
Spring Semester 2014
Instructor: Terry Clark
Office: 221A Rhen
Telephone: 453-7781
Office Hours: 12:30-1:30 Thursday
Harvard Cases: (you will have to register).
Course Description and Objectives:
MKTG 493 is the final or “capstone” course for marketing majors. As such, it revisits and integrates all major marketing themes discussed in core required marketing courses, then develops your ability to comprehensively apply these concepts in typical business situations through analysis of strategic marketing problems. Thus, the course re-visits, integrates and extends issues such as: The role of marketing in communicating and delivering customer value What customer satisfaction is, and how it is measured How all of the above are bundled together into a coherent marketing strategy Making the pitch for money for your marketing ideas Doing Life: Making a successful transition from College to career The course has four complementary components: 1) two exams; 2) a set of marketing cases; 3) class lectures; and 4) a comprehensive marketing project. Please expect and plan for MKTG 493 to be
challenging and demanding
The course has two exams. Exams will cover class lectures and cases. Cases can be purchased through the link posted above. Class case discussions are an important part of the course. You should be thoroughly familiar with the details of each case, and be ready to offer your thoughtful opinions, and to defend your views. To help you prepare for class discussions, I have included a set of questions for each case (see below). 1. Case write-ups. You will hand in a write-up for each case. Write-ups should be responses to the questions provided below, and should not exceed two pages maximum. Case
write-ups will be collected immediately after we finish class discussion for that case. Late
submissions will not be accepted
2. Case discussion. You will prepare for all case discussions. This means at a minimum, reading the case, and answering the questions (see below), so that you can talk intelligently about
the materials.

In teams of 3-5, you will develop a full-blown marketing plan. The plan may be for a new product, a start-up company, an existing nationally branded consumer packaged good, repositioning a product, increasing demand, etc. The project has three related parts: 1) a “marketing plan” document (as outlined below); 2) a set of “process requirements” (as described below); and 3) a class presentation. During your class presentation, I take on the role of CFO/Venture Capitalist/bank loan officer. In other words, you will be making a pitch to me for the marketing budget requested.
Below is an outline of a typical Marketing Plan. Tailor it as needed to fit your situation. Ask me
Executive Summary A one-page (max) non-technical brief of the entire plan, including a description of the product or service, target market, marketing objectives, differential advantage, required investment, and anticipated sales and profits. Situation Analysis A basic qualitative/quantitative description of the pertinent factors related to the situation, including: Industry overview; Competitors, their products, target markets and segmentation; Demand trends; Social and cultural factors; Demographics; Economic and business conditions; State of technology; Political issues; Laws and regulations, pending legislation, Special interest groups, etc. (not all parts of this will be appropriate for all plans—use common sense determining what is important in your situation) a. The opportunity explained—what is it? Why is it an opportunity? What specifically are you trying to achieve? (specific revenue, market share, reposition, new target market, etc.), etc, including: an explanation of business model, segmentation, target market, competitive advantage, how revenue will be generated. b. Detailed account and justification of segmentation scheme used, target (s) market c. Detailed account and justification of the marketing mix chosen. d. Detailed account and justification of media plan (budget, choice of media (be specific—including costs, reach, frequency, etc.) a. An account of all major costs (fixed and variable) associated with your project b. Appropriate financial analysis (breakeven, payback, etc) c. Pro-forma cash flow projections for a three-year period. d. An assessment of the limitations and risks of the project Appendices—all relevant supporting and reference (citations) materials Here are the Process Requirements for the project: First group meeting with me to clear your topic, no later than February 13th. At this meeting, you will make a 30-second pitch to me (please practice!), as well as present me with a one page briefing document outlining what you propose to do. The purpose of the meeting is for you to convince me that you have a serious and interesting topic. Also at this meeting, you will provide me with a list of times, dates and places for your regular group meetings throughout the semester. From time to time, I may drop in on your group meetings. A progress report based on the above outline by Februray 27th. The purpose of the progress report is for you to demonstrate to me that the group is focused and making tangible progress. The progress report should spell out what research/analysis has been done, what remains to be done, who in the group is do it, and what the deadlines are for doing it. This report will help me keep track of who is responsible for what. I will provide feedback on this report. Second group meeting, in my office, no later than March 18th. At this meeting, you should deliver me a revision and update of your progress report. Be prepared to discuss and
defend in detail what you have done thus far. Problems with group members who do not attend
group meetings, and/or do not contribute and/or pull their weight should be brought to my
attention at this meeting.

Third group meeting may, or may not be needed. If it is needed, it should occur no later than April 15th. The purpose of this meeting is for you to go over the preliminary quantitative analysis sales projections, BE analysis, costs, etc.) of your Marketing Plan with me. Of course, groups may schedule meetings with me at other times as the need arises.

I have a strict attendance policy. Attendance is taken each scheduled class period. Except for legitimate University approved absences, you are only allowed 1 absence without penalty. After that, each absence will lower your total possible participation grade by 20%. Attendance is taken 5 minutes after class begins. Case Write-ups (13 x 2 points)
Class Participation
Exams (2x 10)

Tentative Course Schedule:

Catch-up Day
& Starbucks: Delivering
Customer Service
Business XM Satellite Radio (A)
Catch-up Day
Lestra Project
Catch-up Day
Strategy/ Product Team Cialis
Project Progress
Report Due
Catch-up Day
Spring Break
Exam #1/Project
Spring Break
Catch-up Day
Meeting #2 Deadline
Clean Edge Razor
Tue Prototyping BMW: The 7-Series
Thu Pricing Cumberland Metals
Catch-up Day
Thu Branding Mountain Man Brewing
Media IBM’s Digital Influence
Competition Cat Fight in the Pet Food
Catch-up Day
Project Meeting # 3
(if needed) Deadline
Case Questions
Describe BMW’s competitive environment. What problems are they having? What is their approach to
product development? Why do they prototype?
Cat Fight in the Pet Food Industry: What is the nature of competition in the pet food industry? Construct a table
showing market shares by product category for each firm. Who competes with whom where? Which are the most
profitable segments? Discuss the implications.

Clean Edge Razor:
What changes are occurring in the nondisposable razor category? How is the market segmented?
Assess Paramount’s competitive position. How would you position the product, niche or mainstream? Defend your

Cumberland Metal Industries: Engineering Products Division.
What is the market potential for curled metal pads?
Calculate and justify a price for the pads.
Hohner Musikinstrumente GmbH & Co.: What is Hohner’s break-even point? What market share do they need to
break even?

IBM’s Digital Influence Program:
Why did IBM chose social media for its India campaign?
Should IBM continue its existing strategy? Despite significant increases in share of voice, reach and volume, Bajaj
seems apprehensive. Why? What is digital influence? How did IBM build groundswell?

Lestra Design:
What went wrong for Lestra Design? Who’s fault was it, Lestra’s or the Japanese? What marketing
research did they do? What marketing research should the have done?
Mountain Man Brewing Company: Evaluate the strength and health of Mountain Man Lager’s brand equity.
Discuss and evaluate the proposed Mountain Man Light brand extension. Is it appropriate/inappropriate? Will it
strengthen/weaken Mountain Man Lager’s equity? Will it likely hurt its sales? Image?
Product Team Cialis: What are the most relevant dimensions to segment the ED market? What was Viagra’s
positioning in 2002 How should Cialis be positioned? What messaging should be used? How should the product be
priced? What competitive response do you expect from Pfizer? Bayer-GlaxoSmithKine?
Stainmaster: Describe the carpet industry before and after the introduction of Stainmaster. Explain what happened.
Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service: Why was Starbucks so successful in the early 1990s? Compare the
Starbucks of 1992 with the Starbucks of 2002. Why have Starbuck’s customer satisfaction scores declined? Describe
the ideal Starbuck’s customer. Should Starbucks make the $40 million investment in labor? Why? Why not?
XM Satellite Radio (A) Describe the radio market. What value does XM deliver over and above its competition?
Describe and evaluate the two business models XM radio is contemplating.
XYLYS: What are the patterns that you observe with regard to the responses of the users/non users of luxury watches
with regard to the brand personality aspects, and the manner in which they responded regarding these dimensions
when applied to themselves? What kind of interpretation can you draw from the responses, in the context of this case?
Emergency Procedures
Southern Illinois University Carbondale is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment
for study and work. Because some health and safety circumstances are beyond our control, we
ask that you become familiar with the SIUC Emergency Response Plan and Building Emergency
Response Team (BERT) program. Emergency response information is available on posters in
buildings on campus, available on the BERT’s website at, Department of Public
Safety’s website (disaster drop down) and in the Emergency Response
Guidelines pamphlet. Know how to respond to each type of emergency.
Instructors will provide guidance and direction to students in the classroom in the event of an
emergency affecting your location. It is important that you follow these instructions and stay
with your instructor during an evacuation or sheltering emergency.
The Building Emergency
Response Team will provide assistance to your instructor in evacuating the building or sheltering
within the facility.
           Syllabus Attachment         Spring 2014 
“We emphasize student achievement and success because achievement and success are essential if we are 
to shape future leaders and transform lives.” ¹ 

Semester Class Begins …………………………………………….01/13/2014
Last day to add a class (without instructor permission): ………….01/24/2014
Last day to withdraw completely and receive a 100% refund: …….01/26/2014
Last day to drop a course using SalukiNet: ……………………….03/23/2014
Last day to file diploma application (for name to appear in Fall
Commencement program): ……………………………………….03/28/2014
Final examinations:…………………………………………….5/5 – 5/9/2014
Note: For outreach, internet, and short course drop/add dates, visit
Registrar’s Academic webpage
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday 01/20/2014
Spring Vacation 03/08—03/16/2014
WITHDRAWAL POLICY ~ Undergraduate only
Students who officially register for a session may not withdraw merely by the stopping of attendance. An official withdrawal form needs
to be initiated by the student and processed by the University. For the proper procedures to follow when dropping courses and when
withdrawing from the University, please visit
INCOMPLETE POLICY~ Undergraduate only
An INC is assigned when, for reasons beyond their control, students engaged in passing work are unable to complete all class
assignments. An INC must be changed to a completed grade within one semester following the term in which the course was taken, or
graduation, whichever occurs first. Should the student fail to complete the course within the time period designated, that is, by no later
than the end of the semester following the term in which the course was taken, or graduation, whichever occurs first, the incomplete will
be converted to a grade of F and the grade will be computed in the student's grade point average. For more information please visit:
An undergraduate student may, for the purpose of raising a grade, enroll in a course for credit no more than two times (two total
enrollments) unless otherwise noted in the course description. For students receiving a letter grade of A,B,C,D, or F, the course repetition
must occur at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Only the most recent (last) grade will be calculated in the overall GPA and count
toward hours earned. See full policy at
Graduate policies often vary from Undergraduate policies. To view the applicable policies for graduate students, please visit
Disability Support Services provides the required academic and programmatic support services to students with permanent and
temporary disabilities. DSS provides centralized coordination and referral services. To utilize DSS services, students must come to the
DSS to open cases. The process involves interviews, reviews of student-supplied documentation, and completion of Disability
Accommodation Agreements.
The purpose of Saluki Cares is to develop, facilitate and coordinate a university-wide program of care and support for students in any
type of distress—physical, emotional, financial, or personal. By working closely with faculty, staff, students and their families, SIU will
continue to display a culture of care and demonstrate to our students and their families that they are an important part of the community.
For Information on Saluki Cares: (618) 453-5714, or,
Southern Illinois University Carbondale is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for study and work. We ask that you
become familiar with the SIU Emergency Response Plan and Building Emergency Response Team (BERT) programs. Emergency
response information is available on posters in buildings on campus, available on BERT’s website at, Department of
Safety’s website at (disaster drop down) and the Emergency Response Guideline pamphlet. Instructors will provide
guidance and direction to students in the classroom in the event of an emergency affecting your location. It is important that you follow
these instructions and stay with your instructor during an evacuation or sheltering emergency

SIU contains people from all walks of life, from many different cultures and sub-cultures, and representing all strata of society,
nationalities, ethnicities, lifestyles, and affiliations. Learning from and working with people who differ is an important part of education
as well an essential preparation for any career. For more information please visit:
Help is within reach. Learning support services offers free tutoring on campus and math labs. To find more information please visit the
Center for Learning and Support Services website:
Tutoring :
Math Labs
The Writing Center offers free tutoring services to all SIU students and faculty. To find a Center or Schedule an appointment please visit
¹ Southern Illinois University Carbondale. (2013). Pathways to Excellence: A Strategic Plan. Retrieved from  
Our office's main focus is to ensure that the university complies with federal and state equity policies and handles reporting and
investigating of discrimination cases. For more information visit:
Additional Resources Available:
Spring 2014 R.O’Rourke


Esta historia surgió por sí misma, se desarrolló como ella quiso y se terminó cuan-do a ella le dio la gana. Yo no me siento particularmente responsable de lo que aquí se cuenta. Incluso he intentado cambiar alguna de sus partes, por ver si conseguía introducirle un poquito más de ingenio y profundidad al tema. Imposible, si probaba a cambiarle algo toda la trama se venía abajo, no admit

Good kids 2013 winners

Good Kids 2013 Award Recipients Hannah Boyd, Adams Upper Elementary School Nominated by Sandy Linsher “Hannah is an extremely hardworking young lady. She is involved in her school, community and interested in making it a better place. She is carrying all A’s right now and is a respectful student. She is a complete joy to have in class.” Saleaha Davis, Wayne Memorial H.S. Nominated by Valerie

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