Microsoft word - halflyteprep.wps

HalfLytely and Bisacodyl Tablets Bowel Preparation Insstructions Two days before your procedure, fill the RX for HalfLytely Bowel Prep. If you are taking any IRON SUPPLEMENTS or ASPIRIN containing products, you will need to stop them 5-7 days prior to the procedure. ADVIL,
(any ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS) you will need to stop them 2 days prior to the procedure. TYLENOL IS OK TO TAKE.
You will need a driver to drive you home as well as STAY WITH YOU AT THE FACILITY. y Please inform our office if you pre-medicate with antibiotics prior to dental procedures, for any heart related issues, a mitral valve replacement or have a Please inform our office if you are currently taking the following blood thinning products: Coumadin, Plavix .
y Take your medications as you normally would the day before exam in the morning, however, take no medication day of exam-you may bring them with you and take them afterwards. The day of exam take dose of heart or blood pressure medication after the procedure or the evening before if approved by your doctor. AM PROCEDURE (BEFORE NOON)
Day Before Exam
Day Before Exam
Have a Light Breakfast (See "Diet Instructions" ) Begin clear liquids. Have a Light Breakfast (See "Diet Instructions" ) Begin clear liquids. (See "Clear Liquids Diet List" ). Hydrate and refridgerate HalfLytley (See "Clear Liquids Diet List" ) Hydrate and refridgerate HalfLytley Morning
Morning, Afternoon and Evening
Continue drinking clear liquids. It is advised you attempt to drink at Continue drinking clear liquids. Drink at least 8 ounces of liquid least 8 ounces of liquid every hour throughout the day to prevent Bedtime
Morning of Exam/6 hours before leaving for exam
6 PM
See instructions below for HalfLytely instruction. See instructions below for HalfLytely instruction. *****You may have nothing by mouth thereafter
Continue drinking clear liquids.
*****You may have nothing by mouth after MIDNIGHT
Diet Instructions/Light Breakfast
Clear Liquids Diet List
Breakfast may include any of the following items: Do not drink or eat anything colored orange, red or purple.
Any items from the "Clear Liquids Diet List" No dairy products.
One boiled or poached egg or small portion of skinless chicken/turkey Beverages: Soft drinks (ginger ale, Sprite,7-Up, etc.), GATORADE IS
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, Kool-Aid, Clear fruit juices (apple, white
(1) 8 oz. can Ensure® *Do not take Ensure Plus grape, lemon-lime, etc.) Water Soups: Fat-free, low sodium chicken or beef bouillon/broth. Desserts: Popsicles, Italian Ice (no sherbets or fruit bars) Hardcandy Candies candies, Jell-O (lemon, lime; no fruit or toppings) ****HALFLYTELY AND TABLET DIRECTIONS***
Day before the exam hydrate and refrigerate HalfLytely Solution. Take the (4) Bisacodal tablets and after 6 hours begin drinking solution as follows: Patients should drink all of the solution at a rate of 1 (8) oz glass every ten minutes, equaling a total of 8 glasses of solution. NOTE: Do not crush or chew tablets, as they are a delayed release formula. Patients with an impaired gag reflex, prone to regurgitation or aspiration should be observed during the solution intake. Discontinue any antacids at least one hour before drinking solution. If a patient experiences severe bloating, distention or abdominal pain, slow down the time frame of solution intake (or temporarily stop solution intake) until the symptoms subside.


Microsoft word - hoofdstuk 5_wetenschappelijk onderzoek.doc

Hoofdstuk 5 – Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek 5.1 Dissertaties Promoties binnen afdeling 1. Dr. M. van den Beuken, Universiteit Maastricht. ‘Symptoms in patients with cancer’, 15- 01-2009. Promotor: Prof. dr. M. Van Kleef; co-promotor: Dr. J. Patijn. 2. Dr. A.F. Gabriel, Universiteit Maastricht. ‘Effect of housing in an enriched environment on the recovery from pain’,

Acid Reflux and Oesophagitis Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) Acid reflux is when acid from the stomach leaks up into the gullet (oesophagus). This may cause heartburn and other symptoms. A medicine which prevents your stomach from making acid is a common treatment and usually works well. Some people take short courses of treatment when symptoms flare up. Some people need long-ter

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