Are there any side effects that I should know
Before treatment your veterinarian may suggest routine tests to
make sure there are no underlying problems or concerns that
are not evident upon initial exam i.e. blood and urine tests. Older
dogs or dogs identified as “risk patients” may require increased
monitoring; your veterinarian will discuss this with you and is in
the best position to recommend treatment and required tests.
Ilium Meloxicam Anti-inflammatory Oral Suspension If your dog does become ill on NSAID medication, contact your for Dogs is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug What you need to look for;(NSAID) that your family veterinarian has prescribed • lethargy/depression for your dog _______________________________ • vomiting • diarrhoea, black tarry faeces (melena), bright blood in faeces Meloxicam (the active ingredient) is regularly used in humans
and animals to relieve pain, fever and inflammation. Ilium What else can I do to help my dog?
Meloxicam Oral Suspension for Dogs can be used to treat acute Discuss your options with your veterinarian, as each case is
pain (rapid onset), relieve pain after a surgical procedure and evaluated individually, and can include, lifestyle changes i.e.
also for long term use to treat osteoarthritis or degenerative weight loss, exercise, chondroprotective agents and other
joint disease (DJD).
adjunctive therapies. Weight loss - in obese dogs can provide clinical improvement alone, reducing the overall stress on all Dogs are particularly prone to arthritis due to breed characteristics, joints.
lifestyle and behavioural qualities such as: over enthusiasm, repetitive or inappropriate exercise, which can intensify stress Exercise – your dog may be reluctant to exercise. This may be on joints. It is estimated that 20% of all dogs are affected by because it hurts, in which the use of pain medication, a NSAID, Osteoarthritis.
will help, or that your pet is unable to exercise due to decreased muscle mass and decreased joint range of motion.
How do you know if your dog is in pain?
Chondroprotective agents – the inclusion of polysulfated gylcosaminoglycans (PSGAGS) may aid joint repair, function Behaviours suggestive of pain are routinely used to diagnose and stability. A dietary supplement such as Troy Flex will aid injuries, diseases, and guide therapy. Obvious signs of pain alert movement and support joints in repair.
owners and veterinarians to the fact that there is something wrong with your dog i.e. your dog may wag its tail to greet you Lifestyle changes such as weight loss and exercise are essential or the vet team in spite of being in pain. to maximise mobility and muscle tone in the arthritic patient. As the owner you are in the best position to look for subtle Gentle regular walking exercise may be all that is required to - always give Ilium Meloxicam Suspension for Dogs with or - DO NOT GIVE any other medication at the same time without How much do I give ____________________________ Is the use of NSAIDs safe in dogs?
All NSAIDs have the potential to cause serious side effects, How often – at the same time each day, once a day
patients may require monitoring pre-treatment and post-
treatment, particularly in cases of long-term therapy. Screening How long for _________________ days
and monitoring are very important diagnostic tools that your
veterinarian may use to identify “risk” patients and thus ensure When do we come back___________________________
successful use.
Will any blood or urine tests be required ______________ Ilium Meloxicam Anti-inflammatory Oral Suspension for Dogs has been evaluated by regulatory bodies in Australia and is safe and How often will these tests need to be done ____________ efficacious for use in dogs at the manufacturers recommended dose rate.
_______________________________________________ “the best option for your dog will depend on a number of If at any stage you have concerns or feel that your dog isn’t different factors i.e. age, severity of signs, progression of quite right, do not give any further medication, and contact your the disease process, any other health problems” Disclaimer: This information is not intended as a substitute for veterinary consultation or advice. It is recommended a consultation be arranged with a veterinarian should you have any concerns relating to your dogs health and wellbeing.


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