International Learn to Swim Programme Resource Manual ILSP Assessment Standards – STAnley Stanley 1 - Learning outcomes Stanley 1 - Assessment Standards
Be able to point to or name the teacher.
Use ladder, platform ramp or swivel or assisted sitting entry.
3. Splash the feet on the surface, whilst holding the Stretch body across the water, move the water with the
rail, trough or poolside and then return to standing feet and then bring knees into the wall and stretch body position.
into to a vertical position, place feet on floor if possible.
4. Walk forwards, backwards and sideways through Show the ability to walk in different directions or be able
the water unaided for 5 metres, if in deeper water, to show the same ability to move in different directions in unassisted walking actions may be substituted.
5. Move through the water on the front for 2 metres.
Show the ability to move forwards whilst on the front.
6. Move through the water 2 metres on the back, Show the ability to move backwards and then rotate to a
vertical position (if in deep water) or stand up if in shallow water.
7. Blow a small object across the pool for 2 metres.
Blow through nose, mouth or both to move the floating object.
8. Using a woggle as a bridge and a watering can as a Move under running water showing no fear or distress.
shower, be happy to move through the waterfall.
Stanley 2 – Learning Outcomes Stanley 2 – Assessment Standards
1. Show an understanding of poolside safety.
Walk on poolside, enter and exit the water only when instructed.
2. Enter the water from the poolside safely.
Sit and enter with assistance or swivel entry.
3. Blow bubbles into the water, nose and mouth All of nose and mouth under water. Visible bubbles.
4. Move through the water for 2 metres on the front Show the ability to move forward on the front and then
rotate to a vertical position (if in deep water) or to a standing position if in shallow water.
5. Move through the water for 2 metres on the back Show the ability to lie on the back looking upward. Use
using an alternating leg action with the eyes legs one after the other. Show the ability to obtain a looking at the ceiling, return to standing position.
vertical position (if in deep water) or top stand up if in shallow water.
Show the ability to lay relatively still in the water.
7. Use front paddle action to move a ball across the Show the ability to use the arms in an alternating action,
Show the ability to lie flat while on the back – arms may be by the sides or above the head.
9. Roll from front to back, look at the ceiling.
Show the ability to turn from front to back.
Show the ability to climb out onto poolside – adult assistance may be given.
Stanley 3 – Learning Outcomes Stanley 3 – Assessment Standards
1. Answer a question on poolside safety.
Be able to answer a question on poolside safety.
2. Enter the water from poolside, move forward 1
Show the ability to enter the water, move away from
metre then return and exit from the pool
poolside and then return to poolside and exit on own.
3. Hold the rail, trough or poolside, with the face in
4. Perform a star float on the back and regain the feet.
Stretch arms and legs wide, looking upwards. Show ability to return to a vertical position (if in deep water) or
International Learn to Swim Programme Resource Manual
be able to stand up is in shallow water.
5. Move through the water on the back using an
Show the ability to lie on back and use legs one after the
6. Move through the water 5 metres on the front
Show the ability to use the arms alternately while moving
7. Complete a 360 turntable with feet off pool floor.
Turn completely around with feet off the floor.
8. Roll from front to back and then stand up.
Show the ability to turn over and then stand up again or obtain a vertical position if in deep water.
9. Jump into the water from poolside with hand
Show the ability to enter the water from a standing
10. Tread water action with legs on woggle –
Sit on woggle in a vertical position with legs either side.
Stanley 4 – Learning Outcomes Stanley 4 – Assessment Standards
1. Answer 2 questions on poolside safety.
Be able to answer 2 questions on poolside safety.
2. Swim 5 metres front paddle, tuck and roll onto
Show the ability to roll from front to back by pulling legs
3. Hold the rail, trough or poolside, bob up and down Show the ability to submerge the whole face. Visible
4. Pick up an object from below the water surface.
Show the ability to go under the water and retrieve an object.
6. Push and glide on front and roll onto back.
Show a flat position and the ability to roll over.
7. Tread water action with arms and legs.
Press water downwards using arms and legs.
8. Attempt a circular action of either arms or legs.
Move either arms or legs in a circular motion.
Show the ability to enter the water from a safe standing position on poolside.
Make an unassisted, safe exit from the pool.
Stanley 5 – Learning Outcomes Stanley 5 – Assessment Standards
1. Answer 2 questions on poolside rules.
Successfully answer 2 questions on poolside rules.
2. Swim 2 metres front paddle or back paddle.
Show the ability to move the limbs in an alternating action.
3. Hold 3 different types of floating positions for 3
Show 3 different float positions. Hold each one for a count
4. Hold the rail, trough or poolside and breathe
Show the ability to breath with a regular pattern.
5. Jump in from poolside, turn and swim back to
Show the ability to enter the water safely, swim and
return to poolside and exit water safely.
6. Tread water (may be in a spinning action).
Show the ability to keep mouth above water in a vertical position.
7. Perform a push and glide on the front, keeping the
Show a flat position with face in water. Visible bubbles.
8. Retrieve an object from bottom of pool.
Show the ability to submerge and retrieve an object from the pool floor.
Stanley 6 – Learning Outcomes Stanley 6 – Assessment Standards
Successfully answer 2 questions on water safety.
2. Push and glide on front with arms stretched, face
Show the ability to hold a stretched position with arms
Show the ability to swim under water through a hoop.
4. Swim 3 metres using a breaststroke type leg action,
Show the ability to move legs in a circular pattern.
5. Swim 2 metres on the front and 2 metres back
Show the ability to roll from front to back without
paddle with a smooth transition in between.
6. Star or pencil jump into the pool, tread water then
Show the ability to enter the water with a jump, keep the
International Learn to Swim Programme Resource Manual
mouth clear of the water before returning to poolside.
7. Hold side of pool; push off on side under water.
Show the ability to push off while lying on side of body.
8. Swim on front, tuck up and return swimming on
Show the ability to change from front to back by tucking
9. Swim 5 metres either Front crawl or Backstroke.
Show the ability to swim either front crawl or backstroke.
10. Using a woggle scull forwards, backwards or in a
Show the ability to move through the water by sculling.
Stanley 7 – Learning Outcomes Stanley 7 – Assessment Standards
Successfully answer 3 questions on water safety.
2. Perform a star float, slowly change to a narrow
Show the ability to change shape from a wide shape to a
float and return to a star float on either front or
narrow shape and then back to a wide shape.
3. Push and glide on back with arms stretched then
Show the ability to hold a long stretched shape on back
4. Swim 2 metres dolphin leg kick on the front or
Show the ability to move legs in a dolphin action.
Hold a vertical position with mouth clear of water.
6. Swim 5 metres using a frog breaststroke type
Show the ability to move the legs in a breaststroke type
action that is recognisable as breaststroke.
7. Swim 10 meters front crawl confidently,
Show confident front crawl while turning head to side to
8. Swim 10 meters back crawl confidently.
9. Swim through a submerged hoop and retrieve an
Show the ability to submerge and swim through a hoop
Show the ability to scull. Legs should be still.
VETERINARY RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL Journal homepage: Efficacy of Ivermectin – Clorsulon combination against mixed helminthic infection in goat – a case report Rajeev Ranjan Kumar1* and Stuti Vatsya2 Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145 (Uttarakhand)