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Corrections in Etz Hayim, Various Printings
2nd (2001), 3rd (2002), 4th (2003), 6th (2006), 11th (2013) Element on Page
Locale within Element
Correction Made
Type of problem addressed
Inserted letter zayin — replacing «l’mah.ikim» with «l’mah.azikim».
Replaced letter h.et with letter hei. Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Inserted: «Table of Torah Readings xv».
Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Inserted: «(For Torah readings, see pages xv and xvi)».
Calling attention to new Table of Torah Readings Combined with previous entry (i.e., one page number).
Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Inserted first page of new Table of Torah Readings.
Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Inserted second page of new Table of Torah Readings.
Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Replaced «See the Preface to» with «See the Preface and the Guide to Hebrew Lack of guidance to reader regarding footnotes Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Appended: «In haftarot, we sometimes altered the rendering of opening or closing Incomplete disclosure of circumstances under words to reflect changes in meaning that result from rabbinic excerpting of the which the Etz Hayim translation deviates from biblical passages; usually such changes are noted in the commentary.».
Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Replaced «Commentary on the Haftarot, by Michael Fishbane (2001)» with «Bible Commentary: Haftarot, by Michael Fishbane (2002)».
Replaced «Ginsburg» with «Greenberg».
Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Making room for new Table of Torah Readings Replaced accent zakef katan with r’via. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced accent meirkha with meteg; insert hyphen (makkef) so as to join this Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Inserted word space, replacing «long-or» with «long- or».
Set missing period at end of comment.
Replaced «derived from» with «a cognate of».
Inserted «there» as the last word in the ¶.
Inserted «in the promised land» at end of sentence.
Replaced vowel tzerei with segol, so that it reads «mi-mennah». Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Rabbi David E. S. Stein <editor@davidesstein.name> Corrections in Etz Hayim, Various Printings
2nd (2001), 3rd (2002), 4th (2003), 6th (2006), 11th (2013) Element on Page
Locale within Element
Correction Made
Type of problem addressed
After «in the Torah» added «since the Garden of Eden»; deleted the parenthetic Replaced «atthis» with «at this» (i.e., inserted a word space).
Italicized «seah» (but not final letter «s»), so that it reads «seahs».
Inserted hyphen (makkef) so as to join these two words.
Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Gen. 25:28, end of 1st full ¶ on pg.
Replaced comma at end of verse with a period.
Inserted dagesh in first letter nun, so that it reads vi-yh.onneinu. Replaced «their rarity» with «the rarity of the animals that Jacob wants».
Replaced vowel s’gol with patah., so that it reads «v’armon». Moved accent from under the 3rd letter nun to under the 2nd nun (shift vowel to Inserted verse number at start of comment: «35. ».
Replaced «built a shrine in Shechem, in the hills of Ephraim (1 Kings 12:25), Error of fact in the JPS Haftarah Commentary where golden bulls were made and were venerated through liturgical proclamations (v. 28)» with «had golden bulls made and placed in the shrines of Bethel and Dan, where he urged that they be venerated through liturgical proclamations (1 Kings 12:28–29)».
Moved accent from above final khaf to above third letter (resh).
Insert letter yod after letter bet. Replaced «affect» with «effect».
Replaced accent with the correct glyph.
Replaced accent with the correct glyph.
Printer error (incorrect page substitution) Replaced accent with the correct glyph.
Printer error (incorrect page substitution) Replaced initial «vi» with shurek so that word reads «u-sh·elkha».
Replaced 2nd and 3rd lines with «extracted. Where the cost of removing the nerve is considered prohibitive, the entire hind quarter of the animal is considered unfit for consumption by Jews.».
Inserted r’via accent above letter quf. Replaced «a famous landmark from» with «a landmark already in».
Deleted second accent underneath word.
Replaced the first sentence with: «Hebrew: ki YHVH dibber.».
Replaced «On both occasions» with «On the second occasion».
Inserted mappik (consonantal dot) in letter hei. Rabbi David E. S. Stein <editor@davidesstein.name> Corrections in Etz Hayim, Various Printings
2nd (2001), 3rd (2002), 4th (2003), 6th (2006), 11th (2013) Element on Page
Locale within Element
Correction Made
Type of problem addressed
Switched the accents of these two words, so that the disjunction follows «b’veit». Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced accent zakef katan with r’via; place accent over letter yod, not vav. Scribal error in Leningrad Codex; BHS transcription 2006error Replaced accent with the correct glyph.
Printer error (incorrect page substitution) Replaced initial vowel kametz with patah.; insert dagesh in letter shin. Inserted dagesh in letter shin. Inserted dagesh in letter shin. Replaced conjunctive accent kadma with disjunctive geresh .
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced shva with reduced patah. . Replaced comment with: «5. sons of Israel This is a turning point—the first time that Jacob’s sons are referred to as b’nei Yisra·el. In Exodus, the same term comes to mean “Israelites” (see Exod. 1:7,9).».
Moved accent from under the 3rd letter nun to under the 2nd nun (shift vowel to Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Inserted letter vav after letter alef (full spelling).
Replaced «57:11–27» with «47:11–27».
Transposed «ha-sefer» with «1,534».
Replaced «except by force» with «[by] force».
Changed rendering of verb tense: replaced «was» with «is», «were» with «shall Shift in meaning (relative to NJPS), in light of be», and «befell» with «shall befall».
Appended new para.: «In its original context, this verse described past events (see Shift in meaning, in light of rabbinic excerpting of 2:4–8). But as the climax to this haftarah, its meaning shifts; it becomes a Replaced «3:23 (part» with «3:23, part».
Replaced «Literally,» with «This last phrase can also mean».
Replaced text of comment with: «Hebrew kadim; a dry, withering wind that in the land of Israel blows from the east. The term does not necessarily indicate direction. Here, possibly originating in the Sahara.».
Replaced the parenthetic note with «(edah, from a root meaning “to come Replaced «Gen. 8:22» with «Exod. 8:22».
Insert word space, so that «roundabout» becomes «round about».
Copyediting error in NJPS (1985 or before) Place the following boxed editorial notice: «This book reproduces the special traditional layout of Shirat ha-Yam (Song of the Sea) as it is inscribed in a seifer unexpected change in format from page 405 to 406.
Torah (Torah scroll). To fit the unusually wide Hebrew column, pages 406–11 are designed to be read across the page spread. Thus, the Hebrew text and its translation appear on facing pages; the commentary runs across each spread from left to right.».
Rabbi David E. S. Stein <editor@davidesstein.name> Corrections in Etz Hayim, Various Printings
2nd (2001), 3rd (2002), 4th (2003), 6th (2006), 11th (2013) Element on Page
Locale within Element
Correction Made
Type of problem addressed
Replaced «break into song when they saw the Egyptian pursuers drowning. God silenced them, declaring, “How dare you sing for joy when My creatures are perishing!” (BT Meg. 10b). This is the source of our custom to spill drops of wine from our cups at the Pesah Seider.» with «chant their hymns while the Egyptian pursuers were drowning. God silenced them, asking, “How can you sing hymns when My creatures are perishing?” (BT Meg. 10b). This is like our custom to spill drops of wine from our cups at the Pesah Seider (see Prov. 24:17).».
Replaced comment with «Miriam shares this designation with Deborah (Judges Error of fact in the JPS Torah Commentary 4:4), Huldah (2 Kings 22:14), and the false prophet Noadiah (Neh. 6:14). The Talmud counts seven true female prophets in ancient Israel—adding Sarah, Hannah, Abigail, and Esther (BT Meg. 14a–b).».
Replaced «va-yaham» with «va-yahom» (twice).
Replaced «because every person comes to understand God in his or her own way. “God is like a mirror. The mirror never changes, but everyone who looks at it sees a different face” (PdRK 12).» with «for God is revealed to each of us according to our own capacity to respond: “your own God” (PdRK 12). It also teaches that at Sinai each Israelite felt personally addressed by God (Tanh. B. Yitro 17).».
Replaced shva under letter h.et with reduced patah. . Replaced conjunctive accent azla with disjunctive pashta; move to end of word.
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Inserted missing r’via accent above yod. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replace shva under letter h.et with reduced patah. . Replaced the 3rd and 4th sentences of comment with «Some moderns favor a Editing error in preparation of commentary later, 13th-century-B.C.E. date for the Exodus, since at this period the royal capital had moved from Thebes (in the south) to the Nile Delta (in the north), and archaeological evidence shows that at this time the towns of Pithom and Rameses were built (cf. Exod. 1:11). Modern chronology sets the construction of the Temple at around 958 B.C.E.».
Replaced «the name of Moses does not appear» with «Moses neither is named Replaced accent zakef katan with r’via. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced reduced kamatz under first hei with vowel kamatz. Replaced vowel tzerei with h.irik, so that it reads «v’niflinu».
Placed letter yod before lamed instead of after lamed. Replaced «it» with «[the cloud]».
Unclear antecedent due to omission of translators’ Replaced conjunctive accent munah. with disjunctive accent munah. l’garmeih by Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex inserting vertical line after the word.
Replaced accent zakef katan with r’via. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Fixed loose line by running «pu» up from second line, and then letterspacing.
Replaced «is never» with «are never».
Rabbi David E. S. Stein <editor@davidesstein.name> Corrections in Etz Hayim, Various Printings
2nd (2001), 3rd (2002), 4th (2003), 6th (2006), 11th (2013) Element on Page
Locale within Element
Correction Made
Type of problem addressed
Inserted missing dagesh in letter bet, so that it reads «tikhbeh».
Inserted missing h.olem vowel.
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced conjunctive accent azla with disjunctive pashta; move to end of word.
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced segol vowel (under second letter bet) with patah., so that it reads Scribal error in Leningrad Codex Replaced disjunctive accent t’vir with conjunctive meirkha. Replaced «unclean» with «impure».
Replaced «menstural» with «menstrual».
Replace «menstural» with «menstrual».
Replaced small makkef (= k’tiv) with full-size makkef (= k’ri).
Replaced comment with: «Many biblical scholars understand this verse to forbid Conservative Movement is now better able than it only male anal sex, but the Sages expanded the prohibition to include other forms was in 2001 to speak in a unified voice and still say of male homosexual sex and female homosexual sex as well (Sifra Ah.arei Mot 9:8). These prohibitions have engendered considerable debate within the CJLS and the movement as a whole. Some rabbis and congregants believe that these prohibitions should stand as is, while others say that they should be narrowed to prohibit only what the Torah does, and still others hold that they should be abrogated altogether. Despite such varied views on homosexuality per se, the CJLS is whol y in accord with Conservative Movement resolutions that deplore violence against gay and lesbian persons, that endorse full equality for gays and lesbians in civil law, and that call on congregations to welcome gay and lesbian Jews in all aspects of synagogue life.». Reflow onto p. 692 as needed.
Replaced «given to» with «reserved for».
Moved comment here from 21:6 on p. 718, but with new lemma: «be holy . . . I have set you apart . . . to be Mine».
Closed up line break after this word and break instead after the next word.
Moved comment on this verse to 20:26 on p. 704 (see further changes there).
Replaced «2:11–12» with «6:1–21».
Cross-reference error in JPS Torah Commentary Inserted sof pasuk mark at end of verse.
Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter fei).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Moved accent forward, to under the first letter after the hyphen.
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Moved accent forward, to under the first letter after the hyphen.
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced «(In the Wilderness)» with «(In the Wilderness of)».
Replaced «every year» with «in most years».
Inserted missing accent pashta at end of word.
Replaced «60 units» with «600 units [totaling] 3,550 men.» Deleted the second makkef (hyphen).
Rabbi David E. S. Stein <editor@davidesstein.name> Corrections in Etz Hayim, Various Printings
2nd (2001), 3rd (2002), 4th (2003), 6th (2006), 11th (2013) Element on Page
Locale within Element
Correction Made
Type of problem addressed
Deleted shva under the first letter and insert shurek-dot in it.
Deleted word space in «self- incriminating».
Typographical error in JPS Torah Commentary Replaced «penalty» with «reparation».
Inserted «Birkat» before the second «ha-Mazon».
Replaced «tended by the priests twice daily» with « lit each night and tended each Replaced accent r’viah with zakef katon. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced «nor» with «not» before «yet chewed».
JPS correction (2001) to NJPS typographical error Moved these two words to start of next paragraph, running them into 12:1 so as to Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced «kind of Moab» with «king of Moab».
Replaced «it» with «[the ashes]».
Unclear antecedent due to omission of translators’ Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex JPS correction to NJPS for consistency (2001) Replaced conjunctive accent azla with disjunctive accent tiph.a. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced «Most» with «Some»; replace «tend to be» with «have been».
Replaced «Several» with «Other»; replace «“This» with «This»; replace «him” (Ha·amek Davar).» with «him.».
Replaced «One of the few commentators» with «One commentator».
Broke the line after this word, corresponding to paragraphing in the translation.
Replaced «v’nehshav» with «v’lo nehshav» (negating the statement).
Deleted parenthetical cross-ref. to comment at Gen. 19:27.
Replaced accent azla with repeated pashta; insert pashta at end of word.
Scribal error in Leningrad Codex (missing final accent) leading to typographical error (wrong medial accent) Replaced reduced kamatz under letter bet with shva (delete kamatz), so that it Cross-reference error in JPS Torah Commentary Replaced kamatz under dalet with reduced kamatz, so that it reads «yehdofennu».
Inserted word space, so that «roundabout» becomes «round about».
Copyediting error in NJPS (1985 or before) Changed rendering of verb tense, replacing «was» with «is», «were» with «shall Shift in meaning (relative to NJPS), in light of be», and «befell» with «shall befall».
Replaced entire comment with the comment to verse 3 (both paragraphs, as Shift in meaning, in light of rabbinic excerpting of Replaced «v’elleh» with «v’eileh».
Rabbi David E. S. Stein <editor@davidesstein.name> Corrections in Etz Hayim, Various Printings
2nd (2001), 3rd (2002), 4th (2003), 6th (2006), 11th (2013) Element on Page
Locale within Element
Correction Made
Type of problem addressed
Replaced «of the wilderness (8:15)» with «there (Deut. 8:15)».
Replaced segol vowel with patah., so that it reads «hit·anaf-bi».
Inserted dagesh in letter lamed, so that it reads «mil’vado».
Replaced meteg with accent munah. . Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced accent r’viah with zakef katon. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced meteg with accent meirkha. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced accent zakef katan with r’via. Deleted superfluous accent meirkha. Replaced conjunctive accent azla with disjunctive accent r’via. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex.
Transposed the last two sentences in the paragraph.
Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced entire text of comment with «Literally, “boil,” reflecting the practice of a populace settled in the promised land. (Compare this with Exod. 12:9, which requires roasting, reflecting pastoral nomadic practice.)».
Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replace conjunctive accent meirkha with disjunctive tip’h.a. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced disjunctive accent tip’h.a with conjunctive meirkha. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex JPS correction (2001) to NJPS for consistency Replaced accent geresh with r’via. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced the first 2 sentences with: «This is one of three specific commandments for which the reward of a long life is specified (see also Deut. 25:15). Another is the commandment to honor one’s parents (5:16).» Replaced «Lev. 27:5–6» with «Lev. 27:4–5».
Replaced the first 3 sentences with: «Implies that the principle is more comprehensive than the two examples cited (cf. davar in v. 15). Thus, those suffering abnormal skin eruptions or genital discharges probably also had to leave the camp (cf. Num. 5:1–4). It seems unlikely and impractical, however, that soldiers defiled by contact with corpses were to be removed from the camp.» Inserted «3.» (in bold italics) prior to the lemma.
Replaced «it» with «[the basket]».
Unclear antecedent due to omission of translators’ Replaced «vv. 8,20» with «vv. 20,48».
Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced vowel patah. with s’gol, so that it reads «v’hemt’kha».
Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced «(60:5)» with «(62:5)».
Inserted mappik (consonantal dot) into letter hei. Inserted mappik (consonantal dot) into letter hei. Rabbi David E. S. Stein <editor@davidesstein.name> Corrections in Etz Hayim, Various Printings
2nd (2001), 3rd (2002), 4th (2003), 6th (2006), 11th (2013) Element on Page
Locale within Element
Correction Made
Type of problem addressed
Replaced disjunctive accent tip’h.a with conjunctive meirkha. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced conjunctive accent meirkha with disjunctive tip’h.a. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex JPS correction (2001) to NJPS for clarity Inserted dagesh in letter bet, so that it reads «b’ezrekha».
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced meteg with accent meirkha. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced the first sentence with: «Better: “[both] at the beginning [of the rainy season],” following Ibn Ezra and the Masoretic notes.».
Replaced kamatz under alef with reduced kamatz, so that it reads «oniyyah».
Deleted vowel h.irik under letter vav. Inserted word space, so that «roundabout» becomes «round about».
Copyediting error in NJPS (1985 or before) Replaced «v’hitgadalti» with «v’hitgadilti».
Replaced «v’hitkadashti» with «v’hitkadishti».
Cross-reference error in JPS Haftarah Commentary 2006 Replaced «ram» with «bull»; replace «rams» with «bulls».
Factual error in JPS Haftarah Commentary Replaced last 2 lines with: «1:1–2:4, rather than being seen as related to the end Replaced «said:» with «said,»; replace «to you.’» with «to you’:».
JPS correction (2002) to NJPS for clarity Replaced «v’shakhnati» with «v’shakhanti».
Replaced «(vv. 28–29)» with «(1 Kings 7:28–29)».
Antecedent unclear; error in JPS Haftarah Replaced «even when Purim itself falls» with «even if Purim were to fall».
Replaced «(45:16–17; the details are given in verses 13–15, before the haftarah) Shift in meaning, in light of rabbinic excerpting of and by the prince.» with «and prepared by the prince (45:16–17, per the haftarah; cf. changes to page 1291 in third printing interpretation that best suits the passage when excerpted as a haftarah).».
Replaced «case it» with «case this haftarah».
Shift in meaning (relative to NJPS), in light of Shift in meaning (relative to NJPS), in light of Replaced with «The entire population shall give this offering to the prince in Shift in meaning (relative to NJPS), in light of Replaced «But» with «And», and «provide» with «prepare».
Shift in meaning (relative to NJPS), in light of Shift in meaning (relative to NJPS), in light of Replaced letter tav with lamed, so that it reads «el-re·eihu».
Replaced «(3:2,17, 9,21, 3)» with «(3:2,17,19,21,23)».
Replaced «mi-mah.arat» with «mi-moh.orat» (italicized).
Replaced the first 3 sentences with «A famous image—the figure of dry bones—gives the prophecy a dramatic focus. In this figure, an envisaged resurrection and embodiment offer the promise of new national life.».
Rabbi David E. S. Stein <editor@davidesstein.name> Corrections in Etz Hayim, Various Printings
2nd (2001), 3rd (2002), 4th (2003), 6th (2006), 11th (2013) Element on Page
Locale within Element
Correction Made
Type of problem addressed
Replaced disjunctive accent pashta with conjunctive azla (centered over letter).
Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced «(11:11,24)» with «(11:24)».
Replaced disjunctive accent tip’h.a with conjunctive meirkha. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced conjunctive accent meirkha with disjunctive tip’h.a. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex JPS correction (2001) to NJPS for clarity Replaced «azart’kha» with «ezrat’kha».
Same haftarah designated for two occasions Same haftarah designated for two occasions Replaced «Jehoiakin» with «Jehoiachin».
Enclosed these two verses in parentheses.
JPS correction (2002) to NJPS for clarity Inserted mappik (consonantal dot) in letter hei. Replaced accent r’viah with zakef katon. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Replaced accent r’viah with zakef katon. Error in BHS transcription from Leningrad Codex Changed to match the Hebrew title in last entry of Table of Contents.
Replaced «after 539 BCE» with «around 538 BCE».
[The author significantly revised the entire essay as part of the Study Companion (2005); now condensed to fit into the same space as the original essay.] Right-justified line (along with deleting hyphen in «re-ferred»).
Replaced «Israel» with «Israelite».
Replaced «kings of Gog and Magog» with «king Gog of Magog».
After «was observed» inserted «for one day at the onset of the barley harvest, Haplography prior to cleanup before typesetting sometime near the beginning of Iyyar-May. And the third pilgrimage, originally known exclusively as h.ag ha-asif, the pilgrimage of the ingathering, was observed»; reflow next two pages.
Replaced «Interpretations» with «Interruptions».
Ran «er» down to second line to fix bad hyphenation break.
Replaced «The custom among Ashk’nazim is» with «One custom is» and replace «The custom among S’fardim is» with «Another longstanding custom is».
Replaced «Another longstanding custom» with «The custom most frequently Replaced accent pashta with tip’h.a. “Received” Upper Trope for the First Commandment did not match the Ben Asher (Tiberian Masoretic) tradition as convincingly reconstructed by Miles B. Cohen and David B. Freedman, and by Mordecai Breuer Replaced accent zakef katon with etnachta. Replaced accent munah. with darga. Replaced conjunctive accent t’lisha k’tannah with disjunctive t’vir.
Replaced accent kadma with meirkha.
Replaced accent geresh with tip’h.a.
Replaced accent munah. with meirkha.
Rabbi David E. S. Stein <editor@davidesstein.name> Corrections in Etz Hayim, Various Printings
2nd (2001), 3rd (2002), 4th (2003), 6th (2006), 11th (2013) Element on Page
Locale within Element
Correction Made
Type of problem addressed
Replaced accent r’vi·a with silluk; added sof pasuk at end of verse; started new Ditto; also, trope and layout did not properly paragraph afterward; reflowed onto next page.
Replaced accent munah. with meteg.
Replaced accent pashta with tip’h.a.
“Received” Upper Trope for the First Commandment (as shown in the JPS Torah Commentary) did not match the Ben Asher (Tiberian Masoretic) tradition as convincingly reconstructed by Miles B. Cohen and David B. Freedman, and by Mordecai Breuer Replaced accent zakef katon with etnachta.
Replaced accent munah. with darga.
Replaced conjunctive accent t’lisha k’tannah with disjunctive t’vir.
Replaced accent kadma with meirkha.
Replaced accent geresh with tip’h.a.
Replaced accent munah. with meirkha.
Replaced accent r’vi·a with silluk; added sof pasuk at end of verse; started new Ditto; also, trope and layout did not properly Replaced accent munah. with meteg.
Typographical error in JPS Torah Commentary Deleted the first makkef (hyphen).
Typographical error in JPS Torah Commentary Replaced shva under letter h.et with reduced patah. .
Replaced accent munah. with meteg.
Inserted: «Leibowitz, Yeshayahu (1903–1994) Orthodox scholar known for
radio lectures on weekly Torah readings and on Maimonides; Israel.» Also inserted:
«Mei ha-Shilo·ah Torah commentary by “the Izbicer Rav,” the Hasidic master
Mordecai Yosef Leiner (1802–1851); Poland.» Also inserted: «Petuchowski,
Jakob (1925–1991)
Professor of rabbinics, theology, and liturgy at Hebrew
Union College from 1956 on; United States.» Reflowed text in section as needed.
Masked a blotch next to the drawing.
Masked two blotches within the drawings.
Set true apostrophe in «m’norah».
Replaced «Michael Rapaport» with «Michael S. Rapaport» (2x).
Replaced «Joanne Friedman Rapaport» with «Jo-Ann Friedman Rapaport».
Inserted middle initial: «David Fine» with «David J. Fine».
Replaced «Instructor» with «Professor».
Rabbi David E. S. Stein <editor@davidesstein.name>

Source: http://editor.davidesstein.name/Etz_Hayim_Errata_Table_2013.pdf


UJJVAL PANCHAL ARCHITECT AND INTERACTION DESIGNER 02/05/1980 http://ujjvalpanchal.com STATEMENT Ujjval is an Interaction Designer and Architect. He recently completed his Interaction Design studies at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID). Prior to this, he graduated in Architecture from the School of Architecture, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India. Over the past six yea


Los efectos de la inmersión ( embeddedness ) organizativa y política sobre los actos financieros ilícitos en las corporaciones más grandes de los Estados Unidos: dependencia, incentivos y oportunidades (The Effects of Organizational and Political Embeddedness on Financial Malfeasance in the Largest U.S. Corporations: Dependence, Incentives and Opportunities) Harland Prechel Texas

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