Post Doctoral Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles
Semel Institute, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Visiting Scholar, University of Southern California
School of Social Work, Serious Mental Illness Cluster
Doctorate of Philosophy, University of California, Irvine
Department of Psychology and Social Behavior
Minor: Quantitative Methods, Developmental Dissertation:
An Examination of Public Mental Hospitals Using the Person-Environment Fit Model
Chair: Raymond Novaco, Ph.D. Members: Karen Rook, Ph.D., Ilona Yim, Ph.D., Jone Pearce, Ph.D., and Jennifer Skeem,
New York University, New York, NY B.A. in Psychology and Sociology
New York University's La Pietra, Florence, Italy
2013 Co-Investigator for Patient Centered Outcomes Research Initiative grant of $1,239,970 for "Peer
Health Navigation: Reducing Disparities in Health Outcomes for the Seriously Mentally Ill"
Primary Investigator for a Friends of Semel Grant - $100, 000
Outstanding Mentoring Award from University of California, Irvine
Faculty Development Award from Saddleback College
2011 Social Ecology Dean's Dissertation Writing Fellowship from University of California, Irvine
Outstanding Mentoring Award from University of California, Irvine
Research Grant from Department of Psychology and Social Behavior, University of California, Irvine
Outstanding Mentoring Award from University of California, Irvine
President’s Service Award from New York University
Nancy O. Scholarship from the Nancy O. Foundation
PUBLICATIONS Journal Articles - Peer-Reviewed Kelly, E., Fenwick, K., Barr, N., Cohen, H., & Brekke, J. (under review - revise and resubmit). A systemic review
of the evidence for self-management health care models for the seriously mentally ill. Psychiatric Services
Subica, A., Fowler, J.C., Elhai, J.D., Frueh, B.C., Sharp, C., Kelly, E., & Allen, J. (revise and resubmit)
Psychometric Characteristics of the Beck Depression Inventory–II with Adult Clinical Inpatients. Psychiatric Assessment Kelly, E., Fugliniti, A., Padwa, R., Tallon, L., Duan, L., & Brekke, J. (2013). A Pilot Test of A Peer Navigator
Intervention for Improving The Health of Individuals with Serious Mental Illness. Community Mental Health Journal, 1-12.
Brekke, J., Siantz, E., Pahwa, R., Kelly, E., Tallen, L., & Fulginiti, A., (2013). Reducing Health Disparities for
People with Serious Mental Illness: Development and Feasibility of a Peer Health Navigation Intervention. Best Practices in Mental Health, 9, 62–82. Goldberg, W. A., Kelly, E., Basehore, N., Kang, H., Sumaroka, M., & Lucas-‐Thompson, R. (2012). The More
Things Change, The More They Stay The Same: Gender and College Students’ Views about Work and Family. The Journal of Social Issues. 68(4), 814-‐837. Smith, R.C., Lindenmayer, J. P., Cornwall, J., Kelly, E., Marcovina, S., & Hu, Q. (2010). Effects of Olanzapine and
Risperidone on Lipid Metabolism in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients with Long-‐term Antipsychotic Treatment: A Randomized Five Month Study. Schizophrenia Research, 120, 204-‐209.
Smith, R.C., Lindenmayer, J. P., Davis, J. M., Kelly, E., Viviano, T., Cornwell, J., Hu, Q., Khan, A., &
Vaidhyanathaswamy, S. (2009). Effects of Olanzapine and Risperidone on Glucose Metabolism and Insulin Sensitivity in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients with Long-‐term Antipsychotic Treatment: A Randomized Five Month Study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 70, 1501-‐1513.
Smith, Robert C., Warner-‐Cohen, J., Matute, M., Butler, E., Kelly, E., Vaidhyanathaswamy, S., & Khan, A. (2006).
Clinical Research Effects of Nicotine Nasal Spray on Cognitive Function in Schizophrenia,
Neuropsychopharmacology, 31, 637–643. Reports - Non-Peer-Reviewed
Kelly, E., Novaco, R., & Jenness, V. (2011). Anaheim Family Justice Center: A Five Year Summary of Client Kelly, E. & Novaco, R. (2012). Patton State Hospital: Report of Work Stress and Resilience among Psychiatric Intervention Manuals Brekke, J., Cohen, H., Kelly, E., Mallory, L., Kiger, H., Pahwa, R., & Fulginiti, A. (2013). Health Navigator
Implementation and Sustainability Manual.
Brekke, J., Cohen, H., Kelly, E., Mallory, L., Kiger, H., Pahwa, R., & Fulginiti, A. (2013). Project Bridge: Health WORKS IN PROGRESS Under Review
Kelly, E., Subica, A., Fugliniti, A., Brekke, J., & Novaco, R. Factors Correlated with Inpatient Assault of Staff in a Maximum-Security Psychiatric Hospital Kelly, E., Fenwick, K., & Brekke, J. Psychiatric Staff's Well-Being in a High Assault Inpatient Setting
Pancake, L., & Kelly, E. (2013). Health Navigator Skill Development Certification Training: Project Bridge at the
Kelly, E. (2011). Mental Illness among Youth in the Juvenile Justice System at Saddleback College.
PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS Kelly, E., Fenwick, K., Subica, A., Fulginiti, A. & Brekke, J. (2014, January). A Vicious Cycle: Workplace
Victimization of Psychiatric Workers. Paper presented at Society for Social Work and Practice.Kelly, E., Fenwick, K., Subica, A., & Brekke, J. (2014, January). Workplace Violence and Staff Well-Being:
Everyday Hassles and Acute Crises. Paper presented at Society for Social Work and Practice.
Subica, A., Fowler, C., Elhai, J., Frueh, B., Kelly, E., & Allen, J. (2014, January). Psychometric Properties of the
Beck Depression Inventory – II Among Adult Psychiatric Inpatients. Paper presented at Society for Social Work and Practice.
Jose, R., Schleifstein, H., Fierro-Lua, A., Kelly, E. Novaco, R.W. (May, 2013). The Role of Social Support on the
Mental Health of Battered Women within the Community. Poster presented at Engagement Awards Ceremony & Poster Session at University of California, Irvine.Kelly, E. (2013, May). Who to turn to? Sources of Support After Patient-on-Staff Assault. Poster presentedat the Work, Stress, and Health 2013: Protecting and Promoting Total Worker Health Conference. Kelly, E., Goldberg, W., Lucas-Thompson, R., & Weilin, W. (2013, April). A Melting Pot of Ambitions: Variations
in Student Aspirations by Gender, Culture, and Immigrant Status. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Conference.
Brekke, J.S., Kelly, E., Pancake, L. (2012). Preliminary findings on a peer-led intervention: "The Bridge".
California Association of Rehabilitation Service Agencies Conference. Burbank, CA; October, 23, 2012.
Gifford, F., Corona, M., Alvarez, R., Kelly, E., Cavanaugh, C., & Cauffman, E. (2012, August). What Can I Do?:
Experiential and Socialization Correlates of Delinquent Youths’ Perceptions of Future Opportunities. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Conference. Kelly, E., Goldberg, W., Lucas-Thompson, R., & Weilin, W. (2012, June). What college students value and prefer
in their future jobs: Variations by gender and acculturation status. Paper presented at the Work and Family Conference.
Gifford, F., Corona, M., Alvarez, R., Kelly, E., Cavanaugh, C., & Cauffman, E. (2012, June). What Can I Do?
Experiential and Socialization Correlates of Delinquent Youths' Perceptions of Future Opportunities. Talk presented at the Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of California, Irvine.
Gifford, F., Corona, M., Alvarez, R., Kelly, E., Cavanaugh, C., & Cauffman, E. (2012, May). What Does the Future
Hold?: Psychosocial Models for Delinquent Youth. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference. Kelly, E., Novaco, R., Goldweber, A., & Cauffman, E. (2012, March). Bad-Cellmates: Anger and Depression
Among Incarcerated Juveniles. Symposium at American Psychology and Law Society Conference.
Velasquez, E., Jordan, R., Kelly, E., & Cauffman, E. (2011, August). Mental Illness and Race in the Juvenile
Justice System. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Conference. Kelly, E., Goldweber, A., Monahan, K., & Cauffman, E. (2011, March). Growth Models of Safety and Staff Support
Predicting Emotional and Behavioral Adjustment. Departmental Brown Bag, University of California, Irvine.
Velasquez, E., Jordan, R., Kelly, E., & Cauffman, E. (2010, June). Mental Illness and Race in the Juvenile Justice
System. Talk presented at the Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of California, Irvine.
Velasquez, E., Jordan, R., Kelly, E., & Cauffman, E. (2010, April). Mental Illness and Race in the Juvenile Justice
System. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference.
Hagan, C. & Kelly, E. (2010, November). Cutting across Cultures: Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Asian-Americans. Poster presented at Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapies Conference. Kelly, E. & Cauffman, E. (2010, March). When Research and Clinical Assessments Disagree: Prospectively
Predicting Juveniles’ Adjustment to Incarceration. Paper presented atAmerican Psychology and Law Society Conference. Kelly, E. & Cauffman, E. (2010, March). Effects of Stigma on Incarcerated Juvenile Delinquents. Poster presented at Society for Research on Adolescence.
Cauffman, E., Goldweber, A. M., Dmitrieva, J., Kaasa, S., Kelly, E., Malloy, L. & Shulman, E. (2009, February)
Improving Services For Mentally Ill Juvenile Offenders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC).
Goldweber, A., Kelly, E., Monahan, K., & Cauffman, E. (2009, March). The Impact of Perceived Facility Safety
and Staff Support on Adjustment to Incarceration. American Psychology and Law Society Conference.
Malloy, L., Kelly, E., & Cauffman, E. (2007, February). Peers and Adjustment to Incarceration. Society for Research in Child Development Conference.
Smith, R.C., Viviano, T.F., Zorbas, P., Mattute, N., Kelly, E. (2007). Effects of olanzapine and risperidone on c- reactive protein and interleukin-6 in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 33, (2), 461-461.
Cauffman, E., Goldweber, A., Dmitrieva, J., Kaasa, S., Kelly, E., Malloy, L., & Shulman, E. P. (November, 2006). Improving services for mentally ill juvenile offenders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.
Kelly, E., Smith, R. C., Shekhar, A., Molloy, F., Steadman, T., Sheikh, N., & Khan, A. (2005, December). Effects of
smoking and nicotine nasal spray on cognitive function in schizophrenic smokers, schizophrenics non-smokers, and non-psychotic smokers. In Neuropsychopharmacology (Vol. 30, pp. S254-S254). Macmillan Building, 4 Crinan St, London N1 9XW, England: Nature Publishing Group.
Smith, R., Lindenmayer, J.P., Buga, A., Matute, M., Vaidhyanathaswamy, S.,Warner-Cohen, J., & Kelly, E. (2004,
December). Metabolic Changes during 5 months treatment with olanzapine or risperidone: Preliminary results from randomized trial. Presented at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Meeting.
Abnormal Psychology, Epidemiology, Health Psychology, Social Psychology, Research Methods, Stress Psychology, Child Health Psychology, Clinical Child Psychology, Developmental Psychopathology, Health Psychology, Social Relationships, Social Animal, Qualitative Research Design and Writing, Psychological Assessment, and Introductory courses.
Kelly, E. (July 2010). Serious Mental Illnesses: Schizophrenia and Depression, Presentation given in Introduction to Psychology at U.C. Irvine.
Kelly, E. (July 2010). Juvenile Justice, Presentation given in Forensic Psychology at U.C. Irvine.
Kelly, E. (December, 2006). Antipsychotic Medications. Presentation given in Abnormal Psychology at U.C. Irvine. Kelly, E. (November, 2006). Antidepressants., Presentation given in Abnormal Psychology at U.C. Irvine.
I am prepared to teach a range of courses including, but not limited to, Introduction to Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Adolescent Development, Forensic Psychology, Psychology and the Law, Child Psychopathology, Abnormal Psychology, and Research Methods.
Peer Reviewer for Fall 2013 Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute Pilot Funding Program: Mental Health Review Committee
Peer Reviewer for Panel 20: "Emerging Adulthood and Transition to Adulthood" for the 2014 Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting
Peer Reviewer for Society for the Psychology of Women's 2013 Program for APA
2010-2011 Social Chair, Psychology & Social Behavior Department, University of California, Irvine
Organized department events for graduate students and faculty designed to improve department communication and cohesion.
Student Fees Advisory Committee to the Vice Chancellor, University of California, Irvine
Consulted the Vice Chancellor about funding priorities, fees levied on students, and service provision for undergraduate and graduate students.
Palo Verde Residents Council, University of California, Irvine As the Committee Chair (2 years) and Administrative Liaison (1 year) I met with housing administration, graduate school representatives, and residents to advocate for students' housing arrangements, organized social and charitable events, and organized purchases of capital improvements for graduate housing.
Peer Reviewer for International Journal of Educational and Psychological AssessmentClinical Tests – Hamilton, SANS, MADRS, Calgary, K-SADS, SCID Axis I & Axis II Neurocognitive Tests - BACS, modified RANDT, VIGIL and Conner’s CPTs, Wisconsin Card Sort, Word Fluency, Dot Test, ANAM, Computerized and Manual Stroop Interference Task, WASI Lab Skills – Phlebotomy, Automatic Blood pressure, ECG, nicotine CO monitor
American Psychological Association Society for Research in Child Development Society for Research on Adolescence Society for Social Work and Practice American Psychology-Law Society Psi Chi Society Work and Family Network
Experience with the use of a first-line regimen ofstavudine, lamivudine and nevirapine in patients in theTREAT Asia HIV Observational DatabaseJ Zhou,1 NI Paton,2 R Ditangco,3 Y-MA Chen,4 A Kamarulzaman,5 N Kumarasamy,6 CKC Lee,7 PCK Li,8 TP Merati,9P Phanuphak,10 S Pujari,11 A Vibhagool,12 F Zhang,13 J Chuah,14 KR Frost,15 DA Cooper1 and MG Law1 on behalf ofthe TREAT Asia HIV Observational Databa Swots Corner: What is an odds ratio? Bandolier readers wil know that we favour the number-needed-to-treat (NNT) as a way of describing the benefits (or harms) of treatments, both in individual trials and in systematic reviews. Few papers report results using this easily interpretable measure, so Bandolier has had to get its head around how to do the calculations. NNT cal