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First Trimester
 During the first trimester, you can expect a host of pregnancy symptoms including breast changes, tiredness, nausea and vomiting, frequent urination and many more.  At the end of the first trimester, your uterus will have grown into the size of a grapefruit, while the baby inside is the size of a cherry.  The baby will grow from being a mass of cells to having a heartbeat, reflexes and the  Now is the time to start prenatal care and a nutritious, healthy diet. Regular exercise will keep you and your baby safe and ready for a healthier birth. Second Trimester
 Throughout the second trimester, your belly will start to show the baby growing inside  You’ll experience pregnancy discomforts such as sleeping problems  During the second trimester, your baby will grow hair all over its body and the senses  At the end of the second trimester, your baby will measure about 10 inches (25 cm) and will frequently practice their kicking movements. Third Trimester

 The third trimester brings many changes to your body; you will need to urinate frequently and your belly looks like it’s ready to explode.  Now is the time to start taking childbirth and breastfeeding classes. The finishing touches are being placed on your baby, and the two of you are looking forward to delivery day!  Don’t forget to include your partner and prepare him for the hefty responsibility of WEEKLY PREGNANCY TIPS
Weekly Pregnancy tips
Week 1:Discontinue any form of chemical birth control, and avoid other chemicals such as: Week 2:Your uterine lining is thickening, and ovulation is getting ready to occur. Some women will actually feel ovulation, with a one sided pain. Week 3:Your body releases an immunosuppressant protein called Early Pregnancy Factor (EPF) to prevent your body from seeing the baby as an invader. Week 4:You are probably beginning to feel tired, urinate more frequently, experience mood swings, and possibly have tender or swollen breasts. Week 5:The baby’s heart will begin to beat this Week! Baby’s average length is 1.5 - 2.5 mm. Week 6:Your nausea may get worse as your hormone levels rise. Your breasts may tingle, feel heavy, the areola (dark nipple portion) may become darker. Week 7:Your face may break out due to the changes in hormones. The baby’s genital tubercle is present but you can't distinguish girls from boys by sight now. Week 8:Your baby will be about 8-11 mm CR by the end of the Week. The baby's hind brain is clearly visible. And spontaneous movement begins! Week 9:You may find yourself with a stuffy nose. Nasal congestion and nose bleeds are fairly common during pregnancy. Try using a vaporizer or humidifier. Week 10:S/he weighs 4 grams. Tiny toes formed. The eyes are largely open but the eyelids are beginning to fuse. External ears are completely formed. Week 11:Focus on nutrition not weight. You aren’t eating for two! You need extra 300-500 calories Week 12:You may start feeling better from your extreme tiredness & nausea. Your abdomen may start expanding, especially if this is not your first pregnancy. Week 13:All baby’s twenty teeth have formed. The pancreas of your little baby is secreting Week 14:You may have developed a dark line down the middle of your abdomen to your pubic bone called a linea negra. Your uterus is now the size of a grapefruit. Week 15:Your heart is increasing its output to supply the baby with oxygen. Your enlarged heart is pumping about 20% more blood than prepregnancy. Week 16:Your baby's nails are well formed. The ears have also moved from the neck to the head. Week 17:If you are sweating more, have nasal congestion, or suffering from vaginal discharge, don’t worry, this will go away after the birth of the baby. Week 18:Sleeping may be increasingly difficult now, as your body grows. Try propping yourself with pillows to help you find a more comfortable sleeping position. Week 19:The baby will increase in weight to 227 grams. Permanent teeth buds are forming behind Week 20:You are half way through your pregnancy! Congratulations! Your belly button may pop out and stay that way as your uterus presses upwards. Week 21:Your baby weighs just under a pound (13 ounces or 369 grams). Week 22:If you are still having aches and pains or feel like you are slowing down you may look for different remedies for the problems you're experiencing. Week 23:During your appointments your practitioner may palpate your abdomen. This process is a way of feeling the position of the baby. Week 24:You are now aware of your baby's movements and may even be able to tell the sleep/wake cycles of your little one. Your baby is almost completely formed. Week 25:Baby weighs 1 pound 9 ounces (709 grams). The bones are continuing their ossification process, meaning that they are becoming harder. Week 26:While you have been feeling movements for awhile, other people were not! Around this time they may begin feeling the baby from the outside. Week 27:Welcome to the third trimester. The home stretch! Around this time you will begin to really put on the weight, this will last until about Week thirty-six. Week 28:You will probably begin to see your practitioner every 2 Weeks now. If you haven't begun discussing labor plans with him, now is the time to start! Week 29:You may feel as if your internal organs are crowded. Deal with the discomforts of late pregnancy by: good posture & nutrition, exercise & rest. Week 30:Baby is very aware of the surroundings. Baby weighs 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms)! S/he measures about 14.8 inches (37.5 cms) in length. Week 31:Your abdomen swells and your rib cage and pelvis may be sore as the baby gets bigger and fills up all the space you have available. Week 32:Your baby's movements will peak this Week then change in quantity and quality. Most of the wrinkles are disappearing from baby's face. Week 33:You can now probably distinguish the baby's knee and elbow. You may also notice small bumps that appear to be rhythmic in your uterus. Week 34:Your body is really getting ready and you may notice that you have more and more contractions that seem less and less like practice! Week 35:Your pregnancy is progressing and you may have trouble sleeping at night. Your baby weighs about 4 pounds 12 ounces (2.15 kilograms) right now. Week 36:Most babies will be in a head down position now. However, about 4% of babies will be breech. Don’t panic! Lots can be done to encourage the baby to turn. Week 37:Your baby is practicing breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid. Sometimes the baby will even Week 38:You may begin to feel electrical buzzes down your legs and inside your vagina. This is because the baby hits nerves as s/he settles into your pelvis. Week39:Only about 4% of women will actually give birth on their due date. While 98% of women will give birth 2 Weeks before or 2 Weeks after. Week 40:The immune system is immature and the baby receives antibodies from the placenta. The average baby will be about 3.4 kgs and 20 inches long at birth. Week 41:You may see your practitioner more often. Some will want to do a non-stress test to Week 42:A vaginal exam may be performed to see if your cervix is favorable. Remember to enjoy those last few hours of baby movements; you will miss them later! PREGNANCY FOOD
Healthy Food Tips
1. A pregnant woman needs approximately 2500 calories per day. Classified into around 10 % from protein. 35% from fat and 55 % from carbohydrates. 2. Protein is mainly found in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and beans. 3. Fat is mainly found in butter, oils, margarine, dairy products and nuts. 4. Carbohydrates are found in bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, corn and other grain products. 5. Recommended to eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you need. 6. Daily servings shall include 6-11 servings of breads and grains, 2 to or more servings of vegetables, 4 servings of dairy products, and 3 servings of protein 7. Eat at least three servings of iron-rich foods per day to ensure you are getting 27 mg of 8. Choose at least one good source of vitamin C every day, such as oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, honeydew, papaya, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, green peppers, tomatoes, and mustard greens. 9. Choose at least one good source of folic acid every day, like dark green leafy vegetables, veal, and legumes (lima beans, black beans, black-eyed peas and chickpeas). 10. Choose at least one source of vitamin A every other day. Sources of vitamin A include carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, spinach, water squash, turnip greens, beet greens, apricots, and cantaloupe. 11. Excessive vitamin A intake (>10,000 IU/day) may be associated with fetal Foods to avoid when pregnant
1. Limit caffeine to no more than 300 mg per day. 2. Remember, chocolate contains caffeine -- the amount of caffeine in a chocolate bar 3. Limit cholesterol intake to 300 mg or less per day. 4. Avoid raw milk , unpasteurized juice 5. Avoid Undercooked chicken or Meats, just be sure to heat them until they are 6. Avoid alcohol during pregnancy. Alcohol has been linked to premature delivery, mental retardation, birth defects, and low birth weight babies. TAKING CARE OF NEWBORN BABY
1. The important thing regarding feeding your Baby is that he/she receives the vitamins they need to grow and be healthy although. 2. It’s believed that breastfeeding is better for the infant provided the mother is healthy. 3. It’s your job to make sure the infant is actually drinking the milk and not spitting most 4. Keep up with how much they drink and how often you feed them and be sure you 5. If they appear to still be hungry after just being fed or if they seem hungry all the time, it's suggested you discuss this with the pediatrician. 6. Your baby should have their own special bed to relax and sleep. It's not a good idea to allow them to sleep with you in your bed. 7. it's normal for a newborn baby to sleep up to eighteen hours per day 8. There is usually no pattern to their sleep at first but after about six Weeks this should improve and their sleeping time will start to decrease. 9. When the baby finishes feeding they usually get sleepy and should be allowed to rest. 10. Newborns have soft delicate skin so only use powders, lotions and other items 11. It's always a good idea to consult your baby's doctor before giving them anything for a 12. During the first couple of Weeks you will need to give your infant a sponge bathe. Use a cotton ball and alcohol to clean the umbilical cord. Once this is healed you can start using the baby bathtub or sink to give your newborn a bath. 13. Grandparents and friends will be more than willing to help with the new baby and chores around the house. Let them do it. This is a great opportunity for you to rest up. The help won't be last forever so take it while you can get it 14. Test the waters with your new baby. All babies respond differently to certain situations. You will soon realize what your baby's cries mean 15. Your baby may not like to be held when he/she wants to sleep. Other babies will only sleep if you hold them. Don't be afraid to figure out what it is your baby wants. 16. Don't let yourself get frustrated. Babies have an amazing way of knowing when tension is in the air. Keep yourself calm and your newborn baby will stay calm. 17. Babies love vibration. Having a bassinet or baby seat that vibrates will help your 18. A rocking chair is a great way for new mothers to bond with their babies. Rocking your baby back and forth gently while looking into his/her eyes is one of the most relaxing times you will have with your newborn. 19. Keep things organized as you go along. Wash bottles when baby is done eating. Put things in their proper place as soon as you are done with them. This will help in keeping your spirits high. 20. When your newborn baby feels secure, he/she will be much calmer. New moms can do this by swaddling him/her in a blanket and responding quickly to his/her cries.



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