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Individualized therapy for hypertension
( a shorter version of this was published in
J. David Spence M.D., FRCPC, FAHA
Stroke Prevention & Atherosclerosis Research Centre
1400 Western Rd., London, ON, Canada N6G 2V2
Phone: 519-663-3113; Fax 519-663-3018; email
The recent publication of the Blood Pressure
management of resistant hypertension7, 8. As
Lowering Arm of the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac
pointed out by the authors of ANBP2, “In
ALLHAT, 32 percent of the patients were non-
occasioned a flurry of media pronouncements and
Hispanic blacks, 16 percent were Hispanics, and 47
editorials2 contending that now the truth is known,
percent were non-Hispanic whites, whereas in
and that “newer” therapies – calcium channel
ANBP2, almost the entire study population was
antagonists and ACE inhibitors − are more effective
white (95 percent)” 9 (and less than 2 % had African
than “old” therapies for hypertension – beta-
ancestors; personal communication, Dr. Lindon
blockers and diuretics. In the words of the great
Wing, 2003). In ASCOT-BPLA, only 5% of the
wordsmith Yogi Berra, this represents “déjà vu all
subjects were “ethnic minorities: mainly South
over again”. A similar flurry of media
Asian or Afro-Caribbean”10; only 2.4% had African
pronouncements, but in the opposite direction, was
ancestors (personal communication, Dr. Neil
Poulter, 2005). Thus, it seems that there is no
Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to
Prevent Heart Attack (ALLHAT) trial3, which
showed that diuretics were “the best” therapy for
In a paradoxical way, precisely because there were
hypertension. Largely un-noticed amidst all this
so few patients in our region with ancestors from
fuss was the second Australian National Blood
Africa, and they therefore stood out, we had the
Pressure study (ANBP2), which followed closely on
opportunity to learn about this in London, Canada.
the heels of the ALLHAT trial4, and, like ASCOT-
For 20 years I was the physician of last resort for
BPLA, also showed that ACE inhibitors were better
resistant hypertension for Southwestern Ontario,
than diuretics. So what are these trials trying to tell
then a catchment area of ~ 1.8 million people.
During that time I saw over 10,000 patients referred
for resistant hypertension. Included in the referrals
The fundamental fallacy underlying all this
were patients from a nearby community, North
nonsense is the assumption that all patients are the
Buxton, Ontario, which had been a terminus of the
same, and therefore that there exists a single “best
Underground Railroad - an escape route for slaves
therapy” for all hypertensive patients. We should
( Whereas
patients with African ancestors made up only 1% of
It has been clear for many years that patients with
our clinic population, they accounted for 40% of
African ancestors, on average, had lower levels of
our patients who needed adrenalectomy for primary
plasma renin than did patients without African
hyperaldosteronism11. This >10-fold disproportion
ancestors, and that patients with African ancestors
may in part be related to selective pressures
responded better to diuretics5. African-Americans
conferring an advantage on people who could retain
bear a disproportionate share of the stroke burden in
salt and water in the heat of the African continent,
the Stroke Belt of the United States; although much
where Arab traders carried salt, like gold, in their
of this difference may be due to smoking, diabetes
saddle bags. Further selective advantage may have
and education6, it seems likely that genetic
arisen in survival of the Atlantic crossing in the heat
differences in hypertension must account for a
and privation of slave ships, and while working
substantial proportion of the difference.
through the mid-day heat on cotton plantations in
Investigation of this phenomenon reveals that
the Southern United States12. A recent study of
several genetic variants are involved in this
hypertension in Sub-Saharan Africa found that
difference5. It has also been clear for many years
urban Africans had more hypertension than did
that measuring plasma renin is very helpful in the
rural Africans13; could air conditioning explain
treatment: amiloride20. Among monogenic disorders
causing hypertension, low-renin hypertension is
particularly prominent21. A recent study confirmed
When our Hypertension Clinic was instituted in
that aldosterone, and the ratio of aldosterone to
1977, the algorithm used (upon the recommendation
renin, were more important among black than
of Dr. Adam Linton) for outpatient investigation of
our patients was based on the observation by
Wallach et al 14 that stimulated plasma renin levels
Although a disproportionate number of the patients
were more useful than random levels of plasma
I have seen with primary hyperaldosteronism had
renin. By 1980 we had identified over 100 patients
African ancestors, I have also seen patients with
with stimulated plasma renin activity less than 1
ng/ml/hr. Thinking that we were finding patients
hypertension. Thus, treating patients solely on the
with Conn’s syndrome, we began, in 1980, with the
basis of the color of their skin is inappropriate.
help of Dr. Al Dreidger, a Nuclear Medicine
What is appropriate, in patients with resistant
colleague, to try to identify those with unilateral
hypertension, is to do two blood tests, to sort out the
adenomas, using iodocholesterol scans before and
underlying cause of the hypertension. Here I speak
not of a diagnostic rubric, but of the physiological
astonishment, by 1983 we had studied 100 such
drivers of the hypertension. From the over 10,000
patients, and not a single one had a hot unilateral
adult patients I have seen with resistant
adrenal gland: all but a few (presumably patients
hypertension, only 9 were due to licorice, only 3
with unrecognized Liddle’s syndrome or variants)
were due to coarctation of the aorta, and only 51
had hot adrenal glands bilaterally, and about 30%
were due to pheochromocytoma. The vast majority
suppressed with dexamethasone. When Biglieri
were due to disorders of the powerful feedback loop
described his first four cases of idiopathic primary
that regulates salt and water retention: the
hyperaldosteronism due to bilateral adrenocortical
hyperplasia in 198515, we had already subjected 10
such patients to adrenalectomy because they could
Table 1. Some causes of low-renin hypertension
not be controlled medically; all had bilateral
adrenocortical hyperplasia. Of these 4 had African
Apparent minerallocorticoid excess30
ancestors; one was a visiting clergyman from
Africa; the others were from North Buxton. At least
Conn’s syndrome?*
one had a 1.5 cm nodule that could easily have been
Primary adrenocortical hyperplasia15
mistaken for a Conn’s tumor. Our subsequent
Adrenal enzyme deficiencies
experience has been that, knowing the diagnosis,
-11beta-Hydroxylase, 17 alpha-hydroxylase
most such patients can be controlled medically;
deficiency31 Dexamethasone-suppressible hypertension -chimaeric aldosterone synthase gene32, 33 Gordon’s syndrome 34
hypertension accounts for an important proportion
Liddle’s syndrome and variants19, 20, 35, 36:
of resistant hypertension, in hypertension clinics
-renal tubular Na channel abnormality;
around the world. Eide et al16, in Norway, found
GIP dependent cortisol excess with nodular
that two thirds of patients with resistant
hypertension had low-renin status. Gallay et al., in
* it seems likely that many, if not all cases of
California, reported that among patients with
“Conn’s syndrome”, represent nodules in patients
resistant hypertension, 17% had an elevated ratio of
aldosterone to renin17. Ouzan et al18, in France,
found that the addition of spironolactone controlled
By measuring plasma renin and aldosterone,
blood pressure in 92% of patients with resistant
patients can be divided into three categories, each
hypertension. Baker et al19 reported in 2002 that in
requiring different medical therapies. Table 1 lists
London, UK, 5% of hypertension in black patients
some of the causes of low-renin hypertension.
(mainly of Afro-Caribbean origin) was due to a
Table 2 outlines an algorithm for individualizing
polymorphism of renal epithelial sodium channels,
therapy of hypertension, based on levels of plasma
i.e. a variant of Liddle’s syndrome, with a specific
Table 2. Individualized therapy for hypertension Primary Liddle’s syndrome and Renal or renovascular hyperaldosteronism variants, or hypertension minerallocorticoid excess Low Low High Aldosterone High Primary treatment Aldosterone Amiloride Angiotensin receptor antagonists: blockers spironolactone or (Rarely decompression eplerenone* or revascularization) (Rarely surgical) * amiloride for men, where eplerenone is not available
Patients with low renin and high aldosterone have
primary hyperaldosteronism, which is almost
been trying to tell us is that there is no single “best
always due to bilateral hyperplasia, and the primary
therapy” for all patients with hypertension: what
treatment is with aldosterone antagonists. Where
physicians need to do is to define the underlying
eplerenone is not available for men (because of
cause of the hypertension in each patient, and
gynecomastia from spironolactone), amiloride in
individualize the therapy for that patient. Doing so
high doses (80mg/day or more) may be used. Such
has tremendous potential for reducing the burden of
doses would never be used in the absence of a
cardiovascular disease, particularly of stroke25, and
diagnosis, but may be necessary for medical control
particularly among African-Americans in the US
in such patients. If the renin is low and the
Stroke Belt26, and perhaps among Africans.
aldosterone is low, the problem is a variant of
Effective blood pressure control has the potential to
Liddle’s syndrome, or minerallocorticoid excess,
reduce stroke by half25; the types of stroke that are
prevented are lacunar infarctions, and intracerebral
(Triamterene is problematic because of casts and
hemorrhages, both due to hypertensive small vessel
interstitial nephritis 23.) If the renin and
disease. In the North American Symptomatic
aldosterone levels are both high, the problem is
Carotid Endarterectomy Trial, we reduced
secondary hyperaldosteronism, due to a renal or
intracranial hemorrhage to 0.4% of stroke27, and this
renovascular problem. (Not uncommonly this may
included subarachnoid hemorrhages, which are not
be due to renal microvascular disease secondary to
caused by hypertension. It is long past time that
hypertension itself; I call this “tertiary
clinical trials of this strategy, which has the
hypertension”.) In this setting the primary
potential to improve the cost-utility of therapy for
treatment is angiotensin receptor blockers; in some
hypertension by about two thirds28, be carried out.
cases patients with obstruction may require
A straightforward approach would be to randomize
decompression of the urinary tract, and patients
Hypertension Clinics in the Stroke Belt, and/or in
with true renovascular hypertension may require
Africa, to usual care vs. individualized therapy for
revascularization24. The most difficult patients are
hypertension based on aldosterone:renin ratios,
using a cluster randomization design29. Data
hypertension: I have seen a dozen who began with
needed to calculate cost-utility should be collected.
primary hyperaldosteronism, and went on to
develop renovascular hypertension; such patients
may need both aldosterone antagonists and
angiotensin-receptor blockers, a combination that
would be contraindicated in the absence of a
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UJJVAL PANCHAL ARCHITECT AND INTERACTION DESIGNER 02/05/1980 STATEMENT Ujjval is an Interaction Designer and Architect. He recently completed his Interaction Design studies at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID). Prior to this, he graduated in Architecture from the School of Architecture, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India. Over the past six yea