530-842-3261 • dr_dunnblack@claritymedicalspa.net
106 Ranch Lane • Suite B • Yreka, CA 96097
Please review problems and select the treatment options you are interested in.
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)Laser Skin Resurfacing
Laser Lesion RemovalExcision of Skin Tags
530-842-3261 • dr_dunnblack@claritymedicalspa.net
106 Ranch Lane • Suite B • Yreka, CA 96097
Current Skin Care Regime:___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you tan regularly: YES NO Do you use a self Tanner? YES NO
Any History of abnormal pigment with pregnancy/contraceptives? YES NO Keloid Scars? YES NO
Do you use sunscreen YES NO Brand and SPF:______________________ Reapply throughout the day? YES NO
cosmetic treatment historyPrevious Dermal Fillers: YES NO
Type of filler if known _______________________________ Date of last treatment: _______________________________________________
What area was injected ____________________________ Any adverse events? _________________________________________________
Which one and how many units used, if known: ____________________________________ Date of last treatment? ______________
What are was injected? __________________________________ Any adverse events? ___________________________________________
other preVious cosmetic treatments (Peels, Microdermabrasion, Laser, Surgery?)Treatment
Patient Signature:________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Printed name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
530-842-3261 • dr_dunnblack@claritymedicalspa.net
106 Ranch Lane • Suite B • Yreka, CA 96097
meDical historyPrimary Care Physician: ___________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________
Dermatologist: _____________________________________________________________ Phone Number:_______________________________
Autoimmune or Immune Disorder Including HIV
Please detail any of above and list any additional medical problems past or present, prior surgeries, and
hospitalizations. May also use back of page.
Patient Signature:________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Printed name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
530-842-3261 • dr_dunnblack@claritymedicalspa.net
106 Ranch Lane • Suite B • Yreka, CA 96097
Do you Smoke? YES/NO Packs per day? ___________ Did you smoke previously? YES/NO Year Quit: ______________
Number of alcoholic beverages per day: _________ Number of caffeinated beverages per day: ____________________________
Hours of Exercise per week: __________________
Anti-inflammatory (Advil, Aleve, Celebrex, etc.)
other meDications: Include mg dose and frequency taken/per day (may also use back side of page)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dietary supplements______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
allergies Please provide a detailed list of any reactions or sensitivities to both medications and foods. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Patient Signature:________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Printed name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
530-842-3261 • dr_dunnblack@claritymedicalspa.net
106 Ranch Lane • Suite B • Yreka, CA 96097
Circle the number that best describes you. In order to provide the most safe and effective treatment, please complete the information below as accurately as possible.
Ethnic origin is closest to:1. Very fair skin (Celtic and Scandinavian)2. Fair-skinned (Caucasian with light hair and light eyes)3. Pale-skinned (Caucasian with dark hair and dark eyes)4. Olive-skinned (Mediterranean, some Asian, some Hispanic)5. Dark-skinned (Middle Eastern, Hispanic, Asian, some African)6. Very dark-skinned (African)
Natural hair color at age 18 was:0. Red1. Blonde2. Light brown3. Dark brown4. Black
Color of skin that is not normally exposed to sun:0. Pink to reddish1. Very pale2. Pale with beige tint3. Light brown4. Medium to dark brown5. Dark brown to black
If I go out in the sun for an hour without sunscreen and haven’t been in the sun in weeks, my skin will:0. Burn, blister and peel1. Burn, then when the burn resolves there is little or no color change2. Burn, then turns tan quickly3. Get pink, then turns to tan quickly4. Just tan5. My skin gets darker6. My skin is so dark i can’t tell
When was the last time the area to be treated was exposed to natural sunlight, tanning booths or artificial tanning cream?0. Longer than one month ago1. Within the past month2. Within the past two weeks3. Within the past week
Help us improve. List other services you would like us to offer.
Patient Signature:________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Printed name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
DE SCHOLA LOQVAMVR – VOCABVLA ET SENTENTIAE 1. LA CLASE 2. LAS ASIGNATURAS graphis, -idis (graphium) m lápiz ars technica ( s. technologia) tecnología l. Catalana ( vel Valentiana) catalán ( o valenciano) l. Francogallica ( s. Gallica) francés l. Germanica ( s. Theodisca) alemán ātrulum gestābile, ī n ordenador portátil De schola loquamur . Germán González
Interacciones farmacológicas Se denomina interacción farmacológica a la modificación del efecto de un fármaco causado por la administración conjunta de otros fármacos. l Hay 2 tipos de interacciones: A- Favorables para el paciente B- Defavorables para el paciente, que se incluyen en el capítulo de los efectos indeseados de los fármacos Mabel Valsecia- Cátedra F