Nephrol Dial Transplant (2003) 18: Editorial Comments
Nephrol Dial Transplant (2003) 18: 463–466
Uraemic toxins and cardiovascular disease
Raymond Vanholder, Griet Glorieux, Norbert Lameire and for the European Uremic Toxin WorkGroup (EUTox)
Nephrology Section, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium
Keywords: cardiovascular disease; uraemic toxins
Cardiovascular disease as an inflammatorydisorder
Traditionally, atherosclerosis has been considered as a
degenerative disease, but more recently it has beenrecognized that it is, at least in part, an inflammatory
When renal failure develops, uraemic retention solutes
disorder [7]. A key role in this process is played by the
are retained which are normally excreted by the healthy
adhesion of activated leukocytes to the vascular endo-
kidneys. If these retention solutes exert biochemical
thelium, causing vascular damage by products of
biological activity, they are called uraemic toxins.
inflammation, such as free radicals.
According to their physico-chemical characteristics,
A large proportion of uraemic patients suffer from
they can be subdivided into [1]: (i) small water-soluble
inflammation [8]. Several authors demonstrated a cor-
compounds (-500 Da, prototype urea); (ii) the larger
relation between such inflammation and vascular disease
so-called middle molecules ()500 Da, prototype
[8–10], and a third clinical feature, malnutrition [8,9].
b2-microglobulin); and (iii) the protein bound solutes.
The retention of these uraemic solutes results in
the progressive failure of virtually every organ system,in parallel with the failing function of the kidneys. The resulting clinical picture is the uraemic syndrome.
The role of uraemic solutes in the development ofthe uraemic syndrome has recently been reviewed [1,11]. In this concise editorial we summarize the availableevidence concerning the most important toxins, which
Cardiovascular disease as an integral part of the
play a potential role in the genesis of vascular disease.
We also point to some pitfalls that may interfere withscientific progress in this area, and draw attention to
The incidence of vascular disease and the morbidity
therapeutic possibilities, which may result from better
and mortality related to it are extremely high in the
population of uraemic patients [2]. Atheromatosis fre-
Space limitations prevent discussion of a number
quently causes ischaemic problems such as angina
of compounds, which are potentially important,
pectoris, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular acci-
such as angiogenin, immunoglobulin light chains,
dents and ischaemia of the lower limbs. Vascular dis-
b2-microglobulin, leptin, guanidines and oxalate. The
ease occurs much earlier than in the general population
reader is referred to more extensive reviews [1,11].
[3] and affects subjects who are normally at low risk,such as women and young adults [2,3]. In a recentsurvey of adolescents and young adults with a long-
The calcium–phosphate–parathyroid hormone axis
term history of end-stage renal disease, coronarycalcifications were present even at an age of 20 years [4].
In uraemia, classical risk factors (hypertension, dys-
lipidaemia, obesity, smoking) may be less important
In a cohort study using multivariate analysis with
than in the general population [5]. Presumably, other
adjustments for comorbid conditions, Block et al. [12,13]
factors are at play, and among these, uraemic toxins
demonstrated a progressive increase in overall and
are considered of prime importance [6]. The same
cardiovascular mortality once serum phosphate and
compounds might even be relevant in the general
calcium–phosphorus product exceeded 5.5 mgudl and
population, but their effect may be masked by the
55 mg2udl2, respectively. These findings were interpreted
to suggest a role for the deposition of calcium in thevessel walls. The role of vascular calcium depositionwas further corroborated by the demonstration of
Correspondence and offprint requests to: R. Vanholder, Nephrology
pathophysiologically significant amounts of calcium
Section, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital,
in the coronaries of young adults, after prolonged
De Pintelaan, 185, B-9000 Gent, Belgium. Email:
dialysis treatment, from the age of 20 on [4]. # 2003 European Renal Association–European Dialysis and Transplant Association
Nephrol Dial Transplant (2003) 18: Editorial Comments
such inflammation-related stimuli. Such leukocyte dys-function may contribute to the susceptibility of uraemic
Not only the calcium–phosphorus axis, but also secon-
dary hyperparathyroidism plays a relevant role in
In most studies, AGE-modified proteins were pre-
the deposition of calcium in the vessel walls [14].
pared artificially in vitro. This raises the question whe-
Hyperphosphataemia, either directly or by inducing
ther such artificial AGEs are representative for the AGEs
hypocalcaemia, is one of the main causes of hyperpara-
retained in vivo [25]. Indeed it has not yet been resolved
thyroidism. After parathyroidectomy, calcium deposits
which of the AGEs identified in uraemia actually
may disappear from the small muscular arteries [15],
have toxic actions [11]. Remarkably enough, an inverse
correlation was observed in a recent study between theconcentration of certain AGEs and the development of
cardiovascular disease in haemodialysed patients [26].
A fourth player in the field is the active vitamin Dmetabolite, calcitriol [16], which suppresses parathy-
Advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP)
roid hormone production, but also favours depositionof calcium in the vessel wall, at least in part because ofits hypercalcaemic effects.
In analogy with the AGEs, oxidative metabolites
The uraemic state is characterized not only by an
of albumin with inflammatory potential have been
inadequate production of calcitriol due to reduced renal
demonstrated by the group of Witko-Sarsat et al. [23]
mass, but also by calcitriol resistance related to retained
in the plasma of uraemic patients. Of note, plasma
uraemic ‘toxins’ [17]. Hence, calcitriol repletion per se
concentration of AOPP has been shown recently to be
might not suffice to control hyperparathyroidism.
correlated with common carotid artery intima-media
A role of vitamin D is also suggested by recent
findings, showing that overall mortality and particularlycardiovascular mortality are influenced by vitamin D
High concentrations of cytokines with an immune
activating potential are present in the plasma of
In the general population, a correlation is found bet-
uraemic patients [11]. The concentration of interleukin-
ween homocysteine concentration and cardiovascular
6 has been related to carotid artery stenosis [28].
mortality [19]. The concentration of total homocys-
Moreover, several pro-inflammatory cytokines were
teine is elevated in the sera of uraemic patients. Instead
correlated with overall mortality in the dialysed
of being generated from methionine, homocysteine can
population [29]. It is still an unanswered question
be transformed into methionine after administration of
whether they activate leukocyte function at the
folic acid anduor vitamin B12 [19]. This is an example
concentrations found in uraemia, and whether such
illustrating that in the evaluation of a concentration
cytokines are culprits or only markers.
of uraemic metabolites, one has to consider not onlyimpaired renal excretion and extracorporeal removal,
but also generation via intermediate metabolism.
Unfortunately, so far evidence is not available that
ADMA is an arginine analogue with a guanidine
reduction of homocysteine concentration has a bene-
structure, which blocks the arginine-induced vasopro-
ficial effect on cardiovascular endpoints [20,21]. It is
tective and vasodilatory effects of nitric oxide. In
possible that reduction of homocysteine concentration
elegant multivariate analyses, Zoccali et al. [30] demon-
in the available series had been attempted too late to
strated that in uraemic patients a relation exists
between ADMA on the one hand, and cardiovascularevents on the other hand. Furthermore, a correlationwas found between ADMA concentration and carotid
AGEs result from the irreversible modification of aminoacids, proteins or peptides by carbohydrates and other
metabolites. Whereas in diabetes these compoundspredominantly result from excess glucose concentration,
Research efforts trying to unravel the mechanisms
in uraemia oxidative stress and carbamoylation seem
underlying vascular disease in uraemia have often
to be important alternative sources. In many con-
focused on a single solute. Data comparing the
stellations, AGEs are the result of inflammation [22].
effect of a hypothetical toxin with known toxins have
Conversely, however, AGEs may also induce inflam-
usually not been presented. Several studies examined
mation in vitro [23,24]. In a recent study, leukocytes
only one organ or cell system. Frequently, experiments
were activated at baseline, but the response to stimu-
were performed at concentrations, which did not
lation was attenuated [24], presumably as the result of
correspond to what is found in uraemia. One example
Nephrol Dial Transplant (2003) 18: Editorial Comments
of the current confusion is the discrepancy between
Germany; ZA Massy, Division of Nephrology, CH-Beauvais, and
the lowest and the highest ever reported concentrations
INSERM Unit 507, Necker Hospital, Paris, France; J. Passlick-Deetjen,
for solutes such as ADMA [32,33] interleukin-6 [29,
M. Rodriguez, University Hospital Reina Sofia, Research Institute,
34] and 3-deoxyglucosone [35,36]. A broad initiative
Cordoba, Spain; B. Stegmayr, Norrlands University Hospital,
is needed, involving cooperation between several
Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Umea, Sweden;
laboratories, to work out at a standardized approach.
In an attempt to enable such a standardized approach
Huddinge, Sweden; C Tetta, Frenius Medical Care, Bad Homburg,Germany; R. Vanholder, Nephrology Section, Department of
and to reduce methodological bias, the European
Internal Medicine, University Hospital, Gent, Belgium; C. Wanner,
Uremic Toxin Work Group (EUTox) has recruited
Division of Nephrology, University Hospital, Wu¨rzburg, Germany;
members from several European groups that are
V. Witko-Sarsat, INSERM Unit 507, Necker Hospital, Paris, France;
involved in toxin research. More information on the
W. Zidek, University Hospital Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany.
structure, aims and activities can be found on thewebsite (
1. Vanholder R, De Smet R. Pathophysiologic effects of uremic
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2. Foley RN, Parfrey PS, Sarnak MJ. Epidemiology of cardio-
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8. Stenvinkel P, Wanner C, Metzger T et al. Inflammation and
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should also be examined whether it is not possible to
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9. Yeun JY, Levine RA, Mantadilok V, Kaysen GA. C-Reactive
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10. Zimmermann J, Herrlinger S, Pruy A, Metzger T, Wanner C.
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11. Vanholder R, Argiles A, Baurmeister U et al. Uremic
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13. Block GA, Hulbert-Shearon TE, Levin NW, Port FK.
Members of EUTox: A. Argile´s, Institute of
Association of serum phosphorus and calcium 3 phosphate
Human Genetics, IGH-CNRS UPR 1142, Montpellier, France;
product with mortality risk in chronic hemodialysis patients: a
U. Baurmeister, MAT Adsorption Technologies, Obernburg, Germany;
national study. Am J Kidney Dis 1998; 31: 607–617
P. Brunet, Nephrology, Internal Medicine, Ste Marguerite Hospital,
14. Cozzolino M, Dusso AS, Slatopolsky E. Role of calcium-
Marseille, France; J. Beige, University Hospital Benjamin Franklin,Berlin, Germany; B. Lindholm, Baxter Healthcare Corporation,
phosphate product and bone-associated proteins on vascular
Stockholm, Sweden; G. Cohen, Division of Nephrology, Department
calcification in renal failure. J Am Soc Nephrol 2001;
of Medicine, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; P. P. De Deyn,
Department of Neurology, Middelheim Hospital, Laboratory of
15. Rostand SG, Drueke TB. Parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, and
Neurochemistry and Behaviour, University of Antwerp, Belgium;
cardiovascular disease in chronic renal failure. Kidney Int 1999;
R. Deppisch, Gambro Corporate Research, Hechingen, Germany;
B. Descamps-Latscha, INSERM Unit 507, Necker Hospital, Paris,
16. Feinfeld DA, Sherwood LM. Parathyroid hormone and
France; A. Finn, Nephrology and Medical Intensive Care, UK
1,25(OH)2D3 in chronic renal failure. Kidney Int 1988;
Charite´, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Medical Faculty of Humboldt-
University, Berlin, Germany; T. Henle, Institute of Food Chemistry,
17. Glorieux G, Hsu CH, De Smet R et al. Inhibition of calcitriol-
Technical University, Dresden, Germany; J. Jankowski, University
induced monocyte CD14 expression by uremic toxins: role of
purines. J Am Soc Nephrol 1998; 9: 1826–1831
Nephrology and Medical Intensive Care, UK Charite´, Campus
18. Marco MP, Craver L, Betriu A, Fibla J, Fernandez E. Influence
of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms on mortality risk in
Berlin, Germany; H. D. Lemke, Membrana GmbH, Obernburg,
hemodialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis 2001; 38: 965–974
Nephrol Dial Transplant (2003) 18: Editorial Comments
19. Massy ZA. Importance of homocysteine, lipoprotein (a) and
28. Stenvinkel P, Heimburger O, Jogestrand T. Elevated interleukin-
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20. van Guldener C, Janssen MJ, Lambert J et al. No change in
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and monocyte activation in chronic renal failure. J Immunol
33. Kang ES, Tevlin MT, Wang YB et al. Hemodialysis hypoten-
24. Bernheim J, Rashid G, Gavrieli R, Korzets Z, Wolach B. In vitro
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phonuclear superoxide production. Eur J Clin Invest 2001;
34. Kaizu Y, Kimura M, Yoneyama T et al. Interleukin-6 may
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25. Glorieux G, Vanholder R, Lameire N. Advanced glycation and
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35. Odani H, Shinzato T, Matsumoto Y, Usami J, Maeda K.
Increase in three alpha,beta-dicarbonyl compound levels in
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with advanced glycation end products as observed in dialysis-
related amyloidosis by 3-DG accumulating in uremic serum.
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