Revised Aug 2004 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL CORPORATION MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION AT SCHOOL GUIDELINES The Purpose of administering medication at school is to help each student maintain an optimal state of health that enhances each student’s educational efforts. The intent of the following guidelines is to reduce the number of medications given at school, while providing safe and effective administration of medications to the students that require them.
prescription, an authorization to administer medication form must be completed and signed by the student’s parent/guardian.
2. Parents/Guardians are responsible for assuring the medication arrives safely at
school in a properly labeled container, whether prescription or over-the-counter (OTC). An adult parent/guardian or designee is to personally bring the medication to school. Children are not to transport medication. Children bringing medication to school is in direct conflict with the Southwest School Corporation (SWSC) Medication Administration Policy.
3. All prescription medications must be in an original pharmacy container affixed with
the pharmacy label. The pharmacy label serves as the physician’s order; therefore, this label must be current with correct name, date, drug, and dosage.
4. OTC medications at school are discouraged, but may be given. OTC medications
must be in the original container with the manufacturer’s label. The child’s name must be affixed to the container. Not more than three OTC doses may be kept at school unless approved by the school nurse.
5. No aspirin or aspirin-containing products will be administered without a
6. Changes in medication or dosage must be documented in writing on the Permission
to Administer Medication Form. Prescription medications must bechanged by physician’s order only, which may be the written physician’s order itself or by a new pharmacy label. The Permission to Administer Medication Form must reflect any prescription and OTC changes and be signed by parent/guardian. Staff will not adjust medications by any other method.
7. Discontinued medications must be documented by written physician’s order. 8. All medications will be kept in locked, limited access areas. 9. In some instances, it may benefit a student to be responsible for self-administration
of medication. It is within the scope of the school nurse’s responsibility to evaluate self-administration of medications by students. Self-administration must be documented on the Permission to Administer Form, accompanied by a written physician’s order. With the exception of inhalers and Epi Pens, all self- administered medication will be kept in the medication dispensing area for the safety of other school children.
CONFIDENTIAL HEALTH HISTORY Patient Name: ______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________________ I. CIRCLE APPROPRIATE ANSWER (Leave blank if you do not understand the question) 1. Yes No If NO, explain__________________________________________________________________________ Has there been a change in your health within the last year? I