Emedica MRCGP AKT Sample Questions – Guidelines for authors
Questions are required in 2 formats – Single Best Answer (SBA) and
Extended Matching questions (EMQs). Examples of each are given below. Single Best Answer:
Question with 5 possible answers, only 1 of which is correct. The question
should have a title relating to the subject. There should be a concise
explanation of the answer. The answer text should begin “The correct
answer is x: Answer B. Followed by the explanation (see below). Drug side effects:
A 55 year-old man with ischaemic heart disease attends surgery
complaining of severe constipation. He says this has been going on for
several months, but he was too embarrassed to seek treatment before.
Which ONE of his current medications is the MOST likely cause of
The correct answer is C: Verapamil. Constipation is the most common side
effect of verapamil leading to it being stopped. Patients started on
verapamil should be warned about this, and a laxative considered. Extended Matching Questions
The question should have a title relating to the subject, followed by 6-8
options. There should be 3 stems. Each answer can be used once, more
than once or not at all. The answer for each stem should be written after
Driving restrictions relating to medical conditions.
a. Can continue to drive without restrictions, no need to contact the DVLA
b. Can continue to drive without restrictions, but MUST contact the DVLA
c. Cannot drive until four weeks after the event, no need to contact the
d. Cannot drive until four weeks after the event, MUST contact the DVLA
e. Cannot drive until 12 months after the last event, no need to contact the
f. Cannot drive until 12 months after the last event, MUST contact the
Which of the following apply on each case below? 6.1 A 27 year-old office worker who has a single witnessed seizure while awake. Investigations confirm epilepsy with a seizure risk of 30% a year.
6.1 The correct answer is F. After a solitary seizure, patients must stop
driving and inform the DVLA immediately. They will be unable to drive until
they have been fit free for a whole year if they have a high seizure risk
(20% or greater). If the seizure risk is less than 20%, then after a first
seizure they cannot drive for 6 months. 6.2 A 20 year-old student who has a simple faint while at a club. She said she "felt a bit funny" and was hot before she fainted. She has never had a similar episode, and there are no abnormal examination or investigation findings.
6.2 The correct answer is A. There is no need to contact the DVLA for a
simple faint, and there are no driving restrictions. 6.3 A 60 year-old retired man who has a sudden onset of slurring of speech and unilateral weakness. He has a complete recovery within 24 hours, and there are no neurological abnormalities at this time. He has not had any similar episodes in the past.
6.3 The correct answer is C. This patient has had a Transient Ischaemic
Attack (TIA). Patients with TIA should not drive for four weeks. The DVLA
only need be informed if there are neurological abnormalities present four
Payment / Batches
A batch of questions consists of 10 SBAs and 5 EMQs. Single Best Answer
questions will consist of 10 questions, each one having 5 options, with one
correct answer + an explanation. Extended Matching Questions will include 5
EMQs – each with 3 stems (as in the example), with answers and
Payment per batch (10 SBAs + 5 EMQs with 3 stems each) = £250
ASCA Forum über AD(H)S Das Aufmerksamkeits- bzw. Hyperaktivitäts-Syndrom AD(H)S stand im Mittelpunkt des 5. ASCA Forums am 14. November im Züricher Volkshaus. Die 500 TherapeutInnen konnten sich interdisziplinär-fachübergreifend über den aktuellen Stand in der Diagnose und Behandlung informieren. Hier eine kurze Zusammenfassung. Kindern und Jugendlichen mit AD(H)S fehlt gewissermassen
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