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S.Litvin, V.Petrov, M.Rubin
TRIZ Body of Knowledge
As TRIZ continues it’s expansion throughout the globe, the further development of TRIZ as a science and a social movement is hindered by a number of factors. Ambiguous and indefinite borders of TRIZ represent one of these factors. Unfortunately, there are currently no TRIZ textbooks or universal TRIZ training programs that are generally accepted by the global TRIZ community. This leads to significant differences in the interpretation of TRIZ, and in some cases, original TRIZ ideas and approaches are corrupted. The International TRIZ Association (MA TRIZ), Altshuller Institute (AI), and the European TRIZ Association (ETRIA) have mutually agreed to define the TRIZ Body of Knowledge. Taking into account the importance of the task, the founders of the “TRIZ Developers Summit” prepared their vision for subsequent discussion. We are thankful to L. Kozhevnikova, O. Gerasimov, A. Kislov, A. Gasanov (Russia), B. Zlotin and A. Zusman (USA) for their assistance in preparing this material. We realize that no social organizations and scientific associations, even the most respected and most numerous, are able to determine the borders of one or another science, including TRIZ. This will take time and generations of people for whom this science is a profession. However, attempts to determine these borders and moreover, open discussion of them by specialists are useful for the development of the theory. Thus, the main goals of this document are to: 1. Identify what basic approaches, sections, and tools refer to TRIZ, and what do not. This would not impede developers of “non-TRIZ” approaches and materials to continue their studies and practical work, but would enable (where possible) to reject those materials and specialists, which, acting on behalf of TRIZ, propose things that have nothing to do with TRIZ — starting from elements of Six Sigma and ending with yoga — thus, distorting the notion of TRIZ in the eyes of potential users and neophytes. 2. Upgrade the efficiency of TRIZ development by understanding how TRIZ was developed. 3. Provide an objective basis to certify TRIZ specialists and to minimize disputes regarding the amount of knowledge necessary to be a specialist of one level or another. ∗ This document represents a starting point for discussion on the Basics of TRIZ Knowledge — at first within the MATRIZ community, and then within the TRIZ community as a whole. Each participant of this discussion may give his/her notes, comments, objections, and amendments — these will be thoroughly analyzed and might be integrated into subsequent versions of this document. Initial positions
Currently, there are many developments describing general approaches and postulates of TRIZ, TRIZ structure and components, and so forth. Also, some other methods that are based on TRIZ have appeared recently — for example, Ideation TRIZ (B.Zlotin and others), TRIZplus and G3:ID (S.Litvin and others), etc. The integration and unification of these developments and approaches is quite a complex task. Therefore, we propose to break down this work into two stages: first to define the borders of classic TRIZ, and then, secondly, to try to expand these borders due to later developments. This approach may seem to be not objective and even voluntary, but it provides a unified basis for the theory: classic TRIZ is TRIZ that was created or approved by G.Altshuller. Selection Criteria
We realize that an approach to select basic TRIZ knowledge at the 2nd stage should be objective and, theoretically, we put together an action plan to assist in the development: a. Define TRIZ as a Theory — this should indicate TRIZ functions as well as current and b. Name the starting points (in other words, postulates) on which TRIZ as a Theory is based; c. Provide a structure of TRIZ as a system, by associating postulates with functions; d. Assess the consistency of this method. Leading TRIZ experts should all agree upon this method and verify that everything concurrently satisfying items a, b, and c refers to TRIZ. However, we would like to emphasize once more that it will take a long time to perform the above-described work and to agree upon the results with all leading developers. And time is pressing — a need for a certain common platform is very urgent (see goals of this document). We propose to identify the TRIZ Body of Knowledge in two stages: 1. Works of G.S. Altshuller and works of his disciples approved by him. 2. Works of TRIZ developers performed after the death of G.S. Altshuller. Each of these stages could be discussed and approved separately. Criteria for Selecting the TRIZ Body of Knowledge at the 1st Stage
We propose to introduce the following criteria for materials and development of the TRIZ Body 1. Works authored or co-authored by G.S. Altshuller. 2. Works supervised by G.S. Altshuller (i.e. works that have passed “quality inspection” by 3. Works that were personally approved by G.S. Altshuller∗. All materials included in the TRIZ Body of Knowledge satisfy certain requirements/criteria generally accepted in the TRIZ community: 1. TRIZ methods lean upon the objective trends of evolution of systems (predominantly, engineering systems). These trends are identified based on studying the objective information from different areas of intellectual activities (mainly, inventive); 2. TRIZ is an applied science aimed at developing instrumental methods to effectively solve inventive problems in different engineering fields. TRIZ methods are reproducible and could be taught, including by means of education software; ∗ Works belonging to this category should be confirmed by publications or other documents approved by G.S. ∗ Works belonging to this category should be confirmed by publications or other documents approved by G.S. 3. The area of TRIZ studies lies at the intersection between artificial material systems and creative thinking — how these systems are created and developed. The area of TRIZ studies also includes creative work on the whole and the subject of creative activity - creative personality. Important note: a number of tools developed and used in TRIZ have similar names as methods known prior to TRIZ. A typical example is VEA (Value Engineering Analysis). Approaches and tools of these TRIZ component are fundamentally different from the developments of L. Miles and Yu. Sobolev. Each of the above-indicated features cannot be used separately from the entire set of criteria. It is necessary to use all of them jointly. TRIZ Materials
Each of the presented categories of the TRIZ Body of Knowledge is reflected in certain publications (articles, books, methodological guides, and other materials). For the first stage, it is possible to compile an exhaustive list of reference sources corresponding to the criterion that are selected for this category of knowledge: works by G.S. Altshuller and works approved by him. Different TRIZ-related information funds, reviews, training programs, and other materials could also be used to compile the list. Based on this literature, it is possible to form sections of TRIZ knowledge. For example, the following training programs approved by G.S. Altshuller are known: 1. A set of training programs developed by G.S. Altshuller “Icarus and Dedalus”1. 2. Program of the “Methods of scientific and engineering creativity” course taught at the International University of Scientific and Engineering Creativity and Development (IUSECD) of St. Petersburg, approved by G.S. Altshuller2. 3. Program of the “Innovation technology of design based on TRIZ and VEA” training course developed at the scientific-and-engineering center Invention Machine (St. Petersburg) of the Invention Machine Corporation and approved by G.S. Altshuller3. 4. Programs of seminars in Moscow, Kishinev, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Angarsk, Chelyabinsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Penza, Simferopol and other cities held by G.S. Altshuller together with other teachers. 5. Programs of the TRIZ and VEA training courses developed at the Kishinev Center “Progress” and approved by G.S. Altshuller4. Thus, a structure for the main sections of TRIZ knowledge could be formed based on the A list for the second stage should be permanently updated and supplemented. It is important to start with agreeing upon general principles and criteria for forming this bibliographical list. Sections of TRIZ Body of Knowledge
We have prepared a list of sections for the Basics of TRIZ Knowledge to discuss according to the above-mentioned criteria and publications. When developing the classification, we began with all of G.S. Altshuller’s materials (review “TRIZ-88”5, program “Icarus and Dedalus”, information materials for trainees), the training program “Methods of scientific and engineering creative activity (MSEC)” approved by G.S. Altshuller, and the publication by L.A. Kozhevnickova “Classification for systematization of TRIZ materials” ( We have also taken into account that the proposed structure of the TRIZ sections is intended for developing TRIZ as a theory, not for training and classifying the materials. Basic TRIZ Sections and Components
1. General issues of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving
1.1. Inventive situation. Inventive problem6. Levels of problem solving (levels of inventions)7. 1.2. Basic ideas of TRIZ8. 1.3. Philosophical aspects of TRIZ. Dialectics — philosophical foundation for TRIZ9. 1.4. System operator. Multi-screen scheme of talented thinking10. 1.5. Methodology of TRIZ studies11. 1.6. Methods to transfer solutions and methods by using analogies12. 2. Methodological tools of TRIZ
2.1. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution13 2.1.1. “Life lines” of engineering systems14. 2.1.2. Trend of completeness of system parts15. 2.1.3. Trend of “energy conductivity” of a system16. 2.1.4. Trend of coordination of system parts rhythmics17. 2.1.5. Trend of increasing degree of ideality18. Ideal method, ideal substance19. Mechanisms 2.1.6. Trimming of systems21. Mechanisms for trimming engineering systems22. Trend of 2.1.7. Trend of uneven evolution of system parts24. 2.1.8. Trend of increasing Su-field degree25. 2.1.9. Trend of transition to the supersystem. From mono-system to bi-system and poly- 2.1.10. Trends of transition from the macro-level to the micro-level27. 2.1.11. Trend of increasing hollowness28. 2.1.12. Principle of responsiveness29. 2.1.13. Energy-based analysis of engineering systems30. 2.1.14. General pattern of engineering systems evolution31. 2.1.15. Trend of coordination — disagreement32. 2.1.16. Trend of elimination of human involvement from systems33. 2.1.17. Trend of increasing dynamicity and controllability34. 2.2. Algorithm for Inventive Problems Solving (ARIZ) 2.2.1. ARIZ — a program for inventive problem solving by identifying and resolving contradictions. Types of contradictions; administrative, engineering, and physical35. 2.2.2. Ideal final result (IFR)36. 2.2.3. Main line for solving ARIZ problems and ARIZ logics37. 2.2.4. ARIZ — algorithm for inventive problem solving. History of ARIZ development38. Structure and basic notions of ARIZ-85В39. 2.3.1. Basic notions and rules. 2.3.2. Logics and regularities of Su-field systems evolution. 2.4.1. Standards for inventive problem solving41. Standards — system of typical solutions for inventive problems. Structure of the system of standards. History of standards evolution42 and first 10 standards. Standards for modification of systems. Standards for measuring and identification of systems. Standards for application of standards. 2.4.2. Problems-analogs44. 2.4.3. Techniques for resolving contradictions. History of techniques evolution. Techniques for resolving engineering contradictions. 40 main techniques45. 10 additional techniques46. Techniques for resolving physical contradictions. Techniques - anti-techniques47. Techniques broken down into groups48. Methods for resolving physical contradictions49. Macro- and micro-level techniques for resolving contradictions50. The notion of effects. History of effects system evolution51. Physical effects52. Chemical effects53. Biological effects54. Mathematical effects55. Engineering effects57. Psychological effects. The notion of Substance-and-field resources (SFR). Structure and types of SFR. Methods and methodology for SFR application. 2.4.6. Personal card catalogues59, corporate card catalogues60. Technology for collecting 3. TRIZ and Value Engineering Analysis (VEA)62
3.1. Essence of VEA from a TRIZ standpoint63. 3.2. Theoretical foundations of VEA from TRIZ standpoint. Functional approach developed in 3.3. Use of TRIZ while performing VEA. 3.4. Specific features of conducting VEA at different stages of life cycle of a product from TRIZ 3.5. Technology of conducting VEA from TRIZ standpoint. 3.6. TRIZ Analysis64. 3.7. Methods to Search and Formulate Inventive Problems65. 3.8. Flow Analysis63. 3.9. Functionally Ideal Modeling (Trimming) 63. 3.10. Failure-anticipation Analysis of engineering systems66. 3.11. Cause/Effect Analysis. Formulation of key problems63. 3.12. Component-and-structural Analysis63. 3.13. Diagnostic Analysis. 63. 3.14. Evolutionary Analysis63. 3.15. Function Analysis63. 3.16. Integration of Alternative Systems63. 3.17. Improvement of ES without solving problems (through analysis)67. 4. Forecasting of Systems Evolution68
4.1. Methods of forecasting from a TRIZ standpoint 69. 4.2. Use of TRIZ tools for forecasting the engineering systems evolution. Forecasting 4.3.1. Long-term forecasting for engineering systems71: 4.3.2. Evolution of human and society72. 4.3.3. Identification of new scientific-and-engineering problems and social problems73. 4.4. Functional structure of information support for forecasting74. 5. TRIZ and Personal Creativity Evolution
5.1. Development of a creative imagination75. 5.1.1. Psychological inertia. Methods for eliminating psychological inertia76. 5.1.2. Control over psychological factors during problem solving. 5.1.3. Role of imagination. System of exercises for development of creative imagination 5.1.4. Role of science fiction (SF) in the development of creative thinking. Methodology of work with SF. Prognostic functions of science fiction. 5.1.5. Dimension/Time /Cost (DTC) operator (parametrical operator)77. 5.1.6. "Smart little people" modeling method (SLPMM)78. 5.1.7. Fantograms79. 5.1.8. The goldfish method (method of decomposition and synthesis of fantastic ideas)80. 5.1.9. Step-by-step designing81. 5.1.10. Method of associations82. 5.1.11. Method of tendencies83. 5.1.12. Method of latent features of an object84. 5.1.13. Outside point of view85. 5.1.14. Changing the system of values86. 5.1.15. Situational tasks87. 5.1.16. Fantasy techniques (techniques for generating fantastic ideas)88. 5.1.17. Scale of evaluating SF-ideas "Fantasy-2"89. 5.2. Theory of creative personality development (TCPD) and life strategy of creative personality 5.2.1. Main features of creative personality. 5.2.2. Worthy Goal (WG). Criteria of WG. 5.2.3. Rational program of Creative Personality (CP) life. 5.2.4. How to ensure high efficiency of intellectual activity? Creative personality: 5.2.5. Ability to resist difficulties and overcome obstacles. 5.2.6. Ideal life strategy of Creative Personality (CP). 6. TRIZ Outside of Engineering
6.1. Application of TRIZ methods in non-engineering systems91, 70. 6.2. Application of TRIZ principles in art and literature. 6.2.1. Contradiction in art92. 6.2.2. Use of TRIZ in literature. Synthesis of fairy tales93. 6.3. Use of TRIZ principles in biology94 95. 6.4. TRIZ in social and engineering systems96. 6.5. TRIZ in business97. 6.6. Algorithmization of research problems. Interrelation of TRIZ and science98. 6.7. Regularities of evolution of teams99.
1 Altshuller G.S. "Icarus and Dedalus". A Set of Training Programs for Schools of Scientific and Engineering
Creativity of Young People and for Training Teachers. – Baku, 1985.- 37 p. 2 Litvin S.S., Kislov A.V., Gerasimov O.M. Program of the Training Course "Methods of Scientific and
Engineering Creative Activity" of International University of scientific and engineering activity (IUSEA) of Saint
Petersburg. – Saint Petersburg: IUSEA, 1997. (Agreed – President of МАTRIZ - G.S.Altshuller. Approved - Rector of
IUSEA - V.V.Mitrofanov). The program was published in "TRIZ Journal", No. 2 (15) April, 2006, p.p. 40-45).
3 Kislov A.V., Judin Ju.A. Program of the Training Course "Innovative Technology of Design Based on
TRIZ and VEA". – Saint Petersburg: Invention Machine Corporation – Engineering center "Invention machine", 1998.
- p. 5. (Approved – Vice-President of Invention Machine Corporation - President of Engineering center "Invention
machine" - S.S.Litvin. Approved – President of МАTRIZ - G.S.Altshuller).
4 The textbooks prepared by Boris Zlotin and Alla Zusman describe the content of Kishinev School programs:
Search for New Ideas: from Insight to Technology (Theory and Practice of Inventive Problem Solving) /
G.S.Altshuller, B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Zusman, V.I.Filatov. - Kishinev, Kartia Mldoveniaske, 1989. - 381 p.
Zlotin N.L., Zusman A.V. Month under Stars of Fantasy. - Kishinev: Lumina, 1988, 271 p.
Zlotin N.L., Zusman A.V. An Inventor Came to the Lesson. - Kishinev: Lumina, 1990, 246 p.
Zlotin N.L., Zusman A.V. Solving of Research Problems. - Kishinev: Scientific Center "Progress", Kartia
5 Altshuller G.S. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - Angarsk, 1988. - 35 p. 6 Altshuller G.S., Selyutsky A.B. Wings for Icarus: How to solve inventive problems. – Petrozavodsk, Karelia,
Altshuller G.S. Inventive Problems - Daring Formulae of Creativity / (Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky). –
Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 15-29. Altshuller G.S. Process of Inventive Problem Solving: Main Stages and Mechanisms 06.04.75
7 Altshuller G.S. Algorithm of Inventive Activity. 2nd edition. M., Moskovsky rabotchy, 1973, 2nd edition, p.
23-47. Altshuller G. The Innovation Algorithm. TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity. Technical
Innovation Center, Inc. Worcester, MA, 1999. 312 p., ISBN 0964074044 (p. 37-55). Altshuller G.S. Levels of Inventions. Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of Creativity / (Compiled by
A.B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 22-25. Search for New Ideas: from Insight to Technology (Theory and Practice of Inventive Problem Solving) /
G.S.Altshuller, B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Zusman, V.I.Filatov. - Kishinev, Kartia Mldoveniaske, 1989. - 381 p. (p. 13-17). 8 Altshuller G.S. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - Angarsk, 1988. - 35 p. Altshuller G.S. Fundamental Ideas of TRIZ - Daring Formulae of Creativity / (Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky). –
Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 57-80. Altshuller G.S., Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.B. Theory and Practice of Inventive Problems Solving.
Methodological recommendations. – Kishinev, 1989. - 127 p. (p. 53-57). Altshuller G.S. Prospects of TRIZ Evolution: Record of speech at the 3-rd Meeting of TRIZ Association
(Petrozavodsk, 30.10-3.11.1990) - TRIZ Journal. - 1990. - No. 1.2. - p. 4-5. Ivanov G.I. And Start Inventing: a book in popular science.- Irkutsk: East Siberian book publishing.1987.-240 p.
9 Altshuller G.S. Dialectics of Inventive Activity. - Altshuller G.S. Algorithm of Inventive Activity. 2nd edition. -
M: Moskovsky rabotchy publishers, 1973, p. 99-120. Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Modern Methods of Scientific and Engineering Creative Activity (based on an
Lymarenko A.A. TRIZ as Applied Dialectics. -TRIZ Journal, 1993.Angarsk variant(electronic version), p.53-57.
10 Altshuller G.S. Structure of Talented Thinking - Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of
Inventive Problem Solving. - M.: Sovietskoje radio, 1979.-184 p. - Kibernetika. (p. 66-69) Zlotin N.L., Zusman A.V. Topics of Research Work. Paper at Petrozavodsk-85 Conference. 45 p.
11 Altshuller G.S. How to Conduct Research in the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving . - Baku, 1979. - 9 p.

12 Kengerli T.A. Transfer of Engineering Solutions in Inventive Activities. Baku: Non-governmental laboratory
for methodology of inventive activity under Central council of All-Russia Society of Inventors and rationalizers Materials for seminar of teachers of invention methodology, 1973, Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Modern Methods of Scientific and Engineering Creative Activity (based on an
example of ship-building industry). Guidebook. – L.: IPK SP, 1980. – 88 p. (p. 23-27) 13 Altshuller G.S. Trends of engineering systems evolution. – Baku, 20.01.1977.- 15 p. (Manuscript).
Altshuller G.S. Trends of systems evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of
Altshuller G.S., Selyutsku A.B. Wings for Icarus: How to solve inventive problems. – Petrozavodsk: Karelia,
Petrov V.M. Trends of engineering systems evolution. – Methodology and methods of engineering creative
activity. - Abstracts of papers for the scientific conference held from June 30 till July 2 1984 - Novosibirsk, 1984, p. 52-54. Kondrakov I.M. Dynamization of Engineering Systems. – Abstracts of papers for the scientific conference held
from June 30 till July 2 1984 - Novosibirsk, 1984, p. 70-72. Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of Creativity.-
Daring Formulae of Creativity/ (Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering
- Young people - Creativity), p. 61-65.
Zlotin B.L., Zousman A.V. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution and Forecasting of Engineering
Systems: Methodological recommendations. - Kishinev, Kartia Mldoveniaske, 1989.-114 p.
Altshuller G. Zlotin B., Zusman A. and Filatov V. Tools of Classical TRIZ. Ideation International Inc. 1999. –
14 Altshuller G.S. "Life lines" of Engineering Systems - Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science.
Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. – M.: Sovietskoje radio, 1979, 184 p. – Kibernetika, p. 113-119. Altshuller G.S. Forecasting the Engineering Systems Evolution. – Baku, 1975. – 13 p. (Manuscript)
Altshuller G.S. Main Stages of Engineering Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of
Creativity.- Daring Formulae of Creativity/ (Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. –
(Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 25-29.
15 Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. – Baku, 20.01.1977.- 15 p. (Manuscript)
Altshuller G.S. Trends of Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of
Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of Creativity.-
Daring Formulae of Creativity/ (Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering
- Young people - Creativity), p. 61-65.
16 Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. – Baku, 20.01.1977.- 15 p. (Manuscript)
Altshuller G.S. Trends of Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of
Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of Creativity.-
Daring Formulae of Creativity/ (Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering
- Young people - Creativity), p. 61-65.
17 Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. – Baku, 20.01.1977.- 15 p. (Manuscript)
Altshuller G.S. Trends of Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of
Litvin S.S. Coordination of Engineering Systems. – Abstracts of papers for the scientific conference held from
June 30 till July 2 1984 - Novosibirsk, 1984, p. 70-72. Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of Creativity.-
Daring Formulae of Creativity/ (Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering
- Young people - Creativity), p. 61-65.
18 Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. – Baku, 20.01.1977.- 15 p. (Manuscript)

Altshuller G.S. Trends of Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of
Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of Creativity.-
Daring Formulae of Creativity/ (Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering
- Young people - Creativity), p. 61-65.
Mitrofanov V.V. Few Thoughts on Ideality. – TRIZ Journal, 1993. Angarsk version (electronic version), p. 45-
19 Kagan E.L. Concept of Construction of Ideal Substance Model. – Abstracts of papers for All-Union scientific
conference "Problems of development of scientific and engineering creative activity" (Tbilisi, September 30 - October 2 1987). V.1 - Moscow: VSNTO, 1987. – p.96-98. Fey V. In Search for Ideal Substance. – TRIZ Journal, V.1, No.1/90, p.36-41, V.1, No.2/90, p.31-40.
Fey V. In Search for Ideal Substance.
- Chance for Survival. Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky - Petrozavodsk:
Karelia, 1991. 304 p. – (Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 174-220. 20 Gerasimov V., Litvin S. Mechanisms for Enhancing Ideality of Engineering System in VEA. – L. 1985, 6 p.
Petrov V.М. Idealization of Engineering Systems. - District Scientific-and-Practical Conference "Problems of
Development of Scientific and Engineering Creativity of Engineers". Abstracts of reports. Gorky, 1983, p. 60-62.
Salamatov Yu.P. Evolution of Substance in Engineering Systems. – Abstracts of papers for the scientific
conference held from June 30 till July 2 1984 - Novosibirsk, 1984, p. 64-66. Salamatov Yu.P., Kondrakov I.M. Certain Specific Features of Ideal Engineering Systems. – Abstracts of papers
for the scientific conference held from June 30 till July 2 1984 - Novosibirsk, 1984, p. 64-66. 21 Gerasimov V., Litvin S. Taking Regularities of Engineering Evolution into Account when Conducting VEA
of Technological Processes. Practice of conducting VEA in electro-engineering industry. Ed. By M.G.Karpunin. M.,
Energoatomizdat, 1987, p. 193-210.
Gerasimov V.M., Kalish V.S., Karpunin M.G., Kuzmin A.M., Litvin S.S. Basics of Methodology for
Conducting VEA: Methodological recommendations. M.: Inform-VEA, 1991, 40 p.
Gerasimov V.M., Litvin S.S. Unified TRIZ-VEA System. – TRIZ Journal, No. 3.2.92 , p.7-45.
22 Vertkin I. Mechanisms for Trimming Engineering Systems. – Baku, 1984, 8 p. (Manuscript).
23 Search for New Ideas: from Insight to Technology (Theory and Practice of Inventive Problem Solving) /
G.S.Altshuller, B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Zusman, V.I.Filatov. - Kishinev, Kartia Mldoveniaske, 1989. - 381 p. (p. 51). 24 Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. – Baku, 20.01.1977.- 15 p. (Manuscript)
Altshuller G.S. Trends of Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of
Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of Creativity.-
Daring Formulae of Creativity/ (Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering
- Young people - Creativity), p. 61-65.
25 Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. – Baku, 20.01.1977.- 15 p. (Manuscript)
Altshuller G.S. Trends of Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of
Altshuller G.S. Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of Creativity.-
Daring Formulae of Creativity/ (Compiled by A.B. Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering
- Young people - Creativity), p. 61-65.
Altshuller G.S. To Find an Idea. Introduction to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - Novosibirsk: Nauka,
Petrov V. Trend of Increasing Su-field Degree.
26 Altshuller G.S. To Find an Idea. Introduction to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - Novosibirsk:
Altshuller G.S. Small Huge Worlds. Standards for Inventive Problem Solving. - A Thread in the
Labyrinth/Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1988. p. 165-230. Petrov V. Trend of Transition of a System to the Supersystem.

27 Altshuller G.S. To Find an Idea. Introduction to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - Novosibirsk:
Altshuller G.S. Certain Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. - Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of
Creativity. - Daring Formulae of Creativity / (Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. –
(Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 74-75.
Petrov V. Trend of System Transition from Macro- to the Microlevel.
28 Altshuller G.S., Vertkin I. Lines for Increasing Degree of Hollowness. Baku, 1987 29 Khotimliansky Yu. Principle of Responsiveness and its Application for Inventive Problem Solving. For
trainees of the course Azerbaijan Non-governmental Institute of inventive creativity (AzNIIC). Baku: Non-governmental laboratory for methodology of inventive activity (NLIA), 1974.- 5 p. (Manuscript). 30 Khotimliansky Yu. Energy-Based Analysis of Engineering Systems. Baku, 1974. – 18 p. (Manuscript).
31 Altshuller G.S. To Find an Idea. Introduction to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - Novosibirsk:
Nauka, 1986, 209 p. (p. 90-106, Fig. 12 – p. 101). Altshuller G.S., Zlotin B.L., Filatov F.I. Profession - Search for Novelty. (Value engineering analysis and
Theory of inventive problem solving as a system for identifying resources of economy). – Kishinev, Cartia Moldoveniaske, 1985. – 196 p. Search for New Ideas: from Insight to Technology (Theory and practive of inventive problem-solving)/
G.S.Altshuller, B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Zusman, V.I.Filatov. - Kishinev, Cartia Moldoveniaske, 1989.- 381 p. (p. 294-327). Petrov V.М. System of Trends of ES Evolution. - A lecture at the seminar for teachers and developers of TRIZ
(Petrozavodsk-82). – L.: 1982. Salamatov Yu.P., System of Engineering Trends Evolution . - Chance for an Adventure. / Compiled by
A.B.Selyutsky. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1991. 304 p.– (Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 5-174. Salamatov Yu.P., Kondrakov I.M. Idealization of Engineering Systems. Study and development of spatial and
temporal model of engineering system evolution (model of "surge wave of idealization") based on an example of evolution of ES "Thermal pipe" (September 1983 – June 1984). Krasnoyarsk, 1984, 114 p. (Manuscript). 32 Search for New Ideas: from Insight to Technology (Theory and practive of inventive problem-solving)/
G.S.Altshuller, B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Zusman, V.I.Filatov. - Kishinev, Cartia Moldoveniaske, 1989.- 381 p. (p. 62). 33 Search for New Ideas: from Insight to Technology (Theory and practive of inventive problem-solving)/
G.S.Altshuller, B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Zusman, V.I.Filatov. - Kishinev, Cartia Moldoveniaske, 1989.- 381 p. (p. 33). 34 Search for New Ideas: from Insight to Technology (Theory and practive of inventive problem-solving)/
G.S.Altshuller, B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Zusman, V.I.Filatov. - Kishinev, Cartia Moldoveniaske, 1989.- 381 p. (p. 56). 35 Altshuller G.S. Administrative, Engineering and Physical Contradictions. - Altshuller G.S. Creativity as
an Exact Science. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - M., Sovietskoje radio, 1979.-184 p. - Kibernetika. (p. 19-21).
Altshuller G.S., Selyutsky A.B. Wings for Icarus: How to Solve Inventive Problems. – Petrozavodsk: Karelia,
Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of Creativity. - Daring Formulae of Creativity/ (Compiled by
A.B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 64-66. Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Modern Methods of Scientific and Engineering Creativity (based on an example
of ship-building industry). Manual. – L.: IPK SP, 1980. – 88 p. (p.57-61)., 36 Selyutsky A.B., Slugin G.I. Inspiration by Order. Lessons of Inventive Activity. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1977,
Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - M., Sovietskoye radio,
Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Modern Methods of Scientific and Engineering Creativity (based on an example
of shipbuilding enterprises). Manual. – L.: IPK SP, 1980. – 88 p. (p.62-68). 37 Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Modern Methods of Scientific and Engineering Creativity (based on an 38 Altshuller G.S. History of ARIZ Evolution. - Recommendation on organizing the work of "young engineers". -
Norilsk, 1987. - p. 39 Altshuller G.S. Algorithms for Inventive Problem Solving (ARIZ-85В). Methodological meterials for
trainees of the seminar "Methods of solving scientific and engineering problems" - L.: Leningrad metal works - 1985. - 123 p. Altshuller G.S. ARIZ Means Victory. Algorithm for Inventive Problem Solving ARIZ-85-В. - Rules of a
game without rules / Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1989.-280 p. - (Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 11-50. Altshuller G., Zlotin B., Zusman A. and Philatov V. Tools of Classical TRIZ. Ideation International Inc.
40 Altshuller G., Gadjijev Ch., Flickstein I. Introduction to Su-field Analysis. - Baku, OLMI, 1973, 26 p.
Altshuller G. Su-field Analysis. Methodological Hints. - Baku, OLMI, 1973, 23 p. (Offset duplicator publication).
Altshuller Г., Flickstein I. Problem Solving through Su-field Analysis. – Baku: OLMI under the Central
Council of All-Union society of inventors and rationalizers., 1973. – 3 p. (Offset duplicator publication). Altshuller G.S. Principles of Su-field Analysis. - Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of
Inventive Problem Solving . - M.: Sovietskoje radio, 1979.-184 p. - Kibernetika. (p. 30-43) Altshuller G.S. Standard Models of Inventive Problems and Su-field Transformations of them . - Altshuller
G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving . - M., Sovietskoje radio, 1979.-184 p. -
Kibernetika. (p. 160-165).
Altshuller G.S., Selyutsky A.B. Wings for Icarus: How to solve inventive problems. – Petrozavodsk: Karelia,
Vertkin I.M, Fey V.R. Research into Te-field and Fe-field Engineering Systems. – Abstracts of papers for the
scientific conference held from June 30 till July 2 1984 - Novosibirsk, 1984, p. 79-81 Altshuller G.S. To Find an Idea. Introduction to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - Novosibirsk.: Nauka,
Altshuller G.S. The Notion of Su-field. - Altshuller G.S. Daring Formulae of Creativity.- Daring Formulae of
Creativity/ (Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering - Young people -
Creativity), p. 67-74.
Petrov V. Structural Su-field Analysis..
Altshuller G., Zlotin B., Zusman A. and Filatov V. Tools of Classical TRIZ. Ideation International Inc. 1999. -
41 Altshuller G.S. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - Angarsk, 1988. - 35 p. Altshuller G.S. To Find an Idea. Introduction to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - Novosibirsk.: Nauka,
Altshuller G., Zlotin B., Zusman A. and Philatov V. Tools of Classical TRIZ. Ideation International Inc.
42 Petrov V. History of Standards System Evolution. Information materials. First edition. Tel-Aviv, 2003 - 126
p. 43 Altshuller G.S. Small Huge Worlds: Standards for Inventive Problem Solving - A Thread in the Labyrinth /
Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1988. - p. 165-231. Search for New Ideas: from Insight to Technology (Theory and Practice of Inventive Problem Solving) /
G.S.Altshuller, B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Zusman, V.I. Filatov. - Kishinev, Cartia Mldoveniaske,, 1989.- 381 p. (p. 294-327). Altshuller G., Zlotin B., Zusman A. and Philatov V. Tools of Classical TRIZ. Ideation International Inc. 1999.
44 Altshuller G.S. Explanations to ARIZ-85-А. - Altshuller G.S. Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving ARIZ-
Petrov V.М. Use of Problems-Analogs in Inventive Activity. – Methodological problems of engineering
activities. Part II Engineering euristics and forecasting of development of engineering. (Abstracts of papers for scientific-and-engineering conference). – Riga, Znanije publishers, 1983. – p.49- 51. Litvin S.S. They are Unlike, but they are Similar (problems-analogs in TRIZ). – TRIZ Journal, 95.1
45 Altshuller G.S. Algoprithms of Inventive Activities. 2-nd edition. - M: Moskovsky rabotchy, 1973, p. 23-47. Altshuller G.S. Main Techniques for Elimination of Engineering Contradictions for Inventive Problem
Solving. - Baku: Giandjlick, 1971. – 52 p.
Altshuller G.S. Algorithm of Inventive Activities. - M: Moskovsky rabotchij, 1973. – p. 141-177.
Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. – M.: Sovietskoje radio,
1979, 184 p. – Kibernetika. – p. 84-94. Classification of Main Techniques for Eliminating Engineering Contradictions: Album / Compiled by G.
Altshuller. - Petrozavodsk, 1985. - 37 p.
Altshuller G. The Innovation Algorithm. TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity. Technical
Innovation Center, Inc. Worcester, MA, 1999. 312 p., ISBN 0964074044 (p. 138-167). 46 Altshuller G.S. Additional List of Techniques for Eliminating Engineering Contradictions. - Baku, 1971?
(Manuscript). 47 Flickstein I.M. Study of Main Techniques for Eliminating Engineering Contradictions for Inventive
Problems Solving. - Baku, 1973 (Offset duplicator publication).
48 Litvin S.S. Techniques for Resolving Engineering Contradictions. – L., February, 1981. – 11 p. (Manuscript).
Litvin S.S. More about Techniques for Resolving Engineering Contradictions. – L. – 3 p. (Manuscript).
49 Altshuller G.S. Resolving Physical Contradictions. - ARIZ-85В, Table 2. - Baku, 1985.
50 Altshuller G. Macro- and Microlevels of Techniques for Resolving Contradictions. – Baku, 3 p. Later on,
this work was published in the book Altshuller G.S. Creativity as an Exact Science. Theory of inventive problem
solving. – M.: Sovietskoje radio, 1979.-184 p. – Kibernetika. p. 103-105.
51 Altshuller G. Introduction. - Index of Physical Objects and Phenomena for Inventors and Rationalizers /
Denisov S., Yefimov V., Zubarev V., Kustov V.- Obninsk, 1977, 214 p. (January 1978, p. 14-20). Zlotin N.L., Zusman A.V. An Inventor Came to the Lesson. - Kishinev: Lumina, 1990, 246 p.
52 Gorin Yu. Index of Physical Effects and Phenomena for Inventors. - Baku, 1973.-300 p. http://www.triz-
Gorin Yu. Application of Physical Effects and Phenomena when Solving Inventive Problems. – Baku:
Index of Physical Effects and Phenomena for Inventors and Rationalizers / Denisov S., Yefimov V., Zubarev
V., Kustov V.- Obninsk, 1977, 214 p. Borodastov G.V. et al. Index of Physical Phenomena and Effects for Solving Inventive Problems: Training
material / G.V.Borodastove, S.D.Denivov, V.A.Yefimov, V.V.Zubarev, V.P.Kustov, A.N.Goncharov. – M.: Central Scientific Research Institute "AtomInform", 1979. – 93 p. Magic Crystal of Physics. - Daring Formulae of Creativity / (Compiled by A. B.Selyutsky). – Petrozavodsk:
Karelia, 1987. – 269 p. – (Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 83-171. Yefimov V.A. Methods to take a problem by storm, p. 86-95. Altshuller G.S. Thermal field converted into a mechanical one, p. 95-102. Altshuller G.S. Ferromagnetic su-fields can do everything, p. 103-109. . Pomeranets M.S. Magic of magnetic fluids, p. 109-115. Gorin Yu.V. The crown as an operational tool. , p. 115-121. Pomeranets M.S. Almost an ideal substance , p.121-127. Gorin Yu.V. To drown or not to drown, p. 128-133. Altshuller G.S., Gorin Yu.V. To repel - to attract , p. 133- 140. 53 Salamatov Yu.P. Heroic Deeds at Molecular Level. Chemistry helps to solve difficult inventive problems. - A
Thread in the Labyrinth. / Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1988. - p. 95-163. 54 Altshuller G.S. Bioeffects - Analogs of Physical Eeffects. - Baku, 1982
Timokhov V.I. Biological Effects. Cognition. Information and methodological collection of articles for teachers
and students. Issue 5. Riga: Scientific and Engineering Center "Progress". Laboratory of pedagogical technology. 1993. - p. 4-31. Timokhov V.I. Catalogue of Cards on Biological Eeffects. Aid for teachers of biology. - Gomel: Literary and 55 Tsurickov V.M. Mathematical Effects in Information Theory. - Methodology and Methods of Engineering
Creativity. Abstracts of reports and papers for scientific and practical conference. – Novosibirsk: USSR Academy of
Science, Siberian division, 1984. – p. 102-104.
Tsurickov V.M. Principles of Creating Mathematical Support for TRIZ. All-Union Scientific and Practical
Conference "Problems of evolution and enhancement of efficiency of scientific and engineering creativity of the working people". (October, 2-4, 1979, Novosibirsk). Part. I, M.: 1979, p. 130-131. Tsurickov V.M. Mathematical Effects – New Section of Information Funds of TRIZ. - TRIZ Journal, V. 2,

56 Vikentiev I.L., Yefremov V.I. The Curve Will Always Save you. Geometry for inventors. - A thread in the
Labirynth. / Compiled by A. B.Selyutsky. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1988. - p. 71-175. 57 Litvin S.S., Liubomirsky A.L. Bank of Engineering Effects. - TRIZ Journal, V. 1, No. 2, 1990, p. 22-27.
Axelrod B.M., Litvin S. S. Bank of Engineering Developments at Imengine Center. – TRIZ Journal 95/1
(No.10), p. 53-57. 58 Zlotin B.L., Vishnepolskaya S.V. Use of Resources in Search for New Engineering Solutions. – Kishinev,
1985. – 26 p. (Manuscript) – Petrozavodsk -85. Petrov V.М. Principles of Resource Utilization Theory Development. – L.: 1985. – 12 p. (Manuscript) –
Roizin Z. Specific Features of Resources Utilization for Problem Solving and Improving Obtained
Solutions. – Kishinev, 1986.- 8 p. (Manuscript) – Petrozavodsk -85.
Petrov V.М. Technology of Resource Utilization. – Paper for the Petrozavodsk conference held in 1985. – L.
Petrov V.М. Technology of Resource Utilization. – Theory and practice of teaching engineering creativity.
Abstracts of scientific papers. Chelyabinsk: UDNTP, 1988. – p. 55-56. Search for New Ideas: from Insight to Technology (Theory and Practice of Inventive Problem Solving) /
G.S.Altshuller, B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Zusman, V.I. Filatov. - Kishinev, Cartia Mldoveniaske,, 1989.- 381 p. 59 Altshuller G.S., Selyutsky A.B. Wings for Icarus: How to solve inventive problems. – Petrozavodsk: Karelia,
60 Altshuller G.S. Personal Card Catalogue. - Baku, 1974. - 3 p.
Altshuller G.S. Card Catalogue on Theory and Practice of Inventive Problem Solving. Issue 1. - Baku, 1976. -
Altshuller G.S. Card Catalogue. - Second article on card catalogue. - On card catalogue in 1977-78 academic
year. - Baku, 1976-1977. - 4 p. (Manuscript). 61 Rubin M.S. "Personal Card Catalogues – Foundation for Creativity", 1975-1995 г.г., Baku-Petrozavodsk Improving the Style of Work of Young Specialists and Scientists. Methodological developments./V.M.Petrov.
62 Altshuller G.S., Zlotin B.L., Filatov V.I. Profession - Search for Novelty (Value engineering analysis and
Theory of inventive problem solving as a system for identifying reserves of economy). – Kishinev: Cartia moldoveniaske, 1985. – 196 p. Search for New Ideas: from Insight to Technology (Theory and Practice of Inventive Problem Solving) /
G.S.Altshuller, B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Zusman, V.I. Filatov. - Kishinev, Cartia Mldoveniaske,, 1989.- 381 p. (p. 139-233). Gerasimov V.M., Zlotin B.L. Methodological Recommendations on Value Engineering Analysis. Sverdlovsk:
Gerasimov V.M., Zlotin B.L. Application of VEA. - Tekhnika I Nauka. 1982, No. 11, 12.
Standing head "VEA School", author - B.L.Zlotin. - Tekhnika I Nauka, 1983, No. 6, 8, 10, 12; 1984 No. 2, 4, 6.
Litvin S.S., Gerasimov V.M., et al. Construction of Functionally Ideal Model in VEA. Increase of efficiency
and enhancement of product quality based on VEA”. Materials of short-term seminar. Edited by K.F.Puzynya and L.S.Baryutin. Leningrad, 1986, p. 59 Litvin S.S., Gerasimov V.M., et al. Specific Features of Conducting Inter-Branch VEA. All-Union conference
"Application of VEA in national economy”. Abstracts of papers. Moscow, Informelektro, 1987, p. 8 Gerasimov V.M., Litvin S.S. Taking the Specific Features of Engineering Evolution into Account when
Conducting VEA of Technological Processes. Practical methods of conducting VEA in electro-technical industry. Ed.
By M.G.Karpunin. M., Energoatomizdat, 1987, p. 193-210.
Petrov V.М. VEA at Early Stages of Designing. Teaching the methods of scientific and engineering creativity.
Inter-branch seminar "Forming modern style of engineering and economic mentality based on VEA. Experience of using VEA in electro-technical industry. M.: Informelectro, 1986. 63 Gerasimov V.M., Litvin S.S. Unified System of TRIZ-VEA. TRIZ Journal, No. 3.2.92, p.7-45.
64 Rubin M.S. Problems of Developing TRIZ-TCPE (Theory of Creative Personality Evolution). -
Petrozavodsk, Published in "TRIZ Journal" No. 1.2, 1991. Rubin M.S., Trigoub A.V., Kulackov K.E., Selyutsky A.B. TRIZ-Analysis of Cascade of Tulomsk Hydro
Plants, 1993.

65 Gerasimov V.M., Doubrov V.Ye., Karpounin M.G., Kuzmin A.M., Litvin S.S. Application of Methods of
Engineering Creativity when Conducting Value Engineering Analysis: Methodological recommendations. M.:
"Informelectro", 1990, 60 p.
Gerasimov V.M., Kalish V.S., Karpounin M.G., Kuzmin A.M., Litvin S. S Basics of Methodology for
Conducting Value Engineering Analysis: Methodological recommendations. M.: Inform-VEA, 1991, 40 p.
Gerasimov V.M., Litvin S.S. Unified System of TRIZ-VEA. TRIZ Journal, No. 3.2.92, p.7-45.
Gerasimov V.M., Litvin S.S. Why does Engineering Need Pluralism? TRIZ Journal, No.1.90 , p.11-26.
66 Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. Methodology for Forecasting Extraordinary Situations, Harmful and
Undesirable Phenomena. Kishinev. - 1991 - 22 p.
Kaplan, Stan, Visnepolskchi Svetlana, Zlotin, Boris and Zusman, Alla. New Tools for Failure and Risk
Analysis. Ideation International Inc. 1999. – 86 p.
67 Gerasimov V.M., Litvin S.S. Construction of Functionally Ideal Model when Conducting VEA – 5 p., 1989.
(Fund of materials on TRIZ in Chelyabinsk regional Universal scientific library). 68 Altshuller G.S. Forecasting ES Evolution. – Baku, 1975. – 12 p.
69 Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. TRIZ-Based Methodology for Forecasting. Kishinev, 1987, 14 p. (Manuscript).
Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. Course of Lectures on Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution.
60 hours. 1986 –
87 educational year, printed-out from tape recorder by V.Ladoshkin, A.Saifutdinov and Yu.Bychkov. Kishinev 1987, 600 p. Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. Trends of Evolution and Forecasting of Engineering Systems. Methodological
recommendations. Kishinev, Cartia Moldaveniasku: International scientific and engineering center "Progress", 1989, 114 p. Petrov V.М. Forecasting Research and Development Themes. All-Union scientific and practical conference
"Problems of development and increase of efficiency of scientific and engineering creativity of the working people"
(October 2-4, 1979, Novosibirsk). Part II, M.: 1979, p. 304 -308.
Petrov V.М. Principles of Compiling a High-Quality Scenario. – Methodological problems of engineering
creative activity. Abstracts of scientific papers.– Riga, 1979, p. 136-138. Petrov V.М. Methodology for Selecting Potential Direction for Product Development. Methodological
development. – L.: NPO "Uran", 1980.- 64 p. Petrov V.М. Selection of the Most Promising Direction for Product Development. – Scientific organization of
labor and management: results, problems, perspectives. Abstracts of papers for the branch scientific and practical conference. – L.: Central Research Institute "Rumb", 1981. – p. 219- 223. Petrov V.М. Forecast of Development of Arc Welding Using a Melted Electrode. Report on the work
performed. – L.: VNIIESO, 1982. 184 p. Petrov V.М. Priciples and Methodology for Selecting promising Direction for Scientific Research and
Development in Shipbuilding. Abstract of Thesis for Ph.D. in economy. - L.: LKI, 1985.-20 p.
70 Altshuller G.S., Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. Theory and Practice of Inventive Problem Solving.
Methodological recommendations. – Kishinev, 1989. - 127 p. (p. 89-91). 71 Litvin S., Gerassimov V. et al. Long-Term Forecasting of ES Evolution Based on VEA and TRIZ. All-
Union conference "Application of VEA in national economy”. Abstracts of papers. Moscow, Informelektro , 1987, p. 2. 72 Altshuller Г., Rubin М. What will Happen after a Final Victory. Eight thoughts on nature and engineering. -
Chance for an adventure / Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1991. 304 p.– (Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 221-236. XX-century 74 Petrov V.М. Functional Structure of Information Support for Forecasting Scientific and Engineering
Progress. –Forecasting scientific and engineering progress and its influence upon reduction of cycle "research -
production" – Materials of short-term seminar held on April 17-18. – L.: LDNTP, 1987. – p. 35-38.
75 Altshuller G.S. Algorithm of Inventive Activity. Second edition. - M: Moskovsky rabotchy, 1973, p. 23-47. Altshuller G. The Innovation Algorithm. TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity. Technical
Innovation Center, Inc. Worcester, MA, 1999. 312 p., ISBN 0964074044 (p. 37-55). Altshuller G.S. This Amazing Fantasy. – Engineering and science. - 1980, No. 5. - p.26-27.
Garina-Demchenko A.N., Galysheva A.S., Zlotin B.L., Kaner V.F., Litvin S.S., Petrov V.М. Teaching and
Methodological Materials on Basics of Engineering Creativity for Secondary Vocational Schools. – L.: All-Union
Research Institute of professional engineering education. 1979. – 212 p.

Zlotin B., Litvin S. Lesson of Fantasy. Almanac "I Want to Know Everything", L., Detskaya Literatura, 1980.
Altshuller G.S. To Find an Idea. Introduction to the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. - Novosibirsk.: Nauka,
Amnuel P. Science Fiction. Training material for Engineers and Inventors. Baku: OLMI, 1974. - 347 p. (Offset
Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Modern Methods of Scientific and Engineering Creative Activity. (based on an
example of ship-building industry). Training material – L.: IPK SP, 1980. – 88 p. (p.76-86). Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Improvement of Style of Inventors Work. – L.: IPK SP, 1982. – 38 p.
Zlotin B., Litvin S. Fantasy by Formulas. Almanac "I Want to Know Everything", L., Detskaya Literatura, 1984.
Zlotin N.L., Zusman A.V. Month under Stars of Fantasy. - Kishinev: Lumina, 1988, 271 p.
Zlotin N.L., Zusman A.V. An Inventor Came to the Lesson. - Kishinev: Lumina, 1990, 246 p.
76 Altshuller G.S., Selyutsky A.B. Wings for Icarus: How to solve inventive problems. – Petrozavodsk: Karelia,
77 Altshuller G.S. "Let us Start with a Billion Times Increase …" (episode four) - Selyutsky A.B., Slugin G.I.
Inspiration by Order. Lessons in inventive activity. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1977, 190 p. (p. 162-165). Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Modern Methods of Scientific and Engineering Creativity (based on an example
of ship-building industry). Manual. – L.: IPK SP, 1980. – 88 p. (p.76-86). Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Improving the Style of Inventors Work. – L.: IPK SP, 1982. – 38 p.
78 Altshuller G.S. Smart Little, Little Men (episode one). A Suspiciously Simple Task (episode five) - Selyutsky
A.B., Slugin G.I. Inspiration by Order. Lessons in inventive activity. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1977, 190 p. (p. 151-155, 165-166). Altshuller G.S. Smart Little Men Method or Some Hints for Modifying an Engineering Object. - "Tekhnika I
nauka", 1981, No.5. - p.18. Altshuller Г. Paints for Fantasy. A prelude for the theory of development of creative imagination. - A chance for
an adventure. / Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1991. 304 p.– (Engineering - Young people - Creativity). Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Modern Methods of Scientific and Engineering Creativity (based on an example
of ship-building plants). Training material. – L.: IPK SP, 1980. – 88 p. (p.76-86). Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Improving the Style of Inventor Work. – L.: IPK SP, 1982. – 38 p.
79 Altshuller G.S. Fantograms: (Exercises in imagination development).- Baku, 1972. – 5 p. (Manuscript).
Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Improving the Style of Inventor Work. – L.: IPK SP, 1982. – 38 p.
80 Altshuller G.S. Once More about the Golden Fish (episode three). - Selyutsky A.B., Slugin G.I. Inspiration to
order. Lessons in inventive activity. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1977, 190 p. (p. 158-162). Zhuckov R.F., Petrov V.M. Improving the Style of Inventor Work. – L.: IPK SP, 1982. – 38 p.
81 Amnuel P. Science Fiction. Training material for Engineers and Inventors. Baku: OLMI, 1974. - 347 p. (Offset
82 Amnuel P. Science Fiction. Training material for Engineers and Inventors. Baku: OLMI, 1974. - 347 p. (Offset
83 Amnuel P. Science Fiction. Training material for Engineers and Inventors. Baku: OLMI, 1974. - 347 p. (Offset
84 Zlotin B. Development of Creative Imagination. - L., 1976. - 70 p. (Manuscript)
Zlotin B., Litvin S. Development of Creative Imagination. Training material for the second year students of
University of inventive activity and rationalization. - L.: LOP NTO "Mashprom", 1977. - 72 p. (Manuscript). Litvin S. Development of Creative Imagination. Training and methodological manual for engineers and
inventors. - L. 1978. - 98 p. (Manuscript). 85 Zlotin B. Development of Creative Imagination. - L., 1976. - 70 p. (Manuscript)
Zlotin B., Litvin S. Development of Creative Imagination. Training material for the second year students of
University of inventive activity and rationalization. - L.: LOP NTO "Mashprom", 1977. - 72 p. (Manuscript). Litvin S. Development of Creative Imagination. Training and methodological manual for engineers and
inventors. - L. 1978. - 98 p. (Manuscript). 86 Zlotin B. Development of Creative Imagination. - L., 1976. - 70 p. (Manuscript)
Zlotin B., Litvin S. Development of Creative Imagination. Training material for the second year students of
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87 Altshuller G.S. Dusty Roads of Distant Planets (episode two). - Selyutsky A.B., Slugin G.I. Inspiration to
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Altshuller G. Scale of "Fantasy" (for lessons in creative imagination development). – Sverdlovsk: VIPK
90 Altshuller G.S., Vertkin I.M. Workbook on Theory of Creative Personality Development. - Kishinev:
International scientific and engineering center "Progress" - Cartia moldoveniaske, 1990. - Part 1. - 1990. - 237 p. Part 2. - 1990. - 71 p. Altshuller G.S., Vertkin I.M. How to Become a Heretic: Life strategy of creative personality. - How to become
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A chance for an adventure. / Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1991. 304 p.– (Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 221-236. Altshuller G.S. 2nd congress of TRIZ Association in Petrozavodsk, 1991, shorthand report of the speech. Amnuel P.R. CPD (Creative Personality Development) is Quite Simple! A course of lectures in development of
creative thinking and theory of inventive problem solving for beginners, 1999. 92 Murashkovska I., Murashkovsky Yu.S. "Art" is Derived from the Word "Technika". –TRIZ Journal, V.1,
Florescu. R.S. Fantasy Techniques in Pictorial Art.. – TRIZ Journal, V.3, 2/92, (No. 6) p.69-77.
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Engineering Creative Activity. - Novosibirsk, 1984, p. 36-37. Zlotina E.S. Regularities in the Development of Music Forms. – Creativity technology, No.1, 1999, p. 9-14.
93 Altshuller G.S. To Find an Idea. Introduction into the theory of inventive problem solving. - Novosibirsk:
Nauka, 1986, 209 p. (p. 23, 87-88, 122-123). Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. Solving the Research problems. - Kishinev: Scientific and Engineering Center
"Progress", Cartia Moldaveniasku, 1991, 204 p. (p. 69 – 71, 185 – 195). Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V., Vishepolskaya S. "Petya and Dedal" - Inventive Fairy Tales. 22 issues in the
"Young Leninets" Newspaper - from 1985 till 1989. 94 Zakharov I.S. Regularities of Biological Systems.– TRIZ Journal, 1/96 (No. 11),p.32-33.
Collection of Creative Problems in Biology, Ecology and TRIZ (Training Material) Author and compiler
V.I.Timokhov. - Saint-Petersburg. Publishing house of JSC "TRIZ-CHANCE ". 1996.- 105 p.
Bukhvalov V.A., Murashkovsky Yu.S. How We Invent a Tortoise. How to apply TRIZ in the school course of
biology. The book for teachers and students. Riga. - 1993. - 124 p. Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. Evolutionary Brain. Example of methodology for the theory of inventive problems
Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. Solving the Research Problems. - Kishinev: Scientific and Engineering Center
"Progress", Cartia Moldaveniasku, 1991, 204 p (p. 78 – 86). 95 Likhatchev A.Yu. Specific Features of Constructing a Database on Medical Effects Taking the Principle of
Integrity into Account. Some system-based and philosophical issues relating to constructing a database on medical and
biological effects. – Abstracts of scientific papers for the 3rd All-Union conference "Automation of Search-based
Designing and Training of Specialists in Engineering " APK-83. – Ivanovo, 1983. – p. 134-135.
96 Altshuller G., Rubin М. What will Happen after the Final Victory? Eight thoughts on nature and
engineering. - A chance for an adventure. / Compiled by A.B.Selyutsky. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1991. 304 p.– (Engineering - Young people - Creativity), p. 221-236. . 97 Rubin M.S. Use of TRIZ Tools in Banking. Short report on TRIZ seminar with employees of "Tecobank", Sibiriackov V. TRIZ-based Strategic Planning. – Key Technologies, No. 0, June 1998 , p. 21-22.
98 Altshuller G. How Discoveries are Made: (Thoughts on methodology of research work). – Baku, 1960. – 12 p.
Zlotin B., Zusman A. Use of TRIZ Tools for Solving Research Problems . – Kishinev, 1985, 12 p.
Search for New Ideas: from Insight to Technology (Theory and practice of inventive problem solving)/
G.S.Altshuller, B.L.Zlotin, A.B.Zusman, V.I.Filatov. - Kishinev: Cartia moldoveniaske, 1989.- 381 p. (p. 123-132). Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. Solving the Research Problems. - Kishinev: Scientific and Engineering Center
"Progress", Cartia Moldaveniasku, 1991, 204 p. Mitrofanov V.V., Sokolov V.I. The Nature of Russell Effect. – Physics of the Solid Body, 1974, v. 16, No. 8, p.
Mitrofanov V.V. Following the Traces of Excited Molecule. – Engineering and Science, 1982, No. 2.
Mitrofanov V.V. From Technological Reject to Scientific Discovery. –TRIZ Association of Saint Petersburg,
Kondrackov I.M. Algorithm of Discoveries? – Engineering and Science, 1979, No. 11.
Golovtchenko G.G. Wind-Generation Energy of Plants. - Physiology of Plants, 1974, v. 21, Issue 4. p. 861-863.
99 Zlotin B., Zusman A. Basics of the Theory of Evolution of Teams. Scientific report and round-table workshop
in Miass in 1986 (printouts were distributed; electronic files are also available). Altshuller G.S., Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. Theory and Practice of Inventive Problem Solving. Methodological
recommendations. – Kishinev, 1989. - 127 p. (p. 58-68). Zlotin N.L., Zusman A.V. Month under Stars of Fantasy. - Kishinev: Lumina, 1988, 271 p.
Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. Solving the Research Problems. - Kishinev: Scientific and Engineering Center
"Progress", Cartia Moldaveniasku, 1991, 204 p. Altshuller G.S., Zlotin B.L., Filatov V.I. Profession - Search for Novelty. Kishinev, Cartia Moldoveniaske,
Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.B., Kaplan L.A. Regularities of Evolution of Teams. - Kishinev:, 1990. Scientific and


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