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medicinal products are to be manufactured.
hazardous means that, under Control ofSubstances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)regulations, employers in the UK are obligedto assess the risks.3 Additionally, concernsregarding the possible carcinogenicity ofsome anticancer drugs means they aresubject to Appendix 1 of the COSHHApproved Code of Practice (ACOP).3 Foroperators engaged in the preparation andhandling of chemotherapy drugs, the mostcommon form of exposure is via dermalcontact and inhalation.3 Even intact skin isvulnerable4 and some chemotherapy drugsare skin irritants.3
consideration needs to be given to: ● the toxicity of the cytotoxic drug ● the time of exposure to the drug ● the frequency of the exposure to the drug.
contact during the preparation andadministration of drugs, paying particularattention to the glove specification and howit relates to personal protection seems
Handling prudent, particularly as the cumulative effect
of regular exposure to small doses ofcytotoxic drugs3 is not fully understood.
Handling compounds is carried out in enclosed units
such as isolators, potential exposure wouldappear to be limited to the barriereffectiveness of the gloving system. Awayfrom the production unit, skin contact could
cytotoxic result from surface residues on packaging or
(PPE) at Work Regulations (1992),appropriate PPE needs to be provided whenthere are no other alternatives to managing
material the risks.3PPE obviously includes hand
protection, which gives rise to the questionof how to determine the suitability of thegloves. Where the intended purpose ispersonal protection, it would seem logical toselect a glove registered according to the PPEDirective (89/686/EEC) rather than the
The level of protection afforded by gloves to
Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC wherethe emphasis is on patient protection.6
personnel and products when handling cytotoxic
agents is complex. Nick Gardner, SHIELD
chemical hazards, selecting gloves designedto protect against the highest level of risk will
Scientific, offers some important considerations
be necessary. These gloves are referred to asgloves of complex design (category III) for
With the 25% increase in cancer in and teratogenic.2 The potentially hazardous irreversible or potentially mortal risk.6
Determining the regulatory status of a glove
attention of the UK Health & Safety Executive
the forefront of our defence for tackling this
(HSE), which has published two information
Conformity (the latter is a legal obligation
preparation and handling of cytotoxic agents
under the PPE Directive) and the details will
often feature on the product data sheet.
The gloves’ ability to resist permeation
led to the International Agency for Research
product protection is tightly controlled by
and penetration of cytotoxics is important4
on Cancer (IARC) classifying some cytotoxic
the EC Guide to GMP,5 which stipulates the
and requires the following considerations:
drugs as possibly carcinogenic, mutagenic
Permeation – defined as “the process by
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pharmaceuticals Table 1: Key differences between standards Comparison ASTM F 739-99a ASTM D6978-05 EN374-3:2003 Test Temperature Permeation rate Test time What to test?
guidance is given on the selection of cytotoxic drugs
Area of glove needs to be tested
contact (i.e. the palm or cuff) is to be tested.
Table 2: Comparison of carmustine and thiotepa Test Chemical TEST 1: EN 374-3:2003 TEST 2: ASTM D6978-05
Table 2. If a risk assessment had been based
on EN374-3: 2003, then it could have given
the glove wearers a higher level of confidencein the glove’s resistance to permeation by
Table 3: Annex A (EN374-2: 2003) Quality Assurance specifically developed Procedure to be used in glove manufacture9
not the only factors that govern permeation;
Performance Acceptable Inspection
permeation characteristics of a glove, only
level (AQL) unit
considered – this can apply when looking at
various formulations of gloves from the same
which a chemical agent migrates through the
A further cautionary note on assessing the
protective glove at a molecular level”.7 Those
methodology is more aligned with the needs
disinfecting gloves in use will diminish their
assessing the permeation characteristics of a
glove, will inevitably seek data specific to
temperature of 35°C (+/-2°C) is close to that
of the human hand, and it should be noted
that permeation accelerates with increasing
temperature. In view of the hazardousness of
Penetration – this is described by the HSE
as “the bulk flow of a chemical agent through
● ASTM D6978-05 “Standard Practice for
closures, porous material, seams, pinholes
Assessment of Resistance of Medical Gloves
highest level of sensitivity as defined by
permeation rate – 100 times more sensitive
glove”.7 The issue of penetration has been
● ASMT F739-99a “Standard Test Method for
Resistance of Protective Clothing Materials
stipulates the cytotoxic agents and their
positive pressure, as there is greater potential
● EN374-3:2003 “Protective gloves against
chemicals and micro-organisms – Part 3:
rubicin HCI, etopside, fluorouacil, paclitaxel
Determination of resistance to permeation
and thiotepa), while two can be selected by
against cytostatics are likely to be registered
methodologies for chemical permeation, in
trations are detailed for optional testing.
preferred method, presumably because it is a
mentions that only the thinnest part of the
disposable gloves this will invariably mean
that the gloves will have undergone a ᮣ
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watertight test and the porosity of a glove is
The product data sheets for these types of
gloves will often provide details in terms of
specification and typical levels of particles
considered to be micro-organism resistant if
content of less than 20 EU/pair of gloves as
Level (AQL) of 1.5 or Level 2. An AQL of 1.5
accepts the statistical probability that there
Further guarantees of the suitability of the
are less than 1.5% defects in a batch of gloves.
batch specific data that is provided in the form
assurance level, giving the glove wearer a
of a certificate of analysis or certificate of
conformance. Specifically, with reference to
barrier defects such as pinholes, AQL is an
important parameter for minimising the risk
penetration,8 sourcing gloves with as low an
represents a statistical probability of defects,
a lower AQL is better for assuring process
protection particularly when working under
personal safety are local safety standards. The value of cleanliness – particle and
non-sterile protective gloves will need to be
extractable data are not routinely provided
for surgical gloves, but are for cleanroom
preparation of cytotoxic drugs. They include:
Most of the criteria already discussed still
gloves. High particle counts on gloves may
● Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheit und
apply, but noting that non-sterile gloves are
often thinner and may not have been tested
association for the German health service
specifically on cytotoxic drugs.8 The most
packaged in paper-free packaging to reduce
● TRGS 525 Technical rules for working with
protect the wrist fully from drug exposure.
contamination are particularly relevant to
aseptic processes and it has been reported
● Suva (Schweizerische Unfallversicherungs-
that “the pyrogens that pose most risk to the
● Institute for Applied Healthcare Sciences
(IFAHS) – Quality Standard for the Pharmacy
rigours of being left on an isolator ring. Not
contamination are particularly high as gloves
all synthetic gloves may be as suitable as
latex, with its superior elasticity. Size range
ment, which promotes the proliferation of
(particularly with reference to smaller and
Gram-negative bacteria. Also water used for
larger sizes) and fit will need to be evaluated.
washing the gloves may be laden with micro-
● Toxicité et risques professionnels. Fiche
The importance of safety in use should not
● Recommendations pour la prévention des
preventing spillages – a glove in contact with
isopropyl alcohol can become very slippery. endotoxin content claim and particularly if it
is batch tested for endotoxin is likely to be of
Here too there are differences in guidance
Product protection
(see footnote). For example, glove wearing
Annex 1 to the EC Guide to GMP stipulates
that “the manufacture of sterile products is
are inflammatory substances not eliminated
some variation in practice. It is notable that
subject to special requirements to minimise
the BGW mentions “occlusion” as a reason
risks of microbiological contamination, and
irritant contact dermatitis and have been
for changing gloves every 30min.11 This is
of particulate and pyrogen contamination”.5
To achieve these objectives, different levels of
airborne particles are prescribed for various
In conclusion, gloves play a vital role in
it easier for the cytotoxic drugs to come
levels of cleanliness. However, what about
providing personal and product protection
into contact with the skin. Double-gloving
for additional protection through a double
contact with the product? Some authorities
consideration. CT
wall system is widely practised.8 However,
refer to the use of “clean gloves” for use in the
isolator,4 without indicating what is clean.
coloured gloves to help rapid detection of
For a fuller version of this article with the references and
sterilised by gamma irradiation to Sterility
additional tables visit the Cleanroom Technology website at
So far, we have looked at hand protection
Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 (in accordance
in enclosed units, where sterile gloves of
longer length (28–30cm) are likely to be used.
ISO 11137:2006 “Sterilization of Healthcare
Products – Radiation”), it could still be a
Nick Gardner, MBA
could result from surface residues on the
SHIELD Scientific
seems prudent to use gloves that have been
specifically developed for cleanroom use. www.cleanroom-technology.co.uk
1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKINGMould and Mildew Remover for household use. LTPTone Industrial EstateMilverton RoadWellingtonSomersetTA21 0ANTel: 01823 666213Fax: 01823 665685Irritating to skin. Risk of serious damage to eyes. Contact with acids liberates toxic gas. CLASSIFICATION (1999/45)ENVIRONMENTThe product contains a substance which is very t
NTP 31: Actos de las instituciones de las Comunidades Europeas como fuentes del derecho comunitario Acts of the Institutions of the European Communities as a source of Community Law Actes des Institutions des Communautés Européennes comme source du Droit Communautaire Vigencia Actualizada por NTP Observaciones ANÁLISIS Criterios legales Criterios técnicos Operativos: