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“from a seed a flower blooms as do people who blossom in life”…….
Eating Disorders Support Services
Self Help Information Booklet
Secretary Marg Oaten
207 Lambwath Road Hull HU8 0HS
Tel No: (01482) 718130
Charity No. 1108405
South London and Maudsley Nhs Trust b-eat (Beating Eating Disorders)
Patient & Public Involvement Leaflets Kings College Hospital London (Risk Assessment) WHAT IS AN EATING DISORDER
A person demonstrating an eating disorder will use food or food issues as a coping
strategy for their seeming insurmountable emotional problems.
THE WORD ANOREXIA MEANS – Loss of appetite
NERVOSA – Of the nervous system (Of the Mind)

Is when someone restricts their diet to the point of starvation and will keep their body weight
low by dieting, vomiting or excessive exercising. The illness is caused by anxiety about body
shape and weight. Weight loss can be seen as a positive achievement that can help them
increase their confidence and self-esteem. It becomes a ‘control’ situation for ‘something’
they feel they have no control over. The sufferer may experience periods of depression or
have a low self esteem. Lack of concentration, sleeplessness, extreme coldness, fatigue, poor
hair and skin condition are all characteristics of anorexia. In extreme cases the body may
grow fine body hair (lanugo) this is nature’s way of keeping the body warm.

Is when someone restricts their diet for long periods of time (known as fasting) when food is
eaten there is no control over the amount of food that is eaten (known as a binge). The
sufferer will then rid themselves of the food by vomiting (known as purging) Sometimes the
sufferer uses laxatives, diuretics or exercise as a method of controlling weight.
THE WORD BULIMIA MEA NS –Appetite of an Ox

NERVOSA – Of the nervous system (of the mind)
As with anorexia a person will evaluate themselves according to their body shape and weight.
People with Bulimia are caught in a cycle of eating large amounts of food (called a binge) and
then vomit, takes laxatives or diuretics (called the purge). They may exercise excessively as a
way of ‘controlling’ their weight. The behaviours of someone suffering from Bulimia
Nervosa can dominate a daily routine and leave very little time for anything else. Due to this,
relationships can suffer and social events are often declined because this will ‘interfere’ with
a binge. Binges are often planned in a very ritual way and can last many hours. Whilst
someone is in binge ‘mode’ a sense of euphoria is experienced and the escapism from other
problems elevated in the short term. In the long term problematic situations are not solved
and feelings of guilt and self loathe are experienced once the ‘binge’ has ceased. The sufferer
often has a low self esteem and might hurt themselves by cutting or scratching. They may
experience symptoms such as tiredness or feel bloated, bowel problems, irregular periods,
swelling in the hands feet or face. Problems with teeth due to enamel erosion. Excessive
vomiting can cause serious heart problems and it is most important the potassium levels are
Referred to as EDNOS Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.
This is because they do not fit into a specific category, as do anorexia or bulimia. Someone
may have some symptoms or characteristic of anorexia or bulimia (such as dieting, binge
eating, or a pre-occupation of food) but they do not try to control their weight by purging. A
person with BED may feel anxious and tense. Binges, if lengthy, may encroach on social
events or relationships.

S.E.E.D. Eating Disorders Support Services (formerly - Eating Disorder Support
Group (Hull & E. Yorkshire)
Formed in 2000 and have developed and grown in stature every since.
It presently offers the following services:-
Charity Status the group became a registered charity in November 2005 and now have an
officially membership. The Group see the increase of Trustees. Volunteers and Members as a
way forward. By becoming a charity we can now access larger funding opportunities.
Walking on Eggshells - workshops for carers living with an eating disorder. Following
training in London via the London and South Maudsley Eating Disorder Clinic S.E.E.D. hold
a full day workshop followed by a 2 hour follow up in 6 weeks time.
B-eat (beating eating disorders) Self Help Network (SHN)
groups operate under the B-eat SHN framework which means that we attend regional
training days and Annual Conferences. We are accountable to the B-eat SHN for the running
of the groups and the way in which we conduct our sessions. The B-eat are there to support
us should we need it.
Website: is an informative site, easy to navigate and
invaluable to anyone wishing to learn more about eating disorders. The feedback is that it is
excellent. It is updated regularly and offers the opportunity to link in with other websites and
saves endless time searching for information. It is an excellent resource for both sufferers and
E mail Support is available via the web site and gives the sufferer the opportunity to make
contact via e mail response, when it is difficult for them to attend groups or ring the help line.
Once contact is established and support and information made available quite often the
sufferer then moves forward to seek the professional help they need to move forward with
their illness.

Help line – 01482 718130
is available daily and offers support and information for
sufferers, carers, and support workers. Literature is offered to new callers to support hem in
gaining a better understanding of the illness. If callers have internet access we

Newsletters are
distributed bi-annually along with periodic updates.
Self Help Group was launched in November 2003 and meets every 2nd Tuesday in the
month. This group is for sufferers only and is facilitated by a therapist and the groups are
well structured and professionally run. There are a good selection of books and tapes for
members to take out on loan on a monthly basis. The group aims to offer motivational skills
to sufferers and support in knowing they are not alone with their illness. .
Support Group – meet every 1st Wednesday in the month and is open to both sufferers
carers. The Group is opened with updates and offers an informative session of
approximately 25 minutes. There are opportunities for questions and group discussions.
Books, Tapes, Videos DVD’s and CD’s are available at the end of each meeting for loan on a
monthly basis.
Stairway to Recovery in the Treatment of Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder is a 4
month self help programme delivered in a small group of 6 people and facilitated by an
assistant therapist. Each person has 4 alternative complimentary therapy sessions taken on a
monthly basis for the duration of the programme.
Youth Self Help Group for age 13 to 17 years of age in the development stages.
Telephone Buddy Scheme – support for sufferers on a weekly basis via a Telephone Buddy.
Our Buddies have a basic counselling certificate but more importantly have an excellent
understanding of eating disorders.
E.Mail Buddy Scheme – support for sufferers on a weekly basis via an E Mail Buddy. Our
Buddies have a basic counselling certificate but more importantly have an excellent
understanding of eating disorders.
An eating disorder affects not only the sufferers but anyone who is part of their life. Family,
Friends, Partners are all affected by this devastating illness.
The sufferers and carers may often be locked in ‘conflict’ when it comes to living with and
dealing with an eating disorder.
Families are torn apart by the pressures this devastating illness bestows, and carers must
‘work together’ in their endeavours to support the sufferer.
Parents often play a key role in the recovery process.
Visit to check out when the Support Groups are held –
(every first Wednesday in the month)
Visit you will find useful information about the important role the carers
can provide for people with a range of mental health problems.
There is no right and wrong way when it comes to living with an eating disorder –
suggestions can be made but what works for one may not work for another.
If you are caring for a child or adolescent the parent may be the ones to take the lead when it
comes to treatment.
Research the treatment on offer – don’t be afraid to question the type of treatment on offer
and share your concerns if needed.
Ask what the referral pathway involves. Who where and when will your child be seen.
Be aware that medical oversight is vitally important. If someone is being treat as an out
patient within Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) then the patients
medical needs may not be addressed fully. It is very important the GP is involved on a
regular basis. This will give you peace of mind that the sufferer will not be allowed to slip to
dangerously low levels (check out BMI)
Once an adolescent ceases to be in full time education and reaches the age of 17 they will be
past over to adult services. If a child is in full time education and under 18 they will be
treated within CAMHS
Transition can be very fragmented and often no one will take responsibility. It is around this
time that people ‘slip through the net’ and may be left without support for an unacceptable
length of time. Don’t play the waiting game! Re-visit the CPN in charge whilst under
CAMHS and ask that they co-ordinate care for you within Adult Services. This should be an
automatic transition from adolescent to adult services but sadly this is not always the case.
If a sufferer is over 18 years of age and being treat within adult services carers often feel
isolated from their son/daughter care. If your son/daughter wishes that you are involved in
their care plan then all that is needed is for them to write a short letter giving their permission
for this to happen.
This would not entitle you to be a part of their one to one sessions but it would give you the
opportunity to share concerns, give updates or if needed, act as advocate when accessing
Always make sure that what you think should happen for your son/daughter’s pathway of care
i.e. in-patient provision, is what the patient thinks should happen also.
This is a very difficult time and whilst you ‘fight’ tooth and nail for appropriate services, the patient could easily be non-compliant with your wishes. Be aware also that if your son/daughters weight is dangerously low it would be as a matter of urgency that they are overseen within a medical ward until such time as they are stabilised. Do not take chances – if you feel there is a problem then either seek GP advice or take directly to the A & E. Department. THE ROLE OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS
focuses on expression via the Arts. This gives individuals, suffering from
mental health problems the opportunity to express thoughts and feelings in other ways.

provides care and treatment for people living in the
community who are experiencing mental health problems. A CPN offers emotional support and co-
ordinates your Care Plan which may incorporate other services. If a CPN is unable to meet all your
requirements then it may be necessary to refer you on to secondary services i.e. psychology or
psychiatry. The CPN will still be involved in your care even if you are receiving oversight from other
services. This is referred to as a ‘Network’ of support.

The role of a counsellor is to explore any difficulties the client may be having. By listening attentively
and patiently the counsellor can begin to perceive the difficulties from the client’s point of view and
can help them to see things more clearly. As in any counselling or therapy the relationship between
client and counsellor is an essential part of the process.
Is a healthcare professional who can advise you about nutrition and health, and how to manage your
weight. They can also explain how eating disorders can cause damage to physical health.

This therapy is based on psychological principles and is most commonly used
with families where a child or adolescent has an eating disorder. With eating disorders, the focus is on
the eating disorder and how this affects family relationships. In the early stages of treatment, it
emphasises the necessity for parents to take a central role in supporting their child’s efforts to eat.
This support s different to Family Therapy and offer emotional support rather
than therapeutic support.
is a commonly known as a Doctor. The GP should play an active role
in monitoring your physical well being. The GP is the first link in the chain and the person who makes
the initial referral to a CPN within the CMHT
Is a medical doctor (GP) whose specialises in the study and treatment of mental health. A psychiatrist
is able to prescribe medication.
A psychologist is a specialist in the treatment of mental and emotional health problems. A
psychologist is unable to prescribe drugs.

focus on enabling the development of specific skills and
techniques needed in daily living, and assessment may be needed for any physical adaptations to the
home environment. They help people with mental health problems build up the confidence and skills
needed for personal, social, domestic, leisure or work activities.
A social worker helps individuals and their families deal with various problems which arise from
coping with a difficultly, illness or hospitalisation. It is also someone who deals with social impacts of
an illness, such as an eating disorder. A social worker can provide information and referral to various
agencies that can assist with many issues such as counselling, housing, legal, and financial aid.

Some Therapists are able to deliver therapy in a number of different ways e.g. Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy (CBT). Cognitive Analytical Therapy (CAT) Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)

In-patient Care
A person will be kept overnight for the duration of their treatment
Outpatient Care
A person who has appointment at a hospital or clinic but does not need to stay
Day Care
If an area were to benefit from an Eating Disorder Day Centre then a patient would be
expected to attend that centre on a daily basis as part of their treatment plan. This
could only work if the Town/City you live in has this facility. It would not be
practical for a patient to travel many miles on a daily basis
Acute In Patient Stay
‘Acute’ is the name given to our hospitals such as Hull Royal Infirmary or Castle Hill
Hospital. Or they can refer to Psychiatric Units within The Humber Mental Health
Sometimes is to necessary for a patient to be stabilised medically before in-patient
treatment can be offered within an Eating Disorder Specialist Hospital (the nearest of
which would be Leeds, York or Sheffield)
If a person has complex mental health problems it may be necessary for them to stay
within a psychiatric unit until they are stabilized.
Be aware that if a person is offered treatment within a psychiatric unit and they suffer
purely from an Eating Disorder with no complex mental health issues, this may not be
the best environment for that individual, in view of the fact the units would be mixed
wards and not specialised in dealing with eating difficulties.

When a Healthcare professional believes that a person is so ill that he or she is unable
to make a decision about treatment, or if a person who is ill refuses treatment, the
healthcare profession can treat the person under the Mental Health Act (1983).
This treatment, against the will of the patient or without their consent is called being
If you are treated under the Mental Health Act you will receive your care in an
inpatient unit. The people in charge of your care will make sure you understand what
is happening to you and your legal rights

For more information on this visit the following:-
This site will take you into the Kings College London web site. Type in the search
box – (medical risk assessment for eating disorders) this will then navigate you to a
paper written by Prof Janet Treasure.
It is designed specifically for out-patients in primary care and secondary care, medical
in-patients, general psychiatric in-patients and eating disorder in-patients.
Body Mass Index Key
Guidelines as set out the South London and Maudsley Nhs Trust
25.0 – 18.5
18.5 – 17.5
Underweight – Irregular periods or absent menstruation. Ovulation Failure 17.5 – 15.
Anorexia Nervosa – Amenorrhoea. Loss or substance from all body organs and structure 15. – 13.5
Severe Anorexia. All organ systems compromised. Bone: heart: muscle: brain: Metabolism reduced by 50% Critical Anorexia Nervosa: Inpatient treatment recommended. Organs begin to fail: muscle: bone marrow: heart Other Important Issues to Consider When Consulting your GP
A person suffering from Bulimia/Binge Eating may display normal or near normal
weight this does not mean to say they do not need to be monitored by the GP.
One of the important issues is that if a person is vomiting excessive their potassium levels
will become very low. Potassium is the mineral that stabilises our heart rate.
A normal potassium level is within 3.5 – 5.2. Anything below may be given Slow K – a
potassium supplement available only on prescription. It is important the GP does regular
blood tests to monitor potassium levels because what is equally important is that the
potassium does not rise too high. Bananas, Grapes, Lentils and Pulses are a great source of
By comparison when a patient is severely underweight it is advisable to ask the doctor
for a complete blood count. This will counteract any other medical deficiencies.
It is important the GP oversees the patient even when a referral is in place to see a
Community Psychiatric Nurse or a Psychologist. It is important to get the balance to address
both physical and psychological needs.
The formula is:-
Divide the answer by your height in inches
Once more divide the answer by your height in inches
The result figure is your BMI (Body Mass Index)
Please be aware the BMI calculation does not take into account age, or gender. In
the case of children it may be more appropriate to refer to a child centile growth
chart for a more accurate calculation.

A legal entity/organisation formed to provide health services in Secondary Setting – usually
within a hospital. Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill are recognised to come under the
Acute Trust.
are a comprehensive
range of services available within local communities which provide help and treatment to
children and young people who are experiencing emotional or behavioural difficulties or
mental health problems.
targets maladaptive thought processes in
attempting to treat mental health difficulties. It attempts to replace the maladaptive thought
processes with ones which are more adaptive or less problematic.
are responsible for the mental health care and
treatment of adults living in the community.
is an independent inspection body for
the NHS. This was replaced by CHAI in April 2004 Will give more
information and the opportunity to give your views when inspections are in progress.
is a legislative requirement ensuring that a person accessing
care from mental health services has a detailed care plan detailing what professionals are
responsible for different areas of their care.
are a team of professionals who respond to and
support adults who are experiencing severe mental health problems which might lead to
admission to a psychiatric hospital. The man aim of the CRS is to help individuals manage
and resolve their crisis through home assessment and treatment as an alternative to hospital.
is a Primary Care Trust within the North and East
Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire Strategic Health Authority area.
is when members of the family meet with a team of healthcare
professionals specialising in family therapy and the they discuss ways in which the family can
identify issues that may be problematic to them and help them deal with those issues as a
family unit.
are a new type of NHS Hospital tailored to the needs of local
populations and run by local managers, staff and members of the public. Visit for more information. It is proposed that the present HMHT applies for
Foundation Trust Status.
oversee all treatment relating to mental health.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Adult Services and Specialist Services are
presently governed via the HMHT
supports primary services in meetings the needs of
children, young people and their families experiencing emotional, behavioural and mental
health difficulties through identifying and facilitating access to specialist services.
Glossary cont………
consists of health and social service
professionals such as social workers.
is a nurse-led telephone advice and
information service, also available on the internet
– Providing the National
Guidelines in the Treatment of Eating Disorders.
is a service to provide help to
patients, carers and relatives raise concerns or make comments on all aspects of local health
oversee services provided by family doctors, dentists,
pharmacists, optometrists and ophthalmic medical practitioners, together with district nurses
and health visitors refers to the geographical area covered by the NHS trust. From April 2006
the established East and West PCT will merge services, and will therefore cover the Hull area.
East Riding presently operate geographically.
have been set up to give local
voluntary organisations within your local community who are enthusiastic about helping
patients and members of the public influence the way that local healthcare is organised and
delivered. Forum members come from a broad variety of backgrounds and have a range of
experience and skills.
refers to the range of interventions
employed by mental health professionals which target both psychological and social
processes in helping a person overcome a mental health problem.

provides a service to people who are aged between 14 and 35 who have experienced a first
episode of psychosis. The main purpose of the service is to help young people tackle the
many obstacles and challenges associated with their psychosis and helping them in getting on
with their life again as soon as possible.
is responsible for developing strategies for local
health services and ensuring high-quality performance. They manage the NHS locally and
are a key link between the Department of Health and the HNS. See
is a body that is usually established for the purposes of
providing a service t the rest of the NHS. It is part of the NHS and is subject to many of the
same requirements as other health authorities. The functions and obligations of an SHA are
set out in legislation, SHA’s are therefore accountable to Ministers and Parliament.

Someone diagnosed with manic depression may swing from moods of deep
depression o periods of overactive, excited behaviour known as mania. Between
these severe highs and lows there may be relatively stable times, although this isn’t
always the case.
Delusions are defined as beliefs or experiences that are not shared by others.
Someone might believe, for instance, that they are being pursued by secret agents or
controlled by external forces that are putting thoughts into their minds.
Is a psychiatric illness in which a person’s capacity for recognizing reality and
communicating and interacting with others is impaired, thereby greatly diminishing
the person’s ability to deal with life’s demands. May be associated with several
medical disorders, and includes thought disorders (delusion), sensory perceptual
alterations (hallucinations, illusions) and extremes of affect.
Drugs which are used to help control the symptoms of psychosis, these include both
traditional typical anti-psychotics (e.g. chlorpromazine, haloperidol etc) and the more
recent atypical anti-psychotics (e.g. alanzophone, quetiapine etc.)
and one in particular called fluoxetine (Prozac) are the ones most often
chosen for treating bulimia nervosa. Anti-depressants can help to reduce the number
of times someone binge eats and purges. The long term effects on eating problems
however are not known.
We all have personality and sometimes if this is presented in a disordered way and an
eating disorder may develop as a coping strategy, a person could be diagnosed as
having a personality disorder instead of an eating disorder.

Do not be under the illusion that the GP will offer counselling/therapy. The role of the GP would be to make recommendations for further help and hopefully to oversee your condition physically. Don’t be afraid to ask your GP for a referral, even if he is not forthcoming in offering this. A referral would be to a Community Mental Health Team in the first instance. If another appointment is not forthcoming with your GP – ask if you could see your GP again. If blood tests are not offered – you are quite within your right to ask for a blood test to check that your levels are normal. In the first instance this would be a full blood count. If bloods do show abnormality then it is usual for follow up blood tests to be carried out. Don’t be afraid of asking what your levels were and get the GP to explain them to you. If a referral has been recommended to a CMHT you will be assessed by a CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse). Don’t be afraid of making a list of questions and share with the CPN if you are nervous or feel uneasy in any way. You are quite within your right to take someone with you for support. Make sure you know exactly who you are seeing and what is their role. You may wish to ask if they have worked with people with eating disorders! Ask what happens next. Don’t leave the session without being clear about who, where and when you will be seen. You may wish to ask what their recommendations are! Don’t be dismissed by someone saying there is nothing they can do for you. This is unacceptable. You have ever right to ask for a second opinion. Make sure you know exactly what the next step would be. If you are offered counselling via the GP then this may not be a Psychologist. A Psychologist usually comes under what is called secondary services. The GP is a primary service but sometimes do have Primary Care Psychologists. Always make sure you know exactly who you are seeing (i.e. what is there role). Sometimes if a service is offered via the GP ask exactly what this involves. You may find that the sessions are limited to approximately 6. This may work very well with someone needing emotional support for mild mental health problems but if the patient has long term mental health problems this may not be the right route to take. The patient may be left feeling isolated with their problems if the sessions are stopped. Self Help can take on many forms. This can be groups, websites, books, e mail support or telephone support. It may also be that someone may look to specialist counselling services such as Rape Crisis, Relate or Bereavement Counselling. Look to self help very much as an ‘add on’ and not in place of anything the Trusts are able to provide. Remember this is what we call a ‘network’ of support. A network of support could involve the GP, family or friends; self help groups, CPN, psychiatry or psychology, a dietician. Remember ‘recovery’ can take anything from 2 to 5 years in total. Those people who struggle are those who have no network of support around them, especially when faced with long waiting lists. If you feel you would benefit from a dietician it could be that the GP offer a service attached to their surgery, if not you would need to be referred via the GP. BENEFITS
It would be impossible to keep up to date with the legislation for benefits. Below are just
some of the entitlements that may apply to you, together with valuable information
based on research and experiences.
For up to date information booklet GL23 (Department of Works and Pensions) DWP

Carers Allowance
is paid to the carer at a rate of £43.15 per week. This does have criteria and carers
are limited to the amount they are able to earn in any one week, and must care for someone for
minimum number of hours per day.

Disability Living Allowance
can be awarded to someone who needs help with personal care. It is not
means tested and the care component as at April 2006 is made up as follows:-
Higher rate £57.20 per week
Check out for up dated rates of payment and criteria needed. It can be payable to
someone who has mental health problems and depend on others for support. This is known as the Care
The forms can be daunting but ask for help from someone who has experience of filling
out these forms. Always keep copies of the completed form it may be that you are not awarded this
allowance at first but need to appeal against their decision. You will need to know why you have been
turned down and what procedures are needed to appeal. Don’t be deterred, if you are awarded his
benefit it will be worth the effort in the end. Unless you have physical disabilities you will not qualify
for the Mobility Component applicable to the allowance. For more information ring 0845 7123456. If
you are having difficulty in filling in forms contact The Hull Council for the Disabled they have
advisors who are trained in supporting people applying for benefits.
HC2 Form is means tested and awarded on a yearly basis to those people on low incomes. It provides
help for prescription charges, dentistry, travel to and from hospital appointments to name a few. Your
doctor or dentist may have some forms that you can have. This form is very easy to fill out – it asks for
details of dependants and who you live with. Basically if you are living with parents and not getting
much or any allowances all you need to do is fill in the form, sign the declaration and provide a recent
bank statement. It is well worth the time to do this because if you are on incapacity you will be
expected to pay for prescriptions etc. For more information ring 0845 850 1166
Income Support is made up of personal allowances, premiums, housing costs – the criteria is mind
blowing but necessary for financial assistance. You will need to contact your local social security
office, and fill in the necessary forms for your claim to be assessed. If you are on Income Support you
automatically are entitled to free prescriptions, eye tests, glasses and dentistry work. For more
information ring 01482 584444. Telephone Advice Line (01482)482051
Incapacity Benefit this is a payment made if you are not fit to work. To qualify for incapacity you
need to be signed off as unfit to work by your GP. –Do this as soon as you feel you are unable to
continue in your employment. Contact the Social Security Office and ask for a claim form. Fill this in
as soon as possible and continue to send ‘sickness certificates for as long as they need them’. If there is
a delay in processing your application don’t worry, check with the department to see how the claim is
progressing. If you are awarded payment then payment will be back dated to the date of application.
There are different rates of incapacity:- Rates as at April 2004:-
Short term lower rate is £54.40
Short term is up to 26 weeks off ill.
Short term higher is after 26 weeks and up to 52 weeks.
And long term basic is after 52 weeks.
All of the above are subject to change and the DSS will let you know when you do not have to send in
any more certificates from you GP. They will also inform you of any changes that are made to your
payments. The system is computerised and you will be kept informed of any update they may need
from you. New legislation may mean that you are asked to attend assessments from time to time. This
information is very basic but hopefully will help. For more information ring 01482 584444
If a person has not worked for 2 years and have no national health stamps to entitle them to benefits
there is no reason why you cannot start to send in sick notes from the GP – This will then entitle you to
a stamp, and although you will not be entitled to benefits you will start to get a stamp paid and after 2
years would be able to claim money. Also by becoming an incapacity ‘statistic’ you may then have
access to government incentive schemes!
Disability Services Team offer help and advice for returning to work ring your local team on
01482 332912.

Worthwhile Websites
Save hours of searching and getting nowhere! Below are some of the excellent sites available
to conduct your own research:-
Eating Disorder Support Group links you in with lots of excellent sites. All you need to do is
access the above site. On the Home Page, click on relevant websites or more relevant
websites. The list is extensive and the information invaluable. Why not take a look!
Well as members of the Eating Disorder Association Self Help Network it would be wrong of
me not to single this site out as excellent. Of course you can link in with this site via our own
‘beehive’ site.
This site is owned by the Department of Works and Pensions has all you need to know about
This site is the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) and you are able to access the
NICE Guidelines for Eating Disorders, which is a guide for people with eating disorders, their
advocates and carers and the public.
The National Health Service was set up in 1948 to provide healthcare for all citizens, based
on need, not the ability to pay. It is made up of a wide range of health professionals, support
workers and organisations. This site will tell you everything you needs to know about just
how the NHS is structured.
Is owned by the Institute of Psychiatry and has extensive information above eating disorders.
This site will take you into the Kings College London web site. Type in the search box –
(medical risk assessment for eating disorders) this will then navigate you to a paper written by
Prof Janet Treasure.
It is designed specifically for out-patients in primary care and secondary care, medical in-
patients, general psychiatric in-patients and eating disorder in-patients.
Strategic Health Authority is responsible for developing strategies for local health services
and ensuring high-quality performance. They manage the HNS locally and are a key link
between the Department of Health and the HNS.
You will find useful information about the important role the carers can provide for people
with a range of mental health problems.
Commission for Health Improvements is an independent inspection body for the NHS. This
was replaced by CHAI in April 2004. This site will give more information and the
opportunity to give your views when inspections are in progress.
NHS Foundation Trust
is a new type of NHS Hospital tailored to the needs of local
populations and run by local managers, staff and members of the public. Visit the above site
for more information. It is proposed that the present HMHT applies for Foundation Trust
National Health Service Direct is a nurse led telephone advice and information service, also
available on the internet.


(Specialising in Self Harm)
COSMIC (under 19’s)
Bereavement Counselling and Advice
S.E.E.D. Eating Disorders Support Services
01482 718130
B-eat (
Help line

0845 634 1414
EYPCT (Health House) Willerby
Humber Mental Health Trust (Head Office) HOSPITALS
Hull Royal Infirmary
0845 46 47
Psychosis Service for Young People in Hull & E. R
General Enquiries


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Incorporated: 1773 Origin: This territory was first settled in 1763, and known as the North Woods, a parish of Nottingham. It was incorporated as a separate town upon agreement with Nottingham in 1773. In 1791, the General Court of New Hampshire authorized a committee to survey and lay out a road between Durham and Concord, which became the First New Hampshire Turnpike. The ro

Early and Late Second Trimester Abortion in an Outpatient Clinic Completed in Less Than 24 hours The performance of second trimester abortion between 17 to 34 weeks in an outpatient clinic setting is only safe in the hands of Physicians who are experienced with abortion care. Normally, it usually takes two to four days to complete the abortion procedure. That is because the majority of Ph

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