C O N T A C T L E N S M O N T H L Y Use your ears (not your eyes) to identify CL-related dryness Dr Robin Chalmers and Dr Carolyn Begley describe their questionnaire-based assessment of dry eye symptoms among contact lens wearers FIGURE 1. Biomicroscope appearance of contact lens wearer. Can you see symptoms of contact lens related dryness?
number of sufferers, estimated at nearly one million in the UK alone,
the best method to determine the breadth
practitioner and self-assessment of dry eye
altogether. It has been reported that most
and seriousness of the problem of ocular
dryness in the population overall, as well
tioners often under-estimate the patients’
as establishing normal symptoms reported
both contact lens wearers and non-wearers
lens wearers self-described themselves as
having dry eye (17.7 per cent) compared to
who soon discontinues Top five reasons for discontinuation of lens wear
dry eye by their practitioner.2 Patients
Per cent important or very important
practitioner diagnosis represent patients
over. Through the past The lenses were uncomfortable late in the day 40.3 per cent
been researching the Wearing contact lenses was too much trouble 35.9 per cent
measurement of ocular The lenses were uncomfortable all day
per cent of those who were not currently
specifically elicit them in dry eye patients
wearing lenses). When asked their reasons
and contact lens wearers alike. A number
of our research experiences have reshaped
patients with various types of dry eye to
former contact lens wearers cited dryness
our thinking on how practitioners should
and discomfort late in the day as their top
guish them from patients without dry eye
diagnoses. Although they are not a group
of the top five reasons related to ocular
forethought. This article will outline some
with a dry eye diagnosis, per se, we studied
diagnose contact lens related dryness and
point to effective strategies for treatment. Factors in CL-related dryness
In 1998 the authors, along with a collab-
orative research team, studied over 1,000
in six clinical centres in North America.2
n a i r e s t h o r o u g h l y ◆ Medication
all types of eye care in order to establish
other lifestyle factors ◆ Smog and smoke
not selected for their dry eye diagnosis is
strategy. Alternatively, rewetting drops
FIGURE 2. Sample symptom question (CLDEQ, Indiana University)
were rated as giving complete relief by 22.3 per cent and artificial tears by a paltry 4.9 per cent of those who used them.
5 Questions about EYE DRYNESS:
There is definitely room for improve-ment in terms of treatment effectiveness
a) During a typical day in the past week, how often did your eyes feel dry while wearing your lenses?
influence or cause sensations of dryness on the ocular surface, with or without
When your eyes felt dry, how intense was this feeling of dryness while wearing your lenses… b) Within the first two hours of putting in your lenses? Not at all FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CL-RELATED DRYNESS c) At the end of your wearing time? Not at all
negatively impact their comfort with contact lenses. As a group, contact lens wearers are growing older, wear lenses
4). Fifty-five percent of the contact lens
finding that 51 per cent of the subjects
wearers also reported symptoms that were
cited discomfort as the principal reason for
smoke, smog, air conditioning or central
with drying side effects than in previous
decades. Most likely they commute longer
distances to work, drink more coffee and
these environments if their lenses exacer-
in front of computer screens for work and
related dryness comprises a vast majority
contact lens wearers reported significantly
of patients whose eyes are fairly free of
the 1980s and 1990s (Table 2). All these
particularly discomfort and dryness late
becomes more polluted, indoor air quality
contact lens wearer manages their dryness
deteriorates even though it is more highly
lenses (55.8 per cent), use of contact lens
their lenses and found that these patients’
rewetting drops (47.1 per cent) or artifi-
their ocular surface less than ideal for
cial tears (14.8 per cent). Patients who
per cent of subjects while wearing lenses
is shown in Table 3.2 Since that time, a
and only 6.2 per cent without their lenses
be completely effective by 47.4 per cent
number of widely used drugs have come ▲
in place, a significant reduction (Figure
Symptom frequency for lens wearers Symptom intensity for lens wearers and and non-wearers non-wearers % with moderate to intense % with frequent to constant
AM dryness PM dryness AM discomfort PM discomfort
C O N T A C T L E N S M O N T H L Y Self-reported medication use by contact lens wearers Medication Per cent of CL wearers
patients and represented a global market
of over £2.9bn in 2000 according to IMS
knowing what is about to happen to their
Health’s World Review. Very often the
Key points in contact lens-related
the part of the patient will reduce worry
related dryness primarily with your ears!
Similarly, if practitioners have familiar-
depression medications is also on the rise
◆ Ask patients about the number of hours
among adults. The IMS Health’s World Review states that anti-depression medica-
familiar with effective options with which
◆ Fifty-five per cent of CL wearers have
tions account for the third largest class of
to treat those contact lens wearers (ie more
medications sold, amounting to £7bn, with
lubricious lens materials, non-toxic care
a growth of 18 per cent over the previous
systems, tear replacements) they will very
◆ Fifty-six per cent of CL wearers relieve
likely be more willing to initiate a guided
their 40s but still dedicated to continued
there are soft lens materials on or coming
tical agents to treat conditions related to
physical properties that relieve or reduce
ment statistics. Time spent on recreational
posed a stubborn, intransient problem in
computer use likely rose proportionally.
the past may now be effectively treated,
has also increased dramatically over the
care to the patient. Now is the time for
practitioners to revamp their diagnostic
skills with regard to contact lens-related
factors that may reduce a person’s chance
fort sequelae that follow. In our study of
of success with contact lenses, we propose
computer for more than six hours per day
while at work in addition to their recrea-
history for new and current contact lens
problem in vision care; presbyopia. If a
the past few years in the UK market. For
example, the proportion of UK households
65.3 per cent in the time period from 2000
to 2004, according to recent Organization
tion will reveal that most symptomatic contact lens patients have an adequate supply of tears, no frank inflammation and
Proportion with frequent to constant symptoms
don’t exhibit significant signs of ocular
with and without lens wear
even moderate dry eye patients who do not wear lenses. Standard clinical tests
that are used to diagnose pathological dry eye such as the Schirmer test, tear prism height, or the degree of corneal fluores-cein staining don’t correlate very well with symptoms in dry eye sufferers.6 Because
contact lens-related dryness is a problem
with few clinical signs, the clinician must
While wearing lenses Without lens
query and listen for, rather than look for, contact lens-associated dryness among
their existing contact lens wearers. When ▲
clinical signs are within normal limits,
C O N T A C T L E N S M O N T H L Y CONCLUSIONS Relief reported by lens wearers who manage dryness symptoms by self-treatment ho use treatment
their patients with contact lens related
plan directed at the reduction of dryness
symptoms as a priority in their treatment.
extra care given and is likely to remain as
Figure 6 shows recommended who is struggling to wear lenses toward
a lens wearer for a much longer period of
intensity since these were often reported
This article is an educational initiative sponsored
References 1 In the News: Ciba Vision study on soft contact Screening questions for contact lens-related dryness
lens dropouts. Optom Vis Sci, 2004;81(11)814. 2 Begley CG, Chalmers RL, Mitchell GL, Nichols
1) How many hours per day do you wear your lenses? ____ hrs
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2) How many hours are your lenses comfortable per day? ____ hrs
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3) In a typical week, how often do you feel the need to remove your lenses before it is convenient due to a feeling of dryness?
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When your eyes felt dry, how intense was this feeling of dryness while wearing your lenses…
b) Within the first two hours of putting in your lenses?
5 Young G, Veys J, Pritchard N, Coleman S. A
Not at All
multi-centre study of lapsed contact lens wearers.
Ophthal Physiol Opt, 2002;22:516-27.
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Not at All
Clinical Signs Among Patients with Dry Eye of
Varying Severity. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2003;44:
5) Have you been told you have dry eyes?
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6) Do you think you have dry eyes?
the tear film and dry eye. Cornea, 2000;19(4):483-6. 8 Nichols KK, Nichols JJ, Zadnik K. Frequency
Scoring Responses: Responses that may indicate contact lens related dryness are listed below.
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Hrs of Wear – Hrs of Comfortable Wear <2 hrs
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◆ Dr Robin Chalmers is a clinical trial consultant and Dr Carolyn Begley is a professor at Indiana University School of Optometry in Bloomington, USA
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