7oz. furall label

INDICATIONS: A topical application for use on horses and ponies.
For prevention or treatment of bacterial infections of superficial
wounds, abrasions and lacerations due to Staphylococcus aureus,
Streptococcus spp. and Proteus spp.
sensitive to furazolidone.
area thoroughly prior to application of Furall. Apply lightly once or
twice daily. Repeat treatment as necessary.
Holding container approximately six to twelve inches from the
affected area, apply Furall lightly. Use only that amount of powder
necessary to impart a light yellow color to the affected area. Heavy
application may cause caking and retard healing process.
PRECAUTIONS: Not for use on animals intended for food. Use only
as recommended by a veterinarian in the treatment of puncture
wounds, wounds requiring surgical debridement or suturing, those of
a chronic nature involving proud flesh, generalized and chronic
infections of the skin, and those skin conditions associated with
intense itching. If redness, irritation, or swelling persists or increases,
discontinue use and reconsult veterinarian.
HUMAN WARNINGS: This product contains chemicals known to the
Aerosol Powder
State of California to cause cancer. Carcinogenesis: Furazolidone, theactive ingredient of Furall, has been shown to produce mammarytumors in rats and ovarian tumors in mice. Additionally, some people may be hypersensitive to this product. Either wear gloves whenapplying, or wash hands afterwards. Avoid contact with eyes.
WARNINGS: Flammable! Do not spray near sparks, heat or open
flames. Vapors will accumulate readily and may ignite explosively.
Keep area ventilated during use and until all vapors are gone. DO
Caution: Federal law prohibits
NOT SMOKE - extinguish all flames, pilot lights and heaters - Turn off the use of this product in food
stoves, electric tools and appliances, and any other sources ofignition. CONTENTS UNDER PRESSURE. Avoid prolonged exposure producing animals
to sunlight or heat from radiators, stoves, hot water and other heatsources that may cause bursting. Do not puncture, incinerate, burn orstore above 120°F. Do not discard empty can in home garbage VAPOR HARMFUL: Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid continuous
breathing of vapor and spray mist
by standing up-wind or using adust mask. KEEP AWAY FROMCHILDREN.
Use only as directed. Intentional Keep Out Of Reach Of Children
trating and inhaling the contentscan be harmful or fatal.
Contents Under Pressure
See back panel for additional precautions
Horse Products Division
Not For Human Use
1998 Farnam Companies, Inc.
NET WEIGHT: 198 g (7 OZ)
Product Code: 045012
Printed in U.S.A. 9D8

Source: http://www.farnamhorse.com/pdf_label/Furall.pdf

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