"obesity and hormonal abnormalities". in: international textbook of obesity
International Textbookof Obesity. Edited by Per Bjorntorp.
Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Print ISBNs: 0-471-988707 (Hardback); 0-470-846739 (Electronic)
Obesity and Hormonal Abnormalities Endocrinology, S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Univesity Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, ItalyINTRODUCTION
The impressive growth of knowledge that has fol-lowed the discovery of leptin in 1996 is under con-
Obesity is associated with multiple alterations in
tinuous investigation. Other chapters of this book
the endocrine system, including abnormal circula-
review this exciting topic, which will probably rad-
ting blood hormone concentrations, which can be
ically modify our clinical and therapeutic approach
due to changes in the pattern of their secretion
to obesity and related metabolic disorders in the
and/or metabolism, altered hormone transport
and/or action at the level of target tissues. In recentyears a great stimulus in both basic and clinicalresearch has, on one hand, produced a great deal ofknowledge on the pathophysiology of obesity, and,
on the other, led to the discovery of new hormones,such as leptin (1) and orexins (2). Sex Steroid and Gonadotropin
This chapter reviews the main alterations in the
Concentration and Metabolism
classic endocrine systems, specifically those relatedto the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis,
An increase in body weight and fat tissue is asso-
the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor 1
ciated with several abnormalities of sex steroid bal-
(GH/IGF-1) axis, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-
ance in premenopausal women. They involve both
adrenal (HPA) axis. The discussion will focus on
androgens and estrogens and their main transport
human endocrinology, and animal studies will be
protein, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).
referred to only when relevant to the organization
Changes in SHBG, which binds testosterone and
of current knowledge. Several other endocrine sys-
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with high affinity and
tems will not be discussed, and readers are referred
estrogens with lower affinity, also lead to an alter-
to extensive recent reviews in the field (3,4).
ation of androgen and estrogen delivery to target
The recent discovery of the product of the ob
tissues. The concentrations of SHBG are regulated
gene, leptin, has pointed to the role of adipose tissue
by a complex of factors, which include estrogens,
as an endocrine organ, capable of interacting with
iodothyronines and growth hormone (GH) as
the central nervous system and other peripheral
stimulating, and androgens and insulin as inhibi-
tissues by an integrated network, mainly devoted to
ting factors (5). The net balance of this regulation is
the regulation of the energy balance and fuel stores.
probably responsible for decreased SHBG con-
International Textbookof Obesity. Edited by Per Bjo¨rntorp. 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Table 17.2 Main alterations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in obese women
Increased SHBG-bound and non SHBG-bound androgen production rate andmetabolic clearance rateReduced SHBG synthesis and concentrationsIncreased percentage free testosterone fractionNormal gonadotropin secretionIncreased estrogen production rateAltered active/inactive estrogen balance
Worsened androgen imbalanceTreatment with androgens increases visceral fat in postmenopausal women
Half PCOS women are overweight or obeseObesity may have a pathogenetic role in the development of hyperandrogenism inPCOSObese women with PCOS have a prevalence of visceral fat distributionHyperinsulinemia represents a pathogenetic factor of hyperandrogenismThe metabolic syndrome is part of the obesity—PCOS association
In simple obesity, improvement of androgen and SHBG imbalanceIn obese women with PCOS reduction of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance,hyperandrogenism, and improvement of all clinical features, including fertility rate
PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome; SHBG, sex hormone-binding globulin.
centrations in obesity, in inverse proportion to the
tion has been found in premenopausal women be-
increase in body weight (4,5). Body fat distribution
tween lipid intake and SHBG levels (12). Moreover,
has important effects on SHBG concentrations in
experiments performed in men have demonstrated
obese women. In fact, those with central obesity
that high lipid intake significantly decreased SHBG
usually have lower SHBG concentrations in com-
concentrations, although contradictory data have
parison to their age- and weight-matched counter-
been reported by others (see reference 12 for review).
parts with peripheral obesity (6). Insulin seems to
Although the urinary excretion rate of 17-keto-
play a dominant role in this context. Numerous
steroids may be higher than normal in obese
epidemiological studies have, in fact, demonstrated
women (4), the levels of the main androgens are
a significantly negative correlation between insulin
usually high only in obese women with amenorrhea
and SHBG blood levels, suggesting a cause—effect
and are normal in those with regular menstrual
relationship (7). Moreover, studies in vitro have
cycles (12). Gonadotropin secretory dynamics also
shown that insulin inhibits SHBG hepatic synthesis
appear to be normal in eumenorrheic obese women
(8), and suppression (9) or stimulation (10) of insulin
(4). The reduction of SHBG increases the metabolic
secretion in vivo has been found to be inversely
clearance rate of circulating SHBG-bound steroids,
associated with changes in SHBG concentrations,
specifically testosterone, DHT and androstane 3,
at least in hyperandrogenic obese women. Not sur-
17 -diol (3A-diol), which is the principal active
prisingly, reduced SHBG concentrations are there-
metabolite of DHT (13). However, this is compen-
fore commonly associated with obesity, particularly
sated for by elevated production rates. The metab-
in the central phenotype, type 2 diabetes, hyperan-
olism of the androgens not bound to SHBG is also
drogenic states such as polycystic ovary syndrome
modified by obesity. In fact, both production rates
(PCOS), and cardiovascular atherosclerotic dis-
and metabolic clearance rates of dehydroepiandros-
eases (11), all conditions characterized by hyperin-
terone (DHEA) and androstenedione are equally
sulinemia and insulin resistance. On the other hand,
increased in obesity (14,15), so that no difference in
not all obese women have reduced levels of SHBG,
blood concentrations of the hormones is usually
in spite of similar circulating androgen and estrogen
found in comparison to normal-weight individuals.
concentrations, similar body weight and pattern of
Androgen production and metabolism may also
fat distribution. It has been suggested, for example,
show several differences in relation to the pattern of
that dietary factors may help to explain these dis-
body fat distribution. Kirschner et al. (15), for
crepancies. In fact, a significantly negative correla-
example, found that premenopausal women with
central obesity had higher testosterone production
tain normal circulating hormone concentrations.
rates than those with peripheral obesity, whereas no
Most sex steroid and SHBG alterations can be
differences in androstenedione and DHT produc-
improved by reducing body weight (17).
tion rate values were found. Accordingly, metabolicclearance rates of testosterone and DHT were sig-nificantly higher in the former than in the latter. The
The Impact of Body Fat Distribution
maintenance of normal circulating levels of thesehormones in obesity suggests the presence of a
Due to the greater reduction of SHBG concentra-
servo-mechanism of regulation which adjusts both
tions, percentage free testosterone fraction tends to
the production rate and the metabolic clearance
be higher in centrally obese women than in those
rate of these hormones to body size. In women with
with peripheral obesity (18). Moreover, there are
obesity, the rates of androgen production increase
hardly ever systematic differences in the concentra-
but, due to the appreciable quantity of circulating
tions of principal C19 androgens between women
blood passing through the adipose tissue, andro-
with central and peripheral obesity, although the
gens may be cleared (metabolized) not only in the
former may have higher androstenedione levels
liver but also in the fat. In turn, this will result in a
than the latter (19). This may be due to the fact that
reduction in hormone uptake by androgen-sensi-
androgen production rates are higher in women
tive tissues. Although speculative, this hypothesis
with central obesity than in their peripheral
may explain why most obese women seem to be
counterparts (see above). An inverse correlation
protected against the biological effects of excessive
exists between waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) (or other
androgen production, such as hirsutism and men-
indices of body fat distribution) and testosterone or
SHBG concentrations, regardless of body fatness
Obesity can also be considered a condition of
and body mass index (BMI) (18). Therefore, a condi-
exaggerated estrogen production. It has been dem-
tion of ‘relative functional hyperandrogenism’ may
onstrated that the conversion of androgens to es-
be present in women with the central obesity
trogen in peripheral tissues is significantly corre-
phenotype. This may play an important role in the
lated with body weight and the amount of body fat
development of visceral fat deposits. Androgen re-
(16). Several other factors can contribute to this
ceptors are expressed in the adipose tissue, with a
condition of ‘functional hyperestrogenism’ (12).
higher density in intra-abdominal than subcu-
Due to reduced SHBG synthesis and lower circu-
taneous deposits, at least in rats (20). In concert with
lating SHBG concentrations in obesity, the free
GH and catecholamines, testosterone activates the
estradiol fraction increases, thus increasing expo-
sure of target tissues to this hormone. Moreover,
adipocytes, thus favoring increased free fatty acid
the metabolism of estrogens is altered in obese
release (20). These events are suggested as participa-
women. A decreased formation of inactive es-
ting in the development of insulin resistance and
tradiol metabolites, such as 2-hydroxyestrogens,
compensatory hyperinsulinemia, both conditions
which are virtually devoid of peripheral estrogen
invariably associated with central obesity. In-
activity, is observed, together with a higher than
creased insulin levels can in turn produce an inhibi-
normal production of estrone sulfate (which repre-
tion of SHBG synthesis, which further aggravates
sents an important reservoir of active estrogens,
the androgen imbalance. Since hyperinsulinemia
particularly estrone), due to the concurrent reduc-
per se appears to play a role in the development of
tion of its metabolic clearance and increased pro-
visceral fatness, hyperinsulinemia and ‘functional
duction rate. The final result of these metabolic
hyperandronism’ in the central obesity phenotype
derangements on estrogens is an increased ratio of
may participate in a coordinated fashion to increase
active to inactive estrogens in obese women. In
visceral fat deposits in obese women. This is further
spite of these alterations, blood estrogen concen-
supported by the finding that exogenous androgen
trations are usually normal or only slightly elev-
administration in obese postmenopausal women
ated in both premenopausal and postmenopausal
has been shown to cause a significant gain in vis-
obese women (3,4). This may be related to the fact
ceral fat (as measured by computed tomography
that enlarged body fat may act as deposits for ex-
scan) and a relatively greater loss of subcutaneous
cess formed estrogen, thus contributing to main-
fat in comparison with placebo (21). Obesity and Hyperandrogenism in
that hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance are in-
Premenopausal Women: a Link with the
variably associated with obesity and, particularly,
abdominal-visceral obesity, represents the basis forthe hypothesis supporting its role in the develop-ment of hyperandrogenism in PCOS women. Suffi-
Approximately half the women with PCOS are
cient data demonstrate that suppression of insulin
overweight or obese (12). This association has
levels by diet (28,29) or chronic insulin sensitizing
aroused a great deal of interest in recent years,
agent administration, such as metformin (23), trog-
particularly since the discovery that PCOS women
litazone (30), or -chiro inositol (31) can improve
are often hyperinsulinemic and that the degree of
not only the hyperandrogenic state but also the
hyperandrogenism may be positively and signifi-
degree of hirsutism and the fertility rate. These data
cantly correlated with that of hyperinsulinemia (10).
obviously add further emphasis to the role of obes-
The association between obesity and hyperan-
ity-related hyperinsulinemia as a co-factor respon-
drogenism develops during puberty, and common
sible for increased androgen production in obese
pathogenetic mechanisms primarily appear to in-
volve a dysregulation of insulin secretion and action
As reported above, obesity is associated with
and also of the GH/IGF-I system (22). Recently,
supranormal estrogen production. Since estrogens
however, it has been suggested that in obese women
exert a positive feedbackregulation upon gonado-
with PCOS, higher than normal ovarian secretion
tropin release, increased ovarian androgen produc-
of androgens is associated with birthweight and
tion in obese PCOS women could be partly favored
maternal obesity, suggesting that intrauterine fac-
by increased luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion
tors may play a role in the development of the
secondary to prevailing hyperestrogenemia (32).
syndrome later in life (23). Premenopausal women
Obesity, as well as PCOS, is also characterized by
with PCOS are clinically characterized by several
increased opioid system activity, and studies in vitro
signs and symptoms related to hyperandrogenism
and in vivo have shown that -endorphin is able to
and hyperinsulinemia, including chronic anovula-
stimulate insulin secretion. Moreover, the adminis-
tion, hirsutism and acne. Hyperandrogenism, hy-
tration of -endorphin can reduce LH release at the
perinsulinemia and insulin resistance and all clini-
hypophyseal level in normal but not in PCOS
cal features tend to be more severe in PCOS women
women (33). The possibility that increased opioid
with abdominal body fat distribution (24). Altered
activity may favor the development of hyperin-
lipid profile represents another associated meta-
sulinemia and, in turn, of hyperandrogenism, is fur-
ther supported by the finding that both acute and
Pathophysiological aspects of the association be-
chronic administration of opioid antagonists, such
tween obesity and PCOS have been extensively re-
as naloxone and naltrexone, suppresses both basal
viewed in recent years (12,25,26). There may be
and glucose-stimulated insulin blood concentra-
various mechanisms by which obesity may influ-
tions in a small group of obese women with PCOS
ence hyperandrogenism in premenopausal women
and acanthosis nigricans (34). Finally, there are
with PCOS. The pivotal role of insulin was first
theoretical possibilities that diet may play some role
suggested on the basis of the significant positive
in the development of the obesity—PCOS associ-
correlation observed between the degree of hy-
ation, although very few studies have addressed this
perandrogenism and that of hyperinsulinemia in
issue. In fact, a higher than usual lipid intake has
women with PCOS (9). In vitro studies have subse-
been described in PCOS women by some authors
quently demonstrated that insulin is capable of
(35). Mechanisms by which high lipid intake may be
stimulating androgen secretion by the ovaries, re-
responsible for altered androgen balance in suscep-
ducing aromatase activity in peripheral tissues and,
tible women with obesity and PCOS have been
finally, reducing SHBG synthesis in the liver
(9,26,27). In vivo, numerous studies have demon-strated that both acute and chronic hyperin-sulinemia can stimulate testosterone productionand that suppression of insulin levels can converselydecrease androgen concentrations (9,26). The fact
Table 17.2 Main alterations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in obese men
Reduced testosterone (free and total), and C19 steroidsReduced SHBG concentrationsReduced luteinizing hormone secretionIncreased estrogen production rateAltered aromatase activity (?)
Men with hypogonadism have typically enlarged visceral fat depotsRelationship with waist-to-hip ratio (and other indices of fat distribution) controversialAssociation between androstane 3, 17 -diol glucuronide and visceral fatness
Improved sex hormone imbalance (increase of testosterone)SHBG can be restored to normal when near-normal body mass index is achieved
Reduction of visceral fatImprovement of all parameters of the metabolic syndrome
Effects of Weight Loss and Reduction of THE HPG AXIS IN MALES (Table 17.2) Insulin Concentrations in Obese Hyperandrogenic Women with PCOS Sex Steroid and Gonadotropin Concentration and Metabolism
There is long-standing clinical evidence concerningthe efficacy of weight reduction upon both the clini-
Contrary to what occurs in obese women, with
cal and endocrinological features of obese women
increasing body weight testosterone (total and free)
blood concentrations progressively decrease in
genemia (namely testosterone, androstenedione,
obese men (36). Reduced testosterone levels are as-
and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S))
sociated with a progressive decrease of SHBG con-
(28,29) appears to be the key factor responsible for
centrations as body weight increases (38). Sper-
these effects. However, weight loss primarily im-
matogenesis and fertility are not affected in the
proves insulin sensitivity and reduces hyperin-
majority of obese men, although they may be reduc-
sulinemia, and changes in testosterone and insulin
ed in subjects with massive obesity (3). Serum tes-
concentrations are significantly correlated, regard-
tosterone is also inversely correlated with body
less of body weight variations (28,29). Recent stu-
weight in men with Kinefelter’s syndrome (3), thus
dies have suggested that hyperinsulinemia may be
supporting the causal relationship between obesity
responsible for increased activity of the ovarian
and hypotestosteronemia. Serum levels of other sex
cytocrome P450c17 system, which has been im-
steroids have also been examined in obese men.
plicated in ovarian hyperandrogenism in many
Androstenedione concentrations are usually nor-
PCOS women (36). Reduction of insulin concentra-
mal or slightly reduced (39) and are not correlated
tions by diet (37), metformin (27), or -chiro inositol
with the degree of obesity (4). Likewise, concentra-
(31) has been demonstrated to reduce this enzyme
tions of DHT are usually normal (4). Other C19
activity and, consequently, ovarian androgen pro-
steroids, such as DHEA and 3 A-diol and andros-
duction. Finally, weight loss and/or insulin sensi-
tenediol ( 5-diol), may be reduced in obesity (39).
tizers also significantly improved ovulation and fer-
As previously reported for women, estrogen pro-
tility rate (28,29,31,37), further supporting the role
duction rates are increased in male obesity in pro-
of hyperinsulinemia in the pathogenesis of hyperan-
portion to body weight, and blood concentrations
drogenism in women with obesity and PCOS. The
of all major estrogens, particularly estrone, may be
effects of dietary-induced weight loss on androgen
normal (3,4) or slightly increased (4). Altered estro-
levels (except SHBG) seem to be peculiar to obese
gen metabolism in obesity presumably reflects the
hyperandrogenic women, since they have not been
aromatase activity of the adipose tissue, which is
reported in non-PCOS obese women (17).
responsible for active conversion of androgens intoestrogens.
Gonadotropin secretion is also impaired in obes-
pears to be largely justified by the coexistence of
ity. In fact, pulsatility studies have shown that obese
peripheral (i.e. reduced SHBG synthesis) and cen-
men have a reduced LH secretory mass per se-
tral (i.e. reduced LH secretion) factors. On the other
cretory burst without any change in burst number,
hand, both SHBG and testosterone are significantly
implying a reduction of total LH secretion from the
and negatively correlated with insulin levels, even
pituitary, probably due to impaired secretion of the
after adjusting for BMI and WHR values (43). The
gonadotropin releasing hormone at the hypo-
inverse relationship with SHBG can be easily ex-
thalamic level (40). The absence of clinical signs of
plained by the fact that insulin inhibits SHBG syn-
hypogonadism can be explained by the fact that the
thesis in the liver. A confirmatory role for the insu-
testosterone free-fraction represents only 2% of to-
lin effect in vivo has been reported, since suppression
tal testosterone, and that obesity predominantly
of insulin concentrations by diazoxide has been
affects circulating bound testosterone, due to the
found to increase circulating SHBG in both nor-
concurrent decreases of SHBG production.
mal-weight and obese individuals (46). The inverserelationship between testosterone and insulin de-serves further consideration. In fact, low testos-terone levels can be found in streptozotocin-in-
The Impact of Body Fat Distribution
duced diabetic rats (47) and in males with type 1diabetes (48). In insulin-deficient rats and humans
There are contradictory data on the relationship
insulin replacement restores testosterone concen-
between body fat distribution and T in male obes-
trations to normal (47). In obese men, moderate
ity. Although some clinical (41) and epidemiological
hyperinsulinemia, such as that obtained during a
(42) studies found an association between testos-
hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp, increased tes-
terone and WHR values, others in which anthropo-
tosterone concentrations, whereas suppression of
metry (43) or magnetic resonance (44) were used
insulin by short-term diazoxide administration pro-
failed to confirm these results. This suggests that the
duced the opposite phenomenon (49). Taken to-
relationship between sex steroids and WHR may be
gether, these data support the concept that insulin
the result of the shared covariance of WHR and
may have a ‘direct’ stimulatory effect on testos-
total adiposity, rather than a direct relationship.
terone production, similar to that demonstrated in
This is not surprising, since obesity in males is
women. Therefore, reduced testosterone levels in
almost always associated with a parallel increase in
obese males appear to result from several comple-
abdominal and visceral fat, which means that the
mentary factors, including lower gonadotropin se-
central distribution of body fat in males depends on
cretion and the balanced effects of insulin on SHBG
the actual presence of obesity. Other studies con-
(inhibition) and testosterone (stimulation).
firmed that reduction of C19 steroid precursors,such as DHEA, androstenedione,
dominantly associated with body fatness ratherthan with excess visceral fat accumulation (39). The Effects of Weight Loss and
Conjugation of steroids with glucuronic acid has
Testosterone Replacement Therapy
been suggested to play a major role in the intracel-lular levels of unconjugated steroids as well as their
Weight reduction by both dietary intervention or
biological activity. Recent studies have shown that
surgical procedures can increase testosterone and
3A-diol glucuronide (3A-diol-G) levels are signifi-
SHBG concentrations, provided substantial weight
cantly higher in obese men, particularly in those
loss is achieved (3). When massively obese men
with the visceral phenotype (39). Since glucuronide
return to a near-normal BMI, SHBG concentra-
conjugates have been considered better markers of
tions fall within the reference values for normal-
peripheral androgen metabolism than circulating
weight individuals (50). Although there are no kin-
free steroids, the association between 3A-diol-G
etic data on estrogen production following weight
and visceral fatness suggests that increased visceral
loss in obese men, it is likely that estrogen metab-
adipose tissue accumulation is a condition in which
olism and peripheral production improve as weight
Hypotestosteronemia in male obesity thus ap-
Correction of hypotestosteronemia can also be
Table 17.3 Main alterations of the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor 1 (GH-IGF-I) axis in obesity
Reduced GH levels in proportion to body fatBlunted response to any stimuli (including GHRH, GHRP-6 superanalogs, etc.)Reduced pituitary GH secretionIncreased GH metabolic clearance rate
Children and adults with GH deficiency typically have visceral obesity
IGF-I concentration normal or reduced (particularly in visceral obesity)Increased free IGF-I fraction
Improvement of basal and stimulated GH levels (in proportion to body fat loss)Possible effects of nutrition on GH secretion
Reduction of visceral fat, in both GH-deficient (children and adults) patients and inobese individuals
achieved by exogenous testosterone administration.
(53) have shown that GH metabolic clearance rate
Recent studies have in fact demonstrated that it
is increased in obesity, in proportion to body
may have a beneficial effect not only by reducing
weight. The blunted response to growth hormone
body fat, particularly visceral fat (51), but also on all
releasing hormone (GHRH) rules out the possibil-
major parameters of the metabolic syndrome, by
ity that a hypothalamic GHRH deficit may be re-
reducing hyperlipidemia and hyperinsulinemia and
sponsible for reduced GH in obesity. Short-term
improving peripheral insulin sensitivity (51). Al-
fasting increases GH levels in obese subjects re-
though much more research is needed in this area,
gardless of body weight loss (56), thus suggesting
this promising approach appears to have potential
that GH deficiency in obesity may be a functional
therapeutic applications in the near future.
reversible state. Pre-treatment with the cholinergicagonist pyridistigmine (57), which suppresses en-dogenous somatostatin, improves GH release, in-dicating that enhanced somatostatinergic tone may
THE GH/IGF-I AXIS (Table 17.3)
be responsible, at least in part, for pretreatmentreduced GH levels. However, when eliminating the
Basal GH Levels and Secretion and
presumed higher than normal somatostatin tone
Dynamic Studies
with pyridostigmine, the GH response in obese in-dividuals after any stimuli is still lower than nor-
Basal GH levels are markedly reduced in obesity
mal (57). GHRP-6 is a potent synthetic exapeptide
(52,53). This is particularly due to a significant re-
which specifically stimulates GH release in a
duction of GH secretory burst mass in the pituitary
dose—response fashion, by interacting with specific
(52). The extent of this alteration appears to be
hypophyseal and hypothalamic receptors. GH re-
inversely proportional to the excess body fat (4).
sponse to GHRP-6 or other peptides of the same
Indirect evidence for this is that in subjects with
family can be decreased by pretreatment with
increased body weight due to enlarged lean body
GHRH antiserum, which indicates a degree of de-
mass, such as body builders, GH output and pe-
pendency of the GHRP-6 action on GHRH. Re-
ripheral concentrations are not reduced and GH
cent studies have shown that GH response to
response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia is in fact
normal. Obese subjects are also characterized by
GHRH, regardless of cholinergic stimulation by
blunted GH secretion to all stimuli of GH release,
pyridostigmine, and that the combination of these
including GHRH, insulin-induced hypoglycemia,
peptides elicited the largest GH discharge ever seen
L-dopa, arginine, glucagon, exercise, opioid pep-
after any stimulus (54). Therefore, other than in-
tides, clonidine, nicotinic acid, or states such as deep
creased somatostatinergic tone, impaired GH se-
cretion in obesity appears to be a functional revers-
Mechanisms responsible for reduced GH levels
in obesity are probably multiple. Studies per-
somatotrophic function. Whether GHRH resis-
formed in both rhesus monkeys (55) and humans
tance or other mechanisms acting at the pituitary
levels are co-responsible for blunted GH release in
Effect of Weight Loss
Other factors have been implicated in reducing
Weight reduction significantly improves basal and
GH levels. Obesity is a condition of altered and
stimulated GH levels, in proportion to the amount
supranormal free fatty acid (FFA) production. In-
of body weight lost (3). However, there are no stu-
creased FFAs are postulated to inhibit basal GH
dies confirming that weight loss can completely
secretion, by mechanisms independent of effects on
restore GH secretion to normal. This is probably
somatostatinergic tone (3). This is further supported
due to the fact that it is difficult to regain a normal
by the fact that FFA inhibition by antilipolytic
weight, particularly in subjects with massive obes-
agents such as acipimox have been demonstrated to
ity. On the other hand, nutrition itself is an import-
potentiate GH responsiveness to GHRH, with or
ant factor regulating GH secretion and metabolism.
without pyridostigmine pretreatment (58).
As mentioned above, short-term fasting can par-
Sex steroids, specifically testosterone and es-
tially restore baseline and stimulated GH concen-
tradiol, have positive effects on GH secretion (3)
trations (56). Starvation is associated with increased
probably by influencing the pulsatile mode of GH
GH levels. Therefore, in conditions of energy deficit,
release (52). Basal GH secretory bursts, which are
absolute or relative GH increase appears to repre-
reduced in obesity, are positively correlated with
sent an adaptative mechanism by which the body
estradiol and testosterone concentrations (50),
provides fuels from lipolytic pathways to support
which further indicates a close relationship between
energy balance. Since weight loss in obese patients
sex steroid imbalance and GH secretory dynamics
can be achieved by varying degree of energy restric-
tion, it would be interesting to investigate howmuch the positive effect of partial weight loss onGH secretion is due to a reduction of body fat andhow much to energy restriction per se, particularlyin carbohydrates. Serum (IGF-I) Levels
Levels of IGF-I in obesity have been variously re-ported to be increased, normal, or decreased (3,4). Effects of GH Administration
However, although obese children have lower thannormal GH levels in basal conditions and after
GH has a potent lipolytic activity and therefore,
stimulatory testing, they grow normally, which sug-
suppressed GH levels in obesity can be viewed as an
gests that IGF-I action in the target tissues for
unbalanced lipogenetic condition, which could
growth is indeed adequate for growth and develop-
probably be responsible for the perpetuation of the
ment before, during, and after puberty (3). Interest-
obese state once established. In fact, obese subjects
ingly, it has been found that free IGF-I levels are
have elevated insulin levels as a consequence of the
actually increased in obese subjects (59). An in-
insulin resistance state with respect to carbohydrate
crease in free IGF-I levels could be involved in the
metabolism, but the adipose tissue remains sensitive
decline in GH levels with increasing body fat, via
to the antilipolytic effects of insulin. Evidence from
feedbackinhibition of GH secretion at the pituitary
animal and human studies supports the hypothesis
level. Serum IGF-I levels are particularly reduced in
that GH administration in obesity may stimulate
subjects with visceral obesity (60) and an inverse
lipolytic pathways and can provide a valuable ad-
relationship has been found with the amounts of
junct to diet in inducing weight loss. Ventromedial
visceral fat, independent of total fat mass (61) in a
hypothalamic lesions in rats produce obesity, hy-
cohort of subjects ranging from normal weight to
perinsulinemia and decreased GH secretion. When
obesity. Since insulin regulates IGF-I metabolism
administered to hypophysectomized ventromedial-
via its stimulatory effects on the synthesis of IGF
lesioned rats, GH prevents both hyperphagia and
binding protein 1 (IGF-BP-I), altered IGF-I in
development of obesity (62). Genetically obese
obesity, particularly the visceral phenotype, may
Zucker fa/fa rats also have decreased GH secretion
reflect prevailing hyperinsulinemia in the blood cir-
and GH treatment results in reduced lipid deposi-
tion (62). In GH-deficient children, many of whom
Table 17.4 Main alterations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis in obesity
Increased cortisol metabolic clearance rateIncreased ACTH pulse frequencyNormal cortisol axis diurnal rhythmNormal 24-hour ACTH/cortisol concentrationsReset to lower resilient axis (?)Altered cortisol suppression after overnight dexamethasone (?)
High glucocorticoid receptor density in the visceral adipose tissueAltered cortisol production in the visceral adipose tissue (increased/decreased activity of the11 -HSD)Reduced ACTH pulse amplitudePositive relationship between visceral fat and daily urinary free cortisol excretion rateLower suppression to submaximal dexamethasone administration (?)relationship with perceived stress-dependent free salivary cortisol levelsIncreased CBG binding capacity in parallel to insulin resistance
Increased ACTH/cortisol response to CRH, CRH;AVP, ACTH, acute stress,insulin-induced hypoglycemia (?), meals (?)Increased ACTH respone to CRH;AVP (normal-weight individuals: reduced) during mildincrease of NE blood levels (reference 94)
ACTH, adrenocorticotropin; CBG, corticosteroid-binding globulin; CRH, corticotropin-releasing hormone; AVP, arginine vasopressin.
are obese, GH administration reduces body fat (63).
of the metabolic syndrome, due to the biological
The same occurs in subjects with adult GH defi-
effects of prevailing hypercortisolemia. The main
ciency (64), and in elderly subjects who underwent
metabolic abnormality of cortisol excess is insulin
therapy with GH to increase lean body mass and
resistance, which develops by cellular mechanisms
improve fitness (65). Exogenous GH administration
that have been largely elucidated (68). Briefly,
also reduced fat stores, particularly in the visceral
glucocorticoids inhibit glucose uptake by periph-
depots, in GH-deficient adult subjects (66). These
eral tissues, stimulate gluconeogenesis, and cause
effects can be additive to those dependent on diet
increased postabsorptive glucose and insulin. In
restriction, but they may also occur in conditions of
insulin-sensitive tissues, glucocorticoids impair
eucaloric intake (67). Interestingly, the magnitude
post-receptor insulin function by mechanisms that
of this effect appears to be independent of initial
involve interaction with glucose transporters (68).
body weight and endogenous GH status (67). One
Treatment of hypercortisolism by pituitary or ad-
limitation of GH administration is related to the
renal surgical procedures can completely reverse
possibility that long-term GH treatment worsens
glucose tolerance and insulin resistance, although
Subjects with visceral obesity may be character-
the contrary has been reported by some studies (66).
ized by several Cushing-like features, i.e. abdominal
Perhaps the administration of GH in a manner that
striae, buffalo hump, facial plethora, etc., and have
stimulates normal physiological secretion rather
associated abnormalities of the metabolic syn-
than pharmacological doses would circumvent or
drome. Theoretically, these abnormalities may be
lessen its effects on carbohydrate metabolism in the
related, at least in part, to alterations of cortisol
metabolism and hyperactivity of the HPA axis. THE HPA AXIS (Table 17.4) ACTH and Cortisol Concentrations in Similarities Between Visceral Obesity Basal Conditions and Cushing’s Syndrome
It is well recognized that cortisol metabolism may
Patients with Cushing’s syndrome have typically
be increased in obesity. This may be due to the
enlarged visceral fat deposits and show all features
coordinated interference of several factors. First, the
concentrations of corticosteroid-binding glubulin
normal plasma cortisol levels and daily circadian
(CBG) may be reduced in obesity, although not
rhythms, others found either lower than normal
systematically (3). Moreover, glucocorticoid recep-
single samples or lower 24 h integrated cortisol
tors have been demonstrated in adipose tissue by
levels in obese men (3). In all these studies, however,
different techniques, all of which show that they are
ACTH dynamics were not investigated. Studies in
significantly more dense in visceral than in subcu-
obese women are very scarce. Recently, it has been
taneous adipose tissue (69). Finally, adipose tissue
demonstrated that premenopausal women with vis-
can metabolize cortisol to cortisone and vice versa,
ceral obesity may have several abnormalities of
a reaction that is catalyzed by the 11 -hydroxys-
ACTH (but not cortisol) pulsatile secretion (78),
teroid dehydrogenase (11 -HSD) enzyme system.
specifically higher than normal ACTH pulse fre-
Bujalska and coworkers (70) found that the produc-
quency and reduced ACTH pulse amplitude, par-
tion of cortisol from cortisone in the omental fat
ticularly during the morning, without any signifi-
taken from normal-weight and obese patients
undergoing surgical procedures was significantly
concentrations. The mechanisms responsible for
higher than in the subcutaneous fat, due to the
these alterations are still unclear. Recently it has
increased expression of the 11 -HSD isoform type 1
been demonstrated that a highly significant inverse
relationship between rapid fluctuations in plasma
rogenase/oxoreductase), this activity being further
leptin and those of ACTH and cortisol exists in
enhanced by tissue exposure to cortisol and insulin.
normal men, and that obese individuals, in whom
The increased ‘production’ of cortisol could ensure
higher than normal leptin levels are present, main-
a constant exposure of glucocorticoids to omental
tain unaltered both leptin diurnal variability and
tissue, therefore playing a potential role in deter-
pulsatile secretion (79), with higher pulse height
mining differentiation and mass increase of such a
resulting in higher mean daily leptin concentrations
tissue, as recently suggested (71) and, in addition,
in the blood. Therefore one of the central effects of
may represent an inappropriate feedbacksignal at
leptin in the central nervous system might be the
the neuroendocrine levels, able to modify both the
acute suppression of the HPA axis. Whether in-
basal activity of the HPA axis and its response to
creased brain leptin concentrations in obesity may
stimulatory and/or inhibitory factors. The concept
be in some way responsible for altered ACTH pul-
that obesity may be associated with increased activ-
satility, particularly in the visceral phenotype, re-
ity of the 11 -HSD has been recently supported by
human studies which demonstrated an increasedratio of daily urinary cortisol-to-cortisone meta-bolite secretion in obese subjects, particularly inthose with the abdominal phenotype (72), although
Effects of Meals on ACTH and Cortisol
controversial findings have also been reported (73). Concentrations
In unselected obese subjects, normal values have
been reported for plasma cortisol, plasma unbound
Meals are potent stimulators of adrenocortical
cortisol, 24 h mean plasma cortisol, urinary free-
function. In fact, food ingestion, particularly at
cortisol excretion, and circadian rhythms of plasma
noon, elicits sustained cortisol release regardless of
and urine cortisol (74). On the other hand, a higher
its pulsatile rhythm (80). The increase in cortisol
than normal 24 h urine free-cortisol excretion has
concentrations appears to be higher in women with
been reported in women with visceral obesity, and a
visceral obesity than in those with subcutaneous
positive correlation with anthropometric par-
obesity and controls (78,81,82). Theoretically, this
ameters of visceral fat distribution was found
could reflect an altered responsiveness of the ad-
(75—77), suggesting that cortisol production may
renals to ACTH in obesity. Whatever the mechan-
increase as the amounts of visceral fat enlarge.
ism of action, these findings suggest that women
The impact of obesity on adrenocorticotropin
with visceral obesity are inappropriately exposed to
(ACTH) and cortisol pulsatile rhythm has been
supranormal cortisol levels, which, in turn, may
poorly investigated and available data, which pre-
have a negative impact on the regulation of post-
dominantly refer to obese men, often yielded con-
prandial fuel metabolism and on insulin action in
flicting results. Although several studies reported
The Activity of the HPA Axis: Dynamic
CRH flow towards the pituitary. Another quite
convincing theory, however, claims that the HPAhyperactivity may represent part of an altered re-
Studies in obese subjects not selected on the basis of
sponse to acute and/or chronic stress which can be
the pattern of body fat distribution have demon-
independent of the mechanisms responsible for
strated that both ACTH and cortisol response to
feedbackregulation (69). Several studies have in fact
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) was either
demonstrated that a similar neuroendocrine adap-
normal or reduced (74) when compared to normal-
tation takes place during the reaction behaviour in
weight controls. On the other hand, Weaver and
laboratory animals exposed to various socioen-
coworkers (83) found that obese women represen-
vironmental stressors. For example, Shively and her
ting a wide spectrum from ‘gynoid’ to ‘android’
colleagues (89) exposed cynomolgus macaques to
obesity had significantly higher ACTH response to
chronic physical and psychological stress, and sub-
insulin-induced hypoglycemia with respect to con-
sequently showed that the animals developed high
trols, although no significant relationship between
visceral fat deposition, which was combined with
fat distribution and hormonal response was re-
insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia and impaired
ported. Recently, however, several studies have re-
glucose tolerance, adrenal hypertrophy, enhanced
ported data supporting the concept that obese
cortisol response to ACTH stimulation, altered
women with visceral body fat distribution may have
lipid profiles and incidence of coronary artery
hyperactivity of the HPA axis (75,76,84). This alter-
atherosclerosis significantly greater than controls.
ation is characterized by exaggerated ACTH and
Theoretically, women with visceral obesity may
cortisol response to intravenous administration of
have hyperactivity of the HPA as a consequence of
CRH alone (76) or combined with arginine vaso-
maladaptation to chronic stress exposure. In this
pressin (AVP) (84), and by higher than normal corti-
model, a key role is represented by the combination
sol response to intravenous ACTH stimulation or
of events involving maladaptation to altered coping
acute stress challenge (75,84,85). In addition, vis-
reaction to chronic stress. In fact, these abnormali-
ceral obese women also have hyperactivity of the
ties include increased or unbalanced ACTH and
HPA axis to opioid blockade which can be com-
cortisol response. Recent data from epidemiological
pletely reversed by increasing the serotoninergic
studies by Bjo¨rntorp’s group appear to be consist-
receptor activation by dexfenfluramine (86). Other
ent with the hypothesis and with the aforemen-
studies indicate that obese men also have a higher
tioned animal data. In fact, they found a strong
than normal ACTH (but not cortisol) response to
association between symptoms of mental distress
combined CRH/AVP administration and that this
(such as anxiety, depression, etc.), smoking habits
alteration may be significantly correlated with the
and alcholic consumption, as well as certain psy-
insulin concentrations, regardless of BMI and
WHR values (87). In addition, a decrease in the
economic conditions and abdominal obesity in
inhibition of cortisol secretion by single low-dose
both males and females (90—93). Furthermore, in a
(0.5 mg overnight) dexamethasone administration
large cohort of middle-aged men they recently dem-
and an inverse correlation between the decrease of
onstrated a significant interaction between diurnal
serum cortisol and the WHR has been found by
cortisol secretion (measured in saliva) related to
other investigators (88). This supports the concept
perceived stress and several anthropometric, endoc-
that increased sensitivity and/or responsiveness by
rine and metabolic variables (82). Moreover, they
CRH receptors in the brain could be due, at least in
found that a non-stressed HPA axis was character-
part, to the deficient control of CRH receptors by
ized by increased cortisol variance, whereas chroni-
the inhibitory feedbackaction of glucocorticoids on
cally stressed subjects presented decreased cortisol
variance, mostly due to evening nadir elevation,
The mechanisms responsible for neuroendocrine
morning zenith decrease and inadequate sup-
abnormalities are still unclear and need to be eluci-
pression of morning cortisol by overnight dexa-
dated. First, they could be due to a primary neuro-
methasone (82). In addition, there are data consist-
endocrine alteration leading to increased sensitivity
ent with a dysregulation of the noradrenergic con-
to CRH or ACTH-secreting cells or to increased
trol of the HPA axis during acute mild stress insubjects with obesity, particularly the abdominal
All these findings suggest chronic neuroendoc-
rine (at the CRH level?) hyperactivity in stressedindividuals and a reset of their HPA axis to a lower
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La Lettre de MG France RA Mars 2009 COTATION EN CS : LA BELLE VICTOIRE DES GENERALISTES DROMOIS POUR L’EQUITE La Cour d’Appel de Grenoble vient de donner raison à délégation l’honneur de tous les Médecins neuf médecins de MG26 : elle reconnaît le droit aux spécialistes en médecine générale de coter leurs consultations CS. Devant cette victoir
CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 23 ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE AND DISULFIRAM TOXIC INTERACTION TABLE OF CONTENTS Identifiers and Synonyms for Disulfiram Identifiers and Synonyms for Ethylene Dibromide J. Donald Millar Correspondence Background---Ethylene Dibromide Background---Disulfiram Laboratory Animal Study of Toxic Interaction NIOSH Recommendations IDENTIFIERS AND SYNONYMS FOR D