Microsoft powerpoint - medication administration training for public school employees update[1].ppt
Medication Administration Training for School Personnel
Waynesboro Public SchoolsCreated: November 2010
Medication Administration Training for School Personnel
Purpose: To teach school personnel basic knowledge of medication administration at school. Goal: Safe and accurate administration of medication to students in the Waynesboro Public School System Objectives: After receiving the training in medication administration, school personnel will:
Understand and demonstrate appropriate record keeping and documentation.
Understand role differentiation in medication delivery.
Understand and adhere to medication policy.
Identify the “five rights” of medication administration
Demonstrate/describe correct administration procedures for oral,inhaled, eye, ear, nose and emergency medications.
Demonstrate appropriate actions to be taken if a medication is not taken/given either by refusal or omission.
Demonstrate correct use of resources, including school nurse, physician, or emergency service when problems arise.
Whenever possible, medication should be administered at home, before and after school. However, there are cases where a student’s health could be compromised by not receiving medication during school hours.
Unlicensed school personnel who are expected to assist students receiving medication at school must have training regarding state and local division policies and procedures for administering medication.
A registered professional school nurse must train unlicensed school personnel to administer medication at school.
Assisting Students Diagnosed with Diabetes at School - §§8.01-225,A9, 22.1-274:D, E, 54.1-2901:26, 54-3001:9, 54.1-3005:14, 54.1-3408.
Possession and Self-Administration of Inhaled Medication and auto-injectable epinephrine by certain students. - §§22.1-274.2, 8.01-226.5:1
“5 Rights” of Medication Administration
Right STUDENT: Properly identify the student.
Right MEDICATION: Administer the correct medication.
Right DOSE: Administer the right amount of medication.
Right TIME: Administer medication at the prescribed time
Right ROUTE: See the prescribed method of medication administration.
Roles in Medication Administration - Physician
Limit the number of medications that must be given during the school day.
Advise parents that TID (3 times a day) medications can be given before school, after school, and at bedtime.
Complete the Medication Permission Form for each medication to be given at school. A new form must be completed each school year, when a medication order is changed or after a prolonged absence or hospitalization.
Clarify with parent that it is not the school’s responsibility to remind the child to take his/her medication, nor is it their responsibility to remind parents to order refills.
Support the schools medication policy.
Roles in Medication Administration – School Nurse
Provide training for all employees authorized to administer medications.
Verify that an authorization form has been properly completed and signed by the parent and licensed prescriber.
Document receipt of medication, including the date and number ofpills received. Parent or witness should verify the count by co-signing.
Assure medication is properly labeled and matches the information provided on the authorization form.
Maintain medication in a locked place, inaccessible to other students.
Maintain medication administration records.
Serve as a resource for problems with the process, parents, or physicians.
Notify parents when medication supply is running low.
Serve as a liaison between the school and the medical community.
Roles in Medication Administration - Parent
Familiarize themselves with the Waynesboro Public Schools medication policy and regulations.
Provide a Medication Permission Form, signed by the ordering physician and the parent, for each medication. The form must be renewed each school year.
Any changes in the original medication authorization require a new written authorization and a corresponding change in the prescription label.
Bring the student’s medication to school in a labeled, original container
Pre-cut tablets when a ½ dose is to be given.
Provide medication refills within a timely manner.
Always give the first dose of the medication at home.
Provide any equipment needed to administer medications.
Roles in Medication Administration – Personnel Administering Medication
Know the WPS policy and regulations.
Follow medication administration guidelines.
Know the “5 Rights” of medication administration.
Make certain the student receives his/her medication if serious consequences would occur if a dose is missed.
Notify school nurse immediately if medication error occurs.
Provide a secure locked area for all medications.
Check storage requirements on each medication and store appropriately.
WPS Medication Regulations and Procedures
Click on the link below to access WPS
Documentation and Record Keeping –Prescription Medication
Medication Permission Form is good for the current school year only and must be renewed each school year or with any changes in medication.
Do not need Medication Permission Form for medications prescribed for a short period of time. The label on the prescription bottle may be accepted as the physician’s order for medications taken for 10 days or less.
Narcotics WILL NOT be given at school.
Parental Permission Form – Have parent and physician completely fill out, sign and date.
Pay close attention to storage instructions and if serious consequences would occur if a dose is missed.
Pill Count Log – When the medication is brought to school by the parent or guardian (not the student), the amount of medication in the original container should be noted with the number of pills or the volume of liquid. This procedure must be witnessed and cosigned (preferably by the person that brought the medication).
Completely fill out for each student receiving the medication, and for each medication received. For example, if a student is receiving two medications, he should have two medication logs. Two forms should also be used if the student is receiving a morning and an afternoon dose.
When administering medication, document time and your initials IMMEDIATELY AFTER giving the medication. If documentation is not completed, other staff could think the medication has not been given. Make sure you have signed your name at the top.
If a student does not receive the medication, fill in the appropriate symbol:
X – No School (weekend, holiday, snow day) A – Absent F - Field Trip N – No Show E – Early Dismissal Ø – No Medicine D – 1 to 2 Hour Delay * - Special note (destroyed, dose withheld, refused) make notation in
If you believe a medication error has occurred, no matter how minor, notify the school nurse immediately. Errors may include, but are not limited to, giving the wrong medicine, wrong student, wrong dosage, wrong time, or wrong route.
Notify parents, physician and administrator immediately and complete a Medication Incident Report.
Monitor student / follow physician instructions.
Non-Prescription Medications -Elementary Students
If a physician deems it necessary for a student to take non-prescription also known as over-the-counter (OTC) medication at school, then the physician and parent must complete a Medication Permission Form.
Parent will provide the school with an unopened container of the OTC medication.
School personnel will administer the medication following the physician’s order.
Parents may come to school to administer a medication to their child. They may also authorize an adult other than school personnel to administer the medication through a written note.
Non-Prescription Medication –Middle and High School
Self-administration – If the parent/physician deems it necessary for a
student to have a non-prescription medication during the school day. The student will be allowed to self-medicate at school under the following conditions:
The student is to carry only a one-day dose in the original container with a written note from the parent.
The parent’s note relieves the school of any responsibility for the benefits or consequences of the medication and acknowledges the school bears no responsibility for assuring the medication is taken.
The medication is for the student’s personal use and IS NOT to be shared with other students.
Self-medication is a privilege that can be revoked at any time if medication policies are abused or ignored.
Any medication found in the student’s possession that does not follow WPS guidelines will be dealt with by school administration.
Field Trips are considered part of the school day and therefore medication or medical procedures that are required during the school day must also be provided on a field trip.
While on a filed trip, the principal’s designee trained to administer medication or perform medical procedures will accompany the student. The school nurse will make sure the proper medication and/or necessary supplies are sent on the field trip.
Review - Safe Medication Administration Guidelines
Know and follow the “5 rights” of medication administration.
Document medication administration immediately after giving the medication.
Report any medication errors immediately.
If you have any questions about the medication, STOP, do not give the medication and follow up with the school nurse or head nurse.
If the student questions the medication, STOP, do not give the medication and follow the same procedure as described in #4.
Medication must be kept in a locked cabinet/drawer whenever you leave the room.
If a student vomits within 1 hour after receiving medication, notify the school nurse and/or parent so proper action can be taken.
ADD/ADHD meds must be given at least 4 hours apart.
It is generally accepted that medication should be administered within 1 hour before or after the scheduled dose is due.
Route-Specific Medication Procedures Oral (tablets, capsules, liquids)
Retrieve the appropriate medication container, make sure the label matches the student and the physician’s order.
Pour the correct dosage into the cap of the bottle or medication cup without touching the medication. Double check the medication, dosage, route, time and student then pour the medication into the student’s hand. Provide water or if the student has a special method to taking their medication (i.e. in applesauce), it should be noted on the medication log.
Liquid medication should be held at eye level when measuring dosage.
Observe student swallowing their medication.
Document the medication administration on the medication log.
Return the medication container to its locked storage place.
Tablets/Capsules – Only break tablets that are scored. Do not open any capsules or break/crush any tablets unless the physician specifically orders it. Extended release tablets should never be cut or crushed. Medications that need to be cut should be sent in pre-cut by the parent.
Liquids – When measuring liquid medication, use a medication cup, syringe or medication measuring spoon. Do not use a household teaspoon or tablespoon to measure liquid medication.
Only rescue inhalers should be used at school (i.e. Albuterol, Alupent, Atrovent, Combivent, Maxair, ProAir, Proventil, Ventolin, Xoponex).
Longer time exhaling than inhaling, whistling or wheezing noise with breathing.
Unable to speak more than 1-2 words without taking a breath.
Neck/chest muscles pull in (retract) with breathing
Student states that his/her chest feels tight or complains of difficulty breathing.
Call parent/guardian if no improvement after inhaler use and theschool nurse is not available.
Route-Specific Medication Procedures Inhalers
Wash hands, follow the “5 rights” of medication administration.
Shake inhaler, attach inhaler to spacer if provided.
Ask student to breath out, place mouthpiece in mouth with lips sealed around it or cover mouth and nose with mask.
Depress canister to release medication as student breathes in slowly.
Ask student to hold breathe for 10 seconds and breathe out slowly through pursed lips.
Wait at least 1 minute before administering another puff, if prescribed. Nebulizer treatments are to be administered by personnel trained specifically in this method.
Route-Specific Medication Procedures Ear Drops (Otic Medications)
Wash hands, wear gloves, follow the “5 rights” of medication administration.
Have the student lay on the cot in the sidelying position with the appropriate ear facing upward.
Gently grasp the pinna of the ear and pull it upward and backward to straighten the ear canal.
Insert the prescribed number of drops along the side of the ear canal. Do not allow the dropper tip to touch the ear.
Have the student remain in the sidelying position for 3-5 minutes to ensure absorption of medication.
Only insert cotton in the opening of the ear canal if prescribed by the physician.
Route-Specific Medication Procedures Eye Drops (Ophthalmic Medications)
Wash hands, wear gloves, follow the “5 rights” of medication administration.
Instruct student to tilt head back and look up to the ceiling.
Pull the lower lid down and administer the prescribed number of drops, one at a time, in the pocket created by pulling down the lower lid.
Do not touch any part of the eye with the tip of the eye dropper.
Do not allow student to rub eyes. Blotting with a tissue is okay.
Route-Specific Medication Procedures Topical Medications
Wash hands, wear gloves, and follow the “5 rights”of medication administration.
Apply a thin layer of medication as directed using a tongue blade, cotton swab or gloved finger.
The school nurse will provide you with
specific information/training for your student population.
The school nurse/head nurse will provide
additional training separate from this training for the following medications:{
Insulin/Glucagon – in-service given annually to staff appointed by the principal from each school.
Rectal Valium – in-service given as needed.
Epi-Pen – in-service given annually to all staff.
Congratulations, you have almost completed your annual medication administration training. You must receive a grade of 85% or better to pass the medication administration training module. The school nurse will follow up with you to complete a skills checklist after successful completion of this module.
Please click on the following link to take the Medication Administration Test:
Vet Clin Small Anim 36 (2006) 1307–1323Nutrition and Osteoarthritis in Dogs:Does It Help?Steven C. Budsberg, DVM, MS,Joseph W. Bartges, DVM, aDepartment of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine,University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USAbDepartment of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Veterinary Teaching Hospital,College of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Te