A brief guide to abbreviations and terms that may appear in HM Prison Inspectorate reports ABC airway, breathing and circulation ABS anti-bullying strategy 'access to justice'
computers prisoners can apply to have in possession to assist with
ACCT assessment, care in custody and teamwork (self-harm monitoring documentation) ACDT assessment, care in detention and teamwork (self-harm monitoring documentation in IRCs) ACPC area child protection committee ACPO Association of Chief Police Officers ACR automatic conditional release – applies to prisoners serving over 12 months and less than four years Addaction
a charity that provides drug and alcohol services for adults and young people
ADAPT Alcohol and Drug Addiction Prevention and Treatment ADFAM support group for families of substance misusers ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder AED
the process of deciding which institution to send prisoners
AOD Action on Drugs APAS Alcohol Problem Advisory Service App
application form that prisoners fill in to make requests
APSU assessment progression support unit APVS assisted prison visits scheme AQA Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (accreditation body) ARD automatic release date – applies to prisoners serving less than 12 months ART aggression replacement training (for people convicted of violent offences or who have problems controlling their temper) ARV alcohol related violence programme (to reduce alcohol related violent offending) ASDAN qualifications awarding body ASET Accreditation Syndicate of Education and Training Asset/ e-Asset Youth Justice Board assessment documentation completed by youth offending teams Association
time when prisoners are allowed to mix with each other outside their cells
ASW Approved social worker AUDIT alcohol audit screening test AVID Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees Bailed to return released from police custody on bail with an appointment to return to answer charges Barnardo’s children’s
BASS bail accommodation and support services BAWLA British Amateur Weight Lifting Association (qualification) BCST basic custody screening tool
BDA British Dental Association benzodiazepine tranquilliser BICS British Institute of Cleaning Sciences Big Word translation and interpreting service BLS
Bradley Report on the experience of people with mental health problems and with learning disabilities in the criminal justice system. Britloflex
Building Skills for Recovery (course that aims to reduce offending behaviour and
problematic substance misuse) C&R control and restraint - used by officers and staff to physical y restrain prisoners CA
CAB Citizens Advice Bureau (run nationally by Citizens Advice) CALM Controlling Anger and Learning to Manage it (anger management course) Caldicott guardian
overseeing use and confidentiality of personal health information
CAMHS child and adolescent mental health service Canteen
CARAT counselling, assessment, referral, advice and throughcare service – previous service for prisoners with substance misuse problems CARE Choices, Actions, Relationships and Emotions programme( course for female prisoners) Category A
prisoners on highest category of security risk whose escape would be highly
prisoners for whom the highest conditions of security are not necessary but
for whom escape must be made very difficult. Category C
prisoners who cannot be trusted in open conditions who do not have the will
or resources to make a determined escape attempt Category D
prisoners who can be reasonably trusted to serve their sentence in open
conditions CBDT compact based drug testing CBT cognitive
CCD Criminal Casework Directorate CCRC Criminal Cases Review Commission CDRP Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership CDS Criminal Defence Service CDT clothing design and technology CDVP Community Domestic Violence Programme Cell bell/call call button in cells to summon staff in an emergency CES clothing exchange store CIAS careers information and advice support CID
CITB Construction Industry Training Board Citizen Card
CJIP criminal justice intervention programme CJIT Criminal Justice Intervention Team CLAIT computer literacy and information technology ClearSprings
provides bail and home detention curfew accommodation support
CNA certified normal accommodation – the normal capacity of a prison Co-codamol
used in HMIP surveys; the comparator figure is calculated by aggregating all
survey responses together and so is not an average across establishments. COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health COVAID
control of violence and anger in impulsive drinkers (offending behaviour
programme) CPA care programme approach CPD continuing professional development CPIA Criminal Procedures and Investigation Act CPN community psychiatric nurse CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation CQC Care Quality Commission CRALO cultural and religious affairs liaison officer CRB Criminal Records Bureau CRHT crisis resolution and home treatment team CRI
Cruse bereavement counselling charity CSAP Correctional Services Accreditation Panel CSB Cognitive Skills Booster (programme to reinforce learning from other offending behaviour programmes) CSC close supervision centre CSCP cognitive self-change programme CSCS construction skills certificate scheme CSLA Community Sport Leader Award CSMA clinical substance misuse assessment CSRA cell sharing risk assessment CSU care and separation unit CYQ Central YMCA Qualifications DAAT drug and alcohol action team DANOS drugs and alcohol national occupational standards DAS Detention Advice Service DAT drug action team DCMF design, construct, manage and finance (prison run under contract) DCO detainee custody officer DCR discretionary conditional release DDC
DDO designated detention officer DEAT diversity and equality action team DECT digital enhanced cordless technology Depaul UK
charity helping young people who are homeless, vulnerable and
disadvantaged DEPMU Detainee Escorting and Population Management Unit DF118s
Department of Health, Social Security and Public Safety (Northern Ireland)
DIRF discrimination incident reporting form DLP Discretionary Lifer Panel DMS detainee management system DO detention
DOW Directorate of Works DPA donated prisoner attire DPB Dental Practice Board DPSM developing prison service manager DREAT diversity and race equality action team DSA dental surgery assistant DSC drug strategy coordinator DSG drug strategy group DSO drug strategy officer DSPD dangerous and severe personality disorder DSU Drug Strategy Unit DTO detention and training order DTTO drug treatment and testing order Duke of Edinburgh's Award
charity enabling young people to develop skills for work
and life Duty governor governor in charge of routine operation of the prison ECDL European computer driving licence ECHR European Court of Human Rights ECL
ECRL early conditional release licence ECV earned community visit EDC establishment drug coordinator E list escape list ELS
EMIS electronic medical information system ENG enrolled nurse general EPDU Estate Planning and Development Unit ESOL English for speakers of other languages ETE
FGDP Faculty of General Dental Practitioners Flap observation panel in cel door FLED facility licence eligibility date FME forensic medical examiner FOCUS substance misuse programme FOR Focus on Resettlement programme F2052 prisoner's core record F2050A prisoner's personal file F213 form used to report injuries to prisoners F75
FP17P prisoner dental activity forms Fraser competencies
used to assess whether a child has the maturity to make
their own decisions and to understand the implications of those decisions FTC
the official controlled entry point to a prison
GMC General Medical Council (G)NVQ (general) national vocational qualification GOAD/GOOD good order and/or discipline – a prisoner can be segregated if they do not behave according to this rule GP general
GUM genitourinary medicine haram non-halal HCA health care assistant HCO health care officer HDC home detention curfew – early release 'tagging' scheme HDCED home detention curfew eligibility date Heartstart UK an initiative run by the British Heart Foundation that accredits and supports local groups set up to teach basic life support HIA
Hibiscus British charity working with foreign national prisoners and their families as part of the Female Prisoners Welfare Project HIW
HMCTS Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service HMIC HM
HMP Her Majesty’s Prison HMP 'At Her Majesty's pleasure' - mandatory life sentence for under 18-year-olds HPA
Health Protection Agency - independent health protection organisation (wil become
part of Public Health England in April 2013) HRAT high risk assessment team HRP Healthy Relationships Programme (to address domestic violence offending) ‘Hub’ prisons designated by NOMS and UKBA to hold foreign national prisoners and have permanent UKBA staff IAPT
improving access to psychological therapies
ICA1 initial classification and al ocation form ICAS independent complaints advocacy service ICCO interception of communication commissioners officer ICT
information and communications technology
IDAP Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme IDTS integrated drug treatment system IEP
ILS intermediate life support training IMB
given to all prisoners when they enter prison
prisoners subject (or not) for offender management arrangements;
those in scope are serving more than 12 months and are considered to pose a high or very high risk of harm IOM
International Organisation for Migration
IPCC Independent Police Complaints Commission IPP
indeterminate sentence for public protection
implementation quality rating – rating of quality of delivery of offending behaviour
ISMG Interventions and Substance Misuse Group IS91
ISSP intensive support and supervision programme JASP juvenile awareness staff programme JC+
Juvenile Estate Thinking Skil s Programme
JSMS juvenile substance misuse service Juvenile
Kainos Christian charity providing ‘challenge to change’ offending behaviour programme kiblah direction point for Mecca KPT
LADO local authority designated officer Language Line telephone interpreting service LCJB Local Criminal Justice Board LCP
Liverpool care pathway (end-of-life care policy
LDSG London Detainee Support Group LDSQ learning
substances that are not prescribed or illegal but which give users a 'high'
similar to those types of substances Legal Ombudsman
LIDS local inmate database system LISAR London initial screening and referral Listener Samaritans-trained prisoner supporting those at risk of self-harm loperamide used to treat diarrhoea LSA
LSI-R Level of Service Inventory LSCB local safeguarding children board MAD moving away from drugs MALRAP
multi-agency lifer risk assessment panel
Managing the custodial sentence offender management service specifications MAPPA multi-agency public protection arrangements MAPPs multi-agency public protection panels MARAP multi-agency risk action plan MASRAM
multi-agency sex offender risk assessment management (N Ireland)
MCS management consultancy service – in-house advisory service on staff profiling and deployment MCTC Military Corrective Training Centre MDT mandatory drug testing Methameasure/Methasoft computerised methadone dispensing MHIRT mental health in-reach team mirtazapine
MISAR managing indeterminate sentences and risk (training) MO
MPS Metropolitan Police Service MQPL measuring the quality of prison life survey MRSA methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus MTC medicines and therapeutics committee MTU mobile temporary unit Nacro crime reduction charity (formerly National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders) naltrexone an opiate-blocker nandrolone
NASS National Asylum Support Service NCOLP national custody officer learning programme NCPE National Centre for Policing Excellence NCS
national drug programme development unit
National Drug Treatment Management System
(formerly, North East Prisons After Care Society), charity promoting the
NHSCB National Health Service Commissioning Board
Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence NJU National Joint Unit NMC Nursing and Midwifery Council NOCN National Open College Network Nominals
individuals targeted for legitimate security reasons
NOMS National Offender Management Service NOO night orderly officer – officer in charge of a prison overnight NOU national operations unit NPD non-parole release date NPIA National Policing Improvement Agency NRA national record of achievement NRPSI National Register of Public Service Interpreters NSF
NSPIS national strategy for police information systems NTA
NVQ national vocational qualification NYAS National Youth Advocacy Service OASys offender assessment system (joint prison/probation service project) OBP offending behaviour programmes Observation book
diary kept on residential units to record significant events
OCA observation, classification and allocation OCN Open College Network - now National Open College Network OCP Office for Contracted Out Prisons OCR Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations Offender Health jointly run by Ministry of Justice and Department of Health Ofsted Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills OISC Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner OLASS Offenders’ Learning and Skills Services OMU offender management unit OpCap operational capacity of a prison
OSG operational support grade OST opiate substitution treatment (eg Subutex and methadone) OU
PACE Police and Criminal Evidence Act PACT Prison Advice and Care Trust PADR performance appraisal and development review PALS Patient Advice and Liaison Services PAMS prisoner activity management system PAR prisoner at risk P-ASRO
Prison - Addressing Substance Related Offending
PCO prison custody officer PCR post-court report PCT primary care trust PDPR prisoner development and pre-release PECS Prison Escort and Custody Services PED parole eligibility date PEEP personal emergency evacuation plan Pegging system of ensuring that staff patrolling, usually at night, visit all areas PEI
PER person escort record PGA Prison Governors' Association PGD patient group direction Phoenix police records computer Phoenix Futures substance misuse service provider PICTA Prisons Information Communication Technology Academy PIL
PMHT primary care mental health team PMO performing manufacturing operations PMR pharmacy medical record PNC police national computer PND penalty notice for disorder P-Nomis Prison Service IT system PO
POA Prisons Officers’ Association POAL Preventing Prisoner Accommodation Loss (housing resettlement service) PPANI public protection arrangements Northern Ireland PPO Prisons and Probation Ombudsman PPO prolific or priority offender PREPS progressive regimes and earned privileges scheme PRISM prison record and information system management (Northern Ireland) Pro-social modelling provision of consistent positive reinforcement for the expression of pro-social attitudes, values and behaviour and the consistent challenging of antisocial attitudes and behaviour. PSD professional standards department PSHE personal, social and health education PSI
restrictions on prisoner communications (child protection or harassment
QOF quality outcomes framework (health services) Qur'an accepted spel ing for Koran RAM risk assessment management RAP resettlement and aftercare provision RAPt Rehabilitation of Addicted Prisoners Trust (runs accredited drug and alcohol interventions) RARPA recognising and recording progress and achievement (award) RCGP Royal College of General Practitioners (provides training in the management of drug misuse) RDR resettlement day release RDRED resettlement day release eligibility date READG Race, Equality and Diversity Group REAG Prison Service race equality action group REAT race equality action team (now usually DREAT) RFA removal from association under Detention Centre Rule 40 RGN registered general nurse Risperidone
RMN registered mental nurse RNLD registered nurse for learning disabilities RNMH registered nurse – mental health Roll check
ROTL release on temporary licence RPC resettlement policy committee RPSGB Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain RSCN registered sick children's nurse RTU ready to use (accommodation unit) Rule 35 of Detention Centre Rules - requires notification to UKBA if a detainee’s health is likely to be injuriously affected by detention, including if they may have been the victim of torture Rule 40 of Detention Centre Rules - removal from association in the interests of security or safety Rule 42 of Detention Centre Rules - temporary confinement Rule 45 good order and/or discipline/ segregation for own protection Rule 49 authorises young adults to be segregated from the main population RX
safety algorithm calculation of risk St Vincent de Paul Christian charity SAU standards audit unit Schedule One prisoners convicted of an offence listed in schedule one of the Children and Young Person Act 1933 against a child or young person under the age of 18 years. SCO senior custody officer SCP
Self Change Programme (aimed at high risk repetitively violent offenders)
Short Duration Programme (to address substance misuse)
Section 46 of the Children Act 1989 - Section 46(1) of the Children Act 1989 empowers a
police officer, who has reasonable cause to believe that a child would otherwise be likely to suffer significant harm, to remove the child to suitable accommodation and keep him/her there.
young people held long-term under Section 91 of the Powers of Criminal
young people held under section 92 of the Powers of Criminal Courts
(Sentencing) Act 2000, which gives authority to detain, for offences listed in the act under sections 90 (life sentences for murder convictions) and 91 Section 136
Section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983 enables a police officer to remove
someone from a public place and take them to a place of safety – for example, a police station. It also states clearly that the purpose of being taken to the place of safety is to enable the person to be examined by a doctor and interviewed by an approved social worker, and for the making of any necessary arrangements for treatment or care. SED sentence expiry date Seg
segregation unit for prisoners who are disruptive or who require protection (also
SMART specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound also systematic monitoring and analysing of race equality treatment (=diversity monitoring) SMO senior medical officer SMT senior management team snoozelum
SOP standard operating procedure SOTP Sex Offender Treatment Programme SOVA 'supporting others through volunteer action', charity working on youth justice and offender rehabilitation SPAR staff planning and recording system/
supporting prisoners at risk (Northern Ireland)
SPDR staff performance and development review ‘Spoke’ prisons designated by NOMS and UKBA to hold foreign national prisoners, who have regular visits from UKBA staff. SPR sentence planning review St Mungo’s a specialist housing support charity for ex-prisoners and offenders Storybook Dads (also, Mums)
an independent, registered charity, based at Dartmoor
Prison, enabling prisoners to record a story for their children
Storytime Dads enables detainees to record bedtime stories for their children.
STC secure training centre STHF short-term holding facility Stonham
charity providing bail and home detention curfew accommodation support
short-term offender resettlement needs analysis
temporary confinement under Detention Centre Rule 42
TIPSY Training and Information for Prisoners in their Senior Years. Toe By Toe
mentoring to support prisoners' reading development
Trigger (on ACCT) an event that might cause a prisoner to self-harm TSP
Thinking Skills Programme (cognitive skills programme addressing offenders’ thinking
Unannounced inspection prison inspection carried out without notice to a prison following up the recommendations of a full announced inspection Ujima housing association UKBA UK Border Agency UKBF Border
UNLOCK (the National Association of Reformed Offenders) project to provide access to basic bank accounts for prisoners due to be released, as well as developing awareness of financial issues VDT voluntary drug testing Venalink
Virtual campus prisoner access to community education, training and employment opportunities via the internet Virtual learning environment
computer system to help prisoners access external course
materials and search for jobs VISOR violent and sexual offenders register VO
visiting order – sent by prisoners to people they wish to visit them
VPU vulnerable prisoner unit VTU voluntary (drug) testing unit Wte
young offender centre (Northern Ireland)
YOT youth offending team YPSMS young people's substance misuse service Zopiclone
Faecal incontinence has traditionally been thought to be more common in women because of the incidence of obstetric trauma. However, recent population studies have shown this not to be true. COLANTA has published an interesting article in the Medical Journal of Australia in January, 2002 in which over 10,000 self administered questionnaires were distributed and about 640 of the people sent q
J. Physiol. Biochem., 57 (4), 343-344, 2001 Verapamil sensitisation to alkaloids on colchicine-selected human colon adenocarcinoma cells exposed to different drug doses for 1 hour(MDR), the main cause of failure in canceruntil colony formation. The effect of ver-extrusion of the antineoplastic drugs fromapamil as a drug sensitiser was performedby the exposure of colon cells to differ