(6.25 mmol/d) in women. (See also Section I:
majora contain the terminal portion of the round
“Urolithiasis, Adult, General”; Section I: “Urolithiasis,
ligaments of the uterus and an obliterated remnant of
DESCRIPTION Bladder calcifications on CT or
Calcium Oxylate/Phosphate”; Section II:
peritoneum similar to the tunica vaginalis, which may
“Hypercalcuria [Absorptive, Renal and Resorptive].”)
persist as the canal of Nuck. A hydrocele (fluid
collection) may rarely form in the canal of Nuck.
Intraluminal: Bladder calculi, 7% of bladder
urothelial carcinomas may be calcified and appear
Rivers K, et al. When and how to evaluate a patient
as small stones, encrusted cystitis, foreign body,
with nephrolithiasis. Urol Clin North Am 2000;
Dietrich CS, et al. Surgical exposure and anatomy of
iatrogenic (post op sutures, retained prostate chips,
the female pelvis. Surg Clin N Am 2008;88(2).
catheter fragments, hair (due to chronicself-catheterization), following intravesical BCG or
Bladder wall: Infections (tuberculosis,schistosomiasis), squamous cell carcinoma,
DESCRIPTION Oral calcium supplementation may DESCRIPTION Candida albicans, the most
cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis, prior radiation
be used for a variety of conditions, including
common Candida fungus; rarely colonizes normal skin.
osteoporosis. Because calcium carbonate and calcium
Risk factors include the elderly, damaged skin,
phosphate are widely used but poorly absorbed from
diabetes, broad-spectrum antibiotic use, steroids,
the intestinal tract, these can increase urinary calcium
pregnancy and immunosuppression. Can involve
O’Connor OJ. Imaging of hematuria: Radiol Clin N Am
excretion and promote calcium oxalate/phosphate
warm, moist areas such as distal urethra, scrotum,
stone disease. Calcium citrate (Citracal) has 950 mg of
inguinal region, glans penis of uncircumcised male
calcium citrate and 200 mg of elemental calcium in
and cause itching, burning, discharge, dryness, and
each tablet and increases urinary calcium excretion.
dysuria in females (vulvovaginitis). Vesicopustules that
However, this formulation also increases urinary citrate
enlarge and rupture and progresses to maceration and
excretion, which potentially offsets the lithogenic
erythema. There are distinct red borders, often with
DESCRIPTION They may represent calcified renal
potential of the calcium supplement–induced
satellite lesions with vaginal discharge being white
calculi or calcified cystic or solid renal neoplasms.
hypercalciuria. If calcium supplementation is to be
and thick. Microscopic examination of scrapings or
Renal cell carcinoma is detectable on plain
considered to prevent osteoporosis, calcium citrate
discharge with potassium hydroxide or Gram stain
radiography and calcified ∼8–18% of the time. Other
preparations should be used. In women with a history
reveals hyphae/ pseudohyphae. (For Systemic candida,
possible etiologies for renal calcifications include
of stone disease, consider a 24-urine collection to
see Section I: “Fungal Infections, Genitourinary.”)
papillary tip calcifications, calcified renal pelvis
transitional cell carcinoma, nephrocalcinosis, calcified
hypercalciuric while on calcium supplementation. In
patients who are normocalciuric while receiving
Keep affected areas dry and exposed to air.
r Men: Topical Nystatin 100,000 U/d, miconazole
calcium citrate, no further intervention is necessary. In
O’Connor OJ. Imaging of hematuria. Radiol Clin North
those patients found to be hypercalciuric, treatment
with thiazide diuretics or slow-release potassium
Women vulvovaginitis: Oral fluconazole (single
150-mg dose) or topicals such as Nystatin
Clotrimazole troches or cream 100 mg/d for 3–7
Curhan GC, et al. Comparison of dietary calcium with
supplemental calcium and other nutrients as factors
DESCRIPTION Occurs in preexisting epidermal
More severe infections may require long-term
affecting the risk for kidney stones in women. Ann
cysts or in the dermis without cysts. Usually affects
young men. Multiple cysts (>50) are not uncommon. REFERENCES
Calcifications range in size from a few millimeters to
Margesson LJ. Vulvar disease pearls. Dematol clin.
3 cm. They may represent epidermal cysts that have,
over time, lost their normal wall and calcified. Surgical
excision is curative if symptomatic. DESCRIPTION In the Camey I surgery, a 40-cm CAPTOPRIL TEST REFERENCE
segment of the midportion of the ileum is chosen for
Ro JY, et al. Penis and scrotum. In: Bostwick D, ed.
an orthotopic urinary diversion that can reach the
DESCRIPTION As a functional test for Urologic Surgical Pathology, 1st ed. St. Louis:
urethra. A LeDuc antireflux ureteral ileal anastomosis
renovascular hypertension, PRA (plasma renin activity)
is carried out on each end of the ileal segment. In the
is measured before and 1 hr after the administration
Camey II version, the initial Camey I diversion is
of 25 mg of captopril. The test is considered positive if
modified by using 65 cm of ileum, which is
all of the following occur: Post-captopril PRA >12
detubularized along its antimesenteric border. It is
ng/mL/hr, an absolute increase in PRA >10 ng/mL/hr,
folded into a U-shape configuration, the adjoining
and a 400% increase in baseline PRA (150% increase
sides of the U are sutured, and the resulting bowel is
if the baseline PRA was more than 3 ng/mL/hr). A
then folded again to create a pouch anastomosed to
hypercalciuria in stone-formers. One method is to
positive captopril test points to renovascular
the urethra with a LeDuc ureteral anastomosis.
place patients on a low-calcium, low-sodium diet for
hypertension. The test has a sensitivity of ∼74% and
1 wk. A fast is performed from 9 PM–9 AM. At 7 AM,
a specificity of 89%. All diuretics and ACE inhibitors
the patient empties his bladder. This urine is discarded.
must be discontinued 1 wk prior to the test, and a
Lilien OM, Camey M. 25-year experience with
600 mL of distilled water is then consumed. Urine is
normal or light-sodium diet is necessary.
collected from 7 AM–9 AM. At 9 AM, 1 g of calcium is
procedure). J Urol 2002;167(2 Pt 2):1161. REFERENCE
consumed, and urine is collected from that point until1
Pickering TG, et al. Renovascular hypertension and
PM. Urine samples are analyzed for calcium,
creatinine, and cAMP. Results can then differentiate
ischemic nephropathy. In: Brenner BM, ed. TheAND CYST (FEMALE Kidney, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1996:
hypercalciuria, and hyperparathyroidism. On a normal
diet, 24-hr urinary calcium levels are considered
DESCRIPTION In the female, the labia majora are
300 mg/d (7.5 mmol/d) in men and <250 mg/d
homologous to the scrotum in the male. The labia
Effect of dietary willow herb, Epilobium hirsutumextract on growth performance, body composition,hydrophila challenge on common carp, Cyprinus carpioSomayeh Pakravan, Abdolmajid Hajimoradloo & Rasool GhorbaniFisheries Department, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, IranCorrespondence: A Hajimoradloo, Fisheries Department, Gorgan University of Ag
LES FORMULES DE LA GAMME / Compléments Alimentaires Dynamisés BEQ Système / Brevet International La Nutrition Orthomoléculaire est un concept scientifique de haut niveau, aboutissement d'études fondamentales menées depuis un demi-siècle par lesspécialistes de ce domaine. Elle peut intervenir en contrepoint d’une alimentation équilibrée et d’une bonne hy