P h a s e I T r i a l o f I n t r a p e r i t o n e a l I n j e c t i o n o f t h e E 1 B - 5 5 - k d - G e n e – D e l e t e d A d e n o v i r u s O N Y X - 0 1 5 ( d l 1 5 2 0 ) G i v e n o n D a y s 1 T h r o u g h 5 E v e r y 3 W e e k s i n P a t i e n t s W i t h R e c u r r e n t / R e f r a c t o r y E p i t h e l i a l O v a r i a n C a n c e r
By P.A. Vasey, L.N. Shulman, S. Campos, J. Davis, M. Gore, S. Johnston, D.H. Kirn, V. O’Neill, N. Siddiqui,
Purpose: Resistance to chemotherapy in ovarian 1010 pfu developed common toxicity criteria grade 3 cancer is frequently associated with mutations in the abdominal pain and diarrhea, which was dose-limit- p53 gene. The adenovirus dl1520 (ONYX-015) with the ing. The maximum-tolerated dose was not reached at E1B 55-kd gene deleted, allowing selective replication 1011 pfu, and at this dose level patients did not expe- in and lysis of p53-deficient tumor cells, has shown rience significant toxicity. There was no clear-cut evi- preclinical efficacy against p53-deficient nude mouse- dence of clinical or radiologic response in any patient. human ovarian carcinomatosis xenografts. Blood samples were taken for adenovirus DNA and Patients and Methods: We undertook a phase I trial neutralizing antibodies. Polymerase chain reaction of intraperitoneal dl1520 in patients with recurrent data indicating presence of virus up to 10 days after the ovarian cancer. Sixteen women with recurrent/refrac- final (day 5) infusion of dl1520 are suggestive of con- tory ovarian cancer received 35 cycles (median, two tinuing viral replication. cycles) of dl1520 delivered on days 1 through 5 in four Conclusion: This article therefore describes the first dose cohorts: 1 ؋ 109 plaque forming units (pfu), 1 ؋ clinical experience with the intraperitoneal delivery of 1010 pfu, 3 ؋ 1010 pfu, and 1 ؋ 1011 pfu. any replication-competent/-selective virus in cancer Results: The most common significant toxicities re- patients. lated to virus administration were flu-like symptoms, J Clin Oncol 20:1562-1569. 2002 by American emesis, and abdominal pain. One patient receiving 1 ؋ Society of Clinical Oncology.
EPITHELIAL OVARIAN cancer is the fourth most though other factors, such as tumor burden and histology,
frequent cause of cancer death among women in both
are also important.3 Patients who relapse after 6 months are
the United States and the United Kingdom, and it is the most
termed “platinum-sensitive” and are usually treated with
frequent cause of death from gynecologic cancer in the
platinum-based salvage therapy. Patients who either
developed world.1 It is considered one of the most chemo-
progress on first-line therapy or relapse within 6 months of
sensitive cancers, with response rates to platinum-contain-
completion are termed “platinum-resistant,” have a poor
ing regimens of greater than 60%.2 However, fewer than
prognosis, and are suitable candidates for experimental
25% of patients with advanced disease survive 5 years, and
treatment of recurrent disease is complicated by the emer-
In normal cells, the tumor suppressor gene p53 mediates
gence of drug resistance. The probability of response to
cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in response to DNA damage
second-line or salvage chemotherapy is related to the
induced by radiotherapy, DNA alkylating chemotherapy
interval between primary chemotherapy and relapse, al-
agents, or foreign DNA synthesis.4-6 Correlations have beenestablished in laboratory studies between the emergence ofcisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer cells and the presence ofmutations in the p53 gene, and it is probable that a
From the Beatson Oncology Centre and Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow,
substantial number of drug-resistant tumor cells at the time
Royal Marsden Hospital, Surrey, and Imperial College and ImperialCancer Research Fund, London, United Kingdom; and Brigham and
of clinical relapse in ovarian cancer lack functional p53.7
Women’s Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Massachusetts
dl1520 (ONYX-015) is an adenovirus made from human
group C adenovirus (serotypes 2 and 5) that has several
Submitted June 7, 2001; accepted November 6, 2001.
small mutations within the serotype 5 portion of the virus. It
Supported by the Cancer Research Campaign, which funds the
has been attenuated by deletion of the E1B 55-kd gene
Address reprint requests to Paul Vasey, MD, Cancer Research
region, the protein product of which is known to bind and
Campaign Department of Medical Oncology, Cancer Research Cam-
inactivate p53 and allow continued DNA synthesis and viral
paign Beatson Laboratories, Garscube Estate, Switchback Rd, Glas-
replication. Mutants such as dl1520 that lack this early gene
gow G61 1BD, United Kingdom; email: pav1y@clinmed.gla.ac.uk.
product are severely deficient in their ability to replicate in
2002 by American Society of Clinical Oncology. 0732-183X/02/2006-1562/$20.00
normal cells.8,9 In vitro studies have demonstrated that
Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 20, No 6 (March 15), 2002: pp 1562-1569
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Copyright 2002 by the American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
dl1520 is capable of efficient, selective replication and
tolerated dose (MTD). Secondary objectives included the
cytopathogenicity via cytolysis in p53-deficient human
determination of dl1520 propensity to replicate in ovarian
tumor cells, whereas replication was abrogated in cells
carcinoma cells within the ascitic fluid, and the evaluation
containing wild-type p53.10 In addition, laboratory studies
of the humoral immune response (antibody development) to
in Glasgow have demonstrated that selective replication of
dl1520 in both blood and ascitic fluid.
dl1520 in cells with nonfunctioning p53 is due to theinduction of apoptosis in cells with wild-type p53.11 Cells
with nonfunctioning p53 that are therefore resistant to
apoptosis are permissive for replication, leading to virusspread and subsequent cytolysis of the cell population.
This study was conducted at four cancer centers in the United States
There is some controversy because p53 gene sequence alone
and the United Kingdom. Eligible patients had histologically orcytologically confirmed primary epithelial ovarian cancer, with recur-
does not predict for the antitumor efficacy of dl152012-14;
rent disease suspected either radiologically or by rising CA125 levels.
however, p53 function can be lost via many mechanisms.
All patients had received previous chemotherapy with platinum-
Furthermore, in vivo correlation of p53 function and dl1520
containing regimens and had relapsed within the previous 6 months.
efficacy was demonstrated in three nude mouse-human
Karnofsky performance status of Ն 70%, age of at least 18 years, and
ovarian carcinomatosis xenograft models, A2780/Cp70,
life expectancy of at least 3 months were required, as was writteninformed consent. Patients were, in the opinion of the investigators,
OVCAR3 (mutant p53), and A2780 (wild-type p53).15 In
suitable candidates for either a laparotomy or laparoscopy. Patients in
these experiments, both antitumor efficacy and improved
whom laparoscopy was contraindicated were those with known dense
survival were demonstrated for the mice carrying mutant
adhesions, periumbilical infection, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction,
p53 xenografts, whereas no such effects were evident for the
ileostomy, or gross obesity. Normal organ function was required, as
wild-type p53 xenografts. Clinical studies of dl1520 have
evidenced by the following: neutrophil count more than 2 ϫ 109/L,hemoglobin concentration more than 10 g/L, serum creatinine level less
been undertaken in patients with recurrent head and neck
than 150 mol/L, aminotransferase levels less than 2.5 times the upper
cancer, a disease in which p53 gene mutations or deletions
limit of normal, prothrombin time or international normalized ratio Յ
are present in up to 70% of patients.16 Significant activity
2, and partial thromboplastin time within normal limits. Patients were
has been documented in a dose-finding phase I study, with
excluded from study entry if they had known chronic liver dysfunction
evidence on magnetic resonance imaging of tumor necrosis
before the development of ovarian cancer or had either cirrhosisevident on gross examination during laparotomy/laparoscopy or more
at the site of viral injection in five of 32 patients (four of
than 50% liver replaced by tumor. Other exclusion criteria included
whom had mutant p53 tumors).17 Dose-limiting toxicity
ongoing, active infection including human immunodeficiency virus,
(DLT) was not reached at 1010 plaque-forming units (pfu)/d
recent viral syndrome, recent chemotherapy or radiotherapy, concom-
by five consecutive daily doses every 4 weeks.
itant hematologic malignancy, ongoing requirement for immunosup-
Direct administration of cytotoxic drugs into the perito-
pressive medication including glucocorticoids or cyclosporine, andpregnancy/lactation. Patients treated on any other investigational pro-
neal cavity is a strategy designed to enhance locoregional
gram within the previous 6 weeks were also excluded from participa-
drug delivery while abrogating systemic toxicities. Further-
tion, as were patients previously treated on a research protocol
more, this route allows concentrations to be attained at the
involving the administration of adenovirus-based therapies. The proto-
site of the tumor that are many times higher than would be
col was reviewed and approved by the institutional review boards, the
tolerated in the systemic circulation; these can easily exceed
biosafety committees, and in the United States by the Food and DrugAdministration before patient accrual.
concentrations shown in vitro to be required to overcomeclinical drug resistance.18 This method of administration is
particularly relevant in ovarian cancer, since the disease at
Before treatment, patients had routine hematologic and biochemical
presentation is confined to the abdominal cavity in approx-
analyses performed, in addition to undergoing chest radiography,
imately three quarters of patients and subsequent relapses
urinalysis, ECG, CA125 marker level assessment, and a complete
also tend to remain thus compartmentalized. This model
physical examination. A baseline computed tomography scan of the
system of metastatic ovarian cancer growing within a
abdomen with documentation of any measurable tumor was carried out.
clearly defined anatomic space bathed in free fluid has many
In addition, blood was drawn for serum antibody to group C adenovi-rus, adenovirus DNA (by polymerase chain reaction [PCR]), immune
potential advantages in delivery, safety, and efficacy of
function evaluation (CD3, CD4, CD8, total lymphocyte count, delayed-
novel therapies. This study therefore seeks to exploit the
type hypersensitivity skin test). Finally, a test for pregnancy was
molecular differences between normal and malignant cells,
utilizing the specificity of dysfunctional p53-dependentcytotoxicity. The primary objective was therefore to deter-
mine the safety of intraperitoneal administration with
For placement of the intraperitoneal catheter, all patients underwent
dl1520 daily for 5 days and to determine the maximum-
either a laparoscopy or laparotomy, the choice depending on the
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presence of ascites and the size and site of recurrent tumor masses.
cell pellet was smeared and fixed onto slides before in situ hybridiza-
Generally, laparoscopy was performed (following paracentesis in the
tion (ISH) for adenovirus DNA to determine the ability of dl1520 to
presence of ascites) if there were no visible or resectable lesions,
replicate in ovarian cancer cells within the ascitic fluid in vivo.
whereas laparotomy was preferred if there was an option to resect
Certified pathologists examined slides to characterize any infected
disease. In the case of laparoscopy, contingency plans were made to
cells. Finally, determination of neutralizing antibody titers was carried
proceed to laparotomy if there were complications or to confirm relapse
if laparoscopy results were negative. The catheter (Tenckhoff orPort-a-Cath [Pharmacia Deltec, St Paul, MN]) was placed intraopera-
tively, and a tumor biopsy was performed to assess p53 status by gene
DLT was defined as National Cancer Institute of Canada common
sequencing. Any adhesions in the peritoneum were divided if technically
toxicity criteria (CTC) grade 4 flu-like symptoms (eg, fever, fatigue,
possible. To prevent catheter leakage, a minimum 7-day period was
myalgia) or any other grade 3 toxicity attributed to ONYX-015
allowed to elapse before usage, and therefore heparinized saline was
administration. The MTD was defined as the dosage at which two of six
instilled into the tubing during this period.
patients experienced a DLT after the first treatment cycle with
dl1520 was grown and “titered” on the human embryonic kidney cell
ONYX-015. Patients were enrolled sequentially onto treatment cohorts
line HEK293,19 formulated in a sterile viral solution in TRIS buffer (10
of increasing dose level as follows. Three patients were entered onto
mmol/L [pH 7.4], MgCl 1 mmol/L, NaCl 150 mmol/L, and 10%
cohort 1, and if no DLT occurred in the first two patients over the first
glycerol), and supplied frozen in single-use plastic screw-cap vials
3 weeks and no DLT occurred in the first week after infusion for the
containing 0.5 mL of virus at a specified concentration. dl1520 was
third patient, recruitment to the next dose level proceeded. If one of
produced and supplied by Magenta Corp (Rockville, MD). These vials
three patients in a cohort experienced a DLT, up to three additional
were stored below Ϫ20°C and were thawed and initially diluted to the
patients were enrolled at the same dose. If one or more of the additional
appropriate titer for a particular dose level. Thawed virus was main-
patients had a DLT (ie, Ն two of six), the MTD was defined and no
tained at 2°C to 8°C during dilution and handling, before being warmed
further escalation took place. Patients were eligible for repeat dosage
to room temperature for intraperitoneal administration. Dilutions to a
cycles of dl1520 at the same dose if they experienced no DLT or no
final volume of 500 mL were performed immediately before infusion.
disease progression. A maximum of six cycles was allowed.
dl1520 adenovirus infusion through the catheter proceeded over 15minutes suspended in 500 mL of physiologic saline. After infusion, the
patient was rotated on all sides over a 30-minute period to maximizeperitoneal exposure. Vital signs were taken every 15 minutes before
Sixteen patients, all white women, received 35 cycles of
and at the start of treatment and at 60, 90, and 120 minutes afterward.
dl1520 in four dose cohorts: 1 ϫ 109 pfu, 1 ϫ 1010 pfu, 3
Repeat infusions were carried out daily for 5 days.
ϫ 1010 pfu, and 1 ϫ 1011 pfu. Baseline characteristics ofthese patients are shown in Table 1. Most patients had
platinum-resistant ovarian cancer and bulky residual tumor
On day 5, blood was taken to assess liver function and to measure
masses (defined as disease volume Ͼ 2 cm). The median
virus DNA by PCR. Before dl1520 infusion, peritoneal fluid was drawn
number of prior therapies was four, and all patients had
for cytologic evaluation. Patients were then reviewed in the clinic ondays 8, 15, and 22 for each cycle of dl1520 treatment. At each visit,
general status and toxicity assessment was carried out by examination,
(62.5%) had been optimally cytoreduced at their initial
adverse event reporting, and scoring of Karnofsky performance status.
operation for ovarian cancer. The three patients in cohort 4
Blood was also drawn for hematology, serum chemistry, CA125, and
were selected specifically for nonbulky disease volume and
adenovirus DNA and antibody tests, and a urinalysis was performed. In
minimal prior therapy. One patient in cohort 2 had further
addition, on day 15, peritoneal fluid was withdrawn, if present. If thiswas not possible, 1,000 mL of 0.9% saline was infused through the
surgical cytoreduction to less than 2 cm residuum at the time
catheter, allowed to distribute throughout the peritoneal cavity for 15 to20 minutes, and then drained. On day 22, repeat hematologic, biochem-
Table 1. Baseline Patient Characteristics (N ؍ 16)
ical, and CA125 analyses were performed and patients received chestradiograms and ECGs. Every second cycle, patients had a repeat
Tumor biopsies were performed at laparotomy when possible, and
immunohistochemistry was performed on formalin-fixed paraffin-
embedded tumors for p53 status. In addition, Oncormed Corp (Gaith-
ersburg, MD) sequenced exons 5 to 9 of the p53 gene on pretreatment
tumor biopsy samples. This analysis was carried out retrospectively and
was not a prerequisite for entry onto the study. Ascitic fluid samples
were obtained from eight patients at the time of day 5 and 15
samples/washes. The fluid was spun to pellet any cells, and the
supernatant was frozen. The presence of adenovirus in plasma samplesor the cell-free fraction of patients’ peritoneal fluid was determined by
*Defined as relapsing within 6 months or progressing on therapy.
PCR using primers of the E1A region of the adenoviral genome. The
†Of seven assessable samples obtained.
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Table 2. Treatment Delivery
with peritonism and was associated with diarrhea and/or
increased stoma effluence in some patients. Other associ-ated symptoms included heartburn and vomiting. One pa-
tient in cohort 2 experienced grade 3 abdominal pain with
grade 3 diarrhea after 1 cycle of dl1520. The diarrhea and
pain developed during the 5 days of viral administration and
*Median number of cycles was two for all cohorts.
eventually required the administration of loperamide hydro-
chloride and parenteral opiates. She was admitted forsymptom control and required a nasogastric tube insertionfor palliation. This toxicity profile was considered to be
of catheter insertion. Treatment delivery is shown in Table 2.
dose-limiting, and three additional patients were recruited at
Most patients received more than one cycle of dl1520, and
this dose level. Four of the other five patients in this cohort
three patients received four cycles (median, two cycles).
experienced grade 2 abdominal pain but no associated
severe diarrhea or other features that would have stoppeddose escalation. There were no other dose-limiting toxicities
Side effects from the administration of dl1520 were
described in any of the other cohorts.
common, but CTC grade 4 toxicity was not reported. The
During the study, there had been an impression that
most common toxicities were related to the acute adminis-
patients in cohorts 1 to 3 with known bulky intra-abdominal
tration of dl1520 and are readily grouped together as
disease were experiencing more severe symptoms of vire-
“viremic” or “flu-like.” These toxicities, CTC grades 2 and
mia and/or abdominal pain. As a consequence, cohort 4
3, are shown in Table 3. Other toxicities considered to be at
patients were recruited specifically with nonbulky residual
least possibly related to the administration of ONYX-015
tumor volume and good performance status and were less
and reaching CTC grades 2 and 3 are shown in Table 4.
heavily pretreated (although all three were considered to be
There were no cumulative nonhematologic toxicities noted,
platinum-resistant). Although dl1520-related pyrexias were
and no evidence of hematologic toxicity was demonstrated.
documented, there were no significant flu-like symptoms
Most patients reported flu-like symptoms after adminis-
and only one patient described grade 2 abdominal pain.
tration of dl1520, and eight patients (50%) described at least
There were no toxicities higher than grade 2 in these
grade 2 severity. Symptoms generally started after the first
patients, which suggests a better tolerance for patients with
daily infusion of dl1520 and consisted of any or all of the
low volumes of tumor. However, the two patients with non-
following: generalized malaise, headaches, nausea, myal-
bulky disease in cohorts 2 and 3 both experienced the flu-like
gias, pyrexias, and rhinorrhea. Three patients, one in cohort
syndrome and either abdominal pain or diarrhea; therefore, no
2 and two in cohort 3, reported CTC grade 3 viremic
conclusions can be made regarding this association. The MTD
symptoms, but they were not considered to be dose-limiting.
was therefore not reached in any of the four cohorts. Further
Acetaminophen (up to 4 g daily) and antiemetics (eg,
dose escalation was not pursued because the limit of virus
cyclizine hydrochloride 50 mg three times daily) were given
manufacturing capacity had been attained.
as prophylaxis and as treatment of these symptoms, withsome amelioration on subsequent cycles demonstrated. Two
patients reported the nausea associated with other flu-likesymptoms to be precipitated by head movement in a similar
In seven patients, the p53 status of pretreatment tumor
manner to that seen with viral labyrinthitis.
biopsy specimens was evaluated retrospectively by gene
Additionally, abdominal pain was commonly observed
sequencing. Five patients (71%) were found to have muta-
after dl1520 administration. This had features consistent
tions in the p53 gene on sequencing. Twenty-eight perito-
Table 3. Viremic/Flu-Like Toxicity
NOTE. Grade was based on National Cancer Institute of Canada common toxicity criteria.
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Table 4. Other Significant Toxicities (NCIC-CTC)
NOTE. Grade was based on National Cancer Institute of Canada common toxicity criteria. *Dose-limiting toxicity (both in same patient).
neal washings sampled at day 5 and day 15 (and later if
before progressive disease developed. One patient did
possible; timings were not specified in the protocol) after
experience a fall in CA125 from 1,585 kilounits/L to 692
dl1520 administration were obtained from eight patients.
kilounits/L during two cycles of dl1520 but was not classi-
Using PCR, the presence of dl1520 viral DNA in the
fied as having a true CA125 response20 because of the
cell-free fraction was assessed in 25 of 26 of these wash-
transperitoneal fluid shifts induced by the day 5 and day 15
ings. Seven of these eight patients had evidence of viral
peritoneal aspirations and washes. In addition, this patient
presence at day 5, and five of these had additional evidence
subsequently developed progressive disease with rising
of viral presence on day 15. In one patient, dl1520 DNA
markers and new sites of disease requiring radiotherapy
was detected in the peritoneal fluid up to 354 days after the
during her third cycle. The median survival time for all
fourth cycle of treatment. Sixty-two percent (16 of 26) of
patients was 165 days (range, 15 to 528 days). Of the 16
the cytology specimens prepared from the cell fraction of
patients on study, 15 stopped ONYX-015 because they
the peritoneal washings were not assessable due to either
eventually developed progressive disease and one was taken
low cellularity or no evidence of malignancy in the speci-
mens. Of the remaining 10 cytology specimens, adenovirus
DNA was only detected in one patient specimen by ISH. However, the positive cells in this specimen did not appear
This phase I study successfully achieved the primary aim
to be malignant based primarily on size and nuclear mor-
of defining safety and evaluating dose-related toxicity
phology assessment. Because of the small number of
associated with intraperitoneal delivery of dl1520. Proof of
assessable specimens, it is not possible to conclude if
principle for viral replication, antibody response, and evi-
dl1520 is able to replicate in tumor cells in vivo. In addition,
dence of an antitumor effect were secondary objectives, but
eight patients from cohorts 1 to 3 had blood samples
they were important nevertheless in delineating the possible
collected after the first infusion of dl1520 at 15 minutes, 1
role of such novel therapies in the future. The viremic/flu-
hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours in order to examine
like symptoms seen after infusion could suggest that active
plasma for adenovirus by quantitative PCR. Circulating
viral replication is occurring, as shown in previous studies
levels of dl1520 were not detected in any of these samples.
with oncolytic viruses. One of the first such illustrative
Finally, six (46%) of 13 patients had positive titers of
studies was performed at the National Cancer Institute,
neutralizing immunoglobulin G antibodies to adenovirus
wherein 30 cervical cancer patients were treated with direct
dl1520 at the start of treatment. Of these, all six developed
tumoral infusion of wild-type human adenoviruses of 10
increased levels of antibody titers during treatment, and six
different serotypes.21 In this trial, all patients developed a
of the seven patients without neutralizing antibody titers at
humoral response with neutralizing antibodies within 7
baseline developed high titers of neutralizing antibodies
days, viral replication was documented for up to 17 days in
after dl1520 treatment, indicating a significant humoral
one patient, and a transient viral syndrome lasting 2 to 7
response. There was no clear correlation between the
days was reported. In the study reported by Ganly et al,17 21
presence or absence of neutralizing antibody titers at base-
of 22 patients with advanced head and neck cancer showed
line and the severity of the flu-like symptoms.
an increase in neutralizing antibody after intratumoralinjection of dl1520 adenovirus, and viral replication was
demonstrated by ISH in four patients, all known to have
There was no clear-cut evidence of clinical or radiologic
mutant p53 tumors. In the current study, PCR data indicat-
response in any patient. Stable disease was demonstrated,
ing that, generally, viral DNA can be detected up to 10 days
with four patients receiving more than two cycles of dl1520
after the final (day 5) infusion of dl1520 (and much longer
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in one patient) provides evidence consistent with viral
tion), when tumor masses were either microscopic or less
infection and possibly replication. However, this is not
than 2 mm in diameter, all treated mice were rendered
conclusive proof of ongoing viral replication, because levels
tumor-free and had significantly improved survival. In
were generally lower than on day 5 and not enough is
contrast, no abrogation of tumor growth was demonstrated
known about the peritoneal clearance of dl1520. In addition,
in mice treated with dl1520 at day ϩ31, ie, when tumor
the relatively acute onset of the flu-like syndrome may also
nodules were more than 2 mm in size. Such data strongly
suggest that this is due merely to viral particles, as there
suggest that unless penetration of dl1520 into tumor nodules
may not have been enough time for replication to have taken
can be improved, efficacy is likely to be limited to patients
place. Furthermore, no conclusive evidence of viral repli-
with low tumor burdens. Furthermore, adequate coverage of
cation was demonstrated in cells distilled from the ascitic
peritoneal surfaces by intraperitoneally administered fluids
fluid of eight patients, although many samples were ob-
is affected by adhesion formation, produced via an inflam-
tained after a peritoneal wash; therefore, a dilutional effect
matory reaction induced by both the initial surgery and
is inevitable. For future studies, PCR for E4 or hexon
some cytotoxics agents. Anticancer agents administered in
protein mRNA expression could be used as other surrogate
small fluid volumes are unlikely to achieve adequate intra-
indicators for replication, as these studies may be more
abdominal dispersion, even with multiple positional
sensitive for detecting gene expression than immunohisto-
changes as achieved in this study. Dilutions in 2 L of fluid
chemistry for viral proteins or ISH. However, it should be
have been advocated as the minimum volume required to
noted that gene expression alone cannot be used as defini-
achieve uniform coverage of all peritoneal surfaces.24
tive evidence for completed replication and release of
As delivery of intraperitoneally administered anticancer
agents is unlikely to penetrate bulky tumor nodules, vascu-
Although in vivo studies have clearly demonstrated
lar delivery to tumor centers may be important. Although
efficacy and improved survival for mice bearing mutant p53
clearly not the planned primary modality of access to tumor
peritoneal tumours,15 no clear-cut antitumor efficacy could
in this study—the intention was to retain high concentra-
be demonstrated in the current study. Tumor response was
tions of dl1520 in the peritoneal cavity—this may have an
not a primary objective of this study, but it is relevant to
effect on efficacy. However, the reticuloendothelial cell
discuss the factors potentially influencing the clinical activ-
uptake of systemic virus particles is likely to abrogate
ity of oncolytic viruses in patients with peritoneal carcino-
distribution via the circulation to other metastatic tumor
matosis. Despite the stated pharmacologic advantage for the
sites. Intraperitoneal administration of dl1520 is unlikely to
delivery of intraperitoneal chemotherapy, proof is still
escape this effect, as solutes vacate the peritoneal cavity into
lacking as to the clinical relevance of such data, and little is
the systemic circulation either by diffusing through the
known about the biokinetics of distribution for intravenous
parietal/visceral peritoneum or by absorption through the
and intraperitoneal adenovirus. Delivery of any drug to the
lymphatics. The plasma-peritoneal barrier has been de-
innermost core of tumor nodules depends on vascular
scribed as having unidirectional transport characteristics,
delivery rather than regional administration. Using rat
with intraperitoneally administered substances appearing
peritoneal tumor nodules, Los et al22 compared the concen-
rapidly in the systemic circulation, whereas intravenous
tration of cisplatin at the periphery of the tumor (Ͻ 1.5 mm
administration of the same substance causes it to appear
from tumor surface) with the concentration at the center of
the tumor, after both intraperitoneal and intravenous admin-
The presence of neutralizing antibodies, indicating an
istration. Increased concentration of cisplatin was demon-
active antiviral immune response, is likely to be a major
strated at the periphery with intraperitoneal administration,
factor in limiting the efficacy of oncolytic viruses such as
but there was no difference in the tumor core. This sug-
dl1520. Binding of antibody to virus will affect infection,26
gested that any major therapeutic benefit was likely to be
and the development of virus-specific cytotoxic T lympho-
restricted to small tumor nodules, and therefore surgical
cytes could potentially result in the lysis of infected cells
tumor debulking is likely to facilitate activity. In concor-
before successful virus replication.27 However, Khuri et al28
dance with this, Heise et al23 hypothesized that the tumor
treated head and neck cancer patients with intratumoral
mass at the time of treatment might be an important
dl1520 combined with systemic chemotherapy and found
determinant of the antitumoral efficacy of dl1520. Two
that the presence of baseline neutralizing antibodies did not
mutant p53 xenografts, OVCAR3 and A2780/Cp70, were
prevent tumor responses from occurring. One postulated
treated with intraperitoneal dl1520 at three time points
reason for maintaining the efficacy of intratumoral dl1520
following intraperitoneal inoculation with tumor cells. At
injections is the inefficient penetration of solid tumors by
the earlier time points (day ϩ3 and day ϩ17 after inocula-
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In vitro studies using nude mice engrafted with the
temic exposure of virus. Local toxicity (abdominal pain/
human tumor xenograft model HlaC strongly support the
peritonism) secondary to an inflammatory process was also
combination of dl1520 with chemotherapeutic agents, par-
common and troublesome in this patient population and
ticularly cisplatin, and these data suggest that additive or
correlates with the injection site pain reported by over 50%
potentially synergistic effects can be demonstrated.19 This
of the head and neck cancer patients in the previous studies.
significant antitumor activity for intratumoral dl1520 in
In the head and neck cancer trial by Khuri et al,28 dl1520
combination with cisplatin and fluorouracil was confirmed
replication was demonstrated within tumor tissue in four of
in a phase II trial in squamous carcinoma of the head and
six posttreatment biopsy specimens, with necrotic tumor
neck,28 and interestingly, response rates were not related to
tissue present in an additional three. In the current study, it
p53 status. Furthermore, the sequence of agents in combi-
was not possible to conclusively demonstrate that intraperi-
nation may have therapeutic relevance.23 The mechanism(s)
toneally administered dl1520 can gain access to and repli-
for this dl1520/cisplatin interaction is unclear, but these
cate in mutant p53 tumor cells. One patient had material
preclinical and clinical trials suggest that dl1520 may be
suggestive of ISH-positive malignant cells, but this was not
able to sensitize both infected and uninfected cells to killing
confirmed and therefore not classified as a true-positive
by chemotherapy. E1A gene expression has been shown to
result because of the poor quality of the cellular material
increase cellular sensitivity to chemotherapy in a p53-
obtained and questionable assay specificity. However, one
independent manner.6,31,32 As dl1520 expresses E1A when
must remember that intratumoral injections of dl1520 in the
infecting both p53 wild-type and p53 dysfunctional tumors,
head and neck clinical trials consisted of only a few
this may account for this chemosensitization. In addition,
milliliters of 0.9% saline containing up to 1011 pfu of virus.
the induction of apoptosis by platinum drugs is enhanced by
It is therefore not surprising that comparable doses of virus
wild-type p53 expression,33 and recent work has suggested
diluted in 500 mL of saline within the peritoneal cavity
that the therapeutic success of platinum and paclitaxel
result in a much lower pickup rate for demonstrating active
combinations (paclitaxel does not require the presence of
viral replication. Furthermore, anatomic barriers to infectiv-
functional p53 to induce apoptosis34) may reflect the effi-
ity and spread (eg, adhesions) and the presence of neutral-
cacy of the agents on different cellular populations with
izing antibodies in the peritoneal fluid would further miti-
different genetic backgrounds.35 It is relevant to note in this
gate against viral replication capability and, consequently,
context that two patients with platinum-resistant disease,
our ability with currently available assays to demonstrate
having developed progressive disease on dl1520 therapy,
subsequently demonstrated falling CA125 after further car-
In conclusion, replication-selective oncolytic adenovi-
boplatin chemotherapy. One of these patients had a con-
ruses such as dl1520 may offer a novel approach to the
firmed CA125 response after three cycles, and although her
treatment of ovarian cancer. Preclinical studies suggest that
disease subsequently progressed, this supports the hypoth-
they may be most effective when used in conjunction with
esis that eradication or attenuation of a population of
conventional cytotoxic agents, such as cisplatin or carbo-
platinum-resistant, mutant p53-expressing clones by dl1520
platin. The optimal sequencing of these agents are being
may have allowed further sensitivity to platinum.
examined in preclinical models, and further trials will be
This article describes the first clinical experience with the
required to carry these “proof of principle” experiments
intraperitoneal delivery of any replication-competent/-selec-
forward. The effect of antiviral immunity dl1520 antitumor
tive virus in cancer patients. Multiple doses can be safely
activity is still incompletely understood, and further inves-
administered to patients after a mini-laparotomy, cytoreduc-
tigation is needed in order to optimize treatment. Better
tive surgery, and installation of a peritoneal catheter. The
delivery of virus to intraperitoneal tumor nodules is required,
main side effects were the flu-like syndrome, nausea/
particularly with respect to longer retention times within the
vomiting, and abdominal pain/peritonitis. This latter symp-
abdominal cavity. Modification of dl1520 and other second-
tom was occasionally severe and reproducible, perhaps
generation viral constructs will be necessary to enhance repli-
signifying an inflammatory process initiated by viral infec-
cation and virulence against the target tumor cell population;
tion. The MTD, as defined, was not reached at 1011 pfu, and
however, the systemic toxicities and abdominal pain associated
at this dose level, patients with good performance status and
with the intraperitoneal administration will need to be carefully
nonbulky disease did not experience significant toxicity.
monitored. Highest efficacy may be seen dl1520 when admin-
However, intraperitoneal administration of dl1520 was as-
istered to patients with low tumor burden. Therefore, the ideal
sociated with greater systemic toxicity, compared with that
scenario for dl1520 therapy as a single agent may be as
seen in the studies utilizing intratumoral injections in head
consolidation treatment in patients with minimal residual
and neck cancer.17,28 This is likely to reflect greater sys-
disease following conventional chemotherapy. However, it
Downloaded from www.jco.org on August 17, 2006 . For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright 2002 by the American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
will be important to observe evidence of clear-cut clinical
efficacy or a biologic effect (eg, tumor cell infection) before
The authors acknowledge the vital contribution of all the nurses, data
proceeding with combination studies of intraperitoneal dl1520
managers, and hospital staff involved in this trial, without which this
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