of harm, cost is a burden of treat-
their commitment to public health. In its guiding principles for
ment in healthcare, and this burden has become increasingly
the conduct of clinical trials, the Pharmaceutical Research and
recognised by practitioners and payers as an important consid-
eration in therapeutic decision making.
The avoidance by clinicians and payers of unnecessarily costly
Sponsors conduct clinical trials based on scientifically designed
protocols, which balance potential risk to the research participant
fils the ethical imperative of non-maleficence, the
avoidance of doing harm, because unnecessarily costly treat-
fit to the participant and to society.
Scientific, ethical and clinical judgments must guide and support
ments consume funds that patients might otherwise spend on
the design of the clinical trial, particularly those aspects directly
shelter and food. Moreover, costly treatments decrease available
affecting the research participants such as inclusion/exclusion cri-
funds in private and government insurance pools for the provi-
teria, endpoints, and choice of control, including active and/or
The necessity of avoiding unnecessary healthcare costs is
consistent with the first two ethical requirements for clinical
research presented by Emanuel and colleagues.24 These require-
ments are that the research has social or scientific value, and
The investigators are responsible for understanding the drug
that the research is scientifically valid. Part of the justification
and disease they are studying, including a thorough under-
for these principles is that valueless and scientifically invalid
standing of existing treatments. Physician investigators have an
studies waste scarce resources. Although Emanuel et al were
interest in identifying the best therapies for their research sub-
writing of research resources, we argue that the concept reason-
jects and their patients and might reasonably have wanted to
ably can be extended to healthcare resources.
know how spironolactone compares with eplerenone for the
In the absence of a large discrepancy in the cost of therapy
treatment of NYHA class II congestive heart failure. Indeed,
with eplerenone and spironolactone, information from a spir-
the EMPHASIS-HF investigators published a paper in 2010
onolactone arm in the eplerenone studies would be demoted
titled, ‘Rationale and design of the Eplerenone in Mild Patients
from an ethical imperative to simply nice-to-know. We argue
Hospitalization and Survival Study in Heart Failure
that the cost of therapy should be a mandatory part of the
(EMPHASIS-HF)’ in which they demonstrated an excellent
therapeutic decision-making process of every practitioner as we
understanding of other aldosterone antagonists and their poten-
struggle to make equitable the distribution of healthcare ser-
tial for use in heart failure.26 In this paper, the failure to
vices to all members of society. It follows that cost also must
include a spironolactone arm was not explicitly addressed
be a component of the burden versus benefit evaluation under-
except for the statement, ‘Spironolactone, even at modest
taken by clinical trialists, their regulators, and their sponsors.
doses, has undesirable side effects, particularly gynaecomastia’.
These authors did not cite an incidence for this side effect; in
RALES, the incidence was 10%.15 Gynaecomastia may limit the
Who bears the responsibility for ensuring that the performance
acceptability of spironolactone therapy, but whether there are
of studies meets ethical standards? There are several actors in
offsetting advantages over eplerenone would have required a
the performance and dissemination of clinical trials, and the
responsibility for assuring compliance with ethical principles is
The published EMPHASIS-HF paper indicates that the study
joint. Each of these actors have interests that may come into
was funded by the sponsor, that the lead author received speak-
er’s fees from the sponsor, that one of the authors received
travel reimbursements from the sponsor, and that two of the
investigators were employees of the sponsor. If there were
The manufacturer of eplerenone, which sponsored the studies,
potential conflicts between the interests of study subjects and
had the most to gain from the flawed design, and the most to
the investigators, these conflicts should have been decided in
lose from a properly designed study. The sponsor had conflict-
favour of study subjects, as made clear by, among others, the
ing duties: a duty to the study subjects to maximise the
journal in which the EMPHASIS-HF trial was published.27
J Med Ethics 2012;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/medethics-2011-100258
information and, whether their editors intend it or not, in the
Institutional review boards (IRB) and data safety monitoring
marketing of pharmaceutical products. The placement of
boards (DSMB) also have responsibility for ensuring that study
papers in medical journals, and the use of those papers for the
designs are ethical with an appropriate balance of possible
marketing of pharmaceuticals has been documented,30 31 and it
burdens and benefits. IRBs do not necessarily include indivi-
would be naïve of journal editors not to be aware of the mar-
duals with expertise in the specific area under study, and these
keting implications of their publication of studies of new and
boards rely to varying extents on information provided by
study investigators. Although it is possible that IRBs might
Indeed, the editors of major medical journals have enunciated
claim that their approval of the impaired study designs was
guidelines for authorship and sponsorship that recognise the
due to incomplete information from the investigators, IRBs
role of the medical journal in safeguarding the integrity of clin-
should be asking investigators of all placebo-controlled trials
ical trial research. The New England Journal of Medicine, which
whether an active comparator would be more appropriate than
an inactive placebo. The DSMB, if properly constituted, will
Clinical trials are powerful tools; like all powerful tools, they must
evaluation of the study design. The ability of the IRB and
be used with care. They allow investigators to test biologic hypoth-eses in living patients, and they have the potential to change the
DSMB to recognise ethical problems in studies will at least in
standards of care. The secondary economic impact of such changes
part depend on the knowledge possessed by the individuals
can be substantial. Well-done trials, published in high-profile jour-
who sit on these boards. Indeed, the relationship between
nals, may be used to market drugs and medical devices, potentially
knowledge and responsibility is an issue that confronts review
resulting in substantial financial gain for the sponsor. But powerful
boards on a regular basis. It is not customary, however, for
tools must be used carefully. Patients participate in clinical trials
IRBs or DSMBs to use cost considerations as the basis for
largely for altruistic reasons—that is, to advance the standard of
evaluating whether a study design is ethical. We believe that
care. In the light of that truth, the use of clinical trials primarily for
medical research that foreseeably will be used to promote
marketing, in our view, makes a mockery of clinical investigation
expensive therapies should be evaluated on just such grounds.
Journal editors must reject the publication of studies that are
not ethically sound. Journals would be considered remiss if
The FDA has the legal mandate to evaluate the safety and effect-
they published clinical trials using prisoners or trials in develop-
iveness of pharmaceutical products. The FDA has advanced
ing countries that did not incorporate adequate protection of
other reasons for its preference for, or in many cases, insistence
human subjects. In the case of the eplerenone studies, the
on placebo comparators in clinical trials;28 29 however, these
journal editors might plead ignorance of the likely effectiveness
reasons have been refuted on ethical and statistical grounds.2 3
of spironolactone in NYHA class II congestive heart failure, but
However, the eplerenone studies examined therapy added on to
they relied, or should have relied on, expert reviewers who
existing standard therapies for heart failure. All subjects received
would have been aware of the science. We do not know what
standard therapy for heart failure and so there were no subjects
the review comments were for the eplerenone studies, but
who were denied proven therapies by virtue of being assigned to
expert reviewers should have identified the failure to include a
a placebo group. The studies were designed to evaluate whether
spironolactone arm in these studies as a fatal flaw. Although
add-on antialdosterone treatment would be beneficial, a ques-
the rejection of the manuscript would have been too late to
tion that represented ‘genuine medical uncertainty’.3
protect research subjects exposed to the burdens of a poorly
At the time of the EMPHASIS-HF trial, eplerenone had
designed study, a rejection would have served as a disincentive
already been approved by the FDA for the treatment of NYHA
to future similar errors in study design.
classes III and IV heart failure. Spironolactone had not been
approved for these classes of congestive heart failure, although
there was randomised clinical trial evidence that it was effect-
The ethical dilemma for the practitioner now is whether in
ive.16 The FDA could argue that an active comparator was not
class II heart failure to recommend eplerenone, an expensive
available, because spironolactone has not been approved by the
medication for which there are randomised clinical trial data, or
FDA for the treatment of heart failure. Such a stance would,
spironolactone, an inexpensive medication for which there are
however, require the FDA medical officers to act in ignorance of
no clinical trial data. Based on the mechanism of action of spir-
existing scientific evidence. Moreover, no reviewer of the eplere-
onolactone, its effectiveness in classes III and IV heart failure,
none data could plausibly argue that the studies would not
and its cost, we would argue that spironolactone should be
have been of more scientific value with a spironolactone arm.
recommended for NYHA class II patients who are considered
Indeed, for the initial NDA submitted for a hypertension indi-
candidates for aldosterone antagonist therapy. This recommen-
cation, the sponsor provided an eplerenone study that con-
dation prioritises the avoidance of unnecessarily costly therap-
ies, which we have argued is required by the principle of
There appears to be a conflict between the FDA’s legal
mandate to evaluate medications for safety and effectiveness,
ficence, over the general principal that randomised
clinical trials, when available, should be used to guide therapy.
and its ethical mandate as part of the Public Health service to
The eplerenone studies are not unique; many studies have
promote public health. We argue that the latter mandate
failed to test an active comparator. Most new drugs in the USA
requires considerations of cost, in spite of the FDA’s tradition of
are approved based on comparisons with placebos. However, a
study that is not designed to test the comparative effectiveness
and safety of competing treatments is ethically impaired when
there is scientific reason to believe that an inexpensive treatment
The journal that published the study bears responsibility for its
will compare favourably in safety and effectiveness with a
content. Journals are actors in the dissemination of clinical trial
new and costly treatment. We argue that the actors in the
J Med Ethics 2012;0:1–5. doi:10.1136/medethics-2011-100258
development, conduct, approval and publication of clinical trials
should recognise the importance of cost as an ethical consider-
ation and should not condone asking research subjects to partici-
pate in a study in which the principle benefits accrue to the
The Rales Investigators. Effectiveness of spironolactone added to an
manufacturer’s shareholders. IRBs, DSMBs, journal editors and
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and a loop diuretic for severe chronic
clinicians should be aware of the problem of placebo-controlled
congestive heart failure (the Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study (RALES)).
trials, and should decline to consider ethically impaired studies.
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Ethics and eplerenone
Shruti Gupta, Adriane J Fugh-Berman and Anthony ScialliJ Med Ethics published online September 26, 2012doi: 10.1136/medethics-2011-100258
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