Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics (2005) 30, 285–290
Ketoconazole increases plasma concentrationsof antimalarial mefloquine in healthy human volunteers
W. Ridtitid MD FCFPT, M. Wongnawa MSc, W. Mahatthanatrakul MD FCFPT,N. Raungsri MSc and M. Sunbhanich PhDDepartment of Pharmacology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand
mechanisms of the increase in plasma mefloquine
concentrations may be the result of the inhibition
of CYP3A4 by ketoconazole. In case of mefloqu-
structure related to quinine. The major metabolite
ine is co-administered with ketoconazole, drug–
of quinine is 3-hydroxyquinine formed by cyto-
drug interactions should be recognized and the
chrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4). Ketoconazole, a
dose of mefloquine should be adjusted to max-
potent inhibitor of CYP3A4, is known to mark-
imize the therapeutic efficacy and to reduce the
edly increase plasma concentrations of various
co-administered drugs including quinine. Objective: To assess the effect of ketoconazole
Keywords: drug–drug interactions, ketoconazole,
on plasma concentrations of mefloquine in heal-
mefloquine, pharmacokinetics, plasma concen-
Methods: In an open, randomized two-phasecrossover study separated by a 1-month period,eight healthy Thai male volunteers received a
single oral dose of 500 mg mefloquine alone orco-administration with 400 mg/day ketoconazole
Mefloquine [dl-erythro-a-(2-piperidyl)-2,8-bis (tri-
orally for 10 days. Serial blood samples were
fluoromethyl)-4-quinoline methanol] is a quino-
collected at specific time points for a 56-day per-
linemethanol antimalarial drug structurally related
iod. Plasma mefloquine and mefloquine carb-
to quinine. It is an effective single dose therapy for
oxylic metabolite concentrations during 56 days
all species of malarial parasites infecting humans,
were measured by a modified and validated high-
including multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falcipa-
performance liquid chromatographic method
rum. It is still used both in prophylaxis and treat-
ment of the disease in most areas with multidrug-
Results: Co-administration with ketoconazole
resistant P. falciparum (1–3). Mefloquine is relat-
markedly increased the mean values of mefloqu-
ively well tolerated and has the advantage of a
single daily dose regimen making it suitable for
mefloquine alone by 79% (P < 0Æ001), 39%
prophylactic use (4). However, mefloquine mono-
(P < 0Æ05) and 64% (P < 0Æ001) respectively. The
therapy for uncomplicated falciparum malaria was
discontinued and replaced with a combination of
0)t , and Cmax of mefloquine carboxylic acid
metabolite were decreased by 28% (P < 0Æ05) and
mefloquine (25 mg/kg) and artesunate adminis-
31% (P < 0Æ05), respectively when compared with
tration (4 mg/kg/day) (2, 5). Mefloquine is distri-
buted extensively in tissues and eliminated slowly,
Conclusions: Co-administration with ketoconaz-
with considerable differences between individuals
ole increased plasma mefloquine concentrations
(2). Following the oral administration of a single
in healthy human volunteers. One of possible
25 mg/kg dose of mefloquine to patients withacute falciparum, the mean values of Cl/f, Vd/f, Ke,
Received 1 February 2005, Accepted 15 March 2005
t1/2 and AUC0)a of mefloquine were 0Æ733 L/kg/
Correspondence: Wibool Ridtitid, Department of Pharmacology,Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai 90112,
Thailand. Tel/fax: +66-74-446678; e-mail:
34 106 ng/mL/day, respectively (6). After 1000 mg
(divided into three doses over 12 h) mefloquine
SGOT, SGPT, direct bilirubin and albumin/glob-
administration orally in healthy White male, the
ulin) were carried out in each volunteer. None of
mean ± SD values of Cmax, Tmax, AUC0)846 h,
volunteers was a smoker or used continuous
AUC0)a and t1/2 were 1000 ± 266 ng/mL, 23 ±
medications. Drinking of alcoholic beverages, cof-
fee and tea were not allowed at least 1 month prior
and 427 ± 198 h, respectively (7). Two mefloquine
to and during the entire period of study. Written
metabolites identified in humans are hydroxy and
informed consent was received from each subject
carboxylic acid metabolites. The main metabolite is
prior to the study. The study protocol was
2,8-bis -trifluoromethyl-4-quinolinecarboxylic acid
reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee of
and inactive for P. falciparum (8). Quinine is a
the Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla Uni-
widely used antimalarial drug for the treatment of
severe or multidrug-resistant P. falciparum (9, 10). The CYP3A4 is a major cytocrome P450 involved in
the metabolism of quinine both in vitro and in vivo(6, 11, 12).
The study was an open-label, two-phase cross-
Ketoconazole, a broad spectrum azole anti-
over design with a 1-month separation between
mycotics, is a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4 resulting
phases. A single oral dose of 500 mg mefloquine
the significant increase in plasma concentrations of
(MEQUINÒ, 250 mg/tablet, Lot No.010192; Atlan-
various drugs co-administered, for example quin-
tic Laboratories Corp. Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand) was
ine (13). As ketoconazole is one of azole com-
kindly donated by the Insect Prevention Center,
pounds, a number of side-effects are associated
with ketoconazole as a result of inhibition of thesemammalian enzymes (14). Ketoconazole leads to
Phase 1. On the study day, four subjects ingested
liver damage because of its ability to inhibit
only 500 mg mefloquine with 200 mL water.
CYP3A4, the major P450 isoform of the liver (15).
Another four subjects received mefloquine plus
The inhibition of CYP3A4 results in drug–drug
400 mg ketoconazole (KETAZOL, 200 mg/tablet,
interactions involving ketoconazole and a decrease
Lot No.1A918/31; Central Poly Trading Co. Ltd,
in the rate of clearance of many drugs (16). Steroid
Bangkok, Thailand). Each subject ingested 400 mg
biosynthesis by P450 enzymes is also inhibited by
ketoconazole once daily before breakfast for 5 days
ketoconazole, presumably because of the binding
prior to mefloquine administration and for a fur-
of ketoconazole to the mitochondria P450 enzymes,
and the administration of low doses of ketoconaz-ole leads to a significant reduction in serum and-
Phase 2. The four subjects who ingested 500 mg
mefloquine alone in phase 1 or treatment 1
Mefloquine has a structurally chemical related to
were changed to have mefloquine plus ketoconaz-
quinine. As quinine is extensively metabolized by
ole, and another four subjects who ingested
CYP3A4 to form 3-hydroxyquinine, a major meta-
mefloquine plus ketoconazole in phase 1 or treat-
bolite (6, 11, 12), therefore, ketoconazole would
ment 1 were changed to have only mefloquine alone.
theoretically alter the metabolism of mefloquine.
All subjects fasted overnight before mefloquine
administration and received a regular meal 3 h aftermefloquine. The subjects were not allowed to smoke
or have coffee, tea, alcohol or cola on the test day.
Determination of plasma mefloquine and its
Eight Thai male volunteers, age 16–39 years (mean
age 29Æ5 ± 8Æ4 years) and weighed 56–64 kg (meanweight 61Æ5 ± 2Æ6 kg) participated in the study.
A forearm vein was inserted with a sterile intra-
Prior to the study, a medical history, physical
examination, standard biochemical and haemato-
blood samples, maintained patent with 1 mL of a
logical screening test (CBC, FBS, BUN, creatinine,
dilute heparin solution (100 unit/mL) after each
Ó 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 30, 285–290
Plasma concentrations of antimalarial mefloquine
sampling. Serial venous blood samples (5 mL)
were collected into heparinized tubes before drug
administration and at 0, 0Æ5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 h,and 2, 3, 4, 7, 14, 21, 35, 49 and 56 days post-drug
Eight healthy volunteers were enrolled and com-
administration. Samples were centrifuged not later
pleted this study. No side-effects were observed
than 30 min after collection, and the plasma was
after taking 500 mg of mefloquine alone. However,
separated and stored at )60 °C until analysis. The
two subjects reported mild headache during
plasma mefloquine (molecular weight 414Æ79) and
ketoconazole co-administration. This symptom
occurred only for a few days, and did not require
weight 309Æ13) concentrations were measured by a
any specific treatment. No significant laboratory
high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC)
abnormalities occurred in the subjects, and phys-
method (18, 19). The limit of quantification of me-
ical examinations revealed no abnormal findings at
floquine and its carboxylic acid metabolite was
62Æ5 ng/mL. The intraday coefficient of variation ofboth mefloquine and its carboxylic acid metabolite
was 1Æ60–9Æ07%, whereas the interday coefficient ofvariation was 3Æ51–10Æ21%. The relative recovery of
The mean plasma concentration–time profiles of
standard mefloquine and its carboxylic acid meta-
mefloquine and of its carboxylic acid metabolite
bolite in human plasma was 83–98% and 89–100%
co-administered with ketoconazole are shown inFig. 1 and the pharmacokinetic parameters aresummarized in Table 1.
The mean AUC0)t, t1/2, and Cmax values of
The pharmacokinetic parameters were analysed
mefloquine co-administered with ketoconazole
using a one-compartmental model and WinNonlin
increased by 79% (159Æ66 ± 33Æ28 vs. 286Æ05 ±
version 4.1 (Pharsight, Mountain View, CA, USA).
64Æ25 mg/L/h; P < 0Æ001), 39% (322Æ68 ± 99Æ95 vs.
The total area under the plasma concentration–time
448Æ41 ± 103Æ88 h; P < 0Æ05) and 64% (345Æ10 ±
curve (AUC) was calculated by the linear trapezo-
43Æ22 vs. 567Æ65 ± 88Æ69 ng/mL; P < 0Æ001), respec-
idal rule. The elimination rate constant (Ke) was
tively when compared with mefloquine alone. The
estimated from the least-squares regression slope
mean AUC0)t, and Cmax of mefloquine carboxylic
of the terminal plasma concentrations time course.
acid metabolite decreased by 28% (492Æ43 ± 141Æ66
The half-life (t1/2) of mefloquine and mefloquine
vs. 352Æ29 ± 47Æ08 mg/L/h; P < 0Æ05) and 31%
metabolite were calculated using the following
(606Æ11 ± 184Æ00 vs. 419Æ65 ± 45Æ02 ng/mL; P <
0Æ05), respectively. The t1/2 value of the carboxylic
acid metabolite decreased by 15% (679Æ08 ± 358Æ49
vs. 575Æ03 ± 82Æ28 h; P > 0Æ05) but was not signifi-
The maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and
cantly different to the control values. The mean
the time to reach Cmax (Tmax) were obtained from
Tmax values for mefloquine and mefloquine
the plasma concentration–time data.
carboxylic metabolite after co-administration ofmefloquine with ketoconazole were not signifi-cantly different from seen with mefloquine alone.
All results were expressed as mean ± standard
deviation (SD). Differences in mefloquine andmefloquine metabolite pharmacokinetic parameter
These results suggest that co-administered keto-
among control and treatment groups were tested
conazole increased the plasma concentration of
by one-way ANOVA with P < 0Æ05 taken as the level
mefloquine. The increase in AUC0)t (79%) and
of significance. The effect of period, sequence and
Cmax (64%) of mefloquine was likely the result of
interaction were evaluated with the use of two-way
decreased presystemic metabolism of mefloquine.
The rate of absorption of mefloquine was unlikely
Ó 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 30, 285–290
to have been affected as there was no significantdifference in the Tmax of mefloquine with andwithout ketoconazole. The presystemic metabolism
mefloquine alone mefloquine after ketoconazole
of mefloquine probably involved intestinal andhepatic CYP3A4. The increase in elimination t1/2 of
mefloquine in subjects with ketoconazole treatmentindicated an increased systemic metabolism of
mefloquine. In addition, the AUC0)t and Cmax ofmefloquine carboxylic acid metabolite were signi-ficantly reduced with ketoconazole co-administra-
tion. Reduced presystemic mefloquine metabolismis reflected in a decreased rate of metabolite for-
mation. Ketoconazole appears to have reduced the
Mefloquine metabolite after mefloquine alone
metabolism of mefloquine during both presystemic
Mefloquine metabolite after mefloquine + ketoconazole
and elimination phases (increased Cmax and longert1/2 values for mefloquine when given with keto-
conazole). The liver and intestine play an importantrole in the presystemic metabolism of many
CYP3A4 substrates, and ketoconazole is a potentinhibitor of CYP3A4 in these organs. Therefore, the
increased mean AUC0)t, Cmax and t1/2 of mefloqu-
ine after single oral dose administration with
ketoconazole for 10 days may be the result of
inhibition of CYP3A4 by ketoconazole, which were
similar to those occurring with quinine (12) as
mefloquine (a) and its carboxylic acid metabolite (b) in
mefloquine has a chemically structure related to
eight healthy subjects after a single oral dose of 500 mg
quinine. Significant quantities of CYP3A4 are
mefloquine alone (d) or co-administration with 400 mg
found in small bowel enterocytes and liver (20).
ketoconazole orally for 10 days (s). Data are mean ± SD.
CYP3A4 is the most abundantly expressed CYP
Table 1. Pharmacokinetic parameters (mean ± SD) of mefloquine and its carboxylic acid metabolite in eight subjectsfollowing a single oral of dose 500 mg mefloquine alone or in combination with oral administration of 400 mg/dayketoconazole for 10 days
Values are given as mean ± SD. AUC, area under the plasma concentration–time curve; t1/2, elimination half-life; Tmax, time to reach Cmax; Cmax, maximum plasmaconcentration. Data are mean ± SD. *P < 0Æ05, **P < 0Æ001 significantly different compared with control phase (one-way ANOVA).
Ó 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 30, 285–290
Plasma concentrations of antimalarial mefloquine
and accounts for approximately 30–40% of the total
metabolite is subject to several factors such as urine
CYP contents in human adult liver and small
pH, and changes in renal blood flow.
intestine (21). As ketoconazole is a potent inhibitor
of CYP3A4 in both liver and small bowel entero-
may be necessary to achieve chemosuppression
cytes it provides the obvious explanation for the
in P. faciparum infections. Plasma mefloquine
strong interaction observed. We previously repor-
concentrations from volunteers experiencing pro-
ted that cimetidine, a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor,
phylaxis failure were all less than 400 ng/mL,
reduced the clearance, and prolonged the elimin-
suggesting that higher mefloquine concentrations
ation t1/2 of mefloquine in a similar manner to
are necessary to suppress P. faciparum (18). In this
quinine (22). Ketoconazole is also a potent P-gly-
study, maximum plasma concentration of me-
coprotein (P-gp) inhibitor, thereby decreasing
floquine after mefloquine administration alone
and co-administered with ketoconazole were
metabolism (23). In animal studies co-administra-
345Æ10 ± 43Æ22 ng/mL and 567Æ65 ± 88Æ69 ng/mL
tion of ketoconazole (50 mg/kg, i.v.) caused an
respectively. Therefore, our results indicated that
eightfold increase in brain level of nelfinavir and a
ketoconazole (400 mg for 10 days) raised plasma
3Æ5-fold increase in plasma concentration in mice
concentrations of mefloquine sufficiently for a
(24). Both CYP3A4 and P-gp have broad substrate
specificity. Therefore, there is striking overlap of
This effect is beneficial in subjects who would
substrate between CYP3A4 and P-gp. Because
of overlapping substrate specificity, and because of
co-expression of CYP3A enzymes and P-gp in theintestine, kidney and liver, it is conceivable that
P-gp may play an important role in drug absorp-tion, by limiting drug transport from the intestinal
Ketoconazole enhances plasma concentrations of
lumen and metabolism (23). The fact that inhibition
mefloquine considerably by inhibiting its meta-
of P-gp by ketoconazole contributed to the
bolism in the liver rather than the small intestine.
observed interaction with mefloquine, cannot be
Inhibition of CYP3A4-mediated metabolism, is a
excluded in this study. The higher t1/2 in subjects
likely explanation. Both mefloquine and keto-
with ketoconazole co-administration indicated a
conazole are widely prescribed in some coun-
decreased hepatic metabolism of mefloquine. This
tries. Thus, clinicians should be aware of this
suggests that ketoconazole inhibits the hepatic
CYP3A4-mediated metabolism of mefloquine.
The significant decrease in the AUC0)t and Cmax
of mefloquine carboxylic acid metabolite afterco-administration of ketoconazole is probably the
This study was supported by grants from the Thai
result of the cytochrome P450 by the latter. In
Government, Faculty of Science, Graduate Studies,
support, the t1/2 value of mefloquine carboxylic
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. We thank
metabolite after ketoconazole co-administration
F-Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland, for
decreased by 15% compared wirh mefloquine
donating standard mefloquine hydrochloride and
alone. Differences in drug metabolism and their
its carboxylic acid metabolite for use in HPLC
determinants in human organisms have been
intensively investigated over the years. In general,genetic factors (polymorphism) are more important
than environmental ones. It was reported thatCYP3A4*1B carriers required more tacrolimus to
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PHILIP AGOP PHILIP, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.P. Baccalaureate, American Jesuit Fathers’ College, Baghdad, Iraq. M.D. Degree, University of Baghdad, College of Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq. Ph.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics , University of London, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London, UK. Intern in Internal Medicine and General Surgery, Medical City Teaching Hospital, University
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 156 / Tuesday, August 13, 2013 / Notices Leslie Kux, 20405–0001, telephone 202–501–4755. Assistant Commissioner for Policy. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: [FR Doc. 2013–19523 Filed 8–12–13; 8:45 am] I. Background BILLING CODE 4160–01–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Medical Foods; Second Edition.’’ This Case