Microsoft word - band trip emergency form-chaperone
RIVER FALLS HIGH SCHOOL BAND CHAPERONE 2010-2011 Emergency Information Please Print
Chaperone’s Name: _______________________________________________________________
Home Address: __________________________________________________________________
Home Address:____________________________________________________________________ Spouse/Significant Other’s Name: _____________________________________________________ Home Phone #:______________ Work Phone#:_______________ Cell Phone #: ________________ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE CONTACTED:
Contact #1: ___________________________________
Contact #2: ___________________________________
Family Doctor: ________________________________
Family Dentist: ________________________________
Do you wear prescription glasses or contacts? Yes _____
Do you have motion sickness tendencies? Yes_____
Please list any/all medical conditions that emergency personnel should be aware of: (i.e. allergies, drug allergies, asthma, diabetic, special health needs, etc.) □ NONE
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Please list all medications taken on a regular basis (Please list conditions for which they are taken, dosage and frequency. Please include inhalers.) □ NONE ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ OVER
The following items are items that we will have available in our travel health kit. Please review this list and circle any items that you would NOT like your child to receive: TYLENOL
Insurance Information:
Primary Carrier of Insurance: Yourself _____ Spouse/Significant Other _____ Name: _______________________________________________Birthdate:________________
Place of employment: ___________________________________________________________ Insurance Company Name: _______________________________________________________ Insurance Company Address: _____________________________________________________ Insurance Company Phone #: _____________________________________________________ Insurance Policy #: _________________________ Insurance Group #: ___________________ Other pertinent insurance information: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ If impossible to contact any of the contacts listed on the reverse side, I give permission and consent to the River Falls High School Marching Band Director(s) or Chaperone(s) to call the rescue squad, arrange for immediate medical treatment by licensed physician and/or other medical personnel, and for such physician or other medical personnel to apply such emergency techniques which in their judgment they deem necessary to treat any injury/illness sustained by myself. I further authorize any and all emergency medical treatment as is necessary for the health and welfare of myself. I do hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify the River Falls School District, directors, and chaperones and its members from all claims, demands, damages or causes of action or injuries, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs in the defense thereof, arising out of the physician and/or other medical personnel. _______________________________________________________
Acute treatment of moderate to severe depression with hypericum extract WS 5570 (St John's wort): randomised controlled double blind non-inferiority trial versus paroxetine A Szegedi, R Kohnen, A Dienel and M Kieser 2005;330;503-; originally published online 11 Feb 2005; BMJ doi:10.1136/bmj.38356.655266.82 Updated information and services can be found at: References This article
1. Among 734 randomly selected Internet users, it was found that 340 of them use the Internet for making travel plans (based on data from a Gallup poll). Use a 0.01 significance level to test the claim that among Internet users, less than 50% use the Internet for making travel plans. (12 points) Reject H0 if T.S. is less than critical value -2.33 (table A) or if p-value is less than 0.01. p