Dépliant - consignes cpc-va

Name: _____________________________________ Surgeon’s name: _____________________________ Expected date or month: _______________________ Surgery is a major event in anyone's life. We have prepared this checklist so that we can work together to plan your operation and to make your recovery as brief Please read this pamphlet carefully and KEEP IT
NEAR YOUR TELEPHONE so that you can take down
additional information given to you during the telephone call with the nurse from the presurgery clinic. • Inform your employer you are awaiting surgery and that you
Check with your company's human-resources department to
see if any forms need to be completed by the surgeon. If so,
get them prior to your operation.
• If you have children, ensure that you have a babysitter, if
Have someone accompany you to the health center on the
day of your surgery. Someone must also be able to stay with
you until the day after the operation, if need be.
Wear loose-fitting clothes that are easy to fasten and
unfasten (e.g. blouse, sweat pants, loose-necked sweater).
Once your duly completed questionnaires (Data Collection 1 and/or
2) have been received, submitted your request for surgery, the
presurgery clinic nurse
will contact you to complete your history,
and plan examinations and appointments required for the type of
surgery and anesthesia you will be having. You will also receive
information that you need to know for both before and after your
operation. This is a good time to ask any questions that you may
If you have received a referral for an electrophysiology (ECG,
Holter) or laboratory (blood sample) exam, either from your physician
or in the mail, you must call the laboratory office at 819-843-3381
extension 2014, to make an appointment
. You are free, however, to
have these exams performed elsewhere and have the results sent to
Planning Schedules – Telephone Calls The Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Memphrémagog will
inform you of the date of your surgery one or two weeks
Several days before your surgery, you will receive a call from the
Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Memphrémagog to
confirm the time and date.
You must inform the nurse or surgeon if you have the flu, a cold, fever, sore throat, diarrhea, suspected pregnancy, or any other change in your state of health .
Avoid taking certain medications.
medication that contains acetylsalicylic acid. This means aspirin,
which also goes under the names Novasen®, Entrophen®, and
Usually, you will also have to stop taking anti-inflammatories
such as Celebrex®, Advil®, and Motrin® as well as certain
natural remedies (can increase the risk of bleeding). Ask your
pharmacist what your medications and remedies contain. Have a
recent list
of your medications with you. When the nurse from the
preoperative clinic calls, you will be told what you can eat and
drink in the days leading up to your surgery.
Reduce alcohol and tobacco use.
You should reduce your alcohol and tobacco use at least one
week before surgery to prevent any interaction with medications
used during anesthesia and to prevent respiratory problems.
You must take a shower or bath the evening before or the
morning of your surgery. You must not put on perfume or
Washing before surgery cleans the skin and reduces the number of microbes on it, which reduces the risk of infection. You must not use:
Nail polish Scented beauty products Tampons You may brush your teeth but do not swallow any water.
You must REMOVE all jewelry. If you have any jewelry that you
can't remove by yourself (rings, piercing jewelry, etc.), you must
ask a professional to remove it BEFORE your surgery. The
wearing of body-piercing jewelry can cause some surgeries to
be cancelled because electrical instruments are used and could
result in electrocution if there is interference with other metals.
If your hair is long, wear it in a ponytail but DON'T fasten it
with anything containing metal
such as hair barrettes or clips
for the reason mentioned above.
Eyeglasses, hearing aids, and dentures
Normally, you should remove your eyeglasses, hearing aids,
and dentures immediately before going into the operating
room. Wearing CONTACT LENSES is prohibited, regardless of
the type of surgery. Remember to bring:
Make sure your name is on them.
Do not smoke before your surgery.
You should not smoke in the 8 to 10 hours before the
. Cigarette smoke can irritate the respiratory
passages and increase the production of secretions.
Secretions are difficult to expectorate after surgery or
anesthesia, which increases the risk of pulmonary infection,
such as pneumonia.
You should not bring any valuables or very much money with you, because the CSSS Memphrémagog cannot safeguard your personal belongings and shall not be held liable for their loss or theft.
Specific Instructions from Your Surgeon If you answered yes, you must be absolutely fasting from
the day before your surgery.
In other words, you MUST NOT HAVE anything to eat or drink
in the 8 to 10 hours before your operation.
This includes
chewing gum and hard candies because chewing or sucking on
a piece of candy increases production of digestive juices.
The purpose of this is to prevent the aspiration of your stomach
, which can happen when solid food and liquids in your
stomach are regurgitated and then inhaled.
On the morning of your surgery, however, unless otherwise
advised by your physician
, take your usual medication with a
little water
, even if you are supposed to be fasting. This is
especially important if you take medication for your heart, blood
, lungs, or epilepsy.
On the other hand, if you are diabetic, DO NOT TAKE your
diabetes medication (e.g. Diabeta®, GlucoNorm®, and
metformin) the morning of your surgery
, since you will be
fasting and there is a risk of you becoming hypoglycemic. If you
are unsure, bring your medication with you and ask the nurse on
the day of your operation.
Stop Taking These Medications
Natural products
Other (specify) :
If your surgery requires shaving, the day-surgery nurse will do it.
If you have general, regional, or local anesthesia with
or if you receive certain medications during your
surgery, LEGALLY, you cannot drive a motor vehicle for at
24 hours.
Remember that the person accompanying you must drive
you back home. He or she must also stay with you for 24 hours
after the operation.
If you live more than 30 minutes from a hospital, you should
spend the night nearby, either with a relative or at a hotel.
Follow all of the instructions and advice in this pamphlet to make your surgery and convalescence successful. Things to bring: House gaunt and slippers
Things to remember on the morning of your surgery if
indicated by the preop-clinic nurse:

Comforting items for children (stuffed toy, blankie, game, Suitcase, personal belongings (if hospitalized) Appointment:
Other (specify)
Additional Notes:
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ For any additional information or changes, contact the
presurgery-clinic nurse
of the Centre de santé et de services
sociaux de Memphrémagog at 819-843-3381, extension 2551.

Have a good convalescence.


C:\DOCUME~1\lammel01\LOCALS~1\Temp\notes1A03DD\Dépliant - consignes CPC-VA.doc 2009-01-20 /sg

Source: http://csssm.santeestrie.qc.ca/fr/documents/ConsignespreratoiresalachirurgieVA.pdf


Problems of Forensic Sciences 2010, vol. LXXXIII DETERMINATION OF CITALOPRAM AND ITS ENANTIOMERS BY MEANS OF CHROMATOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES 1 De part ment of An a lyt i cal Chem is try, Jagiellonian Uni ver sity, Kraków, Po land2 Laboratory of En vi ron men tal Re search, De part ment of Tox i col ogy, Uni ver sity of Med i cal Sciences, Poznañ, Po land Ab stract This pa per pres ents a r


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