Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the community – laboratory based study
Selma Uzunović-Kamberović1, Suad Sivić2
Objective To determine the occurrence and antibiotic resis-
Microbiology, 2 Department of social medicine,
tance of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylo-
Cantonal Public Health Institution Zenica,
coccus aureus (MRSA) isolates. Methods used In 2003-2005,
consecutive samples of nasal, throat, eye, ear and genitouri-
nary tract s�abs, s�abs of �ound infections and soft and skin
tissue infections and samples of sputum obtained from out-
patients submitted to the Laboratory �ith clinical indications
�ere analyzed for the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. The
disc diffusion method using Mueller-Hinton agar (Oxoid,
Besingstoke, UK) �as used to test against nine antimicrobi-
als. Oxacillin-resistance �as confirmed by E-test (AB Biodisc,
Solna, S�eden). Results A total of 1583 (11.3%) nonduplicate S. aureus isolated from 13 937 samples. MRSA �as detected
in 63 (4.1%) of S. aureus isolates. MRSA isolates more fre-
quently from infected genitourinary tract and �ounds than
other sites (p<0.0001). The patients in both age groups ≥65
and 0-6 years of age �ere more frequently infected �ith
MRSA than patients of other age groups (p=0.02). Statisti-
cal y significant differences in susceptibility rates bet�een
MSSA and MRSA isolates �ere found for all antibiotic tested
(p=0.0053 to p<0.000). MRSA isolates �ere more frequently
multidrug resistant (MDR) than MSSA isolates (p=0.0009).
SCCmec type IV or V phenotype �as detected in 30 (47.6%) of
MRSA isolates. Conclusion Although lo� MRSA prevalence
�as noted, the presence of SCCmec type IV/V phenotypes
in the community is of particular concern. Effective control
of dissemination of MRSA throughout the community �ill
likely require effective control and monitoring of nosocomial
Key words: S. aureus, MRSA, MSSA, SCCmec, Resistance, Introduction
defined CA-MRSA strains carry SCCmec
type IV or V (14), �hereas the majority of
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) has
HA-MRSA strains carry SCCmec type I, II
traditional y been considered a hospital-
�ith established risk factors (recent hospi-
from the noses and hands of food handlers
talization or surgery, dialysis, residence in a
prompted a retrospective revie� of Labora-
long-term care facility, and presence of a per-
tory outpatient records identifying patients
manent ind�elling catheter or percutaneous
from �hom S. aureus �as isolated from any
medical device) at the time of culture) (1, 2).
site in the period 2003-2005. The objective
of this study �as to report the frequency of
highly virulent organism in the community
S. aureus isolation in outpatients from the
of patients �ithout established risk factors
govina, according to methicillin resistance,
origin of isolates, age and gender of patients,
methicillin resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA)
and to determine the antibiotic susceptibil-
into hospitals has been reported, causing
ity patterns. For comparison, S. aureus iso-
lates obtained from food handlers and food
products (routinely analysed in the Labora-
talized patients, or patients upon admission
tory during 2003-2004) �ere also included
to hospital, �hich has probably resulted in
an overestimation of the true prevalence of
monly been based on the timing of isolation
of MRSA in relation to the time of admission
The Laboratory for Sanitary and Clinical
to hospital, so that MRSA isolates �ere clas-
Microbiology of the Cantonal Public Health
sified as community-acquired if they �ere
Institution in Zenica covers a population
isolated �ithin the first 48-72 h of hospital-
ization, or if they �ere isolated in a commu-
(112,471 males and 218,758 females). In the
2003-2005 period, 13,937 consecutive sam-
ples of nasal, throat, eye, ear and genitouri-
vary �idely among studies, in part because
nary tract s�abs, s�abs of �ound infections
of the use of different definitions used to
and soft and skin tissue infections (SSTIs)
and sputum obtained from outpatients sub-
MRSA, but also because of the different set-
mitted to the Laboratory �ith clinical indi-
tings in �hich studies have been performed.
cation, �ere analyzed for the presence of S.
Only a limited number of studies has been
performed in outpatient settings and among
Sterile cotton s�abs �ere used. S�abs
�ere streaked onto sheep blood agar (5%
columbia agar base) for detection of gram-
positive bacteria, and incubated overnight
niques �ith good resolving po�er provides a
at 37°C. Morphological y distinct colonies
reliable means of analysing isolates of MRSA
�ere tested for the production of bound
to determine their genetic relatedness (13,
coagulase (Staphylase Test, Oxoid, Basing-
14). Recent studies have indicated that �ell-
stoke, UK) and identified as S. aureus.
Selma .Uzunović-Kamberović .et .al .: .MRSA .in .the .community
ler-Hinton agar (Oxoid, Besingstoke, UK)
�as used to test against nine antimicrobials
A total of 1583 (11.3%) nonduplicate S. au-
(Oxoid, UK). Clinical and Laboratory Stan-
reus isolates from 13 937 consecutive outpa-
dards Institute (CLSI) criteria �ere used
tients presented to the Laboratory because
of different clinical symptoms �ere collected
for the interpretation of antibiotic sensitiv-
during 2003-2005. MRSA �as detected in 63
ity testing results (15). Oxacillin-resistant
(4.1%) of S. aureus isolates and in 0.6% of
strains �ere further tested by the E-test
submitted samples. S. aureus �as identified
(AB Biodisc, Solna, S�eden). Isolates �ere
in 322 out of 4439 (7.3%) nasal s�abs of food
considered resistant to oxacillin if the MIC
handlers, five of �hich �ere MRSA (1.6%).
exceeded 4 mg/L. The isolates characterized
MRSA �as isolated in 0.1% of submitted
as intermediate by both disk diffusion and
food handler samples. Thirty five S. au-
E-test �ere considered susceptible. Staphy-reus strains �ere isolated from 6517 (0.5%)
lococcus aureus ATCC 25923 control strains
food samples, and t�o of them (5.7%) �ere
�ere used. Isolates resistant to oxacillin and
MRSA. All S. aureus isolated from ice cream
susceptible to gentamicin, clindamycin, and
samples obtained from local patisseries and
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxasole �ere des-
ignated as having a SCCmec type IV or V
Table 1 sho�s the distribution of methi-
cillin susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) and
MRSA isolates according to the origin of
and age of the patient (0-6, 7-14, 20-64, >64
years), date of isolation, specimen number,
MRSA isolates �ere more frequently iso-
source of isolates and susceptibility results
lated from genitourinary tract and �ounds
of Staphylococcus aureus isolates �ere re-
corded, as �ell as the number of specimens
The patients in age groups ≥65 and 0-6
years of age �ere more frequently infect-
For comparison, S. aureus strains isolated
ed �ith MRSA than patients of other age
from 4439 successive nasal s�abs of food-
groups (p=0.02) (Table 2). Female patients
handlers and 6517 samples of food collected
�ere significantly more often infected �ith
the Laboratory during 2003-2004 �ere also
not sho�n). The median age of patients in-
included in this study. Microbiological anal-
fected �ith MRSA and MSSA �as 30.09 and
ysis of food products �as performed accord-
ing to the standards and legal regulations of
Statistical y significant differences in sus-
the Republic/Federation of Bosnia and Her-
ceptibility rates bet�een MSSA and MRSA
zegovina. Routine antimicrobial susceptibil-
clinical isolates �ere found for all antibiotic
ity testing of S. aureus isolates from these
tested (p=0.0053 to p<0.0001) (Table 3). No
samples �as terminated at the end of 2004,
resistance to vancomycin or ciprofloxacin
and for that reason the data for 2005 �ere
�as detected in MRSA isolates. MRSA iso-
lates �ere more frequently multidrug resis-
The significance of differences in resis-
tant (MDR) than MSSA isolates (p=0.0009).
tance rates �as determined by means of
According to origin, MDR �as more often
the χ2 test and Fisher exact test for indepen-
detected in �ound infection isolates, 28.6%,
dence. A statistical y significant difference
than in isolates from GU tract and nose,
�as defined as a p value of <0.05 and 95%
12.5% and 0.6%, respectively, but �ith no
statistical y significant difference (data not
Table .1 .Distribution .of .MRSA .and .MSSA .clinical .isolates .of .different .origin .in .the .2003-2005 .period .
Table .2 .Distribution .of .MRSA .and .MSSA .clinical .isolates .according .to .age .groups
Table .3 .Antimicrobial .resistance .patterns .of .MSSA .and .MRSA .isolates .in .the .2003-2005 .of .different .origin
Percentage .of .resistance .to .antimicrobial .agents*
MSSA, .methicillin-sensitive .Staphylococcus aureus; .MRSA, .methicillin-resistant .Staphylococcus aureus; .S, .susceptible; .
R, .resistance .to .one .or .more .antimicrobials; .MDR .(multidrug .resistance), .resistance .to .three .or .more .antimicrobials .
*Antimicrobial .agents .tested: .vancomycin .(VAN), .gentamicin .(GEN), .kanamycin .(KAN), .erythromycin .(ERY), .tetracycline .
(TET), .ciprofloxacin .(CIP), .clindamycin .(CLI), .trimethoprim-sulfamethoxasole .(SXT), .chloramphenicol .(CHL)
famethoxasole) �as detected in 30 (47.6%)
�ere significantly more often isolated from
SCCmec type IV or V phenotype (isolates
GU tract, �ounds and nose than from eyes
resistant to oxacillin and susceptible to genta-
(p=0.0005), but they �ere not isolated from
micin, clindamycin, and trimethoprim-sul-
Selma .Uzunović-Kamberović .et .al .: .MRSA .in .the .community
The finding of 30 MRSA isolates sho�ing
strated that the prevalence of resistance to
good sensitivity to antibiotics other than
ciprofloxacin and erythromycin �as as high
beta-lactams and the lo� prevalence of
as 80% and 90%, respectively (22, 23). Fluo-
roquinolone resistance emerged very rapidly
gests the presence of true CA-MRSA in our
in HA-MRSA in the years after �idespread
population (2-4, 16) Multidrug resistance
utilization of these agents (23-25). No resis-
characterizes nosocomial y acquired MRSA
tance to fluoroquinolones �as noted in this
strains isolated from patients �ith identified
study in MRSA isolates of any origin inves-
tigated, but interestingly, it �as detected in
Nasal carriage of S. aureus is an impor-
tant risk factor for infections by this organ-
ism in both community and hospital settings
(16). Health-care exposure is significantly
the SCCmec type IV / V phenotype, �hich is
associated �ith MRSA carriage (10, 18). In
typical for CA-MRSA isolates (7). All MRSA
our study MRSA �as detected in 0.6% of
isolated from food handlers and food prod-
clinical samples submitted to our Laborato-
ucts (ice cream) �ere SCCmec type IV or
ry, �hich is in agreement �ith colonization
V phenotype. SCCmec type IV/V type has
increased mobility and therefore greater
out healthcare contacts in the USA (0.2%)
potential for horizontal spread to diverse S. aureus genetic backgrounds, compared �ith
other SCCmec types (13, 14). We did not
infections have been increasing among adults
and children (4, 20). The results of the pres-
type IV or V phenotype, but according to
ent study have also sho�n that MRSA more
the high correlation bet�een the genotype
often infected the oldest (≥65) and youngest
and phenotype �e could assume that at least
(0-6) age groups of patients than other age
some of these MRSA strains are generated in
groups. Therefore, microbiologic culture and
antimicrobial susceptibility testing �ould be
This is a retrospective study �ith a relatively
small sample size and accordingly, a small
S. aureus and MRSA in food handlers and
number of MRSA �ere analysed. Addition-
their appearance in food products �as lo�
al y, molecular analysis �as not perfomed
and in agreement �ith the prevalence of S.
and a risk factors involved in acquisition of
aureus and MRSA infections in our region.
MRSA infections �re not investigated. Also,
data on the prevalence of HA-MRSA in this
be a vehicle of outbreaks affecting lo�-risk
region are missing. But, since �e found that
persons �ithin the community and the food
25.4% (16/63) MRSA isolates �ere ful y
�as contaminated by an asymptomatic car-
susceptible to all antibiotic tested and 30
rier (21). There �ere no S. aureus foodborne
(47.6%) MRSA isolates had SCCmec IV/V
generated in the communitya might be pres-
munity, but �e found that MRSA �ere more
The origin of CA-MRSA strains is still the
often isolated from the GU tract and �ound
subject of debate. Only studies based on ap-
propriate molecular analysis �ould be able
to determine these ne�ly identified com-
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SAFETY DATA SHEET according to EC Directive 2001/58/EC 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information Bayer CropScience LimitedHauxtonCambridgeCambridgeshire CB2 5HUUnited Kingdom 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Chemical nature Suspension concentrate (=flowable concentrate)(SC), contains:31% Propamocarb Hydrochloride (375 g/