Molecular Nutrition: A Missing Link in Pediatric Pharmacotherapy? “Let food be thy medicine, and medi-
reductase) impairs folic acid conversion
cine be thy food”
plemental nutrients and elimination diets
cure, also activates children’s genes.
eating and lifestyle do not suffice to op-
timize health. In assessing child and ado-
lescent mental conditions, today’s envi-
lecular nutrition has untapped potential
been cited among the causes of illness –
pesticides, air pollutants), and inflamma-
on digestion, absorption, and circulation.
sweets, sodas, and trans-fats, a.k.a “junk
jury, diet) (Crinnion, 2009; Kroger et al.,
tween two “brains” (in the gut and the
“SAD” (Standard American Diet). This
mood, cognition, and behavior, let alone
ciencies, which also affect drug utiliza-
nutrition psychosocially. Food is tied to
individual matter, a healthy diet template
quality of the eating experience matters:
is the “tone” at the dinner table? Family
interactions affect the child’s vagal tone,
Galle, Molecular Nutrition., continued
In pediatric nutrition, the first double
blind, placebo, controlled clinical trial
in the liver, contributing to intracellular
took place over fifty years ago, with 120
beset the child’s daily life, GI distress
lipid retention. Antipsychotic drugs that
inhibit functioning of the electron trans-
That research shed light on the positive
haloperidol), and several atypical antip-
Nutrient Deficiencies ß à Mind- Brain-Behavior Dysfunction
The gut, our “second brain” (Gershon,
1999) contains leads to a child’s suffer-
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
IBD, UC, “leaky gut”) (Gerson et al.,
the liver (Neustadt & Pieczenik, 2008).
(B6, B2, and B3) in seizure disorders and
more from controlled clinical trials, we
tant role. Thoughts and feelings set the
et al., 2010). While pediatric research is
ance. The brain (along with the heart) is
long-term health, as well as alleviating
gistically to create that energy and main-
Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFA), free
acids as “add-on therapy” to mirtazapine
Galle, Molecular Nutrition., continued
antidepressants are appropriate, both in
rhiza glabra [licorice], Hypericum
showed a higher intake of fish, EPA, and
Rhodiola rosea, etc. (Head & Kelly, 2009)
individualized metabolic analysis. Labora-
cantly for girls) (Murakami et al., 2010).
levels may not reflect nutrient function-
Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae or AFA),
clude: alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin C and E,
analysis reveals whether vitamins, amino
n-acetylcarnitine, n-acetylcysteine, glu-
acids, EFA’s, minerals, etc., are “doing
their job.” For example Organic Acids, a
nutrient of interest in relation to bipolar
Taraxacum officinale [dandelion],
Green Algae, is a natural stimulant used
nents, oxidative stress, liver detox indi-
metabolization, allowing its entry in the
brain (Sabelli, 2002). Lithium orotate is
mulative nutritional deficiencies, and the
(e.g., atypical anti-psychotics, lithium).
While nutrient efficacy studies are few,
four meta-analyses of efficacy trials sub-
ity (Sahelian, 2009). Research is needed
pressants are only marginally efficacious
Galle, Molecular Nutrition., continued
glutamine with co-factors) could be used
behavior. This was a result of individual-
ized programs consisting of diet, gentle
detox, nutrients, probiotics, herbs, and
(ASD), a recent review article identified
stress, deficiencies in methylation, glu-
particularly in the initial phases of treat-
diet with children and adolescents opens
Drugs utilize and may deplete nutrients,
Blaylock & Struneka (2009) emphasized
1988; Montagnier et al., 2009; Tournier,
Molecular nutrition addresses biological
roots as it tackles individual metabolism,
heal. An encouraging study involves chil-
fold. First, they are constantly changing.
diet and nutrients in relation to pharma-
nals, etc. Test findings of abnormalities
trials are sprouting, the jury is still out.
metabolic causes, allowing for nutrition-
ric primary care team. As scientifically
ally improving neurophysiological activa-
trained professionals, and at this state of
tion and obtaining psychological benefits.
the art, it is timely to update informed
Such functional awareness is the starting
The stage is set for medical/prescribing
therapeutic matrix, illustrates dramatic
Galle, Molecular Nutrition., continued
“in teams.” A drug, in contrast, is usually
She is on the clinical faculty in Departments of Pediatrics at George Washington University
tested in isolation. In addition to single
Medical School (Children’s National Medical
vitamin research, there is much to learn
calls for caution. Firstly, nutraceuticals
Center, Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine) and Georgetown University. She is on the adjunct faculty at Alliant International University, and teaches the “Introduction to Nutritional Science and Its Role in Psychopharmacology,” course in the Postdoctoral master’s in clinical psychophar-macology program. She is also on the faculty and advisory board of the British Institute of
have varying levels of purity. “Medical
grade” nutraceuticals tested for bioavail-
ability are suitable for therapeutic pur-
Altung, U., Pittler, M. H., Ernst, E. (2007).
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Further progress in that direction entails
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Nutritional medicine is gaining gravitus
Frei, H., Everts, R., von Ammon, K., Kauf-
Dr. Galle specializes in clinical psychology, foren-
man, F., Walther, D., Hsu-Schmitz, Shu-Fang, Collengerg, M., Fuhrer, K.,
sic neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, clini-
ers, health practitioners, and research.
Hassink, R., Steinlin, M., & Thurneysen, A.
cal hypnosis, and biofeedback. She is a tradi-
An evidence base for pediatric nutrition
tional naturopath, Board Certified clinical Nutri-tionist and Classical Homepath, Functional Medi-cine Practitioner, and Certified Yoga Instructor. Galle, Molecular Nutrition., continued
trial. Euroepan Journal of Pediatrics, 164,
handbook for mental health clinicians.
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rubicon of molecular nutrition. Journal
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of the American Dietetic Association, 103,
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Meguid, N. A., Hashish, A. F., Amar M., Sid-
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Head, K. & Kelly, G. (2009). Nutrients and
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tion, and botanical medicine. Profes-
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Orientation diagnostique devant des Dr B. BOUJON Internat ŒDÈMES DES MEMBRES INFÉRIEURS Cabinet de Cardiologie, H O E C H S T I N T E R N A T E S T D I R I G É P A R : W I L L I A M B E R R E B I , P A T R I C K G E P N E R , J E A N N A U DIAGNOSTIC POSITIF DIAGNOSTIC ETIOLOGIQUE . Oedèmes bilatéraux, . phlébite . cellulite . Prise de poids . lympha