
תיעדמ תינכות
12-03-2009 ישימח םוי
17:00 15:00
ןושאר בשומ
תירטיש ןב דדלא 'פורפ
ובא דומחמ '
15:15 15:00
The sense of smell and systemic lupus erythematosus
Netta Shoenfeld 1, Nancy Agmon-Levin 1,2, Iveta Flitman-Katzevman 1,2, Daphna
Paran 3, Bat-sheva Porat Katz 4, Shaye Kivity 1, 5, Pnina Langevitz 1, 6, Zandman-
Goddard Gisele 1,7,8 and Yehuda Shoenfeld 1, 2, 8,9.
1Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer; 2Department of Medicine 'B', Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer; 3 Rheumatology Institute Sourasky Medical Center, Tel-Aviv; 4Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; 5 Department of Medicine 'A & C', Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer; 6Rheumatology Unit, Sheba Medical Center Tel-Hashomer; 7 Department of Medicine C, Wolfson Medical Center, Holon; 8Sackler Faculty of Medicine; 9Incumbent of the Laura Schwarz-Kip Chair for Research of Autoimmune Diseases, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. 15:30 15:15
False positive tests for heparin induce thrombocytopenia in patients
with antiphospholipid syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus

R. Pauzner,* A. Greinacher,† K. Selleng†, K. Althaus†, B. Shenkman,‡ and
U. Seligsohn‡.*Department of Internal Medicine E, Sheba Medical Center and
Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University; †Institute for Immunology and
Transfusion Medicine, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University Greifswald, Germany; ‡Amalia
Biron Research Institute of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Sheba Medical Center, and
Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel
15:45 15:30
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Atrioventricular Block in the
Fetus Exposed to Maternal Anti-SSA/Ro-SSB/La Antibodies.A
Prospective Observational Fetal Kinetocardiogram-Based Study
Mevorach D A , Elchalal U B , Perles Z C, Gavri S C, Nadjari M B, Nir A C , Rein AJJT
C A Rheumatology Research Center, Department of Medicine B Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology C Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Hadassah University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel 15:45 – 16:00

The prevalence of Rheumatic diseases in Israel.
Michael Yaron1, Dan Caspi1, Ilana Kaufman 1, Mina Zemah2, Itamat
Grotto21Department of Rheumatology, Tel Aviv Medical Center and 2 Dahaf
Research Institute and 3 The ministry of Health
16:15 16:00

Scleroderma overlap syndrome - a single center experience
A. Balbir-Gurman, A.M. Nahir, D. Markovits, K. Toledano, A. Rozin, Y. Braun-
Moscovici.B. Shine Department of Rheumatology, Rambam Health Care Campus,
B.Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israeli Institute of Technology, Haifa,
16:30 16:15

Tenderness threshold and functional status in patients with diffuse
idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)
Reuven Mader, Irena Novofastovski, Ehud Rosner, Muhammad Adawi, and Paula
Herer. Rheumetic Diseases Unit, Ha'Emek Medical Center, Afula, Israel
16:45 16:30

Reduced salivary matrix metalloproteinases levels in patients with
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: relationship to antioxidant activity and
treatment with anti –TNF.
Riva Brik¹, Irit Rosen¹, Rafael Nagler².From the ¹Department of Pediatrics and
Pediatric Rheumatology Service, ²Oral Biochemistry Laboratory and Salivary Clinic,
Meyer Children's Hospital of Haifa, Rambam Medical Center and the Bruce
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa , Israel.
17:00 16:45
Is the outcome of childhood growing pain associated with changes in
the pain threshold?

Gil Chapnick 1,2, Pinhas J Hashkes3, Lufti Jaber 4, Dan Nemet 1, Yosef Uziel 1. 1 Department of Pediatrics, Meir Medical center,2 Kupat holim meuhedet, 3 Cleveland Clinic USA, 4 Taibe child Health Center תופורתה תורבח תגוצתו הפק תקספה
שדח טבמ –
קאי יאורקסה
קרפמ לש הימדה -
האצרה 18:00
ןועדג רד
ינש בשומ
.רוג ןנח '
רד ץיבגנל
הנינפ פורפ : וי
רבנע םעטמ תונייטצמ תודובעל םיסרפ תקולח 18:15
18:35 18:15
Dexamethasone therapy for septic arthritis in children: Results of a
double blind randomized placebo-controlled study
Liora Harel1, Dario Prais1, Elhanan Bar-On2, Gilat Livni3, Vered Hoffer4, Yosef
Uziel5, Jacob Amir1Department of Pediatrics C, Schneider Children's Medical Center
of Israel, 2Department of Orthopedics, Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel,
3Department of Pediatrics A, Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel,4Department of Pediatrics B, Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel, 5Department of Pediatrics, Sapir Medical Center, Kfar Saba 18:55 18:35
A Single – Arm, Open - Label Study to Evaluate the Safety,
Tolerability and Short Term Efficacy of Extracorporeal Specific
Immunoadsorption LupusorbTM Column for the Treatment of
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Patients.
Anat Scheiman Elazary1, Alon Hershko1, Michal Harel1, Keren Saadon2, Suhail
Aamar1, Rina Ulmansky1, Yaakov Naparstek1.
1Internal medicine department, Rheumatology unit, Hadassah-Hebrew university medical centre, Jerusalem, Israel; 2Verto LTD, Jerusalem, Israel עפומ + ברע תחורא –
רבדמב ברע 22:00
Neopharm תרבח תוסחב
13-03-2009 ישיש םוי
30 ישילש בשומ
דלפנרהא לאכימ 'פורפ רש
ןועדג פורפ : וי
08:45 08:30
The effect of infliximab on antiviral antibody profiles in patients.
Ilana Kaufman,1 Yolanda Braun Moscovici,3 Yair Abudi4, Denit Sofer,4 Ella Mendelson,4 Alexandra Balbir-Gurman,3 Dan Caspi,1 Ori Elkayam1,2 From the Departments of 1Rheumatology and 2Internal Medicine “F”, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, 3The B. Shine Department of Rheumatology, Rambam Health Care Center, 4Central Virology Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer 09:00 08:45

Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide positivity in Mycobacterium
infection is non-citrulline dependent
Ori Elkayam1, Ger J.M Pruijn 2, Danielle Ben-Dayan 3, Refael Segal 4 1 Department
of Rheumatology and Internal Medicine F, Tel Aviv Medical Center,2 Department of
Biomolecular Chemistry,Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen , 3 Department of
Tuberculosis and 4 Geriatrics, Shmuel Harofe Medical Center
09:15 09:00

Epstein-Barr virus tuning the clinical expression of Systemic Lupus

Gisele Zandman-Goddard 1,4, Yakob Berkun 2,4, Ori Barzilai 3,4, Mona Boaz 4,5, Juan-
Miguel Anaya 6, Yehuda Sheinfeld 1,3,4,7. 1Deparment of Medicine C, Wolfson
Medical Center, 2Pediatric Department, Safra Children Hospital,3 Center of
autoimmune diseases & 4Department of Medicine B, Sheba Medical Center, 5
Epidemiology Unit, Wolfson Medical Center , 6Corporacion para investigaciones
biologicas, Universidad de Rosario, Colombia, 7 Incumbent of Laura Schwartz-Kipp
chair in autoimmunity, Tel Aviv University
09:30 – 09:15

Infectious and autoantibody screens in inflammatory myopathies.
H. Orbach1, N. Amitai2, O. Barzilai3, M. Boaz4, M. Ram3, G. Zandman Goddard5, Y.
Shoenfeld31Department of Medicine B, Wolfson Medical Center, Holon, 2Sackler
Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 3Center of Autoimmune Diseases
and Department of Medine B, Sheba Medical Center, Ramat Gan, 4Epidemiology
Unit, Wolfson Medical Center, Holon, 5Department of Medicine C, Wolfson Medical
Center, Holon, Israel.
09:45 09:30

Prognostic significance of serum uric acid in patients admitted to the
department of medicine.

Asaf Wasserman*, Mati Shnell*, Ben Boursi, Hanan Guzner- Gur.Department of
Medicine B, Tel Aviv Souraski Medical Center, Tel Aviv
תופורתה תורבח תגוצתו הפק תקספ
תויביסרפוסונומיא תופורת לש הקיטנגוקמראפ –
חרוא תאצרה 11:15
תינילק היגולוקמראפל הדיחיה להנמ
יסוי פורפ
Roche תרבח תוסחב
תופורתה תורבח תגוצתו הפק תקספה 11:35
יתנש ח וד
תועדוה 12:00
12:00 יעיבר בשומ
הנביל יבא '
פורפ : וי
12:15 12:00

Antibodies against an HSP epitope suppress autoimmune arthritis
by modulation of cytokine regulation.

Y. Naparstek, G. Katzavian, R. Meyuhas, A. Hershko, E. Moallem, R.
Ulmansky.Hadassah – Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem 91120, Israel.
12:30 12:15

The effect of bisphosphonates on inflammatory function of
fibroblast-like synoviocytes.
Jonathan Wollman1,2, Uri Arad1, Dan Caspi1, Hanan Guzner-Gur2, Ori Elkayam1,3The
Arthritis Research Laboratory1, The department of medicine B2, The department of
medicine F3, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and the Sackler Faculty of Medicine,
Tel Aviv University, Israel.
12:45 12:30

Decreased levels of CCR3 in CD4+ lymphocytes of rheumatoid
arthritis patients.

Valerie Aloush M.D1.; Jacob George M.D2.; Ori Elkayam M.D1.; Irena Wigler M.D3.;
Shirly Oren M.D3.; Michal Entin-Meer Ph.D2; Sofia Maysel-Auslender MSc2; Jacob
N. Ablin M.D1Internal medicine 6 and Institute of rheumatology, Tel Aviv Sourasky
medical center, Israel Cardiology Institute, Tel Aviv Sourasky medical center, Israel
Institute of rheumatology, Tel Aviv medical center, Israel.
13:00 12:45

The outcome of pregnancy in women with Familial Mediteranean
Fever (FMF) taking colchicine. Is amniocentesis justified?

Eli Ben-Chetrit, Avraham Ben-Chetrit, Yakov Berkun, Eldad Ben-Chetrit.
Department of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shaarei Zedek
Medical Center,Jerusalem, Israel, Safra Children's hospital, Sheba Medical Center,
Tel hashomer, Israel, FMF center, Department of Medicine, Hadassah-hebrew
university Medical center, Jerusalem, Israel.
13:15 13:00

Clinical disease among FMF heterozygotes
Dina Marek1, Yaakov Berkun2, Shai Padeh2, Almogit Abu1, Kaike Resnik Wolf1,
Mordechai Pras4, Livneh Avi 3,4, Elon Pras 1. 1The Danek Gartner Institute of Human
Genetics,2 Safra children hospital,3 Department of Medicine F, Heller institute of
medical sciences, Sheba Medical Center, Tel hashomer, Sackler school of Medicine
13:30 13:15

Familial Mediterranean fever in the first two years of life: a unique
phenotype of disease in evolution .

Yackov Berkun*, Avi Livneh†, Elon Pras, Yael Shinar†, Merav Lidar†, Olga Feld†
and Shai Padeh*Department of Pediatrics, Edmond & Lily Safra Children’s Hospital,
Department of Medicine F and Heller Institute of Medical Research, Sheba Medical
Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel.
םיירהצ תחורא
תיגיגח ברע תחורא
עפומו יתרבח ברע
Abbott תרבח תוסחב
14-03-2009 תבש םוי
"שדחה ןוכיתה
חרזמה רוכב
איג רד –
האצרה 11:00 -
Schering Plough תרבח תוסחב

Source: http://www.rheumatology.org.il/120309.pdf

Microsoft word - blogartikel 94.doc

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K É N Y E L M E T L E N S Z O M S Z É D O K ?Szokatlanul hosszú cím, keménytáblás Az Ökumenikus Tanulmányi Központ legújabb kiadványa könyv, egyszerû küllemû borító – a kö-tet dokumentumgyûjtemény. Ha a re-viszonyát. Elõször az engedelmesség pá-az Ökumenikus Tanulmányi Füzetek 20. szá-tek faji, ideológiai és más céljaik szolgála-li és péteri

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