CASE STUDY:9 An example of “Marathonning’ - Over a 1 year C = Recovery Facilitator WEEK 1: Mother phones C (business contact) requesting help for son – long term (10 years) polydrug user, including heroin, having ‘tried every program there is’ including Methadone and 6 hours Naltrexone in the past. 9 had become a recluse in his own room, a chronic poly drug user, in 20s, had dropped out of uni some time ago. C visits 9 in parents home – 9 agrees to contract with C to work on recovery and several visits during week. WEEK 2: C meets 9 at home with parents present - persuades 6 hours to get ready to go for a walk and explores history and issues for 9. Root of problem discovered - 9 was ashamed of his physical appearance, had low self esteem, felt left behind by peers, depressed and injunctions: DON’T MAKE IT, DON’T BE IMPORTANT, BE STRONG, DON’T BE CLOSE. Several visits per week. WEEK 3: C decides on physical exercise strategy and gains 9 hours agreement with 9 – calls every day x 6 days early morning to go for walk with 9. Some days C had to wait outside waiting for 9 to get out of bed assisted by parents. C persisted in encouraging this pattern to increase endorphin levels and improve physical health and appetite. WEEK 4: C continues to call each morning 6 days per week and 9 hours go walking/jogging with 9. 9 gradually comes out of shell and starts to reduce drug taking. CASE STUDY:9 An example of “Marathonning’ - Over a 1 year C = Recovery Facilitator
WEEK 5: C continues to visit early mornings for exercise 9 hours counseling. During other times 9 starts to lift weights at home and general health improves, with increased appetite and weight gain. WEEK 6: Intermittent morning visits with counseling and 6 hours motivation – 9 continues to lift weights and occasionally takes dog for walk on own. Depression starting to lift and drug use ceasing. WEEK 7: C continues intermittent morning visits and also talks 6 hours with family members to mediate to increase understanding and improve interpersonal relationships. MONTHS 2 – 4 C reduces contact and 9 continues to exercise with weights and 78 hours voluntarily continues early morning walks with dog. As physical appearance improves 9 gains more confidence and has marked improvement of mood and motivation. MONTHS 4 -6 C spends time negotiating and arranging manual labour work 78 hours opportunity for 9 who reluctantly agrees to follow up, but eventually will not follow through. Weekly visits continue and 9 continues to exercise daily – muscular appearance now and parents amazed at progress. CASE STUDY:9 An example of “Marathonning’ - Over a 1 year C = Recovery Facilitator
MONTHS 6 – 9 9 Feels confident enough to return to uni to complete a final unit 39 hours which will complete his degree. Appearance has changed from thin, unhealthy and wasted to muscular build, healthy, ‘movie star’ looks and positive mood. Intermittent contacts with C continue. 9 -12 MONTHS - Graduated by C 9 has completed his degree and has secured and started a well paid professional position with large company which he enjoys. Total hours:
P A R L E M E N T E U R O P E E N E T A T S - G E N E R A U X D E L A R E C H E R C H E E C O N O M I E P O L I T I Q U E D E S O G M Le 17 juillet 1997, lors de la première discussion de la directive 98/44, les parlementaires ontété accueillis à Strasbourg par une manifestation d’handicapés, vêtus par les industriels des« sciences de la vie » de maillots jaunes portant l’ins
Le reflux gastro-œsophagien (RGO) Le reflux gastro-œsophagien : Définition et symptômes Le RGO se définit comme le reflux anormal du contenu gastrique vers l’œsophage. Normalement l’œsophage s’abouche dans l’estomac après avoir traversé le diaphragme (membrane musculaire séparant le thorax de l’abdomen). Cet abouchement se fait de telle manière que cela va créer entr