Microsoft word - aceon_data_recovery_submission_form_master may 2010.doc

1329 East 13th. Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V5N 2B5 Suite 600 – 890 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1J9 Hours 8am to 8pm 7 Days Per Week for Drop Off Only Dealer Code: __________________________ Dealer Name: ______________________________
Name: ________________________________ Company Name__________________________ Email:_______________________________________
Tel: __________________________ Address: ___________________________ City: ________________________ Province & Postal ____________
Payment Options Cash ( ) Visa ( ) MC ( ) Card Number __________________________________________________Expiry Date ________________
Make ________________________________ Model _________________________________ Serial Number _________________________________
Size of Drive: C:______ D: ______E: ______ F:_______ Free Space: _________________ O/S __________ P/Word ___________
File System: FAT____ NTFS____ HPFS____ HFS (+)____ Ext2/3____ UFS ____ Other ____________ RAID 0 1 5 6 10 (please circle)
Destination Drive: (Must Be Empty) Customer Providing: ( ) Y/N Buying a drive from Aceon ( ) Y/N
Would you like to purchase a destination drive from Aceon? (1 tb $159) Y/N ( ) Do you require an external drive case? ($49) Y/N ( )
Circumstances of Failure
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List wanted files/folders (Be Specific) ________________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rates:
Hard Drives
Logical Recovery of Hard Drive $750 ( ) Y/N Physical Recovery $1300 ( ) Y/N Rush 50% Surcharge Approx ( ) Y/N
Raid Recovery
$850 for raid rebuild plus $150 x amount of drives in Raid + Logical or Clean Recovery of drive that has failed.
Memory Cards
Standard Logical Recovery $350 ( ) Y/N Physical Recovery $850 ( ) Y/N Rush 50% Surcharge Approx ( ) Y/N
Original source drive will not be returned unless stated here. There is a $125 charge for reassembly of drive if
clean room recovery is needed. Do you require your original drive back? Y/N ( )

Cancellation: You will need to pay $150 cancellation fee for withdrawal or full amount if the job has been completed.
a) You will need to pay $200 for Rush jobs if unrecoverable.
You will need to pay $85 for any opened hard drive(s) before sending to us, even if unrecoverable.
c) A Donor drive may be needed for parts. A charge may be levied if parts drive is needed to complete recovery.
d) A $85 charge for removal of drive from computer or laptop

1) Aceon Data Recovery is not responsible for damage caused during shipment and/or recovery procedure. Any items left more than 30 days or any data not
picked up within 14 days after receiving confirmation of data recovery becomes the property of Aceon and may be subject to destruction.
2) Extra charges may be levied for services such as installing programs, setting up the recovered data etc. No refund for paid service charges.
3) 2% interest & $10 storage fee per month will be added up for unpaid jobs.
4) You agree that we may service your device(s) in any one of our or affiliate locations.

5) The backup drive must be bigger than the damaged one, in good working condition without any data.
6) Prices may be subject to change
7) Destination drive must be bigger than original and empty.
8) $85 charge for removing drives from computers/laptops
9) Parts drive may be required for data recovery Aceon will charge for parts drive regardless of outcome.
10) Aceon keeps a copy of recovered data on company servers for 7 days. Data is deleted after this time without exception. If there is any discrepancy in your
recovery please contact Aceon in this 7 day period to obtain files that may be missing.
Limitation of Liability: There is an inherent risk in doing data recovery that may include permanent loss of data on the source drive. While Aceon will do its
best to preserve and protect client data it assumes no liability whatsoever for loss of data resulting from this procedure. We ask that any destination media be
empty and assume no liability for any data submitted on the destination drive or other types of media provided You agree that Aceon Data Recovery is not
responsible for any business, personal, hardware and/or data loss or damage during, before or after the data recovery process
on the original or destination

Initial here to agree to the limitation of liability stated above: _______________
(Date) __________________ (Signature) ______________________________________ (Print Name) ________________________________


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